Fork 0

updated mmsbox callback interface usage

This commit is contained in:
bagyenda 2010-11-05 05:49:56 +00:00
parent ea9506fde2
commit 6cb349ec90
4 changed files with 47 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
2010-11-05 P. A. Bagyenda <bagyenda@dsmagic.com>
* Better event callback info (MM7 headers, etc)
2010-11-04 P. A. Bagyenda <bagyenda@dsmagic.com>
* Minor compiler error fixes
2010-11-03 P. A. Bagyenda <bagyenda@dsmagic.com>

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@ -1306,3 +1306,8 @@ Octstr *mm7_soap_header_value(MSoapMsg_t *m, Octstr *header)
return http_header_value(m->envelope, header);
List *mm7_soap_headers(MSoapMsg_t *m)
return m ? http_header_duplicate(m->envelope) : NULL;

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@ -80,4 +80,7 @@ MSoapMsg_t *mm7_mmsmsg_to_soap(MmsMsg *msg, Octstr *from, List *xto,
MSoapMsg_t *mm7_make_resp(MSoapMsg_t *mreq, int status, Octstr *msgid, int isclientside);
/* Return the header value for some header. */
Octstr *mm7_soap_header_value(MSoapMsg_t *m, Octstr *header);
/* Return (a copy of) all the headers */
List *mm7_soap_headers(MSoapMsg_t *m);

