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2005-03-23 05:55:16 +00:00
* Mbuni - Open Source MMS Gateway
* User-Agent profiles handling, content adaptation.
* Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005, Digital Solutions Ltd. - http://www.dsmagic.com
* Paul Bagyenda <bagyenda@dsmagic.com>
* This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License, with a few exceptions granted (see LICENSE)
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "mms_uaprof.h"
#include "mms_util.h"
struct MmsUaProfile {
List *versions;
unsigned long maxmsgsize;
struct {
long x, y;
} maxres;
struct {
unsigned char all;
unsigned char presentation;
List *content, *_hash; /* List of accepted content formats (+ hash keys for fast look-up). */
List *charset, *_chash; /* List of accepted charsets. */
List *lang; /* List of accepted languages. */
List *enc; /* List of accepted encodings. */
} ccppaccept;
static Dict *profile_dict; /* Of MmsUaProfile *. */
static HTTPCaller *client;
/* Hash function -- case insensitive. */
static unsigned long hash_key(Octstr *s)
unsigned long h = 0;
int i, n;
char *x;
if (!s) return 0;
for (x = octstr_get_cstr(s), i = 0, n = octstr_len(s); i<n; i++)
h += (unsigned long)tolower(x[i]);
return h;
static void destroy_uaprof(MmsUaProfile *prof)
if (prof->versions)
(list_item_destructor_t *)octstr_destroy);
if (prof->ccppaccept.content) {
list_destroy(prof->ccppaccept.content, (list_item_destructor_t *)octstr_destroy);
list_destroy(prof->ccppaccept._hash, NULL);
if (prof->ccppaccept.charset) {
list_destroy(prof->ccppaccept.charset, (list_item_destructor_t *)octstr_destroy);
list_destroy(prof->ccppaccept._chash, NULL);
} if (prof->ccppaccept.lang)
list_destroy(prof->ccppaccept.lang, (list_item_destructor_t *)octstr_destroy);
if (prof->ccppaccept.enc)
list_destroy(prof->ccppaccept.enc, (list_item_destructor_t *)octstr_destroy);
static void dump_profile(MmsUaProfile *prof, Octstr *name)
int i;
Octstr *s;
debug("mms.uaprof", 0, "Dumping profile for %s", octstr_get_cstr(name));
debug("mms.uaprof", 0, "MaxMsgSize: %ld", prof->maxmsgsize);
debug("mms.uaprof", 0, "MaxRes: %ldx%ld", prof->maxres.x,prof->maxres.y);
s = octstr_create("");
if (prof->ccppaccept.content)
for (i=0; i<list_len(prof->ccppaccept.content); i++)
octstr_format_append(s, "%S, ", list_get(prof->ccppaccept.content,i));
debug("mms.uaprof", 0, "Accept content: %s", octstr_get_cstr(s));
s = octstr_create("");
if (prof->ccppaccept.enc)
for (i=0; i<list_len(prof->ccppaccept.enc); i++)
octstr_format_append(s, "%S, ", list_get(prof->ccppaccept.enc,i));
debug("mms.uaprof", 0, "Accept encodings: %s", octstr_get_cstr(s));
s = octstr_create("");
if (prof->ccppaccept.lang)
for (i=0; i<list_len(prof->ccppaccept.lang); i++)
octstr_format_append(s, "%S, ", list_get(prof->ccppaccept.lang,i));
debug("mms.uaprof", 0, "Accept language: %s", octstr_get_cstr(s));
s = octstr_create("");
if (prof->ccppaccept.charset)
for (i=0; i<list_len(prof->ccppaccept.charset); i++)
octstr_format_append(s, "%S, ", list_get(prof->ccppaccept.charset,i));
debug("mms.uaprof", 0, "Accept charset: %s", octstr_get_cstr(s));
s = octstr_create("");
if (prof->versions)
for (i=0; i<list_len(prof->versions); i++)
octstr_format_append(s, "%S, ", list_get(prof->versions,i));
debug("mms.uaprof", 0, "Mms Version: %s", octstr_get_cstr(s));
/* Helper function: find a node. Uses breadth first search */
static xmlNodePtr find_node(xmlNodePtr start, char *name, char *id, int level, int maxlevel)
xmlNodePtr node, x, list;
if (level >= maxlevel) return NULL;
/* First search at top level. */
for (list=start; list; list=list->next)
if (list->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE)
else if (xmlStrcasecmp(list->name, (const xmlChar *)name) == 0) {
if (!id)
return list;
else {
unsigned char *s;
if ((s= xmlGetProp(list,(unsigned char *)"ID")) != NULL &&
xmlStrcasecmp(s,(unsigned char *)id) == 0) {
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
return list;
if (s) xmlFree(s);
/* Then recurse...*/
for (list = start; list; list=list->next)
for (node = list->xmlChildrenNode; node; node = node->next)
if (xmlStrcasecmp(node->name, (const xmlChar *)name) == 0) {
if (!id)
return node;
else {
unsigned char *s;
if ((s = xmlGetProp(node,(unsigned char *)"ID")) != NULL &&
xmlStrcasecmp(s,(unsigned char *)id) == 0) {
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
return node;
if (s) xmlFree(s);
} else if (node->type != XML_COMMENT_NODE &&
(x = find_node(node, name,id, level+1,maxlevel)) != NULL)
return x;
return NULL;
MmsUaProfile *mms_make_ua_profile(List *req_headers)
MmsUaProfile *prof = NULL;
Octstr *s, *ua;
List *l;
int i, n;
