-- Table structure for PostgreSQL MMS storage engine -- (c) 2007 Digital Solutions -- Licence: See http://mbuni.org/license.shtml -- Author: P. A. Bagyenda -- Requires: PostgresQL v8.2 and above -- Master messages table CREATE TABLE mms_messages ( id bigserial PRIMARY KEY, qdir varchar(256) NOT NULL, qfname varchar(256) NOT NULL, sender varchar(256) NOT NULL, created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp, last_try timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT '-infinity', send_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT '-infinity', expire_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, num_attempts int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, data bytea NOT NULL DEFAULT '', UNIQUE(qdir, qfname) ); CREATE index mm_idx1 on mms_messages(qdir); -- because we use it for lookups. CREATE index mm_idx2 on mms_messages(send_time); CREATE index mm_idx3 on mms_messages(qfname); -- create a view for message lookup CREATE VIEW mms_messages_view AS SELECT *, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM created) AS cdate, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM last_try) AS lastt, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM send_time) AS sendt, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM expire_date) AS edate FROM mms_messages; -- Table for envelope headers. CREATE TABLE mms_message_headers ( id bigserial PRIMARY KEY, qid bigint REFERENCES mms_messages ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, item varchar(64) NOT NULL, value text NOT NULL ); -- When messages are deleted from the queue, they are moved to the achived_XXX tables. -- archive tables are exact copies of old ones, field for field. -- DBA should clear these tables as needed CREATE TABLE archived_mms_messages (LIKE mms_messages INCLUDING DEFAULTS INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS); CREATE TABLE archived_mms_message_headers (LIKE mms_message_headers INCLUDING DEFAULTS INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS); ALTER table archived_mms_messages add unique(id); ALTER table archived_mms_message_headers add foreign key (qid) references archived_mms_messages (id);