/* * Copyright (C) 2019 by Sukchan Lee * * This file is part of Open5GS. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "context.h" #include "pfcp-path.h" static upf_context_t self; int __upf_log_domain; static OGS_POOL(upf_sess_pool, upf_sess_t); static int context_initialized = 0; static void upf_sess_urr_acc_remove_all(upf_sess_t *sess); void upf_context_init(void) { ogs_assert(context_initialized == 0); /* Initialize UPF context */ memset(&self, 0, sizeof(upf_context_t)); ogs_log_install_domain(&__upf_log_domain, "upf", ogs_core()->log.level); /* Setup UP Function Features */ ogs_pfcp_self()->up_function_features.ftup = 1; ogs_pfcp_self()->up_function_features.empu = 1; ogs_pfcp_self()->up_function_features.mnop = 1; ogs_pfcp_self()->up_function_features_len = 3; ogs_list_init(&self.sess_list); ogs_pool_init(&upf_sess_pool, ogs_app()->pool.sess); self.seid_hash = ogs_hash_make(); ogs_assert(self.seid_hash); self.f_seid_hash = ogs_hash_make(); ogs_assert(self.f_seid_hash); self.ipv4_hash = ogs_hash_make(); ogs_assert(self.ipv4_hash); self.ipv6_hash = ogs_hash_make(); ogs_assert(self.ipv6_hash); context_initialized = 1; } void upf_context_final(void) { ogs_assert(context_initialized == 1); upf_sess_remove_all(); ogs_assert(self.seid_hash); ogs_hash_destroy(self.seid_hash); ogs_assert(self.f_seid_hash); ogs_hash_destroy(self.f_seid_hash); ogs_assert(self.ipv4_hash); ogs_hash_destroy(self.ipv4_hash); ogs_assert(self.ipv6_hash); ogs_hash_destroy(self.ipv6_hash); ogs_pool_final(&upf_sess_pool); context_initialized = 0; } upf_context_t *upf_self(void) { return &self; } static int upf_context_prepare(void) { return OGS_OK; } static int upf_context_validation(void) { if (ogs_list_first(&ogs_gtp_self()->gtpu_list) == NULL) { ogs_error("No upf.gtpu in '%s'", ogs_app()->file); return OGS_ERROR; } if (ogs_list_first(&ogs_pfcp_self()->subnet_list) == NULL) { ogs_error("No upf.subnet: in '%s'", ogs_app()->file); return OGS_ERROR; } return OGS_OK; } int upf_context_parse_config(void) { int rv; yaml_document_t *document = NULL; ogs_yaml_iter_t root_iter; document = ogs_app()->document; ogs_assert(document); rv = upf_context_prepare(); if (rv != OGS_OK) return rv; ogs_yaml_iter_init(&root_iter, document); while (ogs_yaml_iter_next(&root_iter)) { const char *root_key = ogs_yaml_iter_key(&root_iter); ogs_assert(root_key); if (!strcmp(root_key, "upf")) { ogs_yaml_iter_t upf_iter; ogs_yaml_iter_recurse(&root_iter, &upf_iter); while (ogs_yaml_iter_next(&upf_iter)) { const char *upf_key = ogs_yaml_iter_key(&upf_iter); ogs_assert(upf_key); if (!strcmp(upf_key, "gtpu")) { /* handle config in gtp library */ } else if (!strcmp(upf_key, "pfcp")) { /* handle config in pfcp library */ } else if (!strcmp(upf_key, "subnet")) { /* handle config in pfcp library */ } else ogs_warn("unknown key `%s`", upf_key); } } } rv = upf_context_validation(); if (rv != OGS_OK) return rv; return OGS_OK; } upf_sess_t *upf_sess_add(ogs_pfcp_f_seid_t *cp_f_seid) { upf_sess_t *sess = NULL; ogs_assert(cp_f_seid); ogs_pool_alloc(&upf_sess_pool, &sess); ogs_assert(sess); memset(sess, 0, sizeof *sess); ogs_pfcp_pool_init(&sess->pfcp); sess->index = ogs_pool_index(&upf_sess_pool, sess); ogs_assert(sess->index > 0 && sess->index <= ogs_app()->pool.sess); sess->upf_n4_seid = sess->index; /* Since F-SEID is composed of ogs_ip_t and uint64-seid, * all these values must be put into the structure-smf_n4_f_seid * before creating hash */ sess->smf_n4_f_seid.seid = cp_f_seid->seid; ogs_assert(OGS_OK == ogs_pfcp_f_seid_to_ip(cp_f_seid, &sess->smf_n4_f_seid.ip)); ogs_hash_set(self.f_seid_hash, &sess->smf_n4_f_seid, sizeof(sess->smf_n4_f_seid), sess); ogs_hash_set(self.seid_hash, &sess->smf_n4_f_seid.seid, sizeof(sess->smf_n4_f_seid.seid), sess); ogs_list_add(&self.sess_list, sess); ogs_info("[Added] Number of UPF-Sessions is now %d", ogs_list_count(&self.sess_list)); return sess; } int upf_sess_remove(upf_sess_t *sess) { ogs_assert(sess); upf_sess_urr_acc_remove_all(sess); ogs_list_remove(&self.sess_list, sess); ogs_pfcp_sess_clear(&sess->pfcp); ogs_hash_set(self.seid_hash, &sess->smf_n4_f_seid.seid, sizeof(sess->smf_n4_f_seid.seid), NULL); ogs_hash_set(self.f_seid_hash, &sess->smf_n4_f_seid, sizeof(sess->smf_n4_f_seid), NULL); if (sess->ipv4) { ogs_hash_set(self.ipv4_hash, sess->ipv4->addr, OGS_IPV4_LEN, NULL); ogs_pfcp_ue_ip_free(sess->ipv4); } if (sess->ipv6) { ogs_hash_set(self.ipv6_hash, sess->ipv6->addr, OGS_IPV6_DEFAULT_PREFIX_LEN >> 3, NULL); ogs_pfcp_ue_ip_free(sess->ipv6); } ogs_pfcp_pool_final(&sess->pfcp); ogs_pool_free(&upf_sess_pool, sess); ogs_info("[Removed] Number of UPF-sessions is now %d", ogs_list_count(&self.sess_list)); return OGS_OK; } void upf_sess_remove_all(void) { upf_sess_t *sess = NULL, *next = NULL;; ogs_list_for_each_safe(&self.sess_list, next, sess) { upf_sess_remove(sess); } } upf_sess_t *upf_sess_find(uint32_t index) { return ogs_pool_find(&upf_sess_pool, index); } upf_sess_t *upf_sess_find_by_smf_n4_seid(uint64_t seid) { return (upf_sess_t *)ogs_hash_get(self.seid_hash, &seid, sizeof(seid)); } upf_sess_t *upf_sess_find_by_smf_n4_f_seid(ogs_pfcp_f_seid_t *f_seid) { struct { uint64_t seid; ogs_ip_t ip; } key; ogs_assert(f_seid); ogs_assert(OGS_OK == ogs_pfcp_f_seid_to_ip(f_seid, &key.ip)); key.seid = f_seid->seid; return (upf_sess_t *)ogs_hash_get(self.f_seid_hash, &key, sizeof(key)); } upf_sess_t *upf_sess_find_by_upf_n4_seid(uint64_t seid) { return upf_sess_find(seid); } upf_sess_t *upf_sess_find_by_ipv4(uint32_t addr) { ogs_assert(self.ipv4_hash); return (upf_sess_t *)ogs_hash_get(self.ipv4_hash, &addr, OGS_IPV4_LEN); } upf_sess_t *upf_sess_find_by_ipv6(uint32_t *addr6) { ogs_assert(self.ipv6_hash); ogs_assert(addr6); return (upf_sess_t *)ogs_hash_get( self.ipv6_hash, addr6, OGS_IPV6_DEFAULT_PREFIX_LEN >> 3); } upf_sess_t *upf_sess_add_by_message(ogs_pfcp_message_t *message) { upf_sess_t *sess = NULL; ogs_pfcp_f_seid_t *f_seid = NULL; ogs_pfcp_session_establishment_request_t *req = &message->pfcp_session_establishment_request;; f_seid = req->cp_f_seid.data; if (req->cp_f_seid.presence == 0 || f_seid == NULL) { ogs_error("No CP F-SEID"); return NULL; } f_seid->seid = be64toh(f_seid->seid); sess = upf_sess_find_by_smf_n4_f_seid(f_seid); if (!sess) { sess = upf_sess_add(f_seid); if (!sess) return NULL; } ogs_assert(sess); return sess; } uint8_t upf_sess_set_ue_ip(upf_sess_t *sess, uint8_t session_type, ogs_pfcp_pdr_t *pdr) { ogs_pfcp_ue_ip_addr_t *ue_ip = NULL; char buf1[OGS_ADDRSTRLEN]; char buf2[OGS_ADDRSTRLEN]; uint8_t cause_value = OGS_PFCP_CAUSE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED; ogs_assert(sess); ogs_assert(session_type); ogs_assert(pdr); ogs_assert(pdr->ue_ip_addr_len); ue_ip = &pdr->ue_ip_addr; ogs_assert(ue_ip); if (sess->ipv4) { ogs_hash_set(self.ipv4_hash, sess->ipv4->addr, OGS_IPV4_LEN, NULL); ogs_pfcp_ue_ip_free(sess->ipv4); } if (sess->ipv6) { ogs_hash_set(self.ipv6_hash, sess->ipv6->addr, OGS_IPV6_DEFAULT_PREFIX_LEN >> 3, NULL); ogs_pfcp_ue_ip_free(sess->ipv6); } /* Set PDN-Type and UE IP Address */ if (session_type == OGS_PDU_SESSION_TYPE_IPV4) { if (ue_ip->ipv4 || pdr->dnn) { sess->ipv4 = ogs_pfcp_ue_ip_alloc(&cause_value, AF_INET, pdr->dnn, (uint8_t *)&(ue_ip->addr)); if (!sess->ipv4) { ogs_error("ogs_pfcp_ue_ip_alloc() failed[%d]", cause_value); ogs_assert(cause_value != OGS_PFCP_CAUSE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED); return cause_value; } ogs_hash_set(self.ipv4_hash, sess->ipv4->addr, OGS_IPV4_LEN, sess); } else { ogs_warn("Cannot support PDN-Type[%d], [IPv4:%d IPv6:%d DNN:%s]", session_type, ue_ip->ipv4, ue_ip->ipv6, pdr->dnn ? pdr->dnn : ""); } } else if (session_type == OGS_PDU_SESSION_TYPE_IPV6) { if (ue_ip->ipv6 || pdr->dnn) { sess->ipv6 = ogs_pfcp_ue_ip_alloc(&cause_value, AF_INET6, pdr->dnn, ue_ip->addr6); if (!sess->ipv6) { ogs_error("ogs_pfcp_ue_ip_alloc() failed[%d]", cause_value); ogs_assert(cause_value != OGS_PFCP_CAUSE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED); return cause_value; } ogs_hash_set(self.ipv6_hash, sess->ipv6->addr, OGS_IPV6_DEFAULT_PREFIX_LEN >> 3, sess); } else { ogs_warn("Cannot support PDN-Type[%d], [IPv4:%d IPv6:%d DNN:%s]", session_type, ue_ip->ipv4, ue_ip->ipv6, pdr->dnn ? pdr->dnn : ""); } } else if (session_type == OGS_PDU_SESSION_TYPE_IPV4V6) { if (ue_ip->ipv4 || pdr->dnn) { sess->ipv4 = ogs_pfcp_ue_ip_alloc(&cause_value, AF_INET, pdr->dnn, (uint8_t *)&(ue_ip->both.addr)); if (!sess->ipv4) { ogs_error("ogs_pfcp_ue_ip_alloc() failed[%d]", cause_value); ogs_assert(cause_value != OGS_PFCP_CAUSE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED); return cause_value; } ogs_hash_set(self.ipv4_hash, sess->ipv4->addr, OGS_IPV4_LEN, sess); } else { ogs_warn("Cannot support PDN-Type[%d], [IPv4:%d IPv6:%d DNN:%s]", session_type, ue_ip->ipv4, ue_ip->ipv6, pdr->dnn ? pdr->dnn : ""); } if (ue_ip->ipv6 || pdr->dnn) { sess->ipv6 = ogs_pfcp_ue_ip_alloc(&cause_value, AF_INET6, pdr->dnn, ue_ip->both.addr6); if (!sess->ipv6) { ogs_error("ogs_pfcp_ue_ip_alloc() failed[%d]", cause_value); ogs_assert(cause_value != OGS_PFCP_CAUSE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED); if (sess->ipv4) { ogs_hash_set(self.ipv4_hash, sess->ipv4->addr, OGS_IPV4_LEN, NULL); ogs_pfcp_ue_ip_free(sess->ipv4); sess->ipv4 = NULL; } return cause_value; } ogs_hash_set(self.ipv6_hash, sess->ipv6->addr, OGS_IPV6_DEFAULT_PREFIX_LEN >> 3, sess); } else { ogs_warn("Cannot support PDN-Type[%d], [IPv4:%d IPv6:%d DNN:%s]", session_type, ue_ip->ipv4, ue_ip->ipv6, pdr->dnn ? pdr->dnn : ""); } } else { ogs_warn("Cannot support PDN-Type[%d], [IPv4:%d IPv6:%d DNN:%s]", session_type, ue_ip->ipv4, ue_ip->ipv6, pdr->dnn ? pdr->dnn : ""); } ogs_info("UE F-SEID[CP:0x%lx UP:0x%lx] " "APN[%s] PDN-Type[%d] IPv4[%s] IPv6[%s]", (long)sess->upf_n4_seid, (long)sess->smf_n4_f_seid.seid, pdr->dnn, session_type, sess->ipv4 ? OGS_INET_NTOP(&sess->ipv4->addr, buf1) : "", sess->ipv6 ? OGS_INET6_NTOP(&sess->ipv6->addr, buf2) : ""); return cause_value; } void upf_sess_urr_acc_add(upf_sess_t *sess, ogs_pfcp_urr_t *urr, size_t size, bool is_uplink) { upf_sess_urr_acc_t *urr_acc = &sess->urr_acc[urr->id]; /* Increment total & ul octets + pkts */ urr_acc->total_octets += size; urr_acc->total_pkts++; if (is_uplink) { urr_acc->dl_octets += size; urr_acc->dl_pkts++; } else { urr_acc->ul_octets += size; urr_acc->ul_pkts++; } urr_acc->time_of_last_packet = ogs_time_now(); if (urr_acc->time_of_first_packet == 0) urr_acc->time_of_first_packet = urr_acc->time_of_last_packet; /* TODO: generate report if volume threshold/quota is reached, eg sess->urr_acc[urr->id].total_octets - sess->urr_acc[urr->id].last_report.total_octets > threshold */ } /* report struct must be memzeroed before first use of this function. * report->num_of_usage_report must be set by the caller */ void upf_sess_urr_acc_fill_usage_report(upf_sess_t *sess, const ogs_pfcp_urr_t *urr, ogs_pfcp_user_plane_report_t *report, unsigned int idx) { upf_sess_urr_acc_t *urr_acc = &sess->urr_acc[urr->id]; ogs_time_t last_report_timestamp; ogs_time_t now; now = ogs_time_now(); /* we need UTC for start_time and end_time */ if (urr_acc->last_report.timestamp) last_report_timestamp = urr_acc->last_report.timestamp; else last_report_timestamp = ogs_time_from_ntp32(urr_acc->time_threshold_start); report->type.usage_report = 1; report->usage_report[idx].id = urr->id; report->usage_report[idx].seqn = urr_acc->report_seqn++; report->usage_report[idx].start_time = urr_acc->time_threshold_start; report->usage_report[idx].end_time = ogs_time_to_ntp32(now); report->usage_report[idx].vol_measurement = (ogs_pfcp_volume_measurement_t){ .dlnop = 1, .ulnop = 1, .tonop = 1, .dlvol = 1, .ulvol = 1, .tovol = 1, .total_volume = urr_acc->total_octets - urr_acc->last_report.total_octets, .uplink_volume = urr_acc->ul_octets - urr_acc->last_report.ul_octets, .downlink_volume = urr_acc->dl_octets - urr_acc->last_report.dl_octets, .total_n_packets = urr_acc->total_pkts - urr_acc->last_report.total_pkts, .uplink_n_packets = urr_acc->ul_pkts - urr_acc->last_report.ul_pkts, .downlink_n_packets = urr_acc->dl_pkts - urr_acc->last_report.dl_pkts, }; if (now >= last_report_timestamp) report->usage_report[idx].dur_measurement = ((now - last_report_timestamp) + (OGS_USEC_PER_SEC/2)) / OGS_USEC_PER_SEC; /* FIXME: should use MONOTONIC here */ /* else memset sets it to 0 */ report->usage_report[idx].time_of_first_packet = ogs_time_to_ntp32(urr_acc->time_of_first_packet); /* TODO: First since last report? */ report->usage_report[idx].time_of_last_packet = ogs_time_to_ntp32(urr_acc->time_of_last_packet); if (urr->time_threshold > 0 && report->usage_report[idx].dur_measurement >= urr->time_threshold) report->usage_report[idx].rep_trigger.time_threshold = 1; } void upf_sess_urr_acc_snapshot(upf_sess_t *sess, ogs_pfcp_urr_t *urr) { upf_sess_urr_acc_t *urr_acc = &sess->urr_acc[urr->id]; urr_acc->last_report.total_octets = urr_acc->total_octets; urr_acc->last_report.dl_octets = urr_acc->dl_octets; urr_acc->last_report.ul_octets = urr_acc->ul_octets; urr_acc->last_report.total_pkts = urr_acc->total_pkts; urr_acc->last_report.dl_pkts = urr_acc->dl_pkts; urr_acc->last_report.ul_pkts = urr_acc->ul_pkts; urr_acc->last_report.timestamp = ogs_time_now(); } static void upf_sess_urr_acc_time_threshold_cb(void *data) { ogs_pfcp_urr_t *urr = (ogs_pfcp_urr_t *)data; ogs_pfcp_user_plane_report_t report; ogs_pfcp_sess_t *pfcp_sess = urr->sess; upf_sess_t *sess = UPF_SESS(pfcp_sess); ogs_warn("upf_time_threshold_cb() triggered! urr=%p", urr); if (urr->rep_triggers.time_threshold) { memset(&report, 0, sizeof(report)); upf_sess_urr_acc_fill_usage_report(sess, urr, &report, 0); report.num_of_usage_report = 1; upf_sess_urr_acc_snapshot(sess, urr); ogs_assert(OGS_OK == upf_pfcp_send_session_report_request(sess, &report)); } /* Start new report period/iteration: */ upf_sess_urr_acc_time_threshold_setup(sess, urr); } void upf_sess_urr_acc_time_threshold_setup(upf_sess_t *sess, ogs_pfcp_urr_t *urr) { upf_sess_urr_acc_t *urr_acc = &sess->urr_acc[urr->id]; ogs_debug("Installing URR time threshold timer"); urr_acc->reporting_enabled = true; if (!urr_acc->t_time_threshold) urr_acc->t_time_threshold = ogs_timer_add(ogs_app()->timer_mgr, upf_sess_urr_acc_time_threshold_cb, urr); urr_acc->time_threshold_start = ogs_time_ntp32_now(); ogs_timer_start(urr_acc->t_time_threshold, urr->time_threshold * OGS_USEC_PER_SEC); } static void upf_sess_urr_acc_remove_all(upf_sess_t *sess) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < OGS_ARRAY_SIZE(sess->urr_acc); i++) { if (sess->urr_acc[i].t_time_threshold) { ogs_timer_delete(sess->urr_acc[i].t_time_threshold); sess->urr_acc[i].t_time_threshold = NULL; } } }