static int uacounter;
/* Check cache first, if not, then construct. */
if ((ua = http_header_value(req_headers, octstr_imm("User-Agent"))) == NULL)
ua = octstr_format("dummy-ua-%d", uacounter++);
if ((prof = dict_get(profile_dict, ua)) != NULL)
goto done;
prof = gw_malloc(sizeof *prof);
memset(prof, 0, sizeof *prof);
/* Put in some defaults. then read then check accepts. */
prof->maxres.x = 640;
prof->maxres.y = 480;
prof->maxmsgsize = 100*1024;
prof->versions = list_create();
list_append(prof->versions, octstr_imm("1.0")); /* Assume 1.0 for now. */
/* Get accepted charsets. */
s = http_header_value(req_headers, octstr_imm("Accept-Charset"));
if (s && (l = http_header_split_value(s)) != NULL) {
prof->ccppaccept.charset = l;
prof->ccppaccept._chash = list_create();
for (i = 0, n = list_len(l); i<n; i++)
list_append(prof->ccppaccept._chash, (void *)hash_key(list_get(l, i)));
if (s) octstr_destroy(s);
/* Get accepted encodings. */
s = http_header_value(req_headers, octstr_imm("Accept-Encoding"));
if (s && (l = http_header_split_value(s)) != NULL)
prof->ccppaccept.enc = l;
if (s) octstr_destroy(s);
/* Get accepted language. */
s = http_header_value(req_headers, octstr_imm("Accept-Language"));
if (s && (l = http_header_split_value(s)) != NULL)
prof->ccppaccept.lang = l;
if (s) octstr_destroy(s);
s = http_header_value(req_headers, octstr_imm("Accept"));
if (s && (l = http_header_split_value(s)) != NULL) {
prof->ccppaccept.content = l;
prof->ccppaccept._hash = list_create();
for (i = 0, n = l ? list_len(l) : 0; i<n; i++) {
Octstr *x = list_get(l, i);
if (octstr_str_compare(x, "*/*") == 0)
prof->ccppaccept.all = 1;
else if (octstr_case_compare(x, octstr_imm(PRES_TYPE)) == 0)
prof->ccppaccept.presentation = 1;
list_append(prof->ccppaccept._hash, (void *)hash_key(x));
if (s) octstr_destroy(s);
/* Put it in with the UA string as the key. */
if (dict_put_once(profile_dict, ua, prof) != 1)
warning(0, "mms_uaprof: Duplicate cache entry(%s)?\n",
/* Done. Dump it while debugging. */
#if 1
dump_profile(prof, ua ? ua : octstr_imm("<from http headers>"));
if (ua)
return prof;
static MmsUaProfile *parse_uaprofile(Octstr *xml)
char *s = octstr_get_cstr(xml);
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseMemory(s, octstr_len(xml));
xmlNodePtr node, xnode;
MmsUaProfile *prof = NULL;
if (!doc || !doc->xmlChildrenNode)
goto done;
node = find_node(doc->xmlChildrenNode, "Description", "MmsCharacteristics",0,3);
prof = gw_malloc(sizeof *prof);
memset(prof, 0, sizeof *prof);
/* Put in some defaults. then read the file. */
prof->versions = NULL;
prof->maxres.x = 640;
prof->maxres.y = 480;
prof->maxmsgsize = 100*1024;
prof->versions = NULL;
if (!node)
goto done;
for (xnode = node->xmlChildrenNode; xnode; xnode = xnode->next) {
xmlNodePtr child = xnode->xmlChildrenNode, lnode, rdfnode;
const unsigned char *xname = xnode->name;
unsigned char *childtext = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, child, 1);
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
List *l;
/* If there is a Bag, get the list. */
if ((rdfnode = find_node(xnode->xmlChildrenNode, "Bag", NULL,0,1)) != NULL) {
l = list_create();
for (lnode = rdfnode->xmlChildrenNode; lnode; lnode = lnode->next)
if (xmlStrcasecmp(lnode->name, (const xmlChar *)"li") == 0) {
unsigned char *t = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, lnode->xmlChildrenNode,1);
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
if (t) {
list_append(l, octstr_create((char *)t));
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
} else
l = NULL;
if (xmlStrcasecmp(xname, (const xmlChar *)"MmsMaxMessageSize") == 0)
sscanf((char *)childtext, "%ld", &prof->maxmsgsize);
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
else if (xmlStrcasecmp(xname, (const xmlChar *)"MmsMaxImageResolution") == 0)
sscanf((char *)childtext, "%ldx%ld", &prof->maxres.x, &prof->maxres.y);
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
else if (xmlStrcasecmp(xname, (const xmlChar *)"MmsCcppAcceptCharSet") == 0 ||
xmlStrcasecmp(xname, (const xmlChar *)"MmsCcppAccept-CharSet") == 0) {/* Cranky old ones! */
int i, n;
prof->ccppaccept.charset = l;
prof->ccppaccept._chash = list_create();
for (i = 0, n = list_len(l); i<n; i++)
list_append(prof->ccppaccept._chash, (void *)hash_key(list_get(l, i)));
} else if (xmlStrcasecmp(xname, (const xmlChar *)"MmsCcppAcceptLanguage") == 0)
prof->ccppaccept.lang = l;
else if (xmlStrcasecmp(xname, (const xmlChar *)"MmsCcppAcceptEncoding") == 0)
prof->ccppaccept.enc = l;
else if (xmlStrcasecmp(xname, (const xmlChar *)"MmsVersion") == 0) {
if (!l && childtext) { /* SonyEriccson uses old format! */
l = list_create();
