/* * Mbuni - Open Source MMS Gateway * * MMS message encoder/decoder and helper functions * * Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005, Digital Solutions Ltd. - http://www.dsmagic.com * * Paul Bagyenda * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License, with a few exceptions granted (see LICENSE) */ #include #include #include "mms_msg.h" #include "mms_util.h" struct MmsMsg { int message_type; Octstr *msgId; List *headers; /* Of type HTTPHeader. */ mms_encoding enc; unsigned char ismultipart; union { List *l; Octstr *s; } body; /* list of MIMEEntity (for multipart), text otherwise.*/ }; #define SIZHINT 47 static int encode_msgheaders(Octstr *os, List *hdrs); static int decode_msgheaders(ParseContext *context, List *hdr, Octstr *from, int stop_on_ctype); static inline void pack_short_integer(Octstr *s, int ch) { unsigned long c = ((unsigned)ch)&0x7f; wsp_pack_short_integer(s, c); } #if 0 static void encode_uint(Octstr *os, unsigned int l) { char xbuf[5]; int i = 0; do { xbuf[i++] = l&0x7f; l>>=7; } while (i < 5 && l); while (--i > 0) { xbuf[i] |= 0x80; octstr_append_data(os, &xbuf[i], 1); } octstr_append_data(os, &xbuf[0], 1); } #endif int mms_validate_address(Octstr *s) { int i; int l; if (s == NULL) return -1; i = octstr_search_char(s, '/', 0); l = octstr_len(s); if (octstr_search_char(s, '@', 0) > 0) return 0; else if (i >= 0) if (octstr_case_search(s, octstr_imm("PLMN"), 0) + 4 == l || octstr_case_search(s, octstr_imm("IPv4"), 0) + 4 == l || octstr_case_search(s, octstr_imm("IPv6"), 0) + 4 == l) return 0; else return -1; else return -1; } static int decode_multipart(ParseContext *context, List *body) { int i=0, n; n = parse_get_uintvar(context); for (i = 0; i 0 ; i++) { int dlen, hlen; MIMEEntity *x = mime_entity_create(); List *headers; Octstr *hs; Octstr *content; Octstr *content_type; hlen = parse_get_uintvar(context); dlen = parse_get_uintvar(context); parse_limit(context, hlen); hs = parse_get_octets(context, parse_octets_left(context)); headers = wsp_headers_unpack(hs, 1); octstr_destroy(hs); strip_boundary_element(headers,NULL); mime_replace_headers(x, headers); parse_skip_to_limit(context); parse_pop_limit(context); content_type = http_header_value(headers, octstr_imm("Content-Type")); content = parse_get_octets(context, dlen); http_destroy_headers(headers); if (!content || !content_type) { int pleft = parse_octets_left(context); warning(0, "Parse error reading mime body [hlen=%d, dlen=%d, left=%d]!", hlen,dlen, pleft); mime_entity_destroy(x); octstr_destroy(content_type); octstr_destroy(content); return -1; } if (octstr_case_compare(content_type, octstr_imm("application/vnd.wap.multipart.related")) == 0 || octstr_case_compare(content_type, octstr_imm("application/vnd.wap.multipart.alternative")) == 0 || octstr_case_compare(content_type, octstr_imm("application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed")) == 0) { /* Body is multipart. */ ParseContext *p = parse_context_create(content); List *ml = gwlist_create(); int res = decode_multipart(p, ml); parse_context_destroy(p); if (res == 0) { /* Put body parts into mime object. */ int j, m = gwlist_len(ml); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) mime_entity_add_part(x, gwlist_get(ml,i)); } gwlist_destroy(ml, (gwlist_item_destructor_t *)mime_entity_destroy); if (res < 0) { octstr_destroy(content_type); octstr_destroy(content); return -1; } } else mime_entity_set_body(x,content); octstr_destroy(content); octstr_destroy(content_type); gwlist_append(body, x); } return 0; } static int encode_multipart(Octstr *os, List *body) { int i, j, n, m; n = gwlist_len(body); octstr_append_uintvar(os, n); i = 0; while (i 0) { /* This is a multi-part, * go down further. */ List *l = gwlist_create(); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) gwlist_append(l, mime_entity_get_part(x, j)); encode_multipart(mbody, l); gwlist_destroy(l, (gwlist_item_destructor_t *)mime_entity_destroy); } else if ((s = mime_entity_body(x)) != NULL) { octstr_append(mbody, s); octstr_destroy(s); } octstr_append_uintvar(os, octstr_len(mhdr)); octstr_append_uintvar(os, octstr_len(mbody)); octstr_append(os, mhdr); octstr_append(os, mbody); octstr_destroy(mhdr); octstr_destroy(mbody); i++; } return 0; } static int decode_msgbody(ParseContext *context, MmsMsg *msg) { int res = 0; if (msg->ismultipart) { msg->body.l = gwlist_create(); res = decode_multipart(context, msg->body.l); } else msg->body.s = parse_get_rest(context); return res; } static void encode_msgbody(Octstr *os, MmsMsg *msg) { if (msg->ismultipart) encode_multipart(os, msg->body.l); else octstr_append(os, msg->body.s); } /* If ret < 0 then we need to get a field value, else we use what's passed. */ static Octstr *decode_encoded_string_value(int ret, ParseContext *context, unsigned char *hname) { int val; int ret2; Octstr *res = NULL; ret2 = (ret < 0) ? wsp_field_value(context, &val) : ret; if (ret2 == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) { /* expect charset text. */ long charset; /* Get it and ignore it. */ wsp_secondary_field_value(context, &charset); res = parse_get_nul_string(context); /* XXX Currently we ignore charset */ if (ret < 0) { parse_skip_to_limit(context); parse_pop_limit(context); } } else if (ret2 != WSP_FIELD_VALUE_NUL_STRING) { warning(0, "Faulty header value for %s! [ret=%d,ret2=%d]\n", hname,ret,ret2); res = octstr_imm(""); } else res = parse_get_nul_string(context); return res; } /* Decodes it, adds to 'unpacked' which is the header list. * returns the first value token got when parsing value -- * useful for unpacking msg type */ static int mms_unpack_well_known_field(List *unpacked, int field_type, ParseContext *context, Octstr *xfrom, int msgtype) { int val, ret; unsigned char *hname = NULL; Octstr *decoded = NULL; unsigned char *ch = NULL; ret = wsp_field_value(context, &val); if (parse_error(context)) { warning(0, "Faulty header [code = %d], skipping remaining headers.", field_type); parse_skip_to_limit(context); return -1; } hname = mms_header_to_cstr(field_type); if (ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_NUL_STRING) decoded = parse_get_nul_string(context); switch (field_type) { case MMS_HEADER_TO: case MMS_HEADER_CC: case MMS_HEADER_BCC: if (ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) decoded = decode_encoded_string_value(ret, context, hname); if (decoded == NULL || mms_validate_address(decoded)) warning(0, "Faulty address [%s] format in field %s!", octstr_get_cstr(decoded), hname); break; case MMS_HEADER_SUBJECT: case MMS_HEADER_RETRIEVE_TEXT: case MMS_HEADER_STORE_STATUS_TEXT: if (ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) decoded = decode_encoded_string_value(ret, context, hname); break; case MMS_HEADER_RESPONSE_TEXT: if (msgtype == MMS_MSGTYPE_MBOX_DELETE_REQ && ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) { int ret2; decoded = wsp_unpack_integer_value(context); ret2= wsp_field_value(context, &val); octstr_append(decoded, decode_encoded_string_value(ret2, context, hname)); if (ret2 == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) { /* we need to skip to end of inner value-data. */ parse_skip_to_limit(context); parse_pop_limit(context); } } else if (ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) decoded = decode_encoded_string_value(ret, context, hname); break; case MMS_HEADER_TRANSACTION_ID: case MMS_HEADER_MESSAGE_ID: case MMS_HEADER_REPLY_CHARGING_ID: if (ret != WSP_FIELD_VALUE_NUL_STRING) warning(0, "Unexpected field value type %d for header %s\n", ret, hname); break; /* MMS v1.2 mandates slightly different format, * when used in m-mbox-delete.conf */ case MMS_HEADER_CONTENT_LOCATION: if (ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) { Octstr *t; decoded = wsp_unpack_integer_value(context); t = parse_get_nul_string(context); octstr_append(decoded, t); octstr_destroy(t); } else if (ret != WSP_FIELD_VALUE_NUL_STRING) warning(0, "Unexpected field value type %d for header %s\n", ret, hname); break; case MMS_HEADER_MMS_VERSION: if (ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_ENCODED) decoded = wsp_unpack_version_value(val); break; /* integer/octet values */ case MMS_HEADER_DELIVERY_REPORT: case MMS_HEADER_REPORT_ALLOWED: case MMS_HEADER_READ_REPORT: case MMS_HEADER_DISTRIBUTION_INDICATOR: case MMS_HEADER_QUOTAS: case MMS_HEADER_STORE: case MMS_HEADER_STORED: case MMS_HEADER_TOTALS: ch = mms_reports_to_cstr(val); break; case MMS_HEADER_MESSAGE_TYPE: ch = mms_message_type_to_cstr(val); break; case MMS_HEADER_PRIORITY: ch = mms_priority_to_cstr(val); break; case MMS_HEADER_READ_STATUS: ch = mms_read_status_to_cstr(val); break; case MMS_HEADER_REPLY_CHARGING: ch = mms_reply_charging_to_cstr(val); break; case MMS_HEADER_RESPONSE_STATUS: if (ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) { unsigned char *x; int val; decoded = wsp_unpack_integer_value(context); wsp_field_value(context, &val); x = mms_response_status_to_cstr(val|0x80); octstr_append_cstr(decoded, (char *)x); } else ch = mms_response_status_to_cstr(val|0x80); break; case MMS_HEADER_RETRIEVE_STATUS: ch = mms_retrieve_status_to_cstr(val|0x80); break; case MMS_HEADER_STATUS: ch = mms_status_to_cstr(val); break; case MMS_HEADER_SENDER_VISIBILITY: ch = mms_visibility_to_cstr(val); break; case MMS_HEADER_MESSAGE_CLASS: if (ret != WSP_FIELD_VALUE_NUL_STRING) ch = mms_message_class_to_cstr(val); break; case MMS_HEADER_DATE: /* Date values. */ parse_skip(context, -1); decoded = wsp_unpack_date_value(context); break; case MMS_HEADER_MESSAGE_SIZE: case MMS_HEADER_REPLY_CHARGING_SIZE: case MMS_HEADER_START: case MMS_HEADER_LIMIT: case MMS_HEADER_MESSAGE_COUNT: parse_skip(context, -1); decoded = wsp_unpack_integer_value(context); break; case MMS_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE: if (ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_ENCODED) ch = wsp_content_type_to_cstr(val); else if (ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) decoded = wsp_unpack_accept_general_form(context); break; case MMS_HEADER_DELIVERY_TIME: case MMS_HEADER_EXPIRY: case MMS_HEADER_REPLY_CHARGING_DEADLINE: if (ret != WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) warning(0, "Error in value format, field %s!", hname); else { int n = parse_get_char(context); if (n == 0x80) /* Absolute time */ decoded = wsp_unpack_date_value(context); else if (n == 0x81) { /* Relative time. */ long l = 0; time_t t = time(NULL); Octstr *s = wsp_unpack_integer_value(context); octstr_parse_long(&l, s, 0, 10); octstr_destroy(s); t += l; decoded = date_format_http(t); } else decoded = date_format_http(time(NULL)); /* A default. */ } break; case MMS_HEADER_FROM: if (ret != WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) warning(0, "Error in value format, field %s!",hname); else { int n = parse_get_char(context); if (n == 0x80) { /* Address present. */ decoded = decode_encoded_string_value(-1,context, hname); if (decoded == NULL || mms_validate_address(decoded)) warning(0, "Faulty address [%s] format in field %s!", octstr_get_cstr(decoded), hname); } else /* Insert address. */ decoded = octstr_duplicate(xfrom); } break; case MMS_HEADER_PREVIOUSLY_SENT_BY: case MMS_HEADER_PREVIOUSLY_SENT_DATE: if (ret != WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) warning(0, "Error in value format, field %s!",hname); else { Octstr *t; decoded = wsp_unpack_integer_value(context); if (field_type == MMS_HEADER_PREVIOUSLY_SENT_BY) t = decode_encoded_string_value(-1, context, hname); else t = wsp_unpack_date_value(context); octstr_append(decoded, t); octstr_destroy(t); } break; /* From here on, these are MMS v1.2 thingies. a few are above as well... */ case MMS_HEADER_ATTRIBUTES: ch = mms_header_to_cstr(val); break; case MMS_HEADER_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTOR: if (ret != WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) warning(0, "Faulty header value for %s!\n", hname); else { /* We expect a content reference and a list of parameters. */ Octstr *cr = parse_get_nul_string(context); List *params = http_create_empty_headers(); Octstr *ps; while (parse_octets_left(context) > 0) { int val, ret; Octstr *pname = NULL, *pval = NULL; ret = wsp_field_value(context, &val); if (ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_ENCODED) pname = mms_descriptor_params_to_string(val|0x80); else if (ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_NUL_STRING) pname = parse_get_nul_string(context); if (!pname) continue; ret = wsp_field_value(context, &val); if (ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_ENCODED) pval = wsp_content_type_to_string(val); else if (ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_NUL_STRING) pval = parse_get_nul_string(context); if (pval) { http_header_add(params, octstr_get_cstr(pname), octstr_get_cstr(pval)); octstr_destroy(pval); } octstr_destroy(pname); } ps = make_value_parameters(params); decoded = octstr_format("%S%s%S", cr, (ps && octstr_len(ps) > 0) ? "; " : "", ps); octstr_destroy(cr); octstr_destroy(ps); http_destroy_headers(params); } break; case MMS_HEADER_MBOX_TOTALS: case MMS_HEADER_MBOX_QUOTAS: if (ret != WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) warning(0, "Faulty header value for %s!