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@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ static int mm7soap_receive(MmsBoxHTTPClientInfo *h)
MSoapMsg_t *mreq = NULL, *mresp = NULL;
int hstatus = HTTP_OK;
List *rh = NULL;
List *rh = NULL, *lh;
Octstr *reply_body = NULL;
List *to = NULL;
@ -396,12 +396,13 @@ static int mm7soap_receive(MmsBoxHTTPClientInfo *h)
s = mm7_soap_header_value(mreq, octstr_imm("MM7Version"));
r = mm7_soap_header_value(mreq, octstr_imm("MessageID"));
transid = mm7_soap_header_value(mreq, octstr_imm("TransactionID"));
lh = mm7_soap_headers(mreq);
mmsbox_event_cb(h->m->id, mm7_msgtype(mreq), 0, s, 200,
octstr_len(h->body), 0, from,
to && gwlist_len(to) > 0 ? gwlist_get(to,0) : NULL, r, transid, NULL, value);
to && gwlist_len(to) > 0 ? gwlist_get(to,0) : NULL, r, transid, lh, value);
if (mresp && mm7_soapmsg_to_httpmsg(mresp, &h->m->ver, &rh, &reply_body) == 0)
http_send_reply(h->client, hstatus, rh, reply_body);
@ -411,11 +412,13 @@ done:
if (mresp) {
Octstr *s = octstr_format("%d.%d.%d", h->m->ver.major, h->m->ver.minor1, h->m->ver.minor2);
Octstr *r = mm7_soap_header_value(mresp, octstr_imm("MessageID"));
List *lh = mm7_soap_headers(mresp);
mmsbox_event_cb(h->m->id, mm7_msgtype(mresp), 0, s, status,
octstr_len(reply_body), 0, to && gwlist_len(to) > 0 ? gwlist_get(to,0) : NULL,
from, r, transid, NULL, NULL);
from, r, transid, lh, NULL);
} else
@ -508,18 +511,18 @@ static int mm7eaif_receive(MmsBoxHTTPClientInfo *h)
MmsMsg *m = NULL;
List *mh = NULL;
int hstatus = HTTP_NO_CONTENT;
List *rh = http_create_empty_headers();
List *rh = http_create_empty_headers(), *lh;
List *rqh = http_create_empty_headers();
Octstr *reply_body = NULL, *value = NULL, *value2 = NULL;
List *to = gwlist_create(), *hto = NULL;
Octstr *subject = NULL, *otransid = NULL, *msgid = NULL, *s;
Octstr *subject = NULL, *otransid = NULL, *msgid = NULL, *s = NULL;
Octstr *hfrom = NULL, *rr_uri = NULL;
time_t expiryt = -1, deliveryt = -1;
Octstr *qf = NULL, *xver = NULL, *mmc_id = NULL, *qdir = NULL;
int msize = h->body ? octstr_len(h->body) : 0;
int dlr;
int mtype = -1, mm7type = -1;
int i, mtype = -1, mm7type = -1;
debug("mmsbox.mm7eaif.sendinterface", 0,
" --> Enterred eaif send interface, blen=[%d] <--- ",
@ -702,24 +705,35 @@ static int mm7eaif_receive(MmsBoxHTTPClientInfo *h)
lh = http_create_empty_headers(); /* Collect extension headers */
for (i = 0; i<gwlist_len(h->headers); i++) {
Octstr *n = NULL, *v = NULL;
s = http_header_value(h->headers, octstr_imm("X-NOKIA-MMSC-Version"));
http_header_get(h->headers, i, &n, &v);
if (n && octstr_case_search(n, octstr_imm("X-NOKIA-"), 0) == 0)
http_header_add(lh, octstr_get_cstr(n), octstr_get_cstr(v));
if (octstr_case_compare(n, octstr_imm("X-NOKIA-MMSC-Version")) == 0)
s = octstr_duplicate(v); /* Get mmsc version */
mmsbox_event_cb(h->m->id, mm7type, 0, s, hstatus,
msize, 0, hfrom,
to && gwlist_len(to) > 0 ? gwlist_get(to,0) : NULL,
msgid, otransid, NULL, value);
msgid, otransid, lh, value);
xver = octstr_format(EAIF_VERSION, h->m->ver.major, h->m->ver.minor1);
http_header_add(rh, "X-NOKIA-MMSC-Version", octstr_get_cstr(xver));
mmsbox_event_cb(h->m->id, mm7type >= 0 ? mm7type + 1 : MM7_TAG_VASPErrorRsp, 0,
xver, hstatus,
0, 0, to && gwlist_len(to) > 0 ? gwlist_get(to,0) : NULL,
msgid, otransid, NULL, reply_body);
msgid, otransid, rh, reply_body);
http_send_reply(h->client, hstatus, rh, reply_body ? reply_body : octstr_imm(""));
@ -1186,11 +1200,14 @@ static Octstr *mm7soap_send(MmscGrp *mmc, Octstr *from, Octstr *to,
/* Invoke call back */
s = mm7_soap_header_value(mreq, octstr_imm("MM7Version"));
r = mm7_soap_header_value(mreq, octstr_imm("MessageID"));
mmsbox_event_cb(mmc->id, mm7_msgtype(mreq), 0, s, hstatus,
mms_msgsize(m), e->attempts, e->from,
to,r, transid, hdrs, NULL);
if ((mresp = mm7_parse_soap(ph, rbody)) == NULL) {
*error = octstr_format("Failed to parse MMSC[url=%S, id=%S] response!",
mmc->mmsc_url, mmc->id);
@ -1254,11 +1271,13 @@ static Octstr *mm7soap_send(MmscGrp *mmc, Octstr *from, Octstr *to,
s = mm7_soap_header_value(mresp, octstr_imm("MM7Version"));
mmsbox_event_cb(mmc->id, mm7_msgtype(mresp), 0, s, tstatus,
0, e->attempts, e->from,
to, ret, transid, hdrs, status_details);
to, ret, transid,hdrs, status_details);
if (ret)
mms_log2("Sent", from, to, -1, ret, NULL, mmc->id, "MMSBox", NULL, NULL);
@ -1334,7 +1353,7 @@ static Octstr *mm7eaif_send(MmscGrp *mmc, Octstr *from, Octstr *to,
mmsbox_event_cb(mmc->id, mm7_msgtype_to_soaptype(mtype,1), 0, xver, 0,
octstr_len(body), e->attempts, e->from,
to, NULL, transid, hdrs, NULL);
to, NULL, transid,hdrs, NULL);
hstatus = mmsbox_url_fetch_content(HTTP_METHOD_POST, mmc->mmsc_url, rh, body, &ph, &rbody);
@ -1820,7 +1839,7 @@ static int send_mm4_res(int mtype, Octstr *to, Octstr *sender, Octstr *transid,
static Octstr *handle_msg(MIMEEntity *mm, Octstr *from, List *to, MmscGrp *mmc)
char *err = NULL;
List *headers, *h2;
List *headers = NULL, *h2;
Octstr *mm4_type;
Octstr *transid = NULL, *orig_sys = NULL, *ack = NULL, *res = NULL, *me = NULL, *rstatus = NULL;
int i, mtype = -1, mm1_type = -1, mm7type;
@ -1938,7 +1957,6 @@ static Octstr *handle_msg(MIMEEntity *mm, Octstr *from, List *to, MmscGrp *mmc)
mime_replace_headers(mm, headers);
/* Now convert from mime to MMS message, if we should */
if (mm1_type >= 0) {
@ -2091,11 +2109,11 @@ static Octstr *handle_msg(MIMEEntity *mm, Octstr *from, List *to, MmscGrp *mmc)
if (mm7type >= 0) /* Issue event call back */
if (mm7type >= 0) /* Issue event call back */
mmsbox_event_cb(mmc->id, mm7type, 1, octstr_imm("1.0"), 200,
mms_msgsize(msg), 0, from,
to && gwlist_len(to) > 0 ? gwlist_get(to,0) : NULL,
msgid, transid, NULL, value);
msgid, transid, headers, value);
/* respond to the sender as necessary. */
if (mm4_type &&
@ -2124,7 +2142,7 @@ static Octstr *handle_msg(MIMEEntity *mm, Octstr *from, List *to, MmscGrp *mmc)
return res;
@ -2407,5 +2425,4 @@ void mm4_receive_func(int *sock)
gwthread_join_every((void *)smtp_thread);
gwlist_destroy(slist, NULL);