#!/usr/bin/ocamlrun /usr/bin/ocaml (* Command line arguments parsing *) let basedir = ref "debian/arch" let arch = ref "" let subarch = ref "" let flavour = ref "" let config_name = ref "" let verbose = ref false let archindir = ref false type action = Single | Create | Check let action = ref Create let set_action a () = action := a let spec = [ "-b", Arg.Set_string basedir, "base dir of the arch configurations [default: debian/arch]"; "-ba", Arg.Set archindir, "basedir includes arch"; "-a", Arg.Set_string arch, "arch"; "-s", Arg.Set_string subarch, "subarch"; "-f", Arg.Set_string flavour, "flavour"; "-v", Arg.Set verbose, "verbose"; "-c", Arg.Unit (set_action Check), "check"; ] let usage = "Check single config file : ./kconfig.ml config_file\n" ^ "Create config file : ./kconfig.ml [ -ba ] [ -b basedir ] -a arch [ -s subarch ] -f flavour" ^ "\n" ^ "Check all config files : ./kconfig.ml -c [ -b basedir ] -a arch [ -s subarch ] -f flavour" ^ "\n" let () = Arg.parse spec (function s -> config_name := s; action := Single) usage let usage () = Arg.usage spec usage (* Config file parsing *) type options = | Config_Yes of string | Config_No of string | Config_Module of string | Config_Value of string * string | Config_Comment of string | Config_Empty let print_option = function | Config_Yes s -> Printf.printf "CONFIG_%s=y\n" s | Config_No s -> Printf.printf "# CONFIG_%s is not set\n" s | Config_Module s -> Printf.printf "CONFIG_%s=m\n" s | Config_Value (s,v) -> Printf.printf "CONFIG_%s=%s\n" s v | Config_Comment s -> Printf.printf "#%s\n" s | Config_Empty -> Printf.printf "\n" exception Comment exception Error let parse_config_line fd = let line = input_line fd in let len = String.length line in if len = 0 then Config_Empty else try if len <= 9 then raise Comment else match line.[0], line.[1], line.[2], line.[3], line.[4], line.[5], line.[6], line.[7], line.[8] with | '#', ' ', 'C', 'O', 'N', 'F', 'I', 'G', '_' -> begin try let space = String.index_from line 8 ' ' in if String.sub line (space + 1) 10 = "is not set" then let o = String.sub line 9 (space - 9) in Config_No o else raise Comment with Not_found | Invalid_argument "String.sub" -> raise Comment end | '#', _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ -> raise Comment | 'C', 'O', 'N', 'F', 'I', 'G', _, _, _ -> begin try let equal = String.index_from line 6 '=' in let o = String.sub line 7 (equal - 7) in let v = String.sub line (equal + 1) (len - equal - 1) in match v with | "y" -> Config_Yes o | "m" -> Config_Module o | _ -> Config_Value (o,v) with Not_found | Invalid_argument "String.sub" -> raise Comment end | _ -> raise Comment with Comment -> Config_Comment (String.sub line 1 (len - 1)) module C = Map.Make (String) (* Map.add behavior ensures the latest entry is the one staying *) let rec parse_config fd m = try let line = parse_config_line fd in match line with | Config_Comment _ | Config_Empty -> parse_config fd m | Config_Yes s | Config_No s | Config_Module s | Config_Value (s,_) -> parse_config fd (C.add s line m) with End_of_file -> m let print_config m = C.iter (function _ -> print_option) m let parse_config_file name m force = try let config = open_in name in let m = parse_config config m in close_in config; m with Sys_error s -> if force then raise (Sys_error s) else m (* Defines parsing *) type define = | Defines_Base of string | Defines_Field of string * string | Defines_List of string | Defines_Comment of string | Defines_Error of string | Defines_Empty let print_define = function | Defines_Base s -> Printf.printf "[%s]\n" s | Defines_Field (n, v) -> Printf.printf "%s:%s\n" n v | Defines_List s -> Printf.printf " %s\n" s | Defines_Comment s -> Printf.printf "#%s\n" s | Defines_Error s -> Printf.printf "*** ERROR *** %s\n" s | Defines_Empty -> Printf.printf "\n" let parse_define_line fd = let line = input_line fd in let len = String.length line in if len = 0 then begin Defines_Empty end else try match line.[0] with | '#' -> Defines_Comment (String.sub line 1 (len - 1)) | '[' -> begin try let c = String.index_from line 1 ']' in Defines_Base (String.sub line 1 (c - 1)) with Not_found | Invalid_argument "String.sub" -> raise Error end | ' ' -> Defines_List (String.sub line 1 (len - 1)) | _ -> begin try let c = String.index_from line 1 ':' in Defines_Field (String.sub line 0 c, String.sub line (c + 1) (len - c - 1)) with Not_found | Invalid_argument "String.sub" -> raise Error end with Error -> Defines_Error line let rec parse_defines fd m l = try let line = parse_define_line fd in match line with | Defines_Comment _ | Defines_Empty -> parse_defines fd (line::m) (l+1) | Defines_Error error -> Printf.eprintf "*** Error at line %d : %s\n" l error; parse_defines fd m (l+1) | Defines_Base _ | Defines_Field _ | Defines_List _ -> parse_defines fd (line::m) (l+1) with End_of_file -> List.rev m let parse_defines_file name m force = try let defines = open_in name in let m = parse_defines defines m 0 in close_in defines; m with Sys_error s -> if force then raise (Sys_error s) else m let print_defines m = List.iter print_define m (* Main functionality *) let get_archdir () = if !archindir then Filename.dirname !basedir else !basedir let do_single () = try begin if !verbose then Printf.eprintf "Reading config file %s" !config_name end; let config = open_in !config_name in let m = parse_config config C.empty in print_config m; close_in config with Sys_error s -> Printf.eprintf "Error: %s\n" s let do_create () = if !arch <> "" && !flavour <> "" then try begin if !verbose then Printf.eprintf "Creating config file for arch %s, subarch %s, flavour %s (basedir is %s)\n" !arch !subarch !flavour !basedir end; let dir = get_archdir () in let m = parse_config_file (dir ^ "/config") C.empty false in let archdir = dir ^ "/" ^ !arch in let m = parse_config_file (archdir ^ "/config") m false in let m, archdir = if !subarch <> "" && !subarch <> "none" then let archdir = archdir ^ "/" ^ !subarch in parse_config_file (archdir ^ "/config") m false, archdir else m, archdir in let m = parse_config_file (archdir ^ "/config." ^ !flavour) m true in print_config m; with Sys_error s -> Printf.eprintf "Error: %s\n" s else usage () let do_check () = if !arch <> "" && !flavour <> "" then let dir = get_archdir () in begin if !verbose then Printf.eprintf "Checking config files in %s\n" dir end; try let m = parse_defines_file (dir ^ "/defines") [] true in print_defines m with Sys_error s -> Printf.eprintf "Error: %s\n" s else usage () let () = match !action with | Single -> do_single () | Create -> do_create () | Check -> do_check ()