\n", hname); else { int n = parse_get_char(context); decoded = wsp_unpack_integer_value(context); octstr_format_append(decoded, " %s", (n == 0x80) ? "msgs" : "bytes"); } break; case MMS_HEADER_MM_FLAGS: if (ret != WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) warning(0, "Faulty header value for %s!\n", hname); else { int n = parse_get_char(context); char *s; Octstr *p; if (n == 0x80) /* Add, subtract or filter. */ s = "+"; else if (n == 0x81) s = "-"; else s = "/"; p = decode_encoded_string_value(-1,context, hname); decoded = octstr_format("%s%S", s, p); octstr_destroy(p); } break; case MMS_HEADER_MM_STATE: ch = mms_mm_state_to_cstr(val); break; case MMS_HEADER_STORE_STATUS: ch = mms_store_status_to_cstr(val|0x80); break; default: warning(0, "MMS: Unknown header with code 0x%02x!", field_type); } if (ret == WSP_FIELD_VALUE_DATA) { parse_skip_to_limit(context); parse_pop_limit(context); } if (ch == NULL && decoded != NULL) ch = (unsigned char *)octstr_get_cstr(decoded); if (ch == NULL) goto value_error; if (!hname) { warning(0, "Unknown header number 0x%02x.", field_type); goto value_error; } http_header_add(unpacked, (char *)hname, (char *)ch); octstr_destroy(decoded); return val; value_error: warning(0, "Skipping faulty header [code=%d, val=%d]!", field_type, val); octstr_destroy(decoded); return -1; } static int decode_msgheaders(ParseContext *context, List *hdrs, Octstr *from, int stop_on_ctype) { int fcont = 1; int msgtype = 0; gw_assert(hdrs != NULL); while (fcont && parse_octets_left(context) && !parse_error(context)) { int byte = parse_get_char(context); int val = 0; if (byte >= 0x80) val = mms_unpack_well_known_field(hdrs, byte&0x7f, context, from, msgtype); else { parse_skip(context, -1); /* Go back a bit. */ wsp_unpack_app_header(hdrs, context); } if ((byte&0x7f) == MMS_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE && stop_on_ctype) fcont = 0; if ((byte&0x7f) == MMS_HEADER_MESSAGE_TYPE) msgtype = val; } return 0; } static void mms_pack_well_known_field(Octstr *os, int field_type, Octstr *value) { Octstr *encoded = octstr_create(""); int ch = 0; unsigned char c; switch (field_type) { case MMS_HEADER_TO: case MMS_HEADER_CC: case MMS_HEADER_BCC: case MMS_HEADER_SUBJECT: case MMS_HEADER_TRANSACTION_ID: case MMS_HEADER_MESSAGE_ID: case MMS_HEADER_REPLY_CHARGING_ID: case MMS_HEADER_RETRIEVE_TEXT: case MMS_HEADER_STORE_STATUS_TEXT: wsp_pack_text(os, value); /* XXX need to deal with charset issues. */ break; case MMS_HEADER_RESPONSE_TEXT: /* make sure response status does not begin with digit!! Has special meaning*/ case MMS_HEADER_CONTENT_LOCATION: if (isdigit(octstr_get_char(value, 0))) { /* begins with number. */ long i, l; Octstr *s; i = octstr_parse_long(&l, value, 0, 10); if (i < 0) { warning(0, "Bad counter for field %s!", mms_header_to_cstr(field_type)); i = 0; } wsp_pack_integer_value(encoded, l); s = octstr_copy(value, i, octstr_len(value)); octstr_strip_blanks(s); wsp_pack_text(encoded,s); wsp_pack_value(os, encoded); octstr_destroy(s); } else wsp_pack_text(os, value); break; case MMS_HEADER_MMS_VERSION: wsp_pack_version_value(os, value); break; /* integer/octet values: Need to stream line this with better error-checking */ case MMS_HEADER_DELIVERY_REPORT: case MMS_HEADER_REPORT_ALLOWED: case MMS_HEADER_READ_REPORT: case MMS_HEADER_DISTRIBUTION_INDICATOR: case MMS_HEADER_QUOTAS: case MMS_HEADER_STORE: case MMS_HEADER_STORED: case MMS_HEADER_TOTALS: pack_short_integer(os, mms_string_to_reports(value)); break; case MMS_HEADER_MESSAGE_TYPE: pack_short_integer(os, mms_string_to_message_type(value)); break; case MMS_HEADER_PRIORITY: pack_short_integer(os, mms_string_to_priority(value)); break; case MMS_HEADER_READ_STATUS: pack_short_integer(os, mms_string_to_read_status(value)); break; case MMS_HEADER_REPLY_CHARGING: pack_short_integer(os, mms_string_to_reply_charging(value)); break; case MMS_HEADER_RESPONSE_STATUS: if (isdigit(octstr_get_char(value, 0))) { /* begins with number. */ long i, l; Octstr *s; i = octstr_parse_long(&l, value, 0, 10); if (i < 0) { warning(0, "Bad counter for field %s!", mms_header_to_cstr(field_type)); i = 0; } wsp_pack_integer_value(encoded, l); s = octstr_copy(value, i, octstr_len(value)); octstr_strip_blanks(s); pack_short_integer(encoded, mms_string_to_response_status(s)); wsp_pack_value(os, encoded); octstr_destroy(s); } else pack_short_integer(os, mms_string_to_response_status(value)); break; case MMS_HEADER_RETRIEVE_STATUS: pack_short_integer(os, mms_string_to_retrieve_status(value)); break; case MMS_HEADER_STATUS: pack_short_integer(os, mms_string_to_status(value)); break; case MMS_HEADER_SENDER_VISIBILITY: pack_short_integer(os, mms_string_to_visibility(value)); break; case MMS_HEADER_MESSAGE_CLASS: ch = mms_string_to_message_class(value); if (ch < 0) wsp_pack_text(os, value); else pack_short_integer(os, ch); break; case MMS_HEADER_DATE: /* Date values. */ wsp_pack_date(os, value); break; case MMS_HEADER_MESSAGE_SIZE: case MMS_HEADER_REPLY_CHARGING_SIZE: case MMS_HEADER_START: case MMS_HEADER_LIMIT: case MMS_HEADER_MESSAGE_COUNT: wsp_pack_integer_string(os, value); break; case MMS_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE: wsp_pack_content_type(os, value); break; case MMS_HEADER_DELIVERY_TIME: case MMS_HEADER_EXPIRY: case MMS_HEADER_REPLY_CHARGING_DEADLINE: if (octstr_isnum(value) == 1) { /* A delta value. */ long l; sscanf(octstr_get_cstr(value), "%ld", &l); c = 129; octstr_append_char(encoded, c); wsp_pack_long_integer(encoded, l); } else { /* Must be a date value .