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* Mbuni - Open Source MMS Gateway
* Misc. functions
* Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005, Digital Solutions Ltd. - http://www.dsmagic.com
* Paul Bagyenda <bagyenda@dsmagic.com>
* This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License, with a few exceptions granted (see LICENSE)
#ifndef __MMS_UTIL__INCLUDED__
#define __MMS_UTIL__INCLUDED__
#include "gwlib/gwlib.h"
#include "gwlib/mime.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "mms_strings.h"
#include "mms_msg.h"
#include "mms_billing.h"
#include "mms_resolve.h"
#include "mms_detokenize.h"
#include "mms_mmbox.h"
/* Send errors */
#define MMS_SEND_OK 0
#define SEND_ERROR_STR(e) ((e) == MMS_SEND_OK ? "Sent" : (e) == MMS_SEND_ERROR_TRANSIENT ? "Retry later" : "Failed")
/* Useful headers. */
#define XMSISDN_HEADER "X-WAP-Network-Client-MSISDN"
#define XIP_HEADER "X-WAP-Network-Client-Address"
#define MM_NAME "DS_MM"
typedef struct MmsProxyRelay {
Octstr *host;
Octstr *name;
Octstr *allowed_prefix;
Octstr *denied_prefix;
} MmsProxyRelay;
typedef struct MmsBoxSettings {
Octstr *system_user;
Octstr *name, *hostname, *host_alias;
List *local_domains;
Octstr *unified_prefix, *local_prefix;
Octstr *sendmail;
Octstr *global_queuedir, *mm1_queuedir, *mm4_queuedir;
Octstr *mmbox_rootdir;
Octstr *ua_profile_cache_dir;
long maxthreads;
long maxsendattempts;
long default_msgexpiry;
double queue_interval;
long send_back_off;
long port;
Octstr *allow_ip;
Octstr *deny_ip;
Octstr *email2mmsrelay_prefixes;
Octstr *sendsms_url;
#if 0
Octstr *sendsms_user, *sendsms_pass, *sendsms_globalsender;
Octstr *billing_params;
MmsBillingFuncStruct *mms_billfuncs; /* Link to billing funcs. */
void *mms_bill_module_data;
Octstr *resolver_params;
MmsResolverFuncStruct *mms_resolvefuncs; /* Link to resolver funcs. */
void *mms_resolver_module_data;
Octstr *detokenizer_params;
MmsDetokenizerFuncStruct *mms_detokenizefuncs; /* Link to detokenizer funcs. */
void *mms_detokenizer_module_data;
int allow_ip_type;
int optimize_notification_size;
Octstr *prov_notify;
Octstr *prov_notify_arg;
Octstr *prov_getstatus;
int notify_unprovisioned;
Octstr *mms_notify_txt;
Octstr *mms_notify_unprov_txt;
Octstr *mms_toolarge;
Octstr *mmbox_host; /* XXX need to remove this. */
Octstr *mms_email_txt;
Octstr *mms_email_html;
Octstr *wap_gw_msisdn_header;
Octstr *wap_gw_ip_header;
} MmsBoxSettings;
/* Global variables and shared code used by all modules. */
extern char *mms_hostname; /* Our hostname. */
/* Message location flags: Used to distinguish fetch-urls */
enum mms_loc_t {MMS_LOC_MMBOX = 1, MMS_LOC_MQUEUE=2};
/* Returns mmsbox settings. */
MmsBoxSettings *mms_load_mmsbox_settings(Cfg *cfg);
/* Returns list of MmsProxyRelay */
extern List *mms_proxy_relays(Cfg *cfg);
extern Octstr *mms_makefetchurl(char *qf, Octstr *token, int loc,
MmsBoxSettings *settings);
extern Octstr *mms_maketransid(char *qf, Octstr *mmscname);
extern Octstr *mms_getqf_fromtransid(Octstr *transid);
extern int mms_decodefetchurl(Octstr *fetch_url,
Octstr **qf, Octstr **token, int *loc);
Octstr *mms_find_sender_msisdn(Octstr **send_url, List *request_hdrs, Octstr *msisdn_header, MmsDetokenizerFuncStruct *detokenizerfuncs);
Octstr *mms_find_sender_ip(List *request_hdrs, Octstr *ip_header, Octstr *ip, int *isv6);
extern Octstr *mms_isodate(time_t t);
void mms_lib_init(void);
/* get content type while stripping params. If any param is null, fails. */
int get_content_type(List *hdrs, Octstr **type, Octstr **params);
/* Takes a header value, returns the value proper and any parameters... */
int split_header_value(Octstr *value, Octstr **base_value, Octstr **params);
/* Returns a list of parameters as http_headers given the semi-comma delimited string.*/
List *get_value_parameters(Octstr *params);
Octstr *make_value_parameters(List *params);
/* Where value is comma-separated, make separate header items. */
void unpack_mimeheaders(MIMEEntity *m);
/* Where element has base64 encoding, decode. */
void unbase64_mimeparts(MIMEEntity *m);
/* Where element contains binary data, encode it base64. */
void base64_mimeparts(MIMEEntity *m);
void notify_prov_server(char *cmd, char *from, char *event, char *arg);
int mms_ind_send(Octstr *prov_cmd, Octstr *to);
/* Send this message to email recipient: Returns 0 on success 1 or 2 on profile error
* (negate to get right one), -ve on some other error
int mms_sendtoemail(Octstr *from, Octstr *to,
Octstr *subject, Octstr *msgid,
MmsMsg *msg, int dlr, Octstr **error,
char *sendmail_cmd, Octstr *myhostname,
int trans_msg,
int trans_smil, char *txt, char *html, int append_hostname);
/* log to access log. */
void mms_log(char *logmsg, Octstr *from, List *to,
int msize, Octstr *msgid,
Octstr *acct,
Octstr *viaproxy,
char *interface,
Octstr *ua, Octstr *mmboxloc);
void mms_log2(char *logmsg, Octstr *from, Octstr *to,
int msize, Octstr *msgid,
Octstr *acct,
Octstr *viaproxy,
char *interface,
Octstr *ua, Octstr *mmboxloc);
* lockfile: tries to lock a file, returns 0 if success, errno (which could be +ve) otherwise.
* we use flock()
int mm_lockfile(int fd, char *fname, int shouldblock);