
208 lines
6.4 KiB
Executable File

import sys
import fnmatch
import stat
from debian_linux.abi import Symbols
from debian_linux.config import ConfigCoreDump
from debian_linux.debian import *
class CheckAbi(object):
class SymbolInfo(object):
def __init__(self, symbol, symbol_ref=None):
self.symbol = symbol
self.symbol_ref = symbol_ref or symbol
def write(self, out, ignored):
info = []
if ignored:
for name in ('module', 'version', 'export'):
data = getattr(self.symbol, name)
data_ref = getattr(self.symbol_ref, name)
if data != data_ref:
info.append("%s: %s -> %s" % (name, data_ref, data))
info.append("%s: %s" % (name, data))
out.write("%-48s %s\n" % (, ", ".join(info)))
def __init__(self, config, dir, arch, featureset, flavour):
self.config = config
self.arch, self.featureset, self.flavour = arch, featureset, flavour
self.filename_new = "%s/Module.symvers" % dir
changelog = Changelog(version=VersionLinux)[0]
version = changelog.version.linux_version
abiname = self.config['abi',]['abiname']
self.filename_ref = "debian/abi/%s-%s/%s_%s_%s" % (version, abiname, arch, featureset, flavour)
def __call__(self, out):
ret = 0
new = Symbols(open(self.filename_new))
ref = Symbols(open(self.filename_ref))
except IOError:
out.write("Can't read ABI reference. ABI not checked! Continuing.\n")
return 0
symbols, add, change, remove = self._cmp(ref, new)
ignore = self._ignore(symbols)
add_effective = add - ignore
change_effective = change - ignore
remove_effective = remove - ignore
if change_effective or remove_effective:
out.write("ABI has changed! Refusing to continue.\n")
ret = 1
elif change or remove:
out.write("ABI has changed but all changes have been ignored. Continuing.\n")
elif add_effective:
out.write("New symbols have been added. Continuing.\n")
elif add:
out.write("New symbols have been added but have been ignored. Continuing.\n")
out.write("No ABI changes.\n")
if add:
out.write("\nAdded symbols:\n")
for name in sorted(add):
symbols[name].write(out, name in ignore)
if change:
out.write("\nChanged symbols:\n")
for name in sorted(change):
symbols[name].write(out, name in ignore)
if remove:
out.write("\nRemoved symbols:\n")
for name in sorted(remove):
symbols[name].write(out, name in ignore)
return ret
def _cmp(self, ref, new):
ref_names = set(ref.keys())
new_names = set(new.keys())
add = set()
change = set()
remove = set()
symbols = {}
for name in new_names - ref_names:
symbols[name] = self.SymbolInfo(new[name])
for name in ref_names.intersection(new_names):
s_ref = ref[name]
s_new = new[name]
if s_ref != s_new:
symbols[name] = self.SymbolInfo(s_new, s_ref)
for name in ref_names - new_names:
symbols[name] = self.SymbolInfo(ref[name])
return symbols, add, change, remove
def _ignore(self, symbols):
# TODO: let config merge this lists
configs = []
configs.append(self.config.get(('abi', self.arch, self.featureset, self.flavour), {}))
configs.append(self.config.get(('abi', self.arch, None, self.flavour), {}))
configs.append(self.config.get(('abi', self.arch, self.featureset), {}))
configs.append(self.config.get(('abi', self.arch), {}))
configs.append(self.config.get(('abi', None, self.featureset), {}))
configs.append(self.config.get(('abi',), {}))
ignores = set()
for config in configs:
ignores.update(config.get('ignore-changes', []))
filtered = set()
for ignore in ignores:
type = 'symbolmatch'
if ':' in ignore:
type, ignore = ignore.split(':')
if type == 'symbolmatch':
filtered.update(fnmatch.filter(symbols.iterkeys(), ignore))
elif type == 'module':
for symbol in symbols.itervalues():
symbol = symbol.symbol
if symbol.module == ignore:
raise NotImplementedError
return filtered
class CheckImage(object):
def __init__(self, config, dir, arch, featureset, flavour):
self.dir = dir
self.arch, self.featureset, self.flavour = arch, featureset, flavour
self.config_entry_build = config.merge('build', arch, featureset, flavour)
self.config_entry_image = config.merge('image', arch, featureset, flavour)
def __call__(self, out):
image = self.config_entry_build.get('image-file')
if not image:
# TODO: Bail out
return 0
image = os.path.join(self.dir, image)
fail = 0
fail |= self.check_size(out, image)
return fail
def check_size(self, out, image):
value = self.config_entry_image.get('check-size')
if not value:
return 0
value = int(value)
size = os.stat(image)[stat.ST_SIZE]
if size > value:
out.write('Image too large (%d > %d)! Refusing to continue.\n' % (size, value))
return 1
out.write('Image fits (%d <= %d). Continuing.\n' % (size, value))
return 0
class Main(object):
def __init__(self, dir, arch, featureset, flavour):
self.args = dir, arch, featureset, flavour
self.config = ConfigCoreDump(fp=file("debian/config.defines.dump"))
def __call__(self):
fail = 0
for c in CheckAbi, CheckImage:
fail |= c(self.config, *self.args)(sys.stdout)
return fail
if __name__ == '__main__':