list_append(l, octstr_create((char *)childtext));
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
prof->versions = l;
} else if (xmlStrcasecmp(xname, (const xmlChar *)"MmsCcppAccept") == 0) {
int i, n;
prof->ccppaccept.content = l;
prof->ccppaccept._hash = list_create();
for (i = 0, n = l ? list_len(l) : 0; i<n; i++) {
Octstr *x = list_get(l, i);
if (octstr_str_compare(x, "*/*") == 0)
prof->ccppaccept.all = 1;
else if (octstr_case_compare(x, octstr_imm(PRES_TYPE)) == 0)
prof->ccppaccept.presentation = 1;
list_append(prof->ccppaccept._hash, (void *)hash_key(x));
if (childtext) xmlFree(childtext);
if (doc) xmlFreeDoc(doc);
return prof;
static int replace_slash(int ch)
return (ch == '/') ? '$' : ch;
static int unreplace_slash(int ch)
return (ch == '$') ? '/' : ch;
#define UACOUNT_PROFILE 1023
static void init_profiledict(void)
if (!profile_dict)
profile_dict = dict_create(UACOUNT_PROFILE, (void (*)(void *))destroy_uaprof);
static int mms_load_ua_profile_cache(char *dir)
DIR *dirp;
struct dirent *dp;
dirp = opendir(dir);
if (!dirp) {
error(0, "mms_uaprof: Failed to open UA prof cache directory %s",
return -1;
while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
Octstr *fname;
Octstr *xml = NULL;
MmsUaProfile *prof = NULL;
Octstr *key = NULL;
if (strcmp(dp->d_name, ".") == 0 ||
strcmp(dp->d_name, "..") == 0) /* A directory, skip. */
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
fname = octstr_format("%.255s/%.254s", dir, dp->d_name);
xml = octstr_read_file(octstr_get_cstr(fname));
if (!xml) {
error(0, "mms_uaprof: Failed to read UA prof doc %s in %s (%s)\n",
dp->d_name, dir, strerror(errno));
prof = parse_uaprofile(xml);
if (!prof) {
error(0, "mms_uaprof: Failed to parse UA prof doc %s in %s\n", dp->d_name, dir);
goto loop;
key = octstr_create(dp->d_name);
octstr_convert_range(key, 0, octstr_len(key), unreplace_slash);
if (dict_put_once(profile_dict, key, prof) != 1)
warning(0, "mms_uaprof: Duplicate cache entry(%s)?\n",
#if 1
dump_profile(prof, key);
if (xml) octstr_destroy(xml);
if (key) octstr_destroy(key);
return 0;
static void mms_profile_fetcher(char *cache_dir)
Octstr *profile_url, *final_url, *body;
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
List *h;
int status;
/* Just keep getting the data and putting it in the cache and on file. */
client = http_caller_create();
debug("mms.uaprof", 0, "Entered fetcher");
while ((profile_url = http_receive_result(client, &status, &final_url, &h, &body)) != NULL) {
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
if (status == HTTP_OK) {
MmsUaProfile *prof = parse_uaprofile(body);
Octstr *fname;
FILE *f;
debug("mms.uaprof", 0, "Fetcher got %s", octstr_get_cstr(profile_url));
if (prof) {
if (dict_put_once(profile_dict, profile_url, prof) != 1)
warning(0, "mms_uaprof: Duplicate ua profile fetched? (%s)?\n",
} else {
error(0, "mms_uaprof: Failed to parse UA prof url=%s\n",
goto loop;
octstr_convert_range(profile_url, 0, octstr_len(profile_url), replace_slash);
fname = octstr_format("%.255s/%.254s", cache_dir, octstr_get_cstr(profile_url));
f = fopen(octstr_get_cstr(fname), "w");
if (f) {
octstr_print(f, body);
} else
error(0, "mms_uaprof: Failed to save profile data to cache file %s->%s\n",
octstr_get_cstr(fname), strerror(errno));
if (body) octstr_destroy(body);
if (profile_url) octstr_destroy(profile_url);
if (h) http_destroy_headers(h);
if (final_url) octstr_destroy(final_url);
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
debug("mms.uaprof", 0, "Fetcher shutdown...");
client = NULL;
profile_dict = NULL;
static void init_format_table(void);
int mms_start_profile_engine(char *cache_dir)
gwthread_create((gwthread_func_t *)mms_profile_fetcher, cache_dir);
return 0;
int mms_stop_profile_engine(void)
if (client)
/* This will cause thread to stop and also destroy dict. */
return 0;
MmsUaProfile *mms_get_ua_profile(char *url)
Octstr *s = octstr_create(url);
MmsUaProfile *prof = NULL;
List *h;
if (!profile_dict) {
error(0, "mms_uaprof: get_profile, cache not set!\n");
goto done;
if ((prof = dict_get(profile_dict, s)) != NULL)
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
goto done;
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
/* Not found, queue get and return NULL. */
if (client) {
h = http_create_empty_headers();
http_header_add(h, "User-Agent", MM_NAME "/" GW_VERSION);
http_start_request(client,HTTP_METHOD_GET, s, h, NULL, 1, octstr_duplicate(s), NULL);
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
} else
error(0, "mms_uaprof: get_profile, Fetch thread not started!\n");
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
2005-03-10 08:01:02 +00:00
return prof;
/* Content convertors.
