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* module.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2005 Bastian Blank <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "module.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <set>
#include <elf.h>
using namespace linuxkernel;
const std::string module_real::symbol_name_cleanup ("cleanup_module");
const std::string module_real::symbol_name_init ("init_module");
const std::string module_real::symbol_prefix_crc ("__crc_");
const std::string module_real::symbol_prefix_ksymtab ("__ksymtab_");
module::module (const std::string &name) throw ()
: name (name)
std::string::size_type t1 = name.find_last_of ('/');
if (t1 == std::string::npos)
t1 = 0;
name_short = name.substr (t1, std::string::npos);
if (name == "vmlinux")
is_vmlinux = true;
module::module (const std::string &filename, bool) throw ()
std::string::size_type t1 = filename.find_last_of ('/');
std::string::size_type t2 = filename.find_last_of ('.');
if (t1 == std::string::npos)
t1 = 0;
name = filename.substr (0, t2);
if (t2 != std::string::npos)
t2 -= t1;
name_short = filename.substr (t1, t2);
if (name == "vmlinux")
is_vmlinux = true;
module_real::module_real (const std::string &filename, Elf::file *file) throw (std::runtime_error)
: module (filename, false), has_init (false), has_cleanup (false), file (file)
const std::vector <Elf::section *> &sections = file->get_sections ();
Elf::section *modinfo = 0;
symtab = 0;
for (std::vector <Elf::section *>::const_iterator it = sections.begin (); it != sections.end (); ++it)
const std::string &name = (*it)->get_name_string ();
uint32_t type = (*it)->get_type ();
if (name == ".modinfo")
modinfo = *it;
if (type == Elf::section_type_SYMTAB::id)
symtab = dynamic_cast <Elf::section_type<Elf::section_type_SYMTAB> *> (*it);
if (!is_vmlinux && !modinfo)
throw std::runtime_error ("Not a kernel module, lacks modinfo section");
if (!symtab)
throw std::runtime_error ("Not a kernel module, lacks symbol table");
if (!is_vmlinux)
read_modinfo (modinfo);
symbols_undefined.insert (std::pair<std::string, symbol_undefined> ("struct_module", symbol_undefined ("struct_module", 0)));
read_symtab (symtab);
const Elf::symbol *module_real::_get_symbol (const std::string &name) const throw ()
for (std::vector<Elf::symbol *>::const_iterator it = symtab->get_symbols ().begin (); it != symtab->get_symbols ().end (); ++it)
Elf::symbol *symbol = *it;
std::string symname = symbol->get_name_string ();
if (symname == name)
return symbol;
return 0;
void module_real::write (const modulelist &list, bool modversions)
std::string filename = name + ".mod.c";
std::ofstream out (filename.c_str ());
write_header (out);
if (modversions)
write_versions (out, list);
write_depends (out, list);
write_moddevtable (out);
module_real *module_real::open (const std::string &filename) throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error)
Elf::file *file = Elf::file::open (filename.c_str ());
switch (file->get_class ())
case Elf::file_class_32::id:
return open_class<Elf::file_class_32> (filename, file);
case Elf::file_class_64::id:
return open_class<Elf::file_class_64> (filename, file);
throw std::runtime_error ("Unsupported file class");
template<typename Elf_class>
module_real *module_real::open_class (const std::string &filename, Elf::file *file) throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error)
switch (file->get_data ())
case Elf::file_data_2LSB::id:
return new module_data<Elf_class, Elf::file_data_2LSB> (filename, file);
case Elf::file_data_2MSB::id:
return new module_data<Elf_class, Elf::file_data_2MSB> (filename, file);
throw std::runtime_error ("Unsupported data encoding");
void module_real::read_modinfo (Elf::section *section) throw (std::runtime_error)
const char *act, *end, *temp1, *temp2;
act = static_cast <const char *> (section->_mem ());
end = act + section->get_size ();
while (act <= end)
temp1 = act;
for (; *act && *act != '=' && act <= end; act++);
if (act > end)
temp2 = ++act;
for (; *act && act <= end; act++);
if (act > end)
modinfo.insert (std::pair<std::string, std::string> (std::string (temp1, temp2 - temp1 - 1), std::string (temp2, act - temp2)));
for (; !*act && act <= end; act++);
void module_real::read_symtab (Elf::section_type<Elf::section_type_SYMTAB> *section) throw (std::runtime_error)
