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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lxml import objectify
import time
import urlparse
from openerp.addons.payment.models.payment_acquirer import ValidationError
from openerp.addons.payment.tests.common import PaymentAcquirerCommon
from openerp.addons.payment_ogone.controllers.main import OgoneController
from openerp.tools import mute_logger
class OgonePayment(PaymentAcquirerCommon):
def setUp(self):
super(OgonePayment, self).setUp()
cr, uid = self.cr, self.uid
self.base_url = self.registry('ir.config_parameter').get_param(cr, uid, 'web.base.url')
# get the adyen account
model, self.ogone_id = self.registry('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'payment_ogone', 'payment_acquirer_ogone')
def test_10_ogone_form_render(self):
cr, uid, context = self.cr, self.uid, {}
# be sure not to do stupid thing
ogone = self.payment_acquirer.browse(self.cr, self.uid, self.ogone_id, None)
self.assertEqual(ogone.environment, 'test', 'test without test environment')
# ----------------------------------------
# Test: button direct rendering + shasign
# ----------------------------------------
form_values = {
[ADD] payment_acquirer, transfer, ogone and paypal integration into ecommerce [ADD] payment_acquirer module, holding : - payment.acquirer model: models the acquirer with the various credentials (e.g. paypal, ogone). payment_acquirer only contains basic fields. Each acquirer can add fields through inheritance. See payment.acquirer model for more details. - payment.transaction model: models the transaction itself. Inheritance is done by calling custom methods prefixed by the acquirer name. See payment.transaction model for more details. [ADD] payment_acquirer_ogone, payment_acquirer_paypal and payment_acquirer_transfer modules. Those are specific implementations for ogone, paypal and basic money transfer. They contain dummy account data, to avoid committing real accounts. Will have to be cleaned before final merge. Those module contain tests but some tests will not work without real account creadentials. To be cleaned. [ADD] website_payment: a test module for payment. Will have to be cleaned. [IMP] website_sale: added support of payments in the checkout process. Improved checkout process. Confirmation is now basically a view on a sale.order, and a polling on a transaction to see its status. Context / Session are better managed, but still require some cleaning. Also fixed some links in the shop. [TODO] - some cleaning in paypal / ogone about form methods - improve some tests - clean checkout process after more tests - cleaning in ogone server2server + tests bzr revid: tde@openerp.com-20131121134140-3somglek7dk1o6t1
2013-11-21 13:41:40 +00:00
'PSPID': 'dummy',
'ORDERID': 'test_ref0',
'AMOUNT': '1',
'LANGUAGE': 'en_US',
'CN': 'Norbert Buyer',
'EMAIL': 'norbert.buyer@example.com',
'OWNERZIP': '1000',
'OWNERADDRESS': 'Huge Street 2/543',
'OWNERCTY': 'Belgium',
'OWNERTOWN': 'Sin City',
'OWNERTELNO': '0032 12 34 56 78',
'SHASIGN': '815f67b8ff70d234ffcf437c13a9fa7f807044cc',
'ACCEPTURL': '%s' % urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, OgoneController._accept_url),
'DECLINEURL': '%s' % urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, OgoneController._decline_url),
'EXCEPTIONURL': '%s' % urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, OgoneController._exception_url),
'CANCELURL': '%s' % urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, OgoneController._cancel_url),
# render the button
res = self.payment_acquirer.render(
cr, uid, self.ogone_id,
'test_ref0', 0.01, self.currency_euro_id,
# check form result
tree = objectify.fromstring(res)
self.assertEqual(tree.get('action'), 'https://secure.ogone.com/ncol/test/orderstandard.asp', 'ogone: wrong form POST url')
for form_input in tree.input:
if form_input.get('name') in ['submit']:
'ogone: wrong value for input %s: received %s instead of %s' % (form_input.get('name'), form_input.get('value'), form_values[form_input.get('name')])
# ----------------------------------------
# Test2: button using tx + validation
# ----------------------------------------
# create a new draft tx
tx_id = self.payment_transaction.create(
cr, uid, {
'amount': 0.01,
'acquirer_id': self.ogone_id,
'currency_id': self.currency_euro_id,
'reference': 'test_ref0',