* content types are listed in order of preference.
* Notes: We have a concept of an intermediate format. For audio it is WAV
* (of indeterminate frequency or sample size). Each type of command should expect input on stdin
* and write output to standard out.
* New 25-01-04: For images we now use Imagemagick to convert, hence no intermediate format.
#define NELEMS(a) (sizeof a/sizeof a[0])
struct {
char *content_type; /* Content type. */
unsigned long chash; /* hash value. */
char *tostandard_cmd; /* Command to convert to standard format. */
char *fromstandard_cmd; /* Command to convert from standard format. */
char *file_ext; /* Standard file extension. */
int multi_image; /* whether this format allows for multiple images in one file. */
} cformats[] = {
/* Note: Order of listing matters:
* For images, we prefer jpeg (smaller, better support),
* For audio we prefer MP3 (smaller, well supported).
{"image/jpeg", 0, "jpegtopnm", "pnmtojpeg", "jpg", 0, TIMAGE},
{"image/png", 0, "pngtopnm ", "pnmtopng ", "png", 0, TIMAGE},
{"image/jpg", 0, "jpegtopnm", "pnmtojpeg", "jpg", 0, TIMAGE},
{"image/tiff", 0, "tifftopnm", "pnmtotiff", "tiff", 1, TIMAGE},
{"image/gif", 0, "giftopnm", "pnmquant 256 | ppmtogif", "gif", 1, TIMAGE},
{"image/bmp", 0, "bmptopnm", "pnmquant 256 | ppmtobmp", "bmp", 1, TIMAGE},
{"image/vnd.wap.wbmp", 0, "wbmptopbm", "ppmtopgm | pgmtopbm | pbmtowbmp", "wbmp", 0, TIMAGE},
#if 0
{"image/x-bmp", 0, "bmptopnm", "pnmtobmp", "bmp", 0, TIMAGE},
{"image/x-wmf", 0, "bmptopnm", "pnmtobmp", "bmp", 0, TIMAGE},
{"image/vnd.wap.wpng", 0, "pngtopnm", "pngtobmp", "png", 0, TIMAGE},
{"image/x-up-wpng", 0, "pngtopnm", "pnmtopng", "png", 0, TIMAGE},
{"audio/mpeg", 0, "mpg123 -w - -", "lame - -", "mp3",0, TAUDIO},
{"audio/wav", 0, "cat", "cat", "wav",0, TAUDIO},
{"audio/x-wav", 0, "cat", "cat", "wav",0, TAUDIO},
{"audio/basic", 0, "sox -t au -r 8000 -b -c 1 - -t wav -",
"sox -t wav - -t au -b -c 1 -r 8000 - lowpass 3700", "au",0, TAUDIO},
{"audio/amr", 0, "amrdecoder - - | sox -t raw -s -w -c 1 -r 8000 - -t wav -",
"sox -t wav - -t raw -s -w -c 1 -r 8000 - lowpass 3700 | amrencoder MR122 - -", "amr",0, TAUDIO},
{"audio/x-amr", 0, "amrdecoder - - | sox -t raw -s -w -c 1 -r 8000 - -t wav -",
"sox -t wav - -t raw -s -w -c 1 -r 8000 - lowpass 3700 | amrencoder MR122 - -", "amr",0, TAUDIO},
{"audio/amr-wb", 0, "amrdecoder - - | sox -t raw -s -w -c 1 -r 8000 - -t wav -",
"sox -t wav - -t raw -s -w -c 1 -r 8000 - lowpass 3700 | amrencoder MR122 - -", "amr",0, TAUDIO},
#if 0
{"audio/midi", 0, "cat", "cat", "mid",0, TAUDIO},
{"audio/sp-midi", 0, "cat", "cat", "mid",0, TAUDIO},
/* Image commands for finding resolution, scaling and conversion. */
#define IMGRESCMD "identify -format '%%w %%h' %s:%s"
#define IMGSCALECMD "convert -scale '%ldx%ld>' %s:%s %s:-"
#define IMGCONVERTCMD "convert '%s:%s' '%s:%s'"
static void init_format_table(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(cformats); i++)
cformats[i].chash = hash_key(octstr_imm(cformats[i].content_type));
/* Removes an object by making it text/plain. For now not configurable. */
static void remove_object(MIMEEntity *m, Octstr *ctype)
http_header_remove_all(m->headers, "Content-Type");