for (std::vector<Elf::symbol *>::const_iterator it = section->get_symbols ().begin (); it != section->get_symbols ().end (); ++it)
Elf::symbol *symbol = *it;
std::string symname = symbol->get_name_string ();
switch (symbol->get_shndx ())
std::clog << "*** Warning: \"" << symname << "\" [" << name << "] is COMMON symbol" << std::endl;
case SHN_ABS:
if ( (0, symbol_prefix_crc.size (), symbol_prefix_crc) == 0)
std::string symname_real (symname.substr (symbol_prefix_crc.size ()));
std::map<std::string, symbol_exported>::iterator it = symbols_exported.find (symname_real);
if (it == symbols_exported.end ())
symbols_exported.insert (std::pair<std::string, symbol_exported> (symname_real, symbol_exported (symname_real, symbol->get_value ())));
it->second.set_crc (symbol->get_value ());
if (symbol->get_bind () != STB_GLOBAL &&
symbol->get_bind () != STB_WEAK)
//FIXME: if (symbol->get_type () == STT_REGISTER)
// break;
/* ignore global offset table */
if (symname == "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_")
/* ignore __this_module, it will be resolved shortly */
if (symname == "__this_module")
symbols_undefined.insert (std::pair<std::string, symbol_undefined> (symname, symbol_undefined (symname, symbol->get_bind () == STB_WEAK)));
if ( (0, symbol_prefix_ksymtab.size (), symbol_prefix_ksymtab) == 0)
std::string symname_real (symname.substr (symbol_prefix_ksymtab.size ()));
std::map<std::string, symbol_exported>::iterator it = symbols_exported.find (symname_real);
if (it == symbols_exported.end ())
symbols_exported.insert (std::pair<std::string, symbol_exported> (symname_real, symbol_exported (symname_real)));
else if (symname == symbol_name_cleanup)
has_cleanup = true;
else if (symname == symbol_name_init)
has_init = true;
void module_real::write_depends (std::ostream &out, const modulelist &list)
std::set<std::string> depends;
for (std::map<std::string, symbol_undefined>::const_iterator it = symbols_undefined.begin (); it != symbols_undefined.end (); ++it)
const std::string &mod (list.get_module_name_short_for_symbol (it->first));
if (mod != "vmlinux")
depends.insert (mod);
catch (std::out_of_range &)
{ }
out <<
"static const char __module_depends[]\n"
"__attribute__((section(\".modinfo\"))) =\n"
if (depends.begin () != depends.end ())
std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = depends.begin ();
out << *it;
for (++it; it != depends.end (); ++it)
out << ',' << *it;
out << "\";\n\n";
void module_real::write_header (std::ostream &out)
out <<
"#include <linux/module.h>\n"
"#include <linux/vermagic.h>\n"
"#include <linux/compiler.h>\n"
"struct module __this_module\n"
"__attribute__((section(\".gnu.linkonce.this_module\"))) = {\n"
" .name = KBUILD_MODNAME,\n";
if (has_init)
out << " .init = init_module,\n";
if (has_cleanup)
out <<
" .exit = cleanup_module,\n"
out << "};\n\n";
void module_real::write_moddevtable (std::ostream &out)
for (std::list<module_devicetable::table_base *>::iterator it = devicetables.begin (); it != devicetables.end (); ++it)
module_devicetable::table_base *ent = *it;
if (ent)
ent->write (out);
void module_real::write_versions (std::ostream &out, const modulelist &list)
out <<
"static const struct modversion_info ____versions[]\n"
"__attribute__((section(\"__versions\"))) = {\n";
for (_symbols_undefined::const_iterator it = symbols_undefined.begin (); it != symbols_undefined.end (); ++it)
const symbol_exported &sym (list.get_symbol (it->first));
if (sym.get_crc_valid ())
out << "\t{ 0x" << std::hex << sym.get_crc () << std::dec << ", \"" << it->first << "\" },\n";
std::clog << "*** Warning: \"" << sym.get_name () << "\" [" << name << "] has no CRC!" << std::endl;
catch (std::out_of_range &)
if (list.report_symbols_missing)
std::clog << "*** Warning: \"" << it->first << "\" is undefined!" << std::endl;
out << "};\n\n";
template <typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
module_data<Elf_class, Elf_data>::module_data (const std::string &filename, Elf::file *file) throw (std::runtime_error)
: module_real (filename, file)
module_devicetable::table_create<Elf_class, Elf_data> (devicetables, this, file);
modulelist::modulelist () throw ()
: report_symbols_missing (false)
{ }
modulelist::~modulelist () throw ()
for (_modules_real::iterator it = modules_real.begin (); it != modules_real.end (); ++it)
