Package: linux-tree-@version@ Architecture: all Section: devel Priority: optional Depends: linux-patch-debian-@version@ (= @srcver@) Description: Linux kernel source tree for building Debian kernel images This meta package is used as a build dependency of Debian linux-image packages to prevent a version discrepancy between the linux-image and corresponding linux-sources packages in the fast-moving unstable archive. The package's dependency relations are structured so that a linux-image package's build dependencies can always be satisfied, even if the linux-source package that had been used to compile the image has been superseeded by a newer Debian revision since the last build. . The package provides a list of virtual packages, corresponding to Debian revisions of a linux-source package. The Debian linux-patch contains the information needed to roll back the current linux-source to any of the revisions identified by the provided virtual packages. Therefore, the linux-tree package ensures the availability of the Linux kernel source tree corresponding to each of the virtual packages listed. . The package serves no purpose outside of the Debian build and archive infrastructure.