/* * Mbuni - Open Source MMS Gateway * * Mbuni MMBox implementation * * Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005, Digital Solutions Ltd. - http://www.dsmagic.com * * Paul Bagyenda * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License, with a few exceptions granted (see LICENSE) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mms_mmbox.h" #include "mms_util.h" #include "gwlib/log.h" #include "gwlib/accesslog.h" #define MAXTRIES 10 #define MDF 'd' #define MTF 't' #define IDXFILE "00Index" #define ITEM_ADD 1 #define ITEM_DEL 2 #define ITEM_MOD 3 /* Initialise the root of the mmbox. Should be called once from load settings. */ int mmbox_root_init(char *mmbox_root) { int i, ret; if ((ret = mkdir(mmbox_root, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG)) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) return errno; for (i = 0; _TT[i]; i++) { char fbuf[256]; sprintf(fbuf, "%.128s/%c", mmbox_root, _TT[i]); if (mkdir(fbuf, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) return errno; } srandom(time(NULL)); /* we need rands below...*/ return 0; } /* Initialise the mmbox home of the user/msisdn. * structure of mmbox is: * - index file [IDXFILE] * - directories a - z 0 - 9, which each can contain directories with two-character * names * on init we only create the directory itself. internal * directory structure and index will be made by first message put in. * return user dir, or NULL if something went wrong. */ static Octstr *user_mmbox_dir(char *mmbox_root, char *userid) { unsigned long h = _mshash(userid); char d1[2], d2[3], fbuf[512]; Octstr *t, *s; /* Make toplevel dir. */ d1[0] = _TT[h%_TTSIZE]; d1[1] = '\0'; /* Then lower level. */ h /= _TTSIZE; d2[0] = _TT[h%_TTSIZE]; h /= _TTSIZE; d2[1] = _TT[h%_TTSIZE]; d2[2] = '\0'; /* Try and create the next level dir (first level was created by root_init) */ sprintf(fbuf, "%.128s/%s/%s", mmbox_root, d1, d2); if (mkdir(fbuf, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) { error(0, "mmbox: failed to create dir [%s] " "while initialising mmbox for %s: %s!", fbuf, userid, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } t = octstr_create(userid); octstr_replace(t, octstr_imm("/"), octstr_imm("$")); /* XXX safe in all cases?? */ s = octstr_format("%s/%S", fbuf, t); octstr_destroy(t); if (mkdir(octstr_get_cstr(s), S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) { error(0, "mmbox: failed to create dir [%s] " "while initialising mmbox for %s: %s!", octstr_get_cstr(s), userid, strerror(errno)); octstr_destroy(s); return NULL; } return s; } /* Makes a file name in the nested directory structure, where we can store * data. Makes a number of tries -- similar to mkqf in queue module. */ static int mkdf(char df[64], char *mmbox_home) { int i = 0, fd = -1; static int ect; if (!mmbox_home) gw_panic(0, "Mmbox directory passed as null!"); do { char d1[2], d2[3]; Octstr *tmp; char *ctmp; d1[0] = _TT[random() % _TTSIZE]; d1[1] = '\0'; /* Make first level. */ tmp = octstr_format("%.128s/%s", mmbox_home, d1); if (mkdir(octstr_get_cstr(tmp), S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) { error(0, "mmbox.mkdf: failed to create dir [%s] " " in mmbox home %s: %s!", octstr_get_cstr(tmp), mmbox_home, strerror(errno)); octstr_destroy(tmp); return -1; } octstr_destroy(tmp); d2[0] = _TT[random() % _TTSIZE]; d2[1] = _TT[random() % _TTSIZE]; d2[2] = '\0'; /* Make second level. */ tmp = octstr_format("%.128s/%s/%s", mmbox_home, d1,d2); if (mkdir(octstr_get_cstr(tmp), S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) { error(0, "mmbox.mkdf: failed to create dir [%s] " " in mmbox home %s: %s!", octstr_get_cstr(tmp), mmbox_home, strerror(errno)); octstr_destroy(tmp); return -1; } octstr_destroy(tmp); /* use df[] to store candidate so when we hit success it is already there...*/ sprintf(df, "%s/%s/%cf%ld.%d.x%d%ld", d1,d2, MDF, time(NULL), ++ect, getpid(), random() % 100); tmp = octstr_format("%s/%s", mmbox_home, df); ctmp = octstr_get_cstr(tmp); fd = open(ctmp, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP); if (fd >= 0 && mm_lockfile(fd,ctmp,1) != 0) { unlink(ctmp); close(fd); fd = -1; } octstr_destroy(tmp); } while (i++ < MAXTRIES && fd < 0); return fd; } static int open_mmbox_index(char *mmbox_dir, int shouldblock) { char fbuf[256]; int i, fd; sprintf(fbuf, "%s/%s", mmbox_dir, IDXFILE); i = 0; do if ((fd = open(fbuf, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP)) < 0) { error(0, "Failed to open mmbox index file [%s], error: %s!", fbuf, strerror(errno)); break; } else if (mm_lockfile(fd, fbuf, shouldblock) != 0) { close(fd); fd = -1; } while (i++ < MAXTRIES && fd < 0); return fd; } static Octstr *linearise_string_list(List *l, char *sep) { int i, n; Octstr *s = octstr_create(""); for (i = 0, n = gwlist_len(l); i < n; i++) { Octstr *p = gwlist_get(l,i); if (p) octstr_format_append(s, "%s%S", (i == 0) ? "" : sep, p); } return s; } static List *parse_string_list(char *buf) { int i = 0; char sbuf[128], *p = buf; List *l = gwlist_create(); while (sscanf(p, "%s%n", sbuf, &i) > 0) { gwlist_append(l, octstr_create(sbuf)); p += i; } return l; } static char *skip_space(char *s) { while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++; return s; } /* Format of Index file: * each message is described by a single line: * df state flag1 flag2 flag3 ... */ static int update_mmbox_index(int fd, char *mmbox_dir, int cmd, Octstr *df, Octstr *state, List *flags, long msgsize) { char fbuf[256], linbuf[1024]; int tempfd; FILE *fp; /* Make a temp file. */ sprintf(fbuf, "%.128s/t%s.%ld.%ld", mmbox_dir, IDXFILE, time(NULL), random() % 1000); tempfd = open(fbuf, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP); if (tempfd < 0 ) { error(0, "mmbox.update_index: Failed to open temp file %s: error = %s\n", fbuf, strerror(errno)); goto done; } else if (mm_lockfile(tempfd, fbuf, 0) != 0) { /* Lock it. */ error(0, "mmbox.update_index: Failed lock temp file %s: error = %s\n", fbuf, strerror(errno)); close(tempfd); tempfd = -1; goto done; } fp = fdopen(fd, "r"); if (!fp) { error(0, "mmbox.update_index: Failed fdopen on tempfd, file %s: error = %s\n", fbuf, strerror(errno)); close(tempfd); tempfd = -1; goto done; } while (fgets(linbuf, sizeof linbuf, fp) != NULL) { char idx[128], xstate[32]; Octstr *outs = NULL; int i; int size; sscanf(linbuf, "%s %s %d%n", idx, xstate, &size, &i); if (df && octstr_str_compare(df, idx) == 0) if (cmd == ITEM_DEL || cmd == ITEM_ADD) goto loop; /* Skip it. */ else { /* MOD. */ Octstr *p = linearise_string_list(flags, " "); outs = octstr_format("%S %S %d %S\n", df, state, msgsize, p); octstr_destroy(p); } else { /* Copy out as-is */ char *p = skip_space(linbuf + i); outs = octstr_format("%s %s %d %s%s", idx, xstate, size, p, (strchr(p, '\n') != NULL ? "" : "\n")); } loop: if (outs) { if (octstr_len(outs) > 0) octstr_write_to_socket(tempfd, outs); octstr_destroy(outs); } } if (cmd == ITEM_ADD) { /* Finally, for ADD, just add it. */ Octstr *s, *p = linearise_string_list(flags, " "); s = octstr_format("%S %S %d %S\n", df, state, msgsize, p); octstr_destroy(p); octstr_write_to_socket(tempfd, s); octstr_destroy(s); } fsync(tempfd); sprintf(linbuf, "%.128s/%s", mmbox_dir, IDXFILE); rename(fbuf, linbuf); fclose(fp); done: return tempfd; } static List *make_mm_flags(List *oflags, List *flag_cmds) { List *l = oflags ? oflags : gwlist_create(); int i, n; for (i = 0, n = gwlist_len(l); i < n; i++) { /* cleanup list. */ Octstr *x = gwlist_get(l,i); int ch = octstr_get_char(x, 0); if (ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '/') octstr_delete(x,0,1); } for (i = 0, n = (flag_cmds ? gwlist_len(flag_cmds) : 0); i 0) close(dfd); if (ifd > 0) close(ifd); if (s) octstr_destroy(s); if (home) octstr_destroy(home); if (state) octstr_destroy(state); if (flags) gwlist_destroy(flags, (gwlist_item_destructor_t *)octstr_destroy); return sdf; } int mms_mmbox_modmsg(char *mmbox_root, char *user, Octstr *msgref, Octstr *state, List *flag_cmds) { Octstr *sdf = octstr_duplicate(msgref); Octstr *fname = NULL, *ftmp = NULL; Octstr *home = user_mmbox_dir(mmbox_root,user); Octstr *s = NULL; List *flags = NULL; Octstr *nstate = NULL; int ifd = -1, nifd, tmpfd = -1; MmsMsg *m = NULL; int res = -1; int msize; octstr_replace(sdf, octstr_imm("-"), octstr_imm("/")); if (!home) goto done; ifd = open_mmbox_index(octstr_get_cstr(home),1); if (ifd < 0) goto done; fname = octstr_format("%S/%S", home, sdf); s = octstr_read_file(octstr_get_cstr(fname)); if ( s == NULL || octstr_len(s) == 0) { error(0, "mmbox.mod: failed to read data file [%s] - %s!", octstr_get_cstr(fname), strerror(errno)); goto done; } m = mms_frombinary(s, octstr_imm("anon@anon")); if (!m) { error(0, "mmbox.mod: failed to read data file [%s]!", octstr_get_cstr(fname)); goto done; } if (state == NULL) nstate = mms_get_header_value(m, octstr_imm("X-Mms-MM-State")); else { nstate = octstr_duplicate(state); mms_replace_header_value(m, "X-Mms-MM-State", octstr_get_cstr(nstate)); } flags = mms_get_header_values(m, octstr_imm("X-Mms-MM-Flags")); flags = make_mm_flags(flags, flag_cmds); mms_replace_header_values(m, "X-Mms-MM-Flags", flags); ftmp = octstr_format("%S.%ld.%d", fname, time(NULL), getpid()); tmpfd = open(octstr_get_cstr(ftmp), O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP); if (tmpfd < 0) goto done; s = mms_tobinary(m); msize = octstr_len(s); octstr_write_to_socket(tmpfd, s); rename(octstr_get_cstr(ftmp), octstr_get_cstr(fname)); close(tmpfd); if ((nifd = update_mmbox_index(ifd, octstr_get_cstr(home), ITEM_MOD, sdf, nstate, flags, msize)) < 0) { /* Not good, we wrote but could not update the index file. scream. */ error(0, "mmbox.mod: failed to update index file, home is %s!", octstr_get_cstr(home)); goto done; } ifd = nifd; res = 0; done: if (ifd > 0) close(ifd); if (fname) octstr_destroy(fname); if (ftmp) octstr_destroy(ftmp); if (sdf) octstr_destroy(sdf); if (s) octstr_destroy(s); if (home) octstr_destroy(home); if (nstate) octstr_destroy(nstate); if (flags) gwlist_destroy(flags, (gwlist_item_destructor_t *)octstr_destroy); if (m) mms_destroy(m); return res; } int mms_mmbox_delmsg(char *mmbox_root, char *user, Octstr *msgref) { Octstr *sdf = octstr_duplicate(msgref); Octstr *fname = NULL, *home = user_mmbox_dir(mmbox_root,user); Octstr *s = NULL; int res = -1; int ifd = -1, nifd; octstr_replace(sdf, octstr_imm("-"), octstr_imm("/")); if (!home) goto done; ifd = open_mmbox_index(octstr_get_cstr(home),1); if (ifd < 0) goto done; fname = octstr_format("%S/%S", home, sdf); if ((nifd = update_mmbox_index(ifd, octstr_get_cstr(home), ITEM_DEL, sdf, NULL, NULL,0)) < 0) { error(0, "mmbox.del: failed to update index file, home is %s!", octstr_get_cstr(home)); goto done; } unlink(octstr_get_cstr(fname)); ifd = nifd; res = 0; done: if (ifd > 0) close(ifd); if (fname) octstr_destroy(fname); if (s) octstr_destroy(s); if (home) octstr_destroy(home); return 0; } static int string_in_list(Octstr *s, List *l) { int i, n; for (i = 0, n = gwlist_len(l); i= start && gwlist_len(dflist) <= limit) { Octstr *x = octstr_create(idx); /* octstr_replace(x, octstr_imm("/"), octstr_imm("-")); */ gwlist_append(dflist, x); } ct++; if (xflags) gwlist_destroy(xflags, (gwlist_item_destructor_t *)octstr_destroy); } done: if (fp) fclose(fp); else if (tmpfd) close(tmpfd); if (ifd > 0) close(ifd); if (flags) gwlist_destroy(flags, (gwlist_item_destructor_t *)octstr_destroy); if (home) octstr_destroy(home); return dflist; } MmsMsg *mms_mmbox_get(char *mmbox_root, char *user, Octstr *msgref, unsigned long *msize) { Octstr *sdf = octstr_duplicate(msgref); Octstr *fname = NULL, *home = user_mmbox_dir(mmbox_root,user); Octstr *s = NULL; int ifd = -1; MmsMsg *m = NULL; octstr_replace(sdf, octstr_imm("-"), octstr_imm("/")); if (!home) goto done; ifd = open_mmbox_index(octstr_get_cstr(home),1); /* Grab a lock on the index file. */ if (ifd < 0) goto done; fname = octstr_format("%S/%S", home, sdf); s = octstr_read_file(octstr_get_cstr(fname)); if (s) { if (msize) *msize = octstr_len(s); m = mms_frombinary(s, octstr_imm("anon@anon")); } else if (msize) *msize = 0; done: if (ifd > 0) close(ifd); if (fname) octstr_destroy(fname); if (s) octstr_destroy(s); if (home) octstr_destroy(home); return m; } int mms_mmbox_count(char *mmbox_root, char *user, unsigned long *msgcount, unsigned long *byte_count) { int tmpfd = -1; FILE *fp = NULL; char linbuf[1024]; int ret = -1; Octstr *home = user_mmbox_dir(mmbox_root,user); int ifd = -1; ifd = open_mmbox_index(octstr_get_cstr(home),1); if (ifd < 0) goto done; if ((tmpfd = dup(ifd)) < 0 || (fp = fdopen(tmpfd, "r")) == NULL) { error(0, "mmbox.count: %s Failed to dup descriptor for index " "file, fp = %p: error = %s\n", octstr_get_cstr(home), fp, strerror(errno)); goto done; } *msgcount = 0; *byte_count = 0; while (fgets(linbuf, sizeof linbuf, fp) != NULL) { int size = 0; sscanf(linbuf, "%*s %*s %d", &size); ++*msgcount; *byte_count = *byte_count + size; } ret = 0; done: if (fp) fclose(fp); else if (tmpfd) close(tmpfd); if (ifd > 0) close(ifd); return ret; }