
252 lines
7.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import os
import os.path
import re
import sys
import textwrap
import cPickle
__all__ = [
class SchemaItemBoolean(object):
def __call__(self, i):
i = i.strip().lower()
if i in ("true", "1"):
return True
if i in ("false", "0"):
return False
raise Error
class SchemaItemList(object):
def __init__(self, type="\s+"):
self.type = type
def __call__(self, i):
i = i.strip()
if not i:
return []
return [j.strip() for j in re.split(self.type, i)]
class ConfigCore(dict):
def get_merge(self, section, arch, featureset, flavour, key, default=None):
temp = []
if arch and featureset and flavour:
temp.append(self.get((section, arch, featureset, flavour), {}).get(key))
temp.append(self.get((section, arch, None, flavour), {}).get(key))
if arch and featureset:
temp.append(self.get((section, arch, featureset), {}).get(key))
if arch:
temp.append(self.get((section, arch), {}).get(key))
if featureset:
temp.append(self.get((section, None, featureset), {}).get(key))
temp.append(self.get((section,), {}).get(key))
ret = []
for i in temp:
if i is None:
elif isinstance(i, (list, tuple)):
elif ret:
return ret
return i
return ret or default
def merge(self, section, arch=None, featureset=None, flavour=None):
ret = {}
ret.update(self.get((section,), {}))
if featureset:
ret.update(self.get((section, None, featureset), {}))
if arch:
ret.update(self.get((section, arch), {}))
if arch and featureset:
ret.update(self.get((section, arch, featureset), {}))
if arch and featureset and flavour:
ret.update(self.get((section, arch, None, flavour), {}))
ret.update(self.get((section, arch, featureset, flavour), {}))
return ret
def dump(self, fp):
cPickle.dump(self, fp, -1)
class ConfigCoreDump(object):
def __new__(self, fp):
return cPickle.load(fp)
class ConfigCoreHierarchy(object):
schema_base = {
'base': {
'arches': SchemaItemList(),
'enabled': SchemaItemBoolean(),
'featuresets': SchemaItemList(),
'flavours': SchemaItemList(),
def __new__(cls, schema, dirs=[]):
schema_complete = cls.schema_base.copy()
for key, value in schema.iteritems():
schema_complete.setdefault(key, {}).update(value)
return cls.Reader(dirs, schema_complete)()
class Reader(object):
config_name = "defines"
def __init__(self, dirs, schema):
self.dirs, self.schema = dirs, schema
def __call__(self):
ret = ConfigCore()
return ret
def get_files(self, name):
return [os.path.join(i, name) for i in self.dirs if i]
def read_arch(self, ret, arch):
config = ConfigParser(self.schema)"%s/%s" % (arch, self.config_name)))
featuresets = config['base', ].get('featuresets', [])
flavours = config['base', ].get('flavours', [])
for section in iter(config):
if section[0] in featuresets:
real = (section[-1], arch, section[0])
elif len(section) > 1:
real = (section[-1], arch, None) + section[:-1]
real = (section[-1], arch) + section[:-1]
s = ret.get(real, {})
ret[tuple(real)] = s
for featureset in featuresets:
self.read_arch_featureset(ret, arch, featureset)
if flavours:
base = ret['base', arch]
featuresets.insert(0, 'none')
base['featuresets'] = featuresets
del base['flavours']
ret['base', arch] = base
ret['base', arch, 'none'] = {'flavours': flavours, 'implicit-flavour': True}
def read_arch_featureset(self, ret, arch, featureset):
config = ConfigParser(self.schema)"%s/%s/%s" % (arch, featureset, self.config_name)))
flavours = config['base', ].get('flavours', [])
for section in iter(config):
real = (section[-1], arch, featureset) + section[:-1]
s = ret.get(real, {})
ret[tuple(real)] = s
def read(self, ret):
config = ConfigParser(self.schema)
arches = config['base', ]['arches']
featuresets = config['base', ].get('featuresets', [])
for section in iter(config):
if section[0].startswith('featureset-'):
real = (section[-1], None, section[0].lstrip('featureset-'))
real = (section[-1],) + section[1:]
ret[real] = config[section]
for arch in arches:
self.read_arch(ret, arch)
for featureset in featuresets:
self.read_featureset(ret, featureset)
def read_featureset(self, ret, featureset):
config = ConfigParser(self.schema)"featureset-%s/%s" % (featureset, self.config_name)))
for section in iter(config):
real = (section[-1], None, featureset)
s = ret.get(real, {})
ret[real] = s
class ConfigParser(object):
__slots__ = '_config', 'schemas'
def __init__(self, schemas):
self.schemas = schemas
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
self._config = config = RawConfigParser()
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._convert()[key]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._convert())
def __str__(self):
return '<%s(%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._convert())
def _convert(self):
ret = {}
for section in self._config.sections():
data = {}
for key, value in self._config.items(section):
data[key] = value
section_list = section.split('_')
section_base = section_list[-1]
if section_base in self.schemas:
section_ret = tuple(section_list)
data = self._convert_one(self.schemas[section_base], data)
section_ret = (section, )
ret[section_ret] = data
return ret
def _convert_one(self, schema, data):
ret = {}
for key, value in data.iteritems():
if key in schema:
value = schema[key](value)
ret[key] = value
return ret
def keys(self):
return self._convert().keys()
def read(self, data):
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
config = ConfigCoreHierarchy(['debian/config'])
sections = config.keys()
for section in sections:
print "[%s]" % (section,)
items = config[section]
items_keys = items.keys()
for item in items:
print "%s: %s" % (item, items[item])