http_header_add(m->headers, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
m->body = octstr_format("Unsupported object (content type %S) removed", ctype);
static void mktmpfname(char fname[])
/* We are not parameterising tmp dir yet. */
sprintf(fname, "/tmp/t%ld.%ld.%ld", random(), (long)getpid(), (long)time(NULL));
static Octstr *mknewname(Octstr *oldname, char *ext)
Octstr *s;
int i = octstr_search_char(oldname, '.', 0);
if (i<0)
return octstr_format("%S.%s", oldname, ext);
s = octstr_copy(oldname, 0, i+1);
return s;
static void replace_ctype(List *headers, char *newcontent_type, List *params_h)
Octstr *ct;
if (list_len(params_h) > 0) {
Octstr *tmp = make_value_parameters(params_h);
ct = octstr_format("%s; %S", newcontent_type, tmp);
} else
ct = octstr_format("%s", newcontent_type);
http_header_remove_all(headers, "Content-Type");
http_header_add(headers, "Content-Type", octstr_get_cstr(ct));
static void replace_body(MIMEEntity *msg, Octstr *newbody, List *params_h,
char *newcontent_type, char *file_ext,
int add_disposition_header)
Octstr *part_name;
Octstr *new_partname = NULL;
octstr_destroy(msg->body); /* Replace the body. */
msg->body = newbody;
if ((part_name = http_header_value(params_h, octstr_imm("name"))) != NULL) {
Octstr *tmp = mknewname(part_name, file_ext);
http_header_remove_all(params_h, "name");
http_header_add(params_h, "name", octstr_get_cstr(tmp));
new_partname = tmp;
replace_ctype(msg->headers, newcontent_type, params_h);
if (add_disposition_header) {
Octstr *tmp = octstr_format("inline; filename=\"%S\"",
new_partname ? new_partname : octstr_imm("any"));
http_header_add(msg->headers, "Content-Disposition", octstr_get_cstr(tmp));
if (new_partname) octstr_destroy(new_partname);
/* Modify the message based on the user agent profile data. Return 1 if was supported, 0
* otherwise
static int modify_msg(MIMEEntity *msg, MmsUaProfile *prof)
int i, n, type, send_data;
int j,m;
Octstr *content_type = NULL, *params = NULL, *s;
List *params_h;
unsigned long chash;
unsigned char supported = 0;
int iindex, oindex;
FILE *pf;
char tmpf[40], tmpf2[40];
Octstr *cmd = NULL;
if (!msg) return 0;
tmpf[0] = tmpf2[0] = 0; /* Clear .*/
/* Get the content type, hash it. */
get_content_type(msg->headers, &content_type, &params);
params_h = get_value_parameters(params);
#if 0
debug("MMS uaprof:", 0, " content_type = ### %s & %s: Header dump follows:",
octstr_get_cstr(content_type), params ? octstr_get_cstr(params) : "NULL");
if (msg->multiparts && list_len(msg->multiparts) > 0) {
Octstr *startp = http_header_value(params_h, octstr_imm("start"));
int sflag = 0;
for (i = 0, n = list_len(msg->multiparts); i<n; i++) {
MIMEEntity *x = list_get(msg->multiparts,i);
Octstr *cid = http_header_value(x->headers, octstr_imm("Content-ID"));
int sup;
debug("MMS uaprof: cid =###", 0, "%s", cid ? octstr_get_cstr(cid) : "NULL");
sup = modify_msg(x, prof);
if (!sup && /* not supported and is the presentation part, set flag */
cid && octstr_compare(cid, startp) == 0)
sflag = 1;
if (cid) octstr_destroy(cid);
/* If no start param but content type is other than multipart/mixed OR
* There is a start param but presentation type is not supported,
* Or presentations are not supported.