*/ c = 128; octstr_append_char(encoded, c); wsp_pack_date(encoded, value); } wsp_pack_value(os, encoded); break; case MMS_HEADER_FROM: if (octstr_compare(octstr_imm("#insert"), value) == 0) { c = 129; octstr_append_data(encoded, (char *)&c, 1); } else { c = 128; octstr_append_data(encoded, (char *)&c, 1); wsp_pack_text(encoded, value); } wsp_pack_value(os, encoded); break; case MMS_HEADER_PREVIOUSLY_SENT_BY: case MMS_HEADER_PREVIOUSLY_SENT_DATE: { long i, l; Octstr *s; i = octstr_parse_long(&l, value, 0, 10); if (i <0) { warning(0, "Bad counter indicator for field!"); i = 0; } wsp_pack_integer_value(encoded, l); s = octstr_copy(value, i, octstr_len(value)); octstr_strip_blanks(s); if (field_type == MMS_HEADER_PREVIOUSLY_SENT_BY) wsp_pack_text(encoded, s); else wsp_pack_date(encoded, s); octstr_destroy(s); wsp_pack_value(os, encoded); } break; case MMS_HEADER_MM_STATE: pack_short_integer(os, mms_string_to_mm_state(value)); break; case MMS_HEADER_STORE_STATUS: pack_short_integer(os, mms_string_to_store_status(value)); break; case MMS_HEADER_MM_FLAGS: { Octstr *s; int i = 1; ch = octstr_get_char(value, 0); if (ch == '+') pack_short_integer(encoded, 0x80); else if (ch == '-') pack_short_integer(encoded, 0x81); else if (ch == '/') pack_short_integer(encoded, 0x82); else { i = 0; pack_short_integer(encoded, 0x82); /* default is filter. */ } s = octstr_copy(value, i, octstr_len(value)); wsp_pack_text(encoded, s); wsp_pack_value(os, encoded); octstr_destroy(s); } break; case MMS_HEADER_ATTRIBUTES: ch = mms_string_to_header(value); pack_short_integer(os, ch); break; case MMS_HEADER_MBOX_TOTALS: case MMS_HEADER_MBOX_QUOTAS: { long i, l; i = octstr_parse_long(&l, value, 0, 10); if (i <0) { warning(0, "Bad quota value for field %s!", mms_header_to_cstr(field_type)); i = 0; } if (octstr_case_search(value, octstr_imm("bytes"), i) < 0) ch = 0x80; else ch = 0x81; pack_short_integer(encoded, ch); wsp_pack_integer_value(encoded, l); wsp_pack_value(os, encoded); } break; case MMS_HEADER_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTOR: { Octstr *cv, *cpar; List *params; int i, n; split_header_value(value, &cv, &cpar); params = get_value_parameters(cpar); wsp_pack_text(encoded, cv); n = gwlist_len(params); for (i = 0; iheaders, octstr_imm("X-Mms-MMS-Version")); if (!ver || octstr_str_compare(ver, "1.1") <= 0) { m->enc = MS_1_1; if (!ver) http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", MMS_DEFAULT_VERSION); } else if (octstr_str_compare(ver, "1.2") <= 0) m->enc = MS_1_2; http_header_remove_all(m->headers, "MIME-Version"); switch (m->message_type) { case MMS_MSGTYPE_SEND_REQ: case MMS_MSGTYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF: case MMS_MSGTYPE_FORWARD_REQ: /* Check for from. */ if (from && (s = http_header_value(m->headers, octstr_imm("From"))) == NULL) http_header_add(m->headers, "From", octstr_get_cstr(from)); else octstr_destroy(s); /* Check for date. */ if ((s = http_header_value(m->headers, octstr_imm("Date"))) == NULL) { Octstr *t = date_format_http(time(NULL)); http_header_add(m->headers, "Date", octstr_get_cstr(t)); octstr_destroy(t); } else octstr_destroy(s); /* check for transaction ID. */ if ((s = http_header_value(m->headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Transaction-ID"))) == NULL) { if (m->message_type != MMS_MSGTYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF) http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Transaction-ID", "00001"); } else octstr_destroy(s); #if 0 /* This will be done elsewhere. */ /* Check for msgid, put in if missing. */ if ((s = http_header_value(m->headers, octstr_imm("Message-ID"))) == NULL) http_header_add(m->headers, "Message-ID", "00000"); else octstr_destroy(s); #endif /* check for content-type. */ if ((s = http_header_value(m->headers, octstr_imm("Content-Type"))) == NULL) { char *ctype; if (m->body.s == NULL || (!m->ismultipart && octstr_check_range(m->body.s, 0, octstr_len(m->body.s), _mms_gw_isprint) == 0)) ctype = "application/octet-stream"; else if (m->ismultipart) ctype = "application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed"; else ctype = "text/plain"; http_header_add(m->headers, "Content-Type", ctype); } else octstr_destroy(s); strip_boundary_element(m->headers, NULL); /* remove top-level boundary element if any. */ break; case MMS_MSGTYPE_SEND_CONF: case MMS_MSGTYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND: case MMS_MSGTYPE_DELIVERY_IND: case MMS_MSGTYPE_READ_REC_IND: case MMS_MSGTYPE_READ_ORIG_IND: http_header_remove_all(m->headers, "Content-Type"); /* Just in case, particularly from mime! */ break; } octstr_destroy(ver); return 0; } mms_encoding mms_message_enc(MmsMsg *msg) { gw_assert(msg); return msg->enc; } MmsMsg *mms_frombinary(Octstr *msg, Octstr *from) { int res = 0; MmsMsg _m = {0}, *m = NULL; ParseContext *p; Octstr *s; if (!msg) return NULL; p = parse_context_create(msg); mms_strings_init(); /* Just in case. */ _m.headers = gwlist_create(); decode_msgheaders(p, _m.headers, from, 1); if (_m.headers == NULL || gwlist_len(_m.headers) == 0) goto done; /* Get the message type and also set flag for whether multipart.*/ s = http_header_value(_m.headers, octstr_imm("Content-Type")); if (s && octstr_search(s, octstr_imm("application/vnd.wap.multipart"), 0) == 0) _m.ismultipart = 1; octstr_destroy(s); s = http_header_value(_m.headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Message-Type")); if (s) { _m.message_type = mms_string_to_message_type(s); octstr_destroy(s); } else goto done; s = http_header_value(_m.headers, octstr_imm("Message-ID")); _m.msgId = s; if ((res = decode_msgbody(p, &_m)) < 0) /* A body decode error occured. */ goto done; m = gw_malloc(sizeof m[0]); /* all ok, copy. */ *m = _m; fixup_msg(m, from); done: parse_context_destroy(p); if (!m) { /* This means an error occurred. Delete the interim stuff. */ MmsMsg *msg = &_m; if (msg->ismultipart) gwlist_destroy(msg->body.l, (gwlist_item_destructor_t *)mime_entity_destroy); else octstr_destroy(msg->body.s); http_destroy_headers(msg->headers); octstr_destroy(msg->msgId); } return m; } static void _x_mime_entity_dump(MIMEEntity *x, int level, int headers_only) { int i,m, ism; List *h; Octstr *body; ism = ((m = mime_entity_num_parts(x)) > 0); debug("part.dump", 0, "%sMultipart -> ", ism ? "" : "Not "); h = mime_entity_headers(x); strip_boundary_element(h,NULL); http_header_dump(h); http_destroy_headers(h); if (ism) for (i = 0; iheaders); debug("mms.dump", 0, "Dumping MMS message