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Developing OpenERP Web Addons
An OpenERP Web addon is simply a Python package with an openerp
descriptor (a ``__openerp__.py`` file) which follows a few structural
and namespacing rules.
.. literalinclude:: addon-structure.txt
The addon's descriptor, contains the following information:
``name: str``
The addon name, in plain, readable english
``version: str``
The addon version, following `Semantic Versioning`_ rules
``depends: [str]``
A list of addons this addon needs to work correctly. ``base`` is
an implied dependency if the list is empty.
``css: [str]``
An ordered list of CSS files this addon provides and needs. The
file paths are relative to the addon's root. Because the Web
Client *may* perform concatenations and other various
optimizations on CSS files, the order is important.
``js: [str]``
An ordered list of Javascript files this addon provides and needs
(including dependencies files). As with CSS files, the order is
important as the Web Client *may* perform contatenations and
minimizations of files.
``active: bool``
Whether this addon should be enabled by default any time it is
found, or whether it will be enabled through other means (on a
by-need or by-installation basis for instance).
All of the Python controllers and JSON-RPC endpoints.
The static files directory, may be served via a separate web server.
Third-party libraries used by the addon.
Location for (respectively) the addon's static CSS files, its JS
files, its various image resources as well as the template files
Javascript tests files
The directories in which all tests for the addon are located.
Some of these are guidelines (and not enforced by code), but it's
suggested that these be followed. Code which does not fit into these
categories can go wherever deemed suitable.
Because addons are also Python packages, they're inherently namespaced
and nothing special needs to be done on that front.
The JavaScript side of an addon has to live in the namespace
``openerp.$addon_name``. For instance, everything created by the addon
``base`` lives in ``openerp.base``.
The root namespace of the addon is a function which takes a single
parameter ``openerp``, which is an OpenERP client instance. Objects
(as well as functions, registry instances, etc...) should be added on
the correct namespace on that object.
The root function will be called by the OpenERP Web client when
initializing the addon.
.. code-block:: javascript
// root namespace of the openerp.example addon
/** @namespace */
openerp.example = function (openerp) {
// basic initialization code (e.g. templates loading)
openerp.example.SomeClass = Class.extend(
/** @lends openerp.example.SomeClass# */{
* Description for SomeClass's constructor here
* @constructs
init: function () {
// SomeClass initialization code
// rest of SomeClass
// access an object in an other addon namespace to replace it
openerp.base.SearchView = openerp.base.SearchView.extend({
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
console.log('Search view initialized');
Utility behaviors
* All javascript objects inheriting from
:js:class:`openerp.base.BasicConroller` will have all methods
starting with ``on_`` or ``do_`` bound to their ``this``. This means
they don't have to be manually bound (via ``_.bind`` or ``$.proxy``)
in order to be useable as bound event handlers (event handlers
keeping their object as ``this`` rather than taking whatever
``this`` object they were called with).
Beware that this is only valid for methods starting with ``do_`` and
``on_``, any other method will have to be bound manually.
.. _addons-testing:
OpenERP Web uses unittest2_ for its testing needs. We selected
unittest2 rather than unittest_ for the following reasons:
* autodiscovery_ (similar to nose, via the ``unit2``
CLI utility) and `pluggable test discovery`_.
* `new and improved assertions`_ (with improvements in type-specific
inequality reportings) including `pluggable custom types equality
* neveral new APIs, most notably `assertRaises context manager`_,
`cleanup function registration`_, `test skipping`_ and `class- and
module-level setup and teardown`_
* finally, unittest2 is a backport of Python 3's unittest. We might as
well get used to it.
To run tests on addons (from the root directory of OpenERP Web) is as
simple as typing ``PYTHONPATH=. unit2 discover -s addons`` [#]_. To
test an addon which does not live in the ``addons`` directory, simply
replace ``addons`` by the directory in which your own addon lives.
.. note:: unittest2 is entirely compatible with nose_ (or the
other way around). If you want to use nose as your test
runner (due to its addons for instance) you can simply install it
and run ``nosetests addons`` instead of the ``unit2`` command,
the result should be exactly the same.
.. js:class:: openerp.base.Widget(view, node)
:param openerp.base.Controller view: The view to which the widget belongs
:param Object node: the ``fields_view_get`` descriptor for the widget
.. js:attribute:: $element
The widget's root element as jQuery object
.. js:class:: openerp.base.DataSet(session, model)
:param openerp.base.Session session: the RPC session object
:param String model: the model managed by this dataset
The DataSet is the abstraction for a sequence of records stored in
It provides interfaces for reading records based on search
criteria, and for selecting and fetching records based on
activated ids.
.. js:function:: fetch([offset][, limit])
:param Number offset: the index from which records should start
being returned (section)
:param Number limit: the maximum number of records to return
:returns: the dataset instance it was called on
Asynchronously fetches the records selected by the DataSet's
domain and context, in the provided sort order if any.
Only fetches the fields selected by the DataSet.
On success, triggers :js:func:`on_fetch`
.. js:function:: on_fetch(records, event)
:param Array records: an array of
matching the DataSet's selection
:param event: a data holder letting the event handler fetch
meta-informations about the event.
:type event: OnFetchEvent
Fired after :js:func:`fetch` is done fetching the records
selected by the DataSet.
.. js:function:: active_ids
:returns: the dataset instance it was called on
Asynchronously fetches the active records for this DataSet.
On success, triggers :js:func:`on_active_ids`
.. js:function:: on_active_ids(records)
:param Array records: an array of
matching the currently active ids
Fired after :js:func:`active_ids` fetched the records matching
the DataSet's active ids.
.. js:function:: active_id
:returns: the dataset instance in was called on
Asynchronously fetches the current active record.
On success, triggers :js:func:`on_active_id`
.. js:function:: on_active_id(record)
:param Object record: the record fetched by
:js:func:`active_id`, or ``null``
:type record: openerp.base.DataRecord
Fired after :js:func:`active_id` fetched the record matching
the dataset's active id
.. js:function:: set(options)
:param Object options: the options to set on the dataset
:type options: DataSetOptions
:returns: the dataset instance it was called on
Configures the data set by setting various properties on it
.. js:function:: prev
:returns: the dataset