if (sflag ||
(!startp &&
octstr_case_compare(content_type, octstr_imm("multipart/related")) == 0) ||
!prof->ccppaccept.presentation) {
/* MMS conformance guide says: If presentation part is removed or unsupported,
* then change content type to multipart/mixed
http_header_remove_all(params_h, "start");
http_header_remove_all(params_h, "type");
replace_ctype(msg->headers, "multipart/mixed", params_h);
if (startp) octstr_destroy(startp);
supported = 1;
goto done;
if (octstr_case_search(content_type, octstr_imm("image/"), 0) == 0)
type = TIMAGE;
else if (octstr_case_search(content_type, octstr_imm("audio/"), 0) == 0)
type = TAUDIO;
else if (octstr_case_search(content_type, octstr_imm("text/"), 0) == 0)
type = TTEXT;
type = TOTHER;
if (type == TTEXT) { /* Deal with charset issues. */
Octstr *charset = http_header_value(params_h, octstr_imm("charset"));
char csupport = 0;
int i,n;
if (charset == NULL ||
octstr_str_compare(charset, "unknown") == 0) {
if (charset) octstr_destroy(charset);
charset = octstr_imm(DEFAULT_CHARSET);
n = prof->ccppaccept.charset ? list_len(prof->ccppaccept.charset) : 0;
/* Is this character set supported? If so do nothing. */
for (i = 0; i<n; i++)
if (octstr_case_compare(list_get(prof->ccppaccept.charset,i), charset) == 0) {
csupport = 1;
if (!csupport)
for (i = 0; i<n; i++) {
Octstr *ncharset = list_get(prof->ccppaccept.charset,i); /* Don't free this! */
Octstr *ct;
if (charset_convert(msg->body, octstr_get_cstr(charset),
octstr_get_cstr(ncharset)) != -1) { /* using libiconv...*/
Octstr *tmp;
http_header_remove_all(params_h, "charset");
http_header_add(params_h, "charset", octstr_get_cstr(ncharset));
tmp = make_value_parameters(params_h);
ct = octstr_format("%S; %S", content_type, tmp);
http_header_remove_all(msg->headers, "Content-Type");
http_header_add(msg->headers, "Content-Type", octstr_get_cstr(ct));
break; /* We succeeded in converting it so we shd go away. */
supported = 1;
goto done; /* No further processing for text/plain. */
/* find out if it is supported by the user agent. */
chash = hash_key(content_type);
if (prof->ccppaccept.all) /* Check if it accepts all content types. */
supported = 1;
for (i = 0, n = prof->ccppaccept.content ? list_len(prof->ccppaccept.content) : 0;
i<n; i++)
if ((unsigned long)list_get(prof->ccppaccept._hash,i) == chash &&
octstr_case_compare(list_get(prof->ccppaccept.content,i),content_type) == 0) {
supported = 1;
if (supported && type != TIMAGE)
goto done; /* If it is supported, go away now.
* But for images we defer since we might have to scale the image.
else if (type == TOTHER)
goto done; /* Not supported and not audio or image, will be removed at done. */
/* At this point we have type = IMAGE (supported or not) OR type = AUDIO (unsuppported). */
/* Find out if we have a means of converting this format to our internal format,
* and if we have means of converting from internal to a format the UA supports.
* For images this means: Can we read it? Can we write out a supported format?
iindex = -1;
for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(cformats); i++)
if (cformats[i].chash == chash &&
octstr_case_compare(content_type, octstr_imm(cformats[i].content_type)) == 0) {
if (cformats[i].tostandard_cmd)
iindex = i; /* Only if the cmd exists actually. */
oindex = -1;
for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(cformats); i++)
if (cformats[i].fromstandard_cmd) /* Check only ones we can convert from. */
for (j = 0, m = list_len(prof->ccppaccept.content); j<m; j++)
if ((unsigned long)list_get(prof->ccppaccept._hash,j) == cformats[i].chash &&
cformats[i].t == type && /* Convert to like type ! */
octstr_imm(cformats[i].content_type)) == 0){
oindex = i;
i = NELEMS(cformats); /* So the other loop breaks too. */
if (iindex < 0 || oindex < 0) { /* We don't know how to convert this one fully, so... */
if (!supported)
remove_object(msg, content_type);
goto done;
/* Whatever we have (audio or image) we know how to convert it fully, so ... */
if (type == TIMAGE) {
FILE *pf;
long x = 640, y = 480;
Octstr *icmd;
char *selector;
pf = fopen(tmpf2, "w");
if (!pf)
goto done;
n = octstr_print(pf, msg->body);
m = fclose(pf);
if (n < 0 || m != 0)
goto done; /* error .*/
/* Get the image dimensions, see if we need to modify it. */
icmd = octstr_format(IMGRESCMD,
cformats[iindex].file_ext, tmpf2);
pf = popen(octstr_get_cstr(icmd), "r");
if (!pf)
goto done;
fscanf(pf, "%ld %ld", &x, &y);
icmd = NULL; /* Reset to NULL. */
if (x > prof->maxres.x ||
y > prof->maxres.y)
icmd = octstr_format(IMGSCALECMD, prof->maxres.x, prof->maxres.y,
else if (supported) /* A supported image format and no need to scale, so go away. */
goto done;
/* If the first image is multi but the second isn't, then add selector. */
if (cformats[iindex].multi_image &&
selector = "-[0]";
selector = "-";
/* We have an unsupported image now. time to convert it. */
if (icmd) {
cmd = octstr_format("%S | " IMGCONVERTCMD,
icmd, cformats[iindex].file_ext, selector,
cformats[oindex].file_ext, tmpf);
} else
cmd = octstr_format("cat %S | " IMGCONVERTCMD,
tmpf2, cformats[iindex].file_ext, selector,
cformats[oindex].file_ext, tmpf);
send_data = 0;
} else {/* Type is audio. */
cmd = octstr_format("%s | %s > %s",
cformats[oindex].fromstandard_cmd, tmpf);
send_data = 1;
pf = popen(octstr_get_cstr(cmd), "w");
if (!pf)
goto done;
if (send_data) /* If this is not set then write the content... */
n = octstr_print(pf, msg->body);
n = 0;
m = pclose(pf);
if (n < 0 || m != 0)
goto done; /* Error -- finish up. */
s = octstr_read_file(tmpf);
if (s)
replace_body(msg, s, params_h,
goto done;
supported = 1; /* Means we have sorted it out. */
if (!supported)
remove_object(msg, content_type);
if (content_type)
if (params)
if (params_h)
if (tmpf[0])
if (tmpf2[0])
if (cmd)
return supported;
int mms_transform_msg(MmsMsg *inmsg, MmsUaProfile *prof, MmsMsg **outmsg)
MIMEEntity *m;
Octstr *s;
if (!prof)
return -1;
else if (!prof->ccppaccept.content)
return -2;
m = mms_tomime(inmsg);
#if 0
debug("MMS UA PROF", 0, "### in ua prof");
modify_msg(m, prof);
*outmsg = mms_frommime(m);
s = mms_tobinary(*outmsg);
if (octstr_len(s) > prof->maxmsgsize) {
*outmsg = NULL;
/* Don't free profile! It is cached. */
return 0;
/* XXX Needs some work: Ensure we don't mod SMIL other than that specified in the start param.
