Implement pre and post hooks, resolves #10

This commit is contained in:
Janek Bevendorff 2016-11-18 02:38:48 +01:00
parent 51f514506c
commit 4f35991986
1 changed files with 111 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -52,6 +52,12 @@ _VERBOSE_MODE=false
if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then
@ -85,31 +91,43 @@ user will be backed up.
Usage: $(basename $0) [OPTION]...
-r, --remote-host=HOST The remote host to connect to
--remote-user=NAME The username to use for logging into the remote server
(%h will be replaced with the host name of this
machine and %u with your username)
--push-module=NAME The remote rsync server module
--ssh-options=OPTS Additional SSH options (will be merged with the default
options set in the rs-backup client-config file)
-o, --rsync-options=OPTS Additional options for rsync
-n, --dry-run Perform a test run (same as the --dry-run option for
rsync). Enable --verbose mode for useful control output
-s, --no-home-dirs Don't back up home dirs, only perform global system
backup (root only)
-i, --include-from=FILE Specify an alternate inclusion pattern file
This will override the default setting. If the script
is run as root, only the system backup will be
performed, no additional home directories will be
backed up
-l, --log-level=NUM Set log level to NUM (between 0 and 4)
--log-file=FILE Log to this file instead of syslog
-f, --force-run Force rs-backup to run, even if a lock file exists
-q, --quiet Don't print any error messages or warnings to the
screen (only write to log file)
-v, --verbose Print all messages of the current debug level
-p, --progress Print file transfer information to the terminal
-h, --help Print this help and exit
-r, --remote-host=HOST The remote host to connect to
--remote-user=NAME The username to use for logging into the remote server
(%h will be replaced with the host name of this
machine and %u with your username)
--push-module=NAME The remote rsync server module
--ssh-options=OPTS Additional SSH options (will be merged with the default
options set in the rs-backup client-config file)
-o, --rsync-options=OPTS Additional options for rsync
-n, --dry-run Perform a test run (same as the --dry-run option for
rsync). Enable --verbose mode for useful control output
-s, --no-home-dirs Don't back up home dirs, only perform global system
backup (root only)
-i, --include-from=FILE Specify an alternate inclusion pattern file
This will override the default setting. If the script
is run as root, only the system backup will be
performed, no additional home directories will be
backed up
-l, --log-level=NUM Set log level to NUM (between 0 and 4)
--log-file=FILE Log to this file instead of syslog
-f, --force-run Force rs-backup to run, even if a lock file exists
-q, --quiet Don't print any error messages or warnings to the
screen (only write to log file)
-v, --verbose Print all messages of the current debug level
-p, --progress Print file transfer information to the terminal
--pre-hook=CMD Command to be run before the backup. Will only be run
once for multi-user / global system backup. The hook
command will be executed as the user who started the
backup command
--post-hook=CMD Similar to --pre-hook, but run after the backup
has successfully finished. If an error occurred
during the backup, the post hook will not be run.
--forced-post-hook=CMD Same as --post-hook, but will always be run, regardless
of wether an error occurred or not. Will also be run
if the backup was interrupted by SIGINT or SIGTERM.
If both --post-hook and --forced-post-hook are specified,
--post-hook is run first
-h, --help Print this help and exit
@ -211,14 +229,57 @@ remove_runfile() {
rmdir "$(dirname $_RUNFILE)" > /dev/null 2>&1
# Run the user-specified pre hook
# Usage: run_pre_hook
run_pre_hook() {
if ! $_PRE_HOOK_RUN && [ "" != "$_PRE_HOOK" ]; then
# Run the user-specified post hook
# Usage: run_post_hook
run_post_hook() {
if ! $_POST_HOOK_RUN && [ "" != "$_POST_HOOK" ]; then
# Run the user-specified forced post hook
# Usage: run_forced_post_hook
run_forced_post_hook() {
if ! $_FORCED_POST_HOOK_RUN && [ "" != "$_FORCED_POST_HOOK" ]; then
# Exit cleanly with given exit code.
# Removes any run files and runs the forced post hook.
# Usage clean_exit <exit_code>
clean_exit() {
exit $@
# Handle script termination by external signals.
# Usage: handle_signals
handle_exit_signal() {
write_log 1 "Program terminated upon user request."
exit 1
clean_exit 1
# Show a desktop notification using notify-send
@ -526,16 +587,15 @@ parse_cmd_args() {
getopt -T > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 4 ]; then
write_log 1 "Need GNU getopt for command line parameter parsing!"
exit 1;
exit 1
args=$(getopt \
-s sh \
-o "r:o:nsi:l:fqvph" \
-l "remote-host:,remote-user:,push-module:,ssh-options:,rsync-options:,dry-run,no-home-dirs,include-from:,log-level:,log-file:,force-run,quiet,verbose,progress,help" \
-n "${name}" \
-- "${@}")
args=$(getopt -s sh -o "$short_opts" -l "$long_opts" -n "${name}" -- "${@}")
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
@ -572,12 +632,12 @@ parse_cmd_args() {
shift 2 ;;
shift 2 ;;
# Test if file is writeable
! test_file_perms "w" "${2}" && echo "$name: '${2}' is not writeable!" >&2 && exit 1
shift 2 ;;
@ -591,6 +651,15 @@ parse_cmd_args() {
shift ;;
shift 2 ;;
shift 2 ;;
shift 2 ;;
exit ;;
@ -625,6 +694,7 @@ elif $_FORCE_RUN; then
write_log 4 "Backup already running as PID $(<$_RUNFILE), forcing parallel backup..."
# Backup exit code (0 if all backups have finished successfully)
@ -663,5 +733,8 @@ remove_runfile
write_log 4 "Done."
if [ $_ERROR_COUNT -gt 0 ]; then
exit 1
clean_exit 1