'partner_id': self.buyer_id,
}, context=context
# render the button
res = self.payment_acquirer.render(
cr, uid, self.ogone_id,
'should_be_erased', 0.01, self.currency_euro,
# check form result
tree = objectify.fromstring(res)
self.assertEqual(tree.get('action'), 'https://secure.ogone.com/ncol/test/orderstandard.asp', 'ogone: wrong form POST url')
for form_input in tree.input:
if form_input.get('name') in ['submit']:
'ogone: wrong value for form input %s: received %s instead of %s' % (form_input.get('name'), form_input.get('value'), form_values[form_input.get('name')])
@mute_logger('openerp.addons.payment_ogone.models.ogone', 'ValidationError')
def test_20_ogone_form_management(self):
cr, uid, context = self.cr, self.uid, {}
# be sure not to do stupid thing
ogone = self.payment_acquirer.browse(self.cr, self.uid, self.ogone_id, None)
self.assertEqual(ogone.environment, 'test', 'test without test environment')
# typical data posted by ogone after client has successfully paid
ogone_post_data = {
'orderID': u'test_ref_2',
'STATUS': u'9',
'PAYID': u'25381582',
'CN': u'Norbert Buyer',
'NCERROR': u'0',
'TRXDATE': u'11/15/13',
'IP': u'',
'ACCEPTANCE': u'test123',
'currency': u'EUR',
'amount': u'1.95',
'SHASIGN': u'7B7B0ED9CBC4A85543A9073374589033A62A05A5',
'ED': u'0315',
'PM': u'CreditCard'
# should raise error about unknown tx
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
self.payment_transaction.ogone_form_feedback(cr, uid, ogone_post_data, context=context)
# create tx
tx_id = self.payment_transaction.create(
cr, uid, {
'amount': 1.95,
'acquirer_id': self.ogone_id,
'currency_id': self.currency_euro_id,
'reference': 'test_ref_2',
'partner_name': 'Norbert Buyer',
'partner_country_id': self.country_france_id,
}, context=context
# validate it
self.payment_transaction.ogone_form_feedback(cr, uid, ogone_post_data, context=context)
# check state
tx = self.payment_transaction.browse(cr, uid, tx_id, context=context)
self.assertEqual(tx.state, 'done', 'ogone: validation did not put tx into done state')
self.assertEqual(tx.ogone_payid, ogone_post_data.get('PAYID'), 'ogone: validation did not update tx payid')
# reset tx
tx.write({'state': 'draft', 'date_validate': False, 'ogone_payid': False})
# now ogone post is ok: try to modify the SHASIGN
ogone_post_data['SHASIGN'] = 'a4c16bae286317b82edb49188d3399249a784691'
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
self.payment_transaction.ogone_form_feedback(cr, uid, ogone_post_data, context=context)
# simulate an error
ogone_post_data['STATUS'] = 2
ogone_post_data['SHASIGN'] = 'a4c16bae286317b82edb49188d3399249a784691'
self.payment_transaction.ogone_form_feedback(cr, uid, ogone_post_data, context=context)
# check state
tx = self.payment_transaction.browse(cr, uid, tx_id, context=context)
self.assertEqual(tx.state, 'error', 'ogone: erroneous validation did not put tx into error state')
def test_30_ogone_s2s(self):
test_ref = 'test_ref_%.15f' % time.time()
cr, uid, context = self.cr, self.uid, {}
# be sure not to do stupid thing
ogone = self.payment_acquirer.browse(self.cr, self.uid, self.ogone_id, None)
self.assertEqual(ogone.environment, 'test', 'test without test environment')
# create a new draft tx
tx_id = self.payment_transaction.create(
cr, uid, {
'amount': 0.01,
'acquirer_id': self.ogone_id,
'currency_id': self.currency_euro_id,
'reference': test_ref,
'partner_id': self.buyer_id,
'type': 'server2server',
}, context=context
# create an alias
res = self.payment_transaction.ogone_s2s_create_alias(
cr, uid, tx_id, {
'expiry_date_mm': '01',
'expiry_date_yy': '2015',
'holder_name': 'Norbert Poilu',
'number': '4000000000000002',
'brand': 'VISA',
}, context=context)
# check an alias is set, containing at least OPENERP
tx = self.payment_transaction.browse(cr, uid, tx_id, context=context)
self.assertIn('OPENERP', tx.partner_reference, 'ogone: wrong partner reference after creating an alias')
res = self.payment_transaction.ogone_s2s_execute(cr, uid, tx_id, {}, context=context)
# print res
# {
# 'orderID': u'reference',
# 'STATUS': u'9',
# 'PAYID': u'24998692',
# 'CN': u'Norbert Poilu',
# 'NCERROR': u'0',
# 'TRXDATE': u'11/05/13',
# 'IP': u'',
# 'BRAND': u'VISA',
# 'ACCEPTANCE': u'test123',
# 'currency': u'EUR',
# 'amount': u'1.95',
# 'SHASIGN': u'EFDC56879EF7DE72CCF4B397076B5C9A844CB0FA',
# 'ED': u'0314',
# 'PM': u'CreditCard'
# }