* Also may be we should only mod the SMIL if content type of entity is multipart/related
* Also if the start param is missing we should perhaps stick it in.
static int format_special(MIMEEntity *m,
int trans_smil, char *txtmsg, char *htmlmsg, int *counter)
int type;
Octstr *content_type = NULL, *params = NULL, *s;
int i, n;
unsigned long chash;
FILE *pf;
char tmpf[40];
Octstr *cmd = NULL;
List *params_h;
tmpf[0] = 0;
get_content_type(m->headers, &content_type, &params);
params_h = get_value_parameters(params);
if (m->multiparts && list_len(m->multiparts) > 0) {
MIMEEntity *pres = NULL;
int presindex = -1;
Octstr *presbody;
Octstr *start = http_header_value(params_h, octstr_imm("start"));
for (i = 0, n = list_len(m->multiparts); i<n; i++) {/* format sub-parts,
* find presentation part too
MIMEEntity *x = list_get(m->multiparts,i);
Octstr *ctype = NULL, *charset = NULL;
Octstr *cid = http_header_value(x->headers, octstr_imm("Content-ID"));
http_header_get_content_type(x->headers, &ctype, &charset);
/* Find presentation part: If we have start param, and it matches
* this one, and this one is SMIL, then...
if (start && cid && octstr_compare(cid, start) == 0 &&
octstr_case_compare(ctype, octstr_imm(PRES_TYPE)) == 0) {
pres = x;
presindex = i;
if (ctype) octstr_destroy(ctype);
if (charset) octstr_destroy(charset);
if (cid) octstr_destroy(cid);
format_special(x, trans_smil, txtmsg, htmlmsg, counter);
if (start) octstr_destroy(start);
if (trans_smil && pres) { /* Reformat. */
MIMEEntity *x;
Octstr *btxt = octstr_create("");
/* Remove type & start param from top level. */
http_header_remove_all(params_h, "type");
http_header_remove_all(params_h, "start");
replace_ctype(m->headers, "multipart/related", params_h);
/* Put content ids on all siblings, and build html. */
for (i = 0, n = list_len(m->multiparts); i<n; i++) {
MIMEEntity *x = list_get(m->multiparts,i);
Octstr *cid, *pname;
Octstr *ctype = NULL, *cparams = NULL;
Octstr *y, *loc, *cidurl;
List *cparamsl;
if (x == pres) continue; /* Skip the presentation param. */
cid = http_header_value(x->headers, octstr_imm("Content-ID"));
if (cid == NULL) {
time_t t = time(NULL);
char ch[2];
ch[0] = ((t%2) ? 'A' : 'a') + (t%25); /* Make them a bit more unique. */
ch[1] = 0;
cid = octstr_format("<item-%s-%d-%d>", ch, *counter, (t%99989));
http_header_add(x->headers, "Content-ID", octstr_get_cstr(cid));
y = octstr_copy(cid, 1, octstr_len(cid) - 2);
loc = http_header_value(x->headers, octstr_imm("Content-Location"));
cidurl = octstr_duplicate(y);
get_content_type(x->headers, &ctype, &cparams); /* Get type of object. */
if (cparams) { /* Get its name. */
if ((cparamsl = get_value_parameters(cparams)) != NULL) {
pname = http_header_value(cparamsl, octstr_imm("name"));
} else
pname = octstr_duplicate(loc ? loc : y);
} else
pname = octstr_imm("unknown");
if (octstr_case_search(ctype, octstr_imm("image/"), 0) == 0)
"\n<img src=\"cid:%S\" border=0 alt=\"%S\"><br><br>\n",
cidurl, pname);
else if (octstr_case_search(ctype, octstr_imm("text/"), 0) == 0)
octstr_format_append(btxt, "%S<br><br>\n",
x->body ? x->body : octstr_imm(""));
#if 0
else if (octstr_case_search(ctype, octstr_imm("audio/"), 0) == 0)
"<embed src=\"cid:%S\" >%S</embed><br><br>\n",
cidurl, ctype, pname);
"<a type=\"%S\" href=\"cid:%S\">%S</a><br><br>\n",
ctype, cidurl, pname);
http_header_remove_all(x->headers, "Content-Location");
if (y) octstr_destroy(y);
if (loc) octstr_destroy(loc);
if (ctype) octstr_destroy(ctype);
if (cidurl) octstr_destroy(cidurl);
if (pname) octstr_destroy(pname);
http_header_remove_all(pres->headers, "Content-Type");