body (%s) [%ld parts] --> ", m->ismultipart ? "mulitpart" : "not multipart", m->ismultipart ? gwlist_len(m->body.l) : 0); if (m->ismultipart) for (i = 0, n = gwlist_len(m->body.l); i< n; i++) { MIMEEntity *x = gwlist_get(m->body.l, i); debug("mms.dump", 0, "--->Message part: %d --->", i); _x_mime_entity_dump(x,0,headers_only); } else if (!headers_only) octstr_dump(m->body.s, 0); } Octstr *mms_tobinary(MmsMsg *msg) { Octstr *s; if (!msg) return NULL; s = octstr_create(""); encode_msgheaders(s, msg->headers); if (msg->body.s) encode_msgbody(s, msg); return s; } int mms_messagetype(MmsMsg *msg) { gw_assert(msg); return msg->message_type; } static int convert_mime_msg(MIMEEntity *m) { int i, n, res = 0; Octstr *content_type = NULL, *params = NULL; char *s = NULL; List *h = mime_entity_headers(m); n = get_content_type(h, &content_type, ¶ms); if (n == 0 && content_type) { if (octstr_str_compare(content_type, "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related") == 0) s = "multipart/related"; else if (octstr_str_compare(content_type, "application/vnd.wap.multipart.alternative") == 0) s = "multipart/alternative"; else if (octstr_str_compare(content_type, "application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed") == 0) s = "multipart/mixed"; } if (s) { Octstr *value; if (params && octstr_len(params) > 0) { List *ph = get_value_parameters(params); /* unpack then re-pack them with proper quoting for mime.*/ Octstr *ps = make_value_parameters(ph); value = octstr_format("%s; %S", s, params); octstr_destroy(ps); http_destroy_headers(ph); } else value = octstr_create(s); http_header_remove_all(h, "Content-Type"); http_header_add(h, "Content-Type", octstr_get_cstr(value)); mime_replace_headers(m,h); octstr_destroy(value); res = 1; } http_destroy_headers(h); if ((n = mime_entity_num_parts(m)) > 0) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { MIMEEntity *x = mime_entity_get_part(m, i); int xres = convert_mime_msg(x); if (xres) { mime_entity_replace_part(m, i, x); res = 1; } mime_entity_destroy(x); } octstr_destroy(params); octstr_destroy(content_type); return res; } static int unconvert_mime_msg(MIMEEntity *m) { int i, n, res = 0; Octstr *content_type, *params; char *s = NULL; List *h = mime_entity_headers(m); n = get_content_type(h, &content_type, ¶ms); if (n == 0 && content_type) { if (octstr_case_compare(content_type, octstr_imm("multipart/related")) == 0) s = "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related"; else if (octstr_case_compare(content_type, octstr_imm("multipart/alternative")) == 0) s = "application/vnd.wap.multipart.alternative"; else if (octstr_case_compare(content_type, octstr_imm("multipart/mixed")) == 0) s = "application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed"; else if (DRM_CONTENT_TYPE(content_type) && mime_entity_num_parts(m) > 0) { /* fixup drm that might have been screwed up. */ Octstr *x = mime_entity_body(m); while (mime_entity_num_parts(m) > 0) /* remove them all. this message must not be parsed as mime. */ mime_entity_remove_part(m, 0); mime_entity_set_body(m, x); octstr_destroy(x); } res = 1; } if (s) strip_boundary_element(h,s); mime_replace_headers(m, h); http_destroy_headers(h); octstr_destroy(params); octstr_destroy(content_type); if ((n = mime_entity_num_parts(m)) > 0) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { MIMEEntity *x = mime_entity_get_part(m, i); int xres = unconvert_mime_msg(x); if (xres) { mime_entity_replace_part(m, i, x); res = 1; } mime_entity_destroy(x); } return res; } MIMEEntity *mms_tomime(MmsMsg *msg, int base64) { MIMEEntity *m; int i, n; if (!msg) return NULL; m = mime_entity_create(); mime_replace_headers(m, msg->headers); if (!msg->ismultipart) mime_entity_set_body(m, msg->body.s); else { for (i = 0, n = gwlist_len(msg->body.l); i < n; i++) { MIMEEntity *mx = gwlist_get(msg->body.l, i); mime_entity_add_part(m, mx); } } convert_mime_msg(m); if (base64) base64_mimeparts(m,0); return m; } static void fixup_date(List *headers, Octstr *hname) { Octstr *s; if ((s = http_header_value(headers, hname)) != NULL) { struct tm xtm, ytm, *tm; time_t t = time(NULL), t2; char buf[64], *p, *q; http_header_remove_all(headers, octstr_get_cstr(hname)); localtime_r(&t, &xtm); /* Initialise it. */ strptime(octstr_get_cstr(s), "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z", &xtm); /* Parse date value with time zone. */ t2 = gw_mktime(&xtm); /* Convert to unix time... */ tm = gmtime_r(&t2, &ytm); /* Then convert to GM time. */ if (!tm || asctime_r(tm, buf) == NULL) /* Then convert to ascii. If that fails...*/ ctime_r(&t, buf); /* .. just use current time. */ /* Strip leading and trailing blanks. */ for (p = buf; *p && p < buf + sizeof buf; p++) if (!isspace(*p)) break; q = p + (strlen(p) - 1); while (isspace(*q) && q > p) *q-- = 0; http_header_add(headers, octstr_get_cstr(hname), p); octstr_destroy(s); } } MmsMsg *mms_frommime(MIMEEntity *mime) { MmsMsg *m; Octstr *s; MIMEEntity *mx; int i, n; List *h; if (!mime) return NULL; m = gw_malloc(sizeof *m); memset(m, 0, sizeof *m); mx = mime_entity_duplicate(mime); unconvert_mime_msg(mx); /* Fix-up content type issues. */ unpack_mimeheaders(mx); unbase64_mimeparts(mx); m->headers = mime_entity_headers(mx); if ((n = mime_entity_num_parts(mx)) > 0) { m->ismultipart = 1; m->body.l = gwlist_create(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) gwlist_append(m->body.l, mime_entity_get_part(mx, i)); } else { m->ismultipart = 0; m->body.s = mime_entity_body(mx); } mime_entity_destroy(mx); /* Because all its bits are used above. XXX not very clean! */ /* Now check for important headers. If missing, put them in - MsgId fixup - Vince */ s = http_header_value(m->headers, octstr_imm("Message-ID")); if (s) { octstr_replace(s, octstr_imm("<"), octstr_imm("")); octstr_replace(s, octstr_imm(">"), octstr_imm("")); if (octstr_get_char(s, 0) == '"') { octstr_delete(s, 0, 1); octstr_delete(s, octstr_len(s)-1, 1); } http_header_remove_all(m->headers, "Message-ID"); http_header_add(m->headers, "Message-ID", octstr_get_cstr(s)); m->msgId = octstr_duplicate(s); octstr_destroy(s); } /* Default type is send */ if ((s = http_header_value(m->headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Message-Type"))) == NULL || octstr_compare(s, octstr_imm("MM4_forward.REQ")) == 