#define TRACE_MODULE _gtp_xact #include "core_debug.h" #include "core_pool.h" #include "core_event.h" #include "types.h" #include "gtp_xact.h" #define SIZE_OF_GTP_XACT_POOL 32 #define GTP_MIN_XACT_ID 1 #define GTP_MAX_XACT_ID 0x800000 #define GTP_XACT_LOCAL_DURATION 3000 /* 3 seconds */ #define GTP_XACT_LOCAL_RETRY_COUNT 3 #define GTP_XACT_REMOTE_DURATION \ (GTP_XACT_LOCAL_DURATION * GTP_XACT_LOCAL_RETRY_COUNT) /* 9 seconds */ #define GTP_XACT_REMOTE_RETRY_COUNT 1 /* 5.1 General format */ #define GTPV2C_HEADER_LEN 12 #define GTPV2C_TEID_LEN 4 typedef struct _gtpv2c_header_t { ED4(c_uint8_t version:3;, c_uint8_t piggybacked:1;, c_uint8_t teid_presence:1;, c_uint8_t spare1:3;) c_uint8_t type; c_uint16_t length; union { struct { c_uint32_t teid; /* sqn : 31bit ~ 8bit, spare : 7bit ~ 0bit */ #define GTP_XID_TO_SQN(__xid) htonl(((__xid) << 8)) #define GTP_SQN_TO_XID(__sqn) (ntohl(__sqn) >> 8) c_uint32_t sqn; }; /* sqn : 31bit ~ 8bit, spare : 7bit ~ 0bit */ c_uint32_t sqn_only; }; } __attribute__ ((packed)) gtpv2c_header_t; index_declare(gtp_xact_pool, gtp_xact_t, SIZE_OF_GTP_XACT_POOL); status_t gtp_xact_init(gtp_xact_ctx_t *context, tm_service_t *tm_service, c_uintptr_t event) { index_init(>p_xact_pool, SIZE_OF_GTP_XACT_POOL); memset(context, 0, sizeof(gtp_xact_ctx_t)); context->g_xact_id = 0; context->tm_service = tm_service; context->event = event;; return CORE_OK; } status_t gtp_xact_final(void) { if (pool_size(>p_xact_pool) != pool_avail(>p_xact_pool)) d_error("%d not freed in gtp_xact_pool[%d] of GTP Transaction", pool_size(>p_xact_pool) - pool_avail(>p_xact_pool), pool_size(>p_xact_pool)); d_trace(3, "%d not freed in gtp_xact_pool[%d] of GTP Transaction\n", pool_size(>p_xact_pool) - pool_avail(>p_xact_pool), pool_size(>p_xact_pool)); index_final(>p_xact_pool); return CORE_OK; } static gtp_xact_t *gtp_xact_create(gtp_xact_ctx_t *context, net_sock_t *sock, gtp_node_t *gnode, c_uint8_t org, c_uint32_t xid, c_uint32_t duration, c_uint8_t retry_count) { char buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; gtp_xact_t *xact = NULL; d_assert(context, return NULL, "Null param"); d_assert(sock, return NULL, "Null param"); d_assert(gnode, return NULL, "Null param"); index_alloc(>p_xact_pool, &xact); d_assert(xact, return NULL, "Transaction allocation failed"); xact->org = org; xact->xid = xid; xact->sock = sock; xact->gnode = gnode; xact->tm_wait = event_timer(context->tm_service, context->event, duration, xact->index); d_assert(xact->tm_wait, index_free(>p_xact_pool, xact); return NULL, "Timer allocation failed"); xact->retry_count = retry_count; tm_start(xact->tm_wait); list_append(xact->org == GTP_LOCAL_ORIGINATOR ? &xact->gnode->local_list : &xact->gnode->remote_list, xact); d_trace(3, "[%d] %s Create peer %s:%d\n", xact->xid, xact->org == GTP_LOCAL_ORIGINATOR ? "LOCAL " : "REMOTE", INET_NTOP(&gnode->addr, buf), gnode->port); return xact; } static status_t gtp_xact_delete(gtp_xact_t *xact) { char buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; d_assert(xact, , "Null param"); d_assert(xact->gnode, , "Null param"); d_assert(xact->tm_wait, , "Null param"); d_trace(3, "[%d] %s Delete peer %s:%d\n", xact->xid, xact->org == GTP_LOCAL_ORIGINATOR ? "LOCAL " : "REMOTE", INET_NTOP(&xact->gnode->addr, buf), xact->gnode->port); if (xact->pkbuf) pkbuf_free(xact->pkbuf); tm_delete(xact->tm_wait); list_remove(xact->org == GTP_LOCAL_ORIGINATOR ? &xact->gnode->local_list : &xact->gnode->remote_list, xact); index_free(>p_xact_pool, xact); return CORE_OK; } static void gtp_xact_associate(gtp_xact_t *xact1, gtp_xact_t *xact2) { d_assert(xact1, return, "Null param"); d_assert(xact2, return, "Null param"); d_assert(xact1->assoc_xact == NULL, return, "Already assocaited"); d_assert(xact2->assoc_xact == NULL, return, "Already assocaited"); xact1->assoc_xact = xact2; xact2->assoc_xact = xact1; } static void gtp_xact_deassociate(gtp_xact_t *xact1, gtp_xact_t *xact2) { d_assert(xact1, return, "Null param"); d_assert(xact2, return, "Null param"); d_assert(xact1->assoc_xact != NULL, return, "Already deassocaited"); d_assert(xact2->assoc_xact != NULL, return, "Already deassocaited"); xact1->assoc_xact = NULL; xact2->assoc_xact = NULL; } gtp_xact_t *gtp_xact_local_create( gtp_xact_ctx_t *context, net_sock_t *sock, gtp_node_t *gnode) { return gtp_xact_create(context, sock, gnode, GTP_LOCAL_ORIGINATOR, NEXT_ID(context->g_xact_id, GTP_MIN_XACT_ID, GTP_MAX_XACT_ID), GTP_XACT_LOCAL_DURATION, GTP_XACT_LOCAL_RETRY_COUNT); } gtp_xact_t *gtp_xact_remote_create(gtp_xact_ctx_t *context, net_sock_t *sock, gtp_node_t *gnode, c_uint32_t sqn) { return gtp_xact_create(context, sock, gnode, GTP_REMOTE_ORIGINATOR, GTP_SQN_TO_XID(sqn), GTP_XACT_REMOTE_DURATION, GTP_XACT_REMOTE_RETRY_COUNT); } void gtp_xact_delete_all(gtp_node_t *gnode) { gtp_xact_t *xact = NULL; xact = list_first(&gnode->local_list); while(xact) { gtp_xact_delete(xact); xact = list_next(xact); } xact = list_first(&gnode->remote_list); while(xact) { gtp_xact_delete(xact); xact = list_next(xact); } } status_t gtp_xact_commit(gtp_xact_t *xact, c_uint8_t type, c_uint32_t teid, pkbuf_t *pkbuf) { return gtp_xact_associated_commit(xact, NULL, type, teid, pkbuf); } status_t gtp_xact_associated_commit(gtp_xact_t *xact, gtp_xact_t *assoc_xact, c_uint8_t type, c_uint32_t teid, pkbuf_t *pkbuf) { char buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; gtpv2c_header_t *h = NULL; d_assert(xact, goto out, "Null param"); d_assert(xact->sock, goto out, "Null param"); d_assert(xact->gnode, goto out, "Null param"); d_assert(pkbuf, goto out, "Null param"); d_trace(3, "[%d] %s Commit peer %s:%d\n", xact->xid, xact->org == GTP_LOCAL_ORIGINATOR ? "LOCAL " : "REMOTE", INET_NTOP(&xact->gnode->addr, buf), xact->gnode->port); xact->pkbuf = pkbuf; pkbuf_header(pkbuf, GTPV2C_HEADER_LEN); h = pkbuf->payload; d_assert(h, goto out, "Null param"); memset(h, 0, sizeof(gtpv2c_header_t)); h->version = 2; h->teid_presence = 1; h->type = type; h->length = htons(pkbuf->len - 4); h->teid = htonl(teid); h->sqn = GTP_XID_TO_SQN(xact->xid); d_assert(gtp_send(xact->sock, xact->gnode, xact->pkbuf) == CORE_OK, goto out, "gtp_send error"); if (assoc_xact) gtp_xact_associate(xact, assoc_xact); return CORE_OK; out: gtp_xact_delete(xact); return CORE_ERROR; } status_t gtp_xact_timeout(index_t index) { char buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; gtp_xact_t *xact = NULL; d_assert(index, goto out, "Invalid Index"); xact = index_find(>p_xact_pool, index); d_assert(xact, goto out, "Null param"); d_assert(xact->sock, goto out, "Null param"); d_assert(xact->gnode, goto out, "Null param"); d_trace(3, "[%d] %s Timeout peer %s:%d\n", xact->xid, xact->org == GTP_LOCAL_ORIGINATOR ? "LOCAL " : "REMOTE", INET_NTOP(&xact->gnode->addr, buf), xact->gnode->port); if (xact->org == GTP_LOCAL_ORIGINATOR) { if (--xact->retry_count > 0) { tm_start(xact->tm_wait); d_assert(xact->pkbuf, goto out, "Null param"); d_assert(gtp_send(xact->sock, xact->gnode, xact->pkbuf) == CORE_OK, goto out, "gtp_send error"); } else { d_warn("[%d]%s No Reponse. Give up", xact->gnode->port, xact->org == GTP_LOCAL_ORIGINATOR ? "LOCAL " : "REMOTE"); gtp_xact_delete(xact); } } else { gtp_xact_delete(xact); } return CORE_OK; out: gtp_xact_delete(xact); return CORE_ERROR; } static gtp_xact_t *gtp_xact_find( gtp_node_t *gnode, c_uint8_t type, c_uint32_t sqn) { char buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; c_uint32_t xid; gtp_xact_t *xact = NULL; d_assert(gnode, return NULL, "Null param"); switch(type) { case GTP_CREATE_SESSION_REQUEST_TYPE: case GTP_MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST_TYPE: case GTP_DELETE_SESSION_REQUEST_TYPE: case GTP_CREATE_BEARER_REQUEST_TYPE: case GTP_UPDATE_BEARER_REQUEST_TYPE: case GTP_DELETE_BEARER_REQUEST_TYPE: case GTP_RELEASE_ACCESS_BEARERS_REQUEST_TYPE: case GTP_CREATE_INDIRECT_DATA_FORWARDING_TUNNEL_REQUEST_TYPE: case GTP_DELETE_INDIRECT_DATA_FORWARDING_TUNNEL_REQUEST_TYPE: case GTP_DOWNLINK_DATA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE: xact = list_first(&gnode->remote_list); break; case GTP_CREATE_SESSION_RESPONSE_TYPE: case GTP_MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_TYPE: case GTP_DELETE_SESSION_RESPONSE_TYPE: case GTP_CREATE_BEARER_RESPONSE_TYPE: case GTP_UPDATE_BEARER_RESPONSE_TYPE: case GTP_DELETE_BEARER_RESPONSE_TYPE: case GTP_RELEASE_ACCESS_BEARERS_RESPONSE_TYPE: case GTP_CREATE_INDIRECT_DATA_FORWARDING_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_TYPE: case GTP_DELETE_INDIRECT_DATA_FORWARDING_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_TYPE: case GTP_DOWNLINK_DATA_NOTIFICATION_ACKNOWLEDGE_TYPE: xact = list_first(&gnode->local_list); break; default: d_error("Not implemented GTPv2 Message Type(%d)", type); return NULL; } xid = GTP_SQN_TO_XID(sqn); while(xact) { if (xact->xid == xid) break; xact = list_next(xact); } if (xact) { d_trace(3, "[%d] %s Find peer %s:%d\n", xact->xid, xact->org == GTP_LOCAL_ORIGINATOR ? "LOCAL " : "REMOTE", INET_NTOP(&gnode->addr, buf), gnode->port); } return xact; } status_t gtp_xact_receive( gtp_xact_ctx_t *context, net_sock_t *sock, gtp_node_t *gnode, gtp_xact_t **xact, c_uint8_t *type, c_uint32_t *teid, gtp_message_t *gtp_message, pkbuf_t *pkbuf) { char buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; status_t rv; gtpv2c_header_t *h = NULL; gtp_xact_t *new = NULL; d_assert(pkbuf, return CORE_ERROR, "Null param"); d_assert(context, goto out1, "Null param"); d_assert(sock, goto out1, "Null param"); d_assert(gnode, goto out1, "Null param"); d_assert(type, goto out1, "Null param"); h = pkbuf->payload; d_assert(h, goto out1, "Null param"); new = gtp_xact_find(gnode, h->type, h->sqn); if (!new) { new = gtp_xact_remote_create(context, sock, gnode, h->sqn); } d_assert(new, goto out1, "Null param"); d_trace(3, "[%d] %s Receive peer %s:%d\n", new->xid, new->org == GTP_LOCAL_ORIGINATOR ? "LOCAL " : "REMOTE", INET_NTOP(&gnode->addr, buf), gnode->port); if (new->org == GTP_LOCAL_ORIGINATOR) { gtp_xact_t *assoc_xact = new->assoc_xact; if (assoc_xact) gtp_xact_deassociate(new, assoc_xact); gtp_xact_delete(new); new = assoc_xact; } else { if (new->pkbuf) { d_warn("[%d]%s Request Duplicated. Retransmit!", new->gnode->port, new->org == GTP_LOCAL_ORIGINATOR ? "LOCAL " : "REMOTE"); rv = gtp_send(new->sock, new->gnode, new->pkbuf); d_assert(rv == CORE_OK, goto out2, "gtp_send error"); pkbuf_free(pkbuf); return CORE_EAGAIN; } else if (new->assoc_xact) { d_warn("[%d]%s Request Duplicated. Discard Associated transaction!", new->gnode->port, new->org == GTP_LOCAL_ORIGINATOR ? "LOCAL " : "REMOTE"); pkbuf_free(pkbuf); return CORE_EAGAIN; } } if (h->teid_presence) { pkbuf_header(pkbuf, -GTPV2C_HEADER_LEN); *teid = ntohl(h->teid); } else { pkbuf_header(pkbuf, -(GTPV2C_HEADER_LEN-GTPV2C_TEID_LEN)); *teid = 0; } *type = h->type; rv = gtp_parse_msg(gtp_message, *type, pkbuf); d_assert(rv == CORE_OK, pkbuf_free(pkbuf); return CORE_ERROR, "parse error"); *xact = new; return CORE_OK; out2: gtp_xact_delete(new); out1: pkbuf_free(pkbuf); return CORE_ERROR; }