http_header_add(pres->headers, "Content-Type", "multipart/alternative");
presbody = pres->body;
pres->body = NULL;
if (!pres->multiparts)
pres->multiparts = list_create();
/* first the text part ... */
x = mime_entity_create();
http_header_add(x->headers, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
x->body = octstr_create(txtmsg ? txtmsg : "");
list_append(pres->multiparts, x);
/* Lets also leave the pres part in there, just in case somebody knows how to handle it... */
x = mime_entity_create();
http_header_add(x->headers, "Content-Type", PRES_TYPE);
x->body = presbody;
list_append(pres->multiparts, x);
/* then the html part. */
x = mime_entity_create();
http_header_add(x->headers, "Content-Type", "text/html");
x->body = octstr_format("<html><body><center>%s<hr><br>%S<hr></center></body></html>\n",
htmlmsg ? htmlmsg : "", btxt);
list_append(pres->multiparts, x);
list_delete(m->multiparts, presindex, 1); /* Put it at the beginning. */
list_insert(m->multiparts, 0, pres);
#if 0
http_header_remove_all(pres->headers, "Content-ID"); /* Not needed anymore. */
goto done;
if (octstr_case_search(content_type, octstr_imm("image/"), 0) == 0)
type = TIMAGE;
else if (octstr_case_search(content_type, octstr_imm("audio/"), 0) == 0)
type = TAUDIO;
else if (octstr_case_search(content_type, octstr_imm("text/"), 0) == 0)
type = TTEXT;
type = TOTHER;
chash = hash_key(content_type);
if (type == TAUDIO) { /* Find the preferred format (audio only, leave images alone!),
* assuming we can support this one.
int ipref = -1, iindex = -1, o;
for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(cformats); i++) {
if (ipref < 0 && cformats[i].t == type &&
ipref = i;
if (cformats[i].chash == chash &&
octstr_imm(cformats[i].content_type)) == 0) {
if (cformats[i].tostandard_cmd)
iindex = i; /* Only if the cmd exists actually. */
if (iindex < 0 || ipref < 0) /* Can't change it.... */
goto done;
if (type == TAUDIO)
cmd = octstr_format("%s | %s > %s",
cformats[ipref].fromstandard_cmd, tmpf);
cmd = octstr_format(IMGCONVERTCMD,
cformats[iindex].file_ext, "-",
cformats[ipref].file_ext, tmpf);
pf = popen(octstr_get_cstr(cmd), "w");
if (!pf)
goto done;
n = octstr_print(pf, m->body);
o = pclose(pf);
if (n < 0 || o != 0)
goto done; /* Error -- finish up. */
s = octstr_read_file(tmpf);
if (s)
replace_body(m, s, params_h,
goto done;
} else if (type == TTEXT) {/* change to default charset. */
Octstr *charset = http_header_value(params_h, octstr_imm("charset"));
if (charset == NULL ||
octstr_case_compare(charset, octstr_imm("unknown")) == 0 ||
octstr_case_compare(charset, octstr_imm(DEFAULT_CHARSET)) == 0) {
if (charset) octstr_destroy(charset);
goto done; /* Nothing more to do here. */
if (charset_convert(m->body, octstr_get_cstr(charset),
DEFAULT_CHARSET) != -1) { /* using libiconv...*/
Octstr *tmp, *ct;
http_header_remove_all(params_h, "charset");
http_header_add(params_h, "charset", DEFAULT_CHARSET);
tmp = make_value_parameters(params_h);
ct = octstr_format("%S; %S", content_type, tmp);
http_header_remove_all(m->headers, "Content-Type");
http_header_add(m->headers, "Content-Type", octstr_get_cstr(ct));
} /* Else goto done. */
} /* Else do nothing. */
if (content_type)
if (params_h)
if (cmd)
if (tmpf[0])
return 0;
int mms_format_special(MmsMsg *inmsg,
int trans_smil,
char *txtmsg,
char *htmlmsg, MIMEEntity **outmsg)
MIMEEntity *m = mms_tomime(inmsg);
int ct = 0;
if (!m)
return -1;
format_special(m, trans_smil, txtmsg, htmlmsg, &ct);
*outmsg = m;
return 0;
2005-03-21 16:11:51 +00:00
extern unsigned long mms_ua_maxmsgsize(MmsUaProfile *prof)
return prof ? prof->maxmsgsize : 0;