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File: oct6100_miscellaneous_priv.h
Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Octasic Inc.
File containing all private defines, macros, structures and prototypes
pertaining to the file oct6100_miscellaneous.c. All elements defined in
this file are for private usage of the API.
This file is part of the Octasic OCT6100 GPL API . The OCT6100 GPL API is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The OCT6100 GPL API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with the OCT6100 GPL API; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
$Octasic_Release: OCT612xAPI-01.00-PR49 $
$Octasic_Revision: 20 $
/***************************** INCLUDE FILES *******************************/
/***************************** DEFINES *************************************/
Macros used to shell the user function calls. These macros are used to
assert that the user does not change any of the members of the function's
parameter structure, as required and indicated in the API specification.
Ofcourse, these macros make the code heavier and thus slower. That is why
there is a compile option for disabling the extra checking. These can be
very helpful tools in debugging.
#define mOCT6100_DRIVER_WRITE_API( WriteParams, ulResult ) \
{ \
PVOID _pProcessContext; \
UINT32 _ulUserChipId; \
UINT32 _ulWriteAddress; \
UINT16 _usWriteData; \
/* Store the data that is to be passed to the user. */ \
_pProcessContext = WriteParams.pProcessContext; \
_ulUserChipId = WriteParams.ulUserChipId; \
_ulWriteAddress = WriteParams.ulWriteAddress; \
_usWriteData = WriteParams.usWriteData; \
/* Call user function. */ \
ulResult = Oct6100UserDriverWriteApi( &WriteParams ); \
/* Check if user changed members of function's parameter structure. */ \
if ( WriteParams.pProcessContext != _pProcessContext || \
WriteParams.ulUserChipId != _ulUserChipId || \
WriteParams.ulWriteAddress != _ulWriteAddress || \
WriteParams.ulWriteAddress != _ulWriteAddress || \
WriteParams.usWriteData != _usWriteData ) \
#define mOCT6100_DRIVER_WRITE_API( WriteParams, ulResult ) \
ulResult = Oct6100UserDriverWriteApi( &WriteParams );
#define mOCT6100_DRIVER_WRITE_SMEAR_API( SmearParams, ulResult ) \
{ \
PVOID _pProcessContext; \
UINT32 _ulUserChipId; \
UINT16 _usWriteData; \
UINT32 _ulWriteLength; \
/* Store the data that is to be passed to the user. */ \
_pProcessContext = SmearParams.pProcessContext; \
_ulUserChipId = SmearParams.ulUserChipId; \
_usWriteData = SmearParams.usWriteData; \
_ulWriteLength = SmearParams.ulWriteLength; \
/* Call user function. */ \
ulResult = Oct6100UserDriverWriteSmearApi( &SmearParams ); \
/* Check if user changed members of function's paraeter structure. */ \
if ( SmearParams.pProcessContext != _pProcessContext || \
SmearParams.ulUserChipId != _ulUserChipId || \
SmearParams.usWriteData != _usWriteData || \
SmearParams.ulWriteLength != _ulWriteLength) \
#define mOCT6100_DRIVER_WRITE_SMEAR_API( SmearParams, ulResult ) \
ulResult = Oct6100UserDriverWriteSmearApi( &SmearParams );
#define mOCT6100_DRIVER_WRITE_BURST_API( BurstParams, ulResult ) \
{ \
PVOID _pProcessContext; \
UINT32 _ulUserChipId; \
UINT32 _ulWriteAddress; \
PUINT16 _pusWriteData; \
UINT32 _ulWriteLength; \
/* Store the data that is to be passed to the user. */ \
_pProcessContext = BurstParams.pProcessContext; \
_ulUserChipId = BurstParams.ulUserChipId; \
_ulWriteAddress = BurstParams.ulWriteAddress; \
_pusWriteData = BurstParams.pusWriteData; \
_ulWriteLength = BurstParams.ulWriteLength; \
/* Call user function. */ \
ulResult = Oct6100UserDriverWriteBurstApi( &BurstParams ); \
/* Check if user changed members of function's parameter structure. */ \
if ( BurstParams.pProcessContext != _pProcessContext || \
BurstParams.ulUserChipId != _ulUserChipId || \
BurstParams.ulWriteAddress != _ulWriteAddress || \
BurstParams.pusWriteData != _pusWriteData || \
BurstParams.ulWriteLength != _ulWriteLength ) \
#define mOCT6100_DRIVER_WRITE_BURST_API( BurstParams, ulResult ) \
ulResult = Oct6100UserDriverWriteBurstApi( &BurstParams );
#define mOCT6100_DRIVER_READ_API( ReadParams, ulResult ) \
{ \
PVOID _pProcessContext; \
UINT32 _ulUserChipId; \
UINT32 _ulReadAddress; \
PUINT16 _pusReadData; \
/* Store the data that is to be passed to the user. */ \
_pProcessContext = ReadParams.pProcessContext; \
_ulUserChipId = ReadParams.ulUserChipId; \
_ulReadAddress = ReadParams.ulReadAddress; \
_pusReadData = ReadParams.pusReadData; \
/* Call user function. */ \
ulResult = Oct6100UserDriverReadApi( &ReadParams ); \
/* Check if user changed members of function's parameter structure. */ \
if ( ReadParams.pProcessContext != _pProcessContext || \
ReadParams.ulUserChipId != _ulUserChipId || \
ReadParams.ulReadAddress != _ulReadAddress || \
ReadParams.pusReadData != _pusReadData ) \
#define mOCT6100_DRIVER_READ_API( ReadParams, ulResult ) \
ulResult = Oct6100UserDriverReadApi( &ReadParams );
#define mOCT6100_DRIVER_READ_BURST_API( BurstParams, ulResult ) \
{ \
PVOID _pProcessContext; \
UINT32 _ulUserChipId; \
UINT32 _ulReadAddress; \
PUINT16 _pusReadData; \
UINT32 _ulReadLength; \
/* Store the data that is to be passed to the user. */ \
_pProcessContext = BurstParams.pProcessContext; \
_ulUserChipId = BurstParams.ulUserChipId; \
_ulReadAddress = BurstParams.ulReadAddress; \
_pusReadData = BurstParams.pusReadData; \
_ulReadLength = BurstParams.ulReadLength; \
/* Call user function. */ \
ulResult = Oct6100UserDriverReadBurstApi( &BurstParams ); \
/* Check if user changed members of function's parameter structure. */ \
if ( BurstParams.pProcessContext != _pProcessContext || \
BurstParams.ulUserChipId != _ulUserChipId || \
BurstParams.ulReadAddress != _ulReadAddress || \
BurstParams.pusReadData != _pusReadData || \
BurstParams.ulReadLength != _ulReadLength ) \
#define mOCT6100_DRIVER_READ_BURST_API( BurstParams, ulResult ) \
ulResult = Oct6100UserDriverReadBurstApi( &BurstParams );
#define mOCT6100_ASSIGN_USER_READ_WRITE_OBJ( f_pApiInst, Params )
#define mOCT6100_CREATE_FEATURE_MASK( f_ulFieldSize, f_ulFieldBitOffset, f_pulFieldMask ) \
{ \
(*f_pulFieldMask) = ( 1 << f_ulFieldSize ); \
(*f_pulFieldMask) --; \
(*f_pulFieldMask) <<= f_ulFieldBitOffset; \
/***************************** TYPES ***************************************/
/************************** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES *****************************/
UINT32 Oct6100ApiWaitForTime(
IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance,
IN UINT32 f_aulWaitTime[ 2 ] );
UINT32 Oct6100ApiWaitForPcRegisterBit(
IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance,
IN UINT32 f_ulPcRegAdd,
IN UINT32 f_ulPcBitNum,
IN UINT32 f_ulValue,
IN UINT32 f_ulTimeoutUs,
OUT PBOOL f_pfBitEqual );
UINT32 Oct6100ApiWriteDword(
IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance,
IN UINT32 f_ulAddress,
IN UINT32 f_ulWriteData );
UINT32 Oct6100ApiReadDword(
IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance,
IN UINT32 f_ulAddress,
OUT PUINT32 f_pulReadData );
VOID Oct6100ApiCreateFeatureMask(
IN UINT32 f_ulFieldSize,
IN UINT32 f_ulFieldBitOffset,
OUT PUINT32 f_pulFieldMask );
unsigned char const *Oct6100ApiStrStr(
IN unsigned char const *f_pszSource,
IN unsigned char const *f_pszString,
IN unsigned char const *f_pszLastCharPtr );
UINT32 Oct6100ApiStrLen(
IN unsigned char const *f_pszString );
UINT32 Oct6100ApiAsciiToHex(
IN UINT8 f_chCharacter,
IN PUINT32 f_pulValue );
UINT8 Oct6100ApiHexToAscii(
IN UINT32 f_ulNumber );
UINT32 Oct6100ApiRand(
IN UINT32 f_ulRange );
UINT32 oct6100_retrieve_nlp_conf_dword(tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInst,
tPOCT6100_API_CHANNEL f_pChanEntry,
UINT32 f_ulAddress,
UINT32 *f_pulConfigDword);
UINT32 oct6100_save_nlp_conf_dword(tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInst,
tPOCT6100_API_CHANNEL f_pChanEntry,
UINT32 f_ulAddress,
UINT32 f_ulConfigDword);
#endif /* __OCT6100_MISCELLANEOUS_PRIV_H__ */