/* * Mbuni - Open Source MMS Gateway * * Email2MMS and MM4 (incoming) interface * * Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005, Digital Solutions Ltd. - http://www.dsmagic.com * * Paul Bagyenda * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License, with a few exceptions granted (see LICENSE) */ #include #include "mms_queue.h" #include "mmsc_cfg.h" static MmscSettings *settings; static Octstr *xfrom; static Octstr *xto; static Octstr *xproxy; enum {TPLMN, TEMAIL, TOTHER} ttype; /* MM4 message types. */ enum {MM4_FORWARD_REQ = 0, MM4_FORWARD_RES, MM4_READ_REPLY_REPORT_REQ, MM4_READ_REPLY_REPORT_RES, MM4_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQ, MM4_DELIVERY_REPORT_RES}; static struct { char *mm4str; int mm1_type; } mm4_types[] = { {"MM4_forward.REQ", MMS_MSGTYPE_SEND_REQ}, {"MM4_forward.RES",-1}, {"MM4_read_reply_report.REQ", MMS_MSGTYPE_READ_REC_IND}, {"MM4_read_reply_report.RES",-1}, {"MM4_delivery_report.REQ",MMS_MSGTYPE_DELIVERY_IND}, {"MM4_delivery_report.RES",-1}, {NULL} }; /* above indexed by types! */ static int find_own(int i, int argc, char *argv[]); static void fixup_recipient(void); static void fixup_sender(void); static void fixup_addresses(List *headers); static void send_mm4_res(int mtype, Octstr *to, Octstr *sender, Octstr *transid, char *status, Octstr *msgid); static void strip_quotes(Octstr *s); static mCfg *cfg; static List *proxyrelays; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MIMEEntity *mm; MmsMsg *msg; Octstr *email, *me, *rstatus, *fname; Octstr *home_mmsc = NULL; List *headers, *h2; Octstr *mm4_type = NULL, *transid, *ack, *msgid, *orig_sys; Octstr *newmsgid = NULL; int mtype = -1, mm1_type = -1, cfidx, i; char *err = NULL; mms_lib_init(); cfidx = get_and_set_debugs(argc, argv, find_own); if (argv[cfidx] == NULL) fname = octstr_imm("mmsc.conf"); else fname = octstr_create(argv[cfidx]); cfg = mms_cfg_read(fname); if (cfg == NULL) panic(0, "Couldn't read configuration from '%s'.", octstr_get_cstr(fname)); octstr_destroy(fname); info(0, "----------------------------------------"); info(0, " MMSC Email2MMS/MM4 Incoming Tool version %s starting", MMSC_VERSION); /* Load settings. */ settings = mms_load_mmsc_settings(cfg, &proxyrelays); mms_cfg_destroy(cfg); if (!settings) panic(0, "No global MMSC configuration!"); if (!xto || !xfrom) { error(0, "usage: %s -f from -t to!", argv[0]); return -1; } /* normalize recipient address, then if phone number, * check whether we are allowed to process. */ fixup_recipient(); fixup_sender(); if (xto && ttype == TPLMN) /* Get the home mmsc domain for this recipient. */ home_mmsc = settings->mms_resolvefuncs->mms_resolve(xto, settings->mms_resolver_module_data, settings, proxyrelays); if (!xto || (ttype == TPLMN && (!home_mmsc || !is_allowed_host(home_mmsc, settings->email2mmsrelay_hosts)))) { error(0, " Not allowed to send to this recipient %s, resolved mmsc=%s!", xto ? octstr_get_cstr(xto) : "(null)", home_mmsc ? octstr_get_cstr(home_mmsc) : "(null)"); mms_lib_shutdown(); return -1; } email = octstr_read_pipe(stdin); if (!email || octstr_len(email) == 0) { error(0, "Empty email message!"); mms_lib_shutdown(); return -1; } if ((mm = mime_octstr_to_entity(email)) == NULL) { error(0, "Unable to decode mime entity!"); mms_lib_shutdown(); return -1; } octstr_destroy(email); /* Take the entity, recode it --> remove base64 stuff, split headers. */ unbase64_mimeparts(mm); unpack_mimeheaders(mm); /* Delete some headers... */ headers = mime_entity_headers(mm); http_header_remove_all(headers, "Received"); http_header_remove_all(headers, "X-MimeOLE"); http_header_remove_all(headers, "X-Mailer"); /* rebuild headers, removing nasty looking ones. */ h2 = http_create_empty_headers(); for (i = 0; i= 0 || octstr_case_search(name, octstr_imm("mailscanner"), 0) >= 0) goto loop; http_header_add(h2, octstr_get_cstr(name), octstr_get_cstr(value)); loop: octstr_destroy(name); octstr_destroy(value); } http_destroy_headers(headers); headers = h2; /* Look for MM4 headers... */ mm4_type = http_header_value(headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Message-Type")); ack = http_header_value(headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Ack-Request")); rstatus = http_header_value(headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Request-Status-Code")); if ((transid = http_header_value(headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Transaction-ID"))) == NULL) transid = octstr_create("001"); /* get originator system. */ if ((orig_sys = http_header_value(headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Originator-System"))) == NULL) orig_sys = http_header_value(headers, octstr_imm("Sender")); if (xproxy == NULL && orig_sys != NULL) { /* Copy proxy address from originator system. */ int i = octstr_search_char(orig_sys, '@', 0); if (i >= 0) xproxy = octstr_copy(orig_sys, i+1, octstr_len(orig_sys)); } if ((msgid = http_header_value(headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Message-ID"))) == NULL) msgid = http_header_value(headers, octstr_imm("Message-ID")); strip_quoted_string(msgid); strip_quoted_string(transid); info(0, "MM4 interface Received [message type: %s] [transaction id: %s] [origin: %s] [msgid: %s]", mm4_type ? octstr_get_cstr(mm4_type) : "", transid ? octstr_get_cstr(transid) : "", orig_sys ? octstr_get_cstr(orig_sys) : "", msgid ? octstr_get_cstr(msgid) : ""); /* ... and remove non-essential ones */ http_header_remove_all(headers, "X-Mms-3GPP-MMS-Version"); http_header_remove_all(headers, "MIME-Version"); http_header_remove_all(headers, "X-Mms-Message-ID"); http_header_remove_all(headers, "Message-ID"); http_header_remove_all(headers, "X-Mms-Ack-Request"); http_header_remove_all(headers, "X-Mms-Originator-System"); http_header_remove_all(headers, "Sender"); /* msgid was there, put it back in proper form. */ if (msgid) http_header_add(headers, "Message-ID", octstr_get_cstr(msgid)); fixup_addresses(headers); if (mm4_type) { unsigned char *x = NULL; Octstr *y; int i; http_header_remove_all(headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type"); for (i = 0; mm4_types[i].mm4str; i++) if (octstr_str_case_compare(mm4_type, mm4_types[i].mm4str) == 0) { mtype = i; mm1_type = mm4_types[i].mm1_type; x = mms_message_type_to_cstr(mm1_type); break; } if (x) http_header_add(headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type", (char *)x); if ((y = http_header_value(headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-MM-Status-Code"))) != NULL) { /* This field is different on MM1. */ http_header_remove_all(headers, "X-Mms-MM-Status-Code"); http_header_add(headers, "X-Mms-Status", octstr_get_cstr(y)); octstr_destroy(y); } if (orig_sys == NULL) /* Make it up! */ orig_sys = octstr_format("system-user@%S", xproxy ? xproxy : octstr_imm("unknown")); } else { /* else assume a normal send message. */ http_header_add(headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type", "m-send-req"); mm1_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_SEND_REQ; mtype = MM4_FORWARD_REQ; } mime_replace_headers(mm, headers); http_destroy_headers(headers); /* Now convert from mime to MMS message, if we should */ if (mm1_type >= 0) { if ((msg = mms_frommime(mm)) == NULL) { error(0, "Unable to create MM!"); mms_lib_shutdown(); return -1; } } else msg = NULL; mime_entity_destroy(mm); me = octstr_format("system-user@%S", settings->hostname); switch(mtype) { case MM4_FORWARD_REQ: if (ttype != TPLMN) { err = "Error-service-denied"; error(0, "Not allowed to send to non-phone recipient, to=%s!", octstr_get_cstr(xto)); } else { List *lto = gwlist_create(); Octstr *qf; Octstr *dreport = mms_get_header_value(msg, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Delivery-Report")); int dlr; octstr_format_append(xto, "/TYPE=PLMN"); gwlist_append(lto, xto); if (dreport && octstr_case_compare(dreport, octstr_imm("Yes")) == 0) dlr = 1; else dlr = 0; qf = settings->qfs->mms_queue_add(xfrom, lto, NULL, xproxy, NULL, 0, time(NULL) + settings->default_msgexpiry, msg, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dlr, octstr_get_cstr(settings->global_queuedir), mm4_type ? "MM4" : "MM3", settings->host_alias); if (qf) { newmsgid = mms_maketransid(octstr_get_cstr(qf), settings->host_alias); info(0, "%s Queued message to %s from %s (via %s) => %s", mm4_type ? "MM4 Incoming" : "Email2MMS", octstr_get_cstr(xto), octstr_get_cstr(xfrom), xproxy ? octstr_get_cstr(xproxy) : "(None)", octstr_get_cstr(qf)); octstr_destroy(qf); /* Queue our response to the chap. */ err = "Ok"; } else err = "Error-network-problem"; mms_log("Received", xfrom, lto, -1, msgid, NULL, xproxy, mm4_type ? "MM4" : "MM3", NULL,NULL); gwlist_destroy(lto,NULL); if (dreport) octstr_destroy(dreport); } break; case MM4_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQ: if (ttype != TPLMN) { /* We only send to phones from this interface */ error(0, "Not allowed to send to %s!", octstr_get_cstr(xto)); err = "Error-service-denied"; } else { List *lto = gwlist_create(); Octstr *qf; octstr_format_append(xto, "/TYPE=PLMN"); gwlist_append(lto, xto); qf = settings->qfs->mms_queue_add(xfrom, lto, NULL, xproxy, NULL, 0, time(NULL) + settings->default_msgexpiry, msg, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, octstr_get_cstr(settings->global_queuedir), "MM4", settings->host_alias); gwlist_destroy(lto, NULL); if (qf) { info(0, "MM4 Queued DLR from proxy %s to %s from %s => %s", octstr_get_cstr(xproxy), octstr_get_cstr(xto), octstr_get_cstr(xfrom), octstr_get_cstr(qf)); octstr_destroy(qf); err = "Ok"; } else err = "Error-network-problem"; newmsgid = msgid ? octstr_duplicate(msgid) : NULL; /* report old msg id */ } break; case MM4_READ_REPLY_REPORT_REQ: if (ttype != TPLMN) { /* We only send to phones from this interface */ error(0, "Not allowed to send to %s!", octstr_get_cstr(xto)); err = "Error-service-denied"; } else { List *lto = gwlist_create(); Octstr *qf; octstr_format_append(xto, "/TYPE=PLMN"); gwlist_append(lto, xto); qf = settings->qfs->mms_queue_add(xfrom, lto, NULL, xproxy, NULL, 0, time(NULL) + settings->default_msgexpiry, msg, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, octstr_get_cstr(settings->global_queuedir), "MM4", settings->host_alias); gwlist_destroy(lto, NULL); if (qf) { info(0, "MM4 Queued read report from proxy %s to %s from %s => %s", octstr_get_cstr(xproxy), octstr_get_cstr(xto), octstr_get_cstr(xfrom), octstr_get_cstr(qf)); octstr_destroy(qf); err = "Ok"; } else err = "Error-network-problem"; } break; case MM4_FORWARD_RES: case MM4_READ_REPLY_REPORT_RES: case MM4_DELIVERY_REPORT_RES: /* remove corresponding queue entry. */ { Octstr *qf, *o_to; int i; /* Pull the number out of the fake transaction ID */ if ((i = octstr_search_char(transid, '-',0)) > 0) { o_to = octstr_copy(transid, 0, i); #if 0 _mms_fixup_address(o_to, settings->unified_prefix ? octstr_get_cstr(settings->unified_prefix) : NULL); #endif octstr_delete(transid, 0, i+1); } else o_to = NULL; qf = mms_getqf_fromtransid(transid); if (qf) { MmsEnvelope *e; octstr_strip_blanks(qf); strip_quotes(qf); octstr_strip_blanks(o_to); strip_quotes(o_to); e = settings->qfs->mms_queue_readenvelope(octstr_get_cstr(qf), octstr_get_cstr(settings->global_queuedir), 1); if (!e) warning(0, "MM4 Received %s from %s but cannot find queue entry for transaction %s [%s]!", mm4_types[mtype].mm4str, octstr_get_cstr(xproxy), octstr_get_cstr(transid), octstr_get_cstr(qf)); else { MmsEnvelopeTo *t; int i, n; int processed = 0; for (i = 0, n = gwlist_len(e->to); ito, i)) != NULL && (o_to == NULL || octstr_case_compare(o_to, t->rcpt) == 0)) { t->process = 0; /* Should make it go away. */ processed = 1; } /* write CDR if it is a forward confirmation */ if (processed && mtype == MM4_FORWARD_RES && rstatus && octstr_str_case_compare(rstatus, "Ok") == 0) { MmsCdrStruct *cdr = make_cdr_struct(settings->mms_bill_module_data, e->created, octstr_get_cstr(e->from), o_to ? octstr_get_cstr(o_to) : "", e->msgId ? octstr_get_cstr(e->msgId) : "", e->vaspid ? octstr_get_cstr(e->vaspid) : "", "MM4", e->msize); settings->mms_billfuncs->mms_logcdr(cdr); gw_free(cdr); } info(0, "MM4 received %s from proxy %s to %s from %s => %s, status: [%s, %s]", mm4_types[mtype].mm4str, octstr_get_cstr(xproxy), o_to ? octstr_get_cstr(o_to) : octstr_get_cstr(xto), octstr_get_cstr(xfrom), octstr_get_cstr(qf), rstatus ? octstr_get_cstr(rstatus) : "", processed ? "Sender number matched in queue file" : "Sender number not matched in queue file"); if (settings->qfs->mms_queue_update(e) != 1) settings->qfs->mms_queue_free_env(e); } } else warning(0, "Received %s but cannot find message %s in queue!", mm4_types[mtype].mm4str, octstr_get_cstr(transid)); octstr_destroy(o_to); } break; default: warning(0, "Unexpected message type: %s", mm4_type ? octstr_get_cstr(mm4_type) : "not given!"); break; } /* respond to the sender as necessary. */ if (mm4_type && err && ack && octstr_str_case_compare(ack, "Yes") == 0) send_mm4_res(mtype+1, orig_sys, me, transid, err, newmsgid); octstr_destroy(mm4_type); octstr_destroy(transid); octstr_destroy(orig_sys); octstr_destroy(msgid); octstr_destroy(newmsgid); octstr_destroy(rstatus); octstr_destroy(xto); octstr_destroy(xfrom); octstr_destroy(xproxy); octstr_destroy(me); mms_destroy(msg); mms_cleanup_mmsc_settings(settings); mms_lib_shutdown(); return 0; } static int find_own(int i, int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argv[i][1] == 'f') if (i + 1 < argc) { xfrom = octstr_create(argv[i+1]); return 1; } else return -1; else if (argv[i][1] == 't') /* recipient. */ if (i + 1 < argc) { xto = octstr_create(argv[i+1]); return 1; } else return -1; else if (argv[i][1] == 's') /* Proxy name if any. */ if (i + 1 < argc) { xproxy = octstr_create(argv[i+1]); return 1; } else return -1; else return -1; } static void fixup_recipient(void) { int i; Octstr *typ = NULL; if (!xto) return; i = octstr_search_char(xto, '@', 0); /* Remove '@' */ if (i>0) octstr_delete(xto, i, octstr_len(xto)); i = octstr_search(xto, octstr_imm("/TYPE="), 0); if (i > 0) { typ = octstr_copy(xto, i+1, octstr_len(xto)); octstr_delete(xto, i, octstr_len(xto)); } /* XXX may be we should use fixup function in mmlib/mms_util.c ?? */ if (isphonenum(xto) && (!typ || octstr_str_compare(typ, "TYPE=PLMN") == 0)) { /* A phone number. */ #if 0 normalize_number(octstr_get_cstr(settings->unified_prefix), &xto); #else mms_normalize_phonenum(&xto, octstr_get_cstr(settings->unified_prefix), settings->strip_prefixes); #endif ttype = TPLMN; } else { /* For now everything else is email. */ ttype = TEMAIL; } if (typ) octstr_destroy(typ); } static void fixup_sender(void) { int i; /* Find the TYPE=xxx element. If it is there, it is a number. Strip the @ */ if (!xfrom) return; i = octstr_search(xfrom, octstr_imm("/TYPE="), 0); if (i>0) { int j = octstr_search_char(xfrom, '@', 0); if (j > i) { /* we have @, remove it */ if (xproxy == NULL) xproxy = octstr_copy(xfrom, j+1, octstr_len(xfrom)); octstr_delete(xfrom, j, octstr_len(xfrom)); } } else if (isphonenum(xfrom)) /* Add the TYPE element if missing. */ octstr_append(xfrom, octstr_imm("/TYPE=PLMN")); else { i = octstr_search_char(xfrom, '@', 0); if (i<0) octstr_format_append(xfrom, "@unknown"); else if (xproxy == NULL) xproxy = octstr_copy(xfrom, i+1, octstr_len(xfrom)); } } static void fixup_address_type(List *headers, char *hdr) { List *l; int i, n; l = http_header_find_all(headers, hdr); http_header_remove_all(headers,hdr); for (i = 0, n = gwlist_len(l); isendmail), settings->hostname); if (err) { warning(0, "MM4 send.RES reported: %s!", octstr_get_cstr(err)); octstr_destroy(err); } mime_entity_destroy(m); } static void strip_quotes(Octstr *s) { int l = s ? octstr_len(s) : 0; if (l == 0) return; if (octstr_get_char(s, 0) == '"') { octstr_delete(s, 0, 1); l--; } if (octstr_get_char(s, l-1) == '"') octstr_delete(s, l-1, 1); }