0) { http_header_remove_all(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type"); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type", (char *)mms_message_type_to_cstr(MMS_MSGTYPE_SEND_REQ)); m->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_SEND_REQ; if (s) octstr_destroy(s); } else { m->message_type = mms_string_to_message_type(s); if (m->message_type < 0) { error(0, "Unknown message type: %s while parsing mime entity.", octstr_get_cstr(s)); octstr_destroy(s); goto failed; } octstr_destroy(s); } if ((s = http_header_value(m->headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-MMS-Version"))) == NULL) http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", MMS_DEFAULT_VERSION); else octstr_destroy(s); /* Fix-up date strings: Put it in GMT format, since it might not be. */ fixup_date(m->headers, octstr_imm("Date")); fixup_date(m->headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Expiry")); fixup_date(m->headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Delivery-Time")); fixup_date(m->headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Previously-Sent-Date")); fixup_date(m->headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Reply-Charging-Deadline")); /* rebuild headers, skipping bad ones. */ h = http_create_empty_headers(); for (i = 0; iheaders); i++) { Octstr *name = NULL, *value = NULL; http_header_get(m->headers, i, &name, &value); if (mms_is_token(name)) /* if header name is bad, kill this header field. */ http_header_add(h, octstr_get_cstr(name), octstr_get_cstr(value)); octstr_destroy(name); octstr_destroy(value); } http_destroy_headers(m->headers); m->headers = h; /* XXXX Probably ought to handle some more headers here: * Return-Receipt-To becomes Read request is yes * Disposition-Notification-To: becomes X-Mms-Delivery-Report = Yes */ /* XXXX Also need to validate this message a bit better. */ fixup_msg(m, octstr_imm("anon@unknown")); return m; failed: mms_destroy(m); return NULL; } void mms_destroy(MmsMsg *msg) { if (!msg) return; if (msg->ismultipart) gwlist_destroy(msg->body.l, (gwlist_item_destructor_t *)mime_entity_destroy); else if (msg->body.s) octstr_destroy(msg->body.s); http_destroy_headers(msg->headers); if (msg->msgId) octstr_destroy(msg->msgId); gw_free(msg); } List *mms_message_headers(MmsMsg *msg) { gw_assert(msg); return http_header_duplicate(msg->headers); } MmsMsg *mms_readreport(Octstr *msgid, Octstr *from, Octstr *to, time_t date, Octstr *status) { MmsMsg *m; Octstr *s; m = gw_malloc(sizeof *m); m->ismultipart = 0; m->headers = http_create_empty_headers(); m->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_READ_ORIG_IND; m->body.s = NULL; m->msgId = octstr_duplicate(msgid ? msgid : octstr_imm("none")); /* Now append headers. */ http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type", "m-read-orig-ind"); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", MMS_DEFAULT_VERSION); http_header_add(m->headers, "Message-ID", msgid ? octstr_get_cstr(msgid) : "none"); http_header_add(m->headers, "To", octstr_get_cstr(to)); http_header_add(m->headers, "From", octstr_get_cstr(from)); s = date_format_http(date); http_header_add(m->headers, "Date", octstr_get_cstr(s)); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Status", octstr_get_cstr(status)); octstr_destroy(s); return m; } MmsMsg *mms_deliveryreport(Octstr *msgid, Octstr *to, time_t date, Octstr *status) { MmsMsg *m = gw_malloc(sizeof *m); Octstr *s; m->ismultipart = 0; m->headers = http_create_empty_headers(); m->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_DELIVERY_IND; m->body.s = NULL; m->msgId = octstr_duplicate(msgid ? msgid : octstr_imm("none")); /* Now append headers. */ http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type", "m-delivery-ind"); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", MMS_DEFAULT_VERSION); http_header_add(m->headers, "Message-ID", msgid ? octstr_get_cstr(msgid) : "none"); http_header_add(m->headers, "To", octstr_get_cstr(to)); s = date_format_http(date); http_header_add(m->headers, "Date", octstr_get_cstr(s)); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Status", octstr_get_cstr(status)); octstr_destroy(s); return m; } MmsMsg *mms_notification(MmsMsg *msg, unsigned int msize, Octstr *url, Octstr *transactionid, time_t expiryt, int optimizesize) { MmsMsg *m = gw_malloc(sizeof *m); char buf[10]; time_t tnow = time(NULL); m->ismultipart = 0; m->msgId = NULL; m->body.s = NULL; m->headers = http_create_empty_headers(); m->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND; http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type", "m-notification-ind"); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Transaction-ID", octstr_get_cstr(transactionid)); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", MMS_DEFAULT_VERSION); #define HX(h,d) do {\ Octstr *s = http_header_value(msg->headers, octstr_imm(#h)); \ if (s) { \ http_header_add(m->headers, #h, octstr_get_cstr(s)); \ octstr_destroy(s); \ } else if (d) \ http_header_add(m->headers, #h, d); \ } while(0) if (!optimizesize) { HX(From,NULL); HX(Subject,NULL); } HX(X-Mms-Message-Class, "Personal"); #undef HX sprintf(buf, "%d", msize); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Size", buf); #define LARGET 365*24*3600 sprintf(buf, "%ld", expiryt ? expiryt - tnow : LARGET); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Expiry", buf); /* No reply charge stuff for now. */ http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Content-Location", octstr_get_cstr(url)); return m; } MmsMsg *mms_retrieveconf(MmsMsg *msg, Octstr *transactionid, char *err, char *errtxt, Octstr *opt_from, int menc) { MmsMsg *m; m = gw_malloc(sizeof *m); m->msgId = msg ? octstr_duplicate(msg->msgId) : octstr_imm("00000"); m->headers = http_create_empty_headers(); m->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF; http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type", "m-retrieve-conf"); if (transactionid) http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Transaction-ID", octstr_get_cstr(transactionid)); if (menc >= MS_1_2) http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", "1.2"); else http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", MMS_DEFAULT_VERSION); if (!msg) { Octstr *x = date_format_http(time(NULL)); m->ismultipart = 0; http_header_add(m->headers, "Date", octstr_get_cstr(x)); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Retrieve-Status",err); if (err) http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Retrieve-Text",err); if (opt_from) http_header_add(m->headers, "From", octstr_get_cstr(opt_from)); http_header_add(m->headers, "Content-Type", "text/plain"); if (errtxt) m->body.s = octstr_create(errtxt); else m->body.s = octstr_create(" "); octstr_destroy(x); } else { /* Otherwise copy from message. */ List *h = mms_message_headers(msg); int i, n; #if 0 /* Some phones do not like this header! */ http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Retrieve-Status", "Ok"); #endif http_header_combine(h, m->headers); http_destroy_headers(m->headers); m->headers = h; m->ismultipart = msg->ismultipart; if (!m->ismultipart) m->body.s = octstr_duplicate(msg->body.s); else /* Body is a list of MIMEEntities, so recreate it. */ for (m->body.l = gwlist_create(), i = 0, n = gwlist_len(msg->body.l); ibody.l, mime_entity_duplicate(gwlist_get(msg->body.l, i))); /* Remove some headers that may not be permitted. */ mms_remove_headers(m, "X-Mms-Expiry"); mms_remove_headers(m, "X-Mms-Delivery-Time"); mms_remove_headers(m, "X-Mms-Sender-Visibility"); } return m; } int mms_remove_headers(MmsMsg *m, char *name) { gw_assert(m); http_header_remove_all(m->headers, name); return 0; } MmsMsg *mms_sendconf(char *errstr, char *msgid, char *transid, int isforward, int menc) { MmsMsg *m = gw_malloc(sizeof *m); m->ismultipart = 0; m->msgId = msgid ? octstr_create(msgid) : NULL; m->body.s = NULL; m->headers = http_create_empty_headers(); if (!isforward) { m->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_SEND_CONF; http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type", "m-send-conf"); } else { m->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_FORWARD_CONF; http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type", "m-forward-conf"); } http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Transaction-ID", transid); if (menc >= MS_1_2) http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", "1.2"); else http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", MMS_DEFAULT_VERSION); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Response-Status", errstr); if (msgid) http_header_add(m->headers, "Message-ID", msgid); return m; } MmsMsg *mms_notifyresp_ind(char *transid, int menc, char *status, int report_allowed) { MmsMsg *m = gw_malloc(sizeof *m); m->ismultipart = 0; m->msgId = NULL; m->body.s = NULL; m->headers = http_create_empty_headers(); m->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_NOTIFYRESP; http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type", "m-notifyresp-ind"); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Transaction-ID", transid); if (menc >= MS_1_2) http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", "1.2"); else http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", MMS_DEFAULT_VERSION); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Status", status); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Report-Allowed", report_allowed ? "Yes" : "No"); return m; } int mms_make_sendreq(MmsMsg *retrieveconf) { gw_assert(retrieveconf); if (retrieveconf->message_type == MMS_MSGTYPE_SEND_REQ) return 0; gw_assert(retrieveconf->message_type == MMS_MSGTYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF); retrieveconf->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_SEND_REQ; mms_replace_header_value(retrieveconf, "X-Mms-Message-Type", (char *)mms_message_type_to_cstr(MMS_MSGTYPE_SEND_REQ)); return 0; } int mms_replace_header_value(MmsMsg *msg, char *hname, char *value) { gw_assert(msg); http_header_remove_all(msg->headers, hname); http_header_add(msg->headers, hname, value); return 0; } int mms_add_missing_headers(MmsMsg *msg, List *headers) { List *h; gw_assert(msg); h = http_header_duplicate(headers); http_header_combine(h, msg->headers); http_destroy_headers(msg->headers); msg->headers = h; return 0; } int mms_replace_header_values(MmsMsg *msg, char *hname, List *value) { int i; gw_assert(msg); http_header_remove_all(msg->headers, hname); for (i = 0; i < gwlist_len(value); i++) { Octstr *x = gwlist_get(value, i); http_header_add(msg->headers, hname, octstr_get_cstr(x)); } return 0; } Octstr *mms_get_header_value(MmsMsg *msg, Octstr *header) { gw_assert(msg); return http_header_value(msg->headers, header); } List *mms_get_header_values(MmsMsg *msg, Octstr *header) { List *h; List *l; int i; gw_assert(msg); l = gwlist_create(); h = http_header_find_all(msg->headers, octstr_get_cstr(header)); for (i = 0; i < gwlist_len(h); i++) { Octstr *hname, *value; http_header_get(h, i, &hname, &value); gwlist_append(l, value); octstr_destroy(hname); } http_destroy_headers(h); return l; } int mms_convert_readrec2readorig(MmsMsg *msg) { Octstr *s; gw_assert(msg); if (msg->message_type != MMS_MSGTYPE_READ_REC_IND) return -1; mms_replace_header_value(msg, "X-Mms-Message-Type", "m-read-orig-ind"); msg->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_READ_ORIG_IND; if ((s = mms_get_header_value(msg, octstr_imm("Date"))) == NULL) { time_t t = time(NULL); s = date_format_http(t); mms_replace_header_value(msg, "Date", octstr_get_cstr(s)); } octstr_destroy(s); return 0; } MmsMsg *mms_storeconf(char *errstr, char *transid, Octstr *msgloc, int isupload, int menc) { MmsMsg *m = gw_malloc(sizeof *m); m->ismultipart = 0; m->msgId = NULL; m->body.s = NULL; m->headers = http_create_empty_headers(); if (!isupload) { m->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_MBOX_STORE_CONF; http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type", "m-mbox-store-conf"); } else { m->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_MBOX_UPLOAD_CONF; http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type", "m-mbox-upload-conf"); } http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Transaction-ID", transid); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", "1.2"); /* ignore menc for now. */ http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Store-Status", errstr); if (msgloc) http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Content-Location", octstr_get_cstr(msgloc)); return m; } MmsMsg *mms_deleteconf(int menc, char *transid) { MmsMsg *m = gw_malloc(sizeof *m); m->ismultipart = 0; m->msgId = NULL; m->body.s = NULL; m->headers = http_create_empty_headers(); m->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_MBOX_DELETE_CONF; http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type", "m-mbox-delete-conf"); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Transaction-ID", transid); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", "1.2"); /* ignore menc for now. */ return m; } static int mms_msgsize(MmsMsg *m) { Octstr *s; int n; gw_assert(m); s = mms_tobinary(m); /* Dirty, but works... */ n = octstr_len(s); octstr_destroy(s); return n; } static int mms_convert_to_mboxdescr(MmsMsg *mm, Octstr *cloc, List *reqhdrs, unsigned long msize) { int i, n; List *mh, *xh; Octstr *xstate; int addcontent = 0, hasmsgid = 0; if (!mm) return -1; mh = http_create_empty_headers(); mm->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_MBOX_DESCR; http_header_add(mh, "X-Mms-Message-Type", "m-mbox-descr"); http_header_add(mh, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", "1.2"); http_header_add(mh, "X-Mms-Content-Location", octstr_get_cstr(cloc)); /* Add only those headers requested. */ for (i = 0, n = gwlist_len(reqhdrs); i < n; i++) { Octstr *header = gwlist_get(reqhdrs,i); List *h = http_header_find_all(mm->headers, octstr_get_cstr(header)); int j; if (octstr_case_compare(header, octstr_imm("Content")) == 0) { addcontent = 1; goto loop; } else if (octstr_case_compare(header, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Message-Size")) == 0) { char yy[64]; sprintf(yy, "%lu", msize); http_header_add(mh, "X-Mms-Message-Size", yy); goto loop; } else if (octstr_case_compare(header, octstr_imm("Message-ID")) == 0) hasmsgid = 1; for (j = 0; j < gwlist_len(h); j++) { Octstr *hname, *value; http_header_get(h, j, &hname, &value); octstr_destroy(hname); http_header_add(mh, octstr_get_cstr(header), octstr_get_cstr(value)); octstr_destroy(value); } loop: http_destroy_headers(h); /* We ignore the extra attributes request. */ } if (!hasmsgid) { Octstr *v = http_header_value(mm->headers, octstr_imm("Message-ID")); if (v) { http_header_add(mh, "Message-ID", octstr_get_cstr(v)); octstr_destroy(v); } } /* Copy over the MM-State and MM-flags headers. */ xh = http_header_find_all(mm->headers, "X-Mms-MM-Flags"); if (xh) { http_header_combine(mh,xh); http_destroy_headers(xh); } xstate = http_header_value(mm->headers, octstr_imm("X-Mms-MM-State")); if (xstate) { http_header_remove_all(mh, "X-Mms-MM-State"); http_header_add(mh, "X-Mms-MM-State", octstr_get_cstr(xstate)); octstr_destroy(xstate); } if (!addcontent) { if (mm->ismultipart) gwlist_destroy(mm->body.l, (gwlist_item_destructor_t *)mime_entity_destroy); else if (mm->body.s) octstr_destroy(mm->body.s); mm->body.s = NULL; } else { /* copy over content type. */ Octstr *ctype = http_header_value(mm->headers, octstr_imm("Content-Type")); if (ctype) { http_header_add(mh, "Content-Type", octstr_get_cstr(ctype)); octstr_destroy(ctype); } } http_destroy_headers(mm->headers); mm->headers = mh; return 0; } MmsMsg *mms_viewconf(char *transid, List *msgrefs, List *msglocs, char *err, List *required_headers, MmsMsgGetFunc_t *getmsg, void *p1, void *p2, int maxsize, int menc, List *otherhdrs) { MmsMsg *m = gw_malloc(sizeof *m); int msize, i, n; int msgcount; err = err ? err : "Ok"; m->ismultipart = 0; m->msgId = NULL; m->body.s = NULL; m->headers = http_create_empty_headers(); m->message_type = MMS_MSGTYPE_MBOX_VIEW_CONF; http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Type", "m-mbox-view-conf"); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Transaction-ID", transid); http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-MMS-Version", "1.2"); /* ignore menc for now. */ /* Put in some dummy headers so count works fine ... */ http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Message-Count", "0"); http_header_add(m->headers, "Content-Type", "*/*"); /* we'll change this later. */ http_header_combine(m->headers, otherhdrs); /* add any other hdrs passed. */ if (msgrefs == NULL || strcasecmp(err, "ok") != 0) { /* We got an error. */ http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Response-Status", err ? err : "Error-unspecified"); return m; } else http_header_add(m->headers, "X-Mms-Response-Status", "Ok"); msize = mms_msgsize(m); n = gwlist_len(msgrefs); msgcount = 0; m->ismultipart = 1; m->body.l = gwlist_create(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { unsigned long tmsize; Octstr *msgref = gwlist_get(msgrefs,i); Octstr *msgloc = gwlist_get(msglocs, i); MmsMsg *mm = getmsg(p1, p2, msgref, &tmsize); Octstr *ms; if (mms_convert_to_mboxdescr(mm, msgloc, required_headers, tmsize) != 0) goto loop; ms = mms_tobinary(mm); if (octstr_len(ms) + msize <= maxsize) { MIMEEntity *mtmp = mime_entity_create(); List *h = mime_entity_headers(mtmp); http_header_add(h, "Content-Type", "application/vnd.wap.mms-message"); mime_replace_headers(mtmp, h); mime_entity_set_body(mtmp, ms); http_destroy_headers(h); gwlist_append(m->body.l, mtmp); msgcount++; msize += octstr_len(ms); } else { i = n; /* force end. */ octstr_destroy(ms); } mms_destroy(mm); loop:(void)0; } if (gwlist_len(m->body.l) > 0) { char x[32]; sprintf(x, "%d", (int)gwlist_len(m->body.l)); mms_replace_header_value(m, "X-Mms-Message-Count", x); mms_replace_header_value(m, "Content-Type", "application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed"); } else { gwlist_destroy(m->body.l,NULL); m->body.s = NULL; m->ismultipart = 0; } return m; } void *mms_msgbody(MmsMsg *msg) { if (!msg) return NULL; if (msg->ismultipart) { List *l = gwlist_create(); int i; for (i = 0; i < gwlist_len(msg->body.l); i++) gwlist_append(l, mime_entity_duplicate(gwlist_get(msg->body.l,i))); return l; } else return octstr_duplicate(msg->body.s); } int mms_clearbody(MmsMsg *msg) { if (!msg) return -1; if (msg->ismultipart) gwlist_destroy(msg->body.l, (gwlist_item_destructor_t *)mime_entity_destroy); else if (msg->body.s) octstr_destroy(msg->body.s); msg->body.s = NULL; msg->ismultipart = 0; http_header_remove_all(msg->headers, "Content-Type"); return 0; } int mms_putbody(MmsMsg *msg, void *body, int ismultipart) { gw_assert(msg); mms_clearbody(msg); msg->ismultipart = ismultipart; msg->body.s = body; return 0; }