delete it->second;
for (_modules_shadow::iterator it = modules_shadow.begin (); it != modules_shadow.end (); ++it)
delete it->second;
void modulelist::dump_read (const std::string &filename) throw (std::runtime_error)
std::ifstream in (filename.c_str ());
while (in.good ())
char buf[512];
in.getline (buf, sizeof (buf));
std::stringstream str (buf);
uint32_t crc;
std::string symbol, module_name;
str >> std::hex >> crc >> std::dec >> symbol >> module_name;
_modules_shadow::const_iterator it = modules_shadow.find (module_name);
module *mod;
if (it == modules_shadow.end ())
mod = new module (module_name);
modules_shadow.insert (_modules_shadow_pair (module_name, mod));
mod = it->second;
mod->symbols_exported.insert (std::pair<std::string, symbol_exported> (symbol, symbol_exported (symbol, crc)));
symbols_exported.insert (std::pair<std::string, std::string> (symbol, module_name));
if (mod->get_is_vmlinux ())
report_symbols_missing = true;
void modulelist::dump_write (const std::string &filename) const throw (std::runtime_error)
char buf[128];
std::ofstream out (filename.c_str (), std::ios::trunc);
for (_symbols::const_iterator it = symbols_exported.begin (); it != symbols_exported.end (); ++it)
const module *mod = get_module (it->second);
const symbol_exported &sym = get_symbol (it->first);
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "0x%08x\t%s\t%s\n", sym.get_crc (), it->first.c_str (), mod->get_name ().c_str ());
out << buf;
const module *modulelist::get_module (const std::string &name) const throw (std::out_of_range)
_modules_real::const_iterator it1 = modules_real.find (name);
if (it1 != modules_real.end ())
return it1->second;
_modules_shadow::const_iterator it2 = modules_shadow.find (name);
if (it2 != modules_shadow.end ())
return it2->second;
throw std::out_of_range ("Don't find module");
const module *modulelist::get_module_for_symbol (const symbolname &name) const throw (std::out_of_range)
_symbols::const_iterator it = symbols_exported.find (name);
if (it == symbols_exported.end ())
throw std::out_of_range ("symbol is undefined");
return get_module (it->second);
const std::string &modulelist::get_module_name_short_for_symbol (const symbolname &name) const throw (std::out_of_range)
const module *mod = get_module_for_symbol (name);
return mod->get_name_short ();
const symbol_exported &modulelist::get_symbol (const symbolname &name) const throw (std::out_of_range)
const module *mod = get_module_for_symbol (name);
std::map<std::string, symbol_exported>::const_iterator it = mod->get_symbols_exported ().find (name);
if (it == mod->get_symbols_exported ().end ())
throw std::logic_error ("Don't find symbol");
return it->second;
void modulelist::insert (module_real *mod) throw (std::runtime_error)
bool overwrite = false;
if (mod->get_is_vmlinux ())
if (!modules_shadow.insert (_modules_shadow_pair (mod->get_name (), mod)).second)
overwrite = true;
report_symbols_missing = true;
if (!modules_real.insert (_modules_real_pair (mod->get_name (), mod)).second)
throw std::runtime_error ("Already know a module with this name");
for (std::map<std::string, symbol_exported>::const_iterator it = mod->get_symbols_exported ().begin ();
it != mod->get_symbols_exported ().end (); ++it)
if (!symbols_exported.insert (std::pair<std::string, std::string> (it->second.get_name (), mod->get_name ())).second)
if (!overwrite)
std::clog << "*** Warning: \"" << it->second.get_name () << "\" [" << mod->get_name () << "] duplicated symbol!" << std::endl;
void modulelist::insert (const std::string &filename) throw (std::runtime_error)
module_real *mod = module_real::open (filename);
insert (mod);
catch (...)
delete mod;
void modulelist::write (bool modversions)
for (_modules_real::iterator it = modules_real.begin (); it != modules_real.end (); ++it)
it->second->write (*this, modversions);
symbol::symbol (const symbolname &name) throw ()
: name (name)
{ }
symbol_exported::symbol_exported (const symbolname &name) throw ()
: symbol (name), crc_valid (false)
{ }
symbol_exported::symbol_exported (const symbolname &name, uint32_t crc) throw ()
: symbol (name), crc (crc), crc_valid (true)
{ }
void symbol_exported::set_crc (uint32_t _crc) throw ()
crc = _crc;
crc_valid = true;
symbol_undefined::symbol_undefined (const symbolname &name, bool weak) throw ()
: symbol (name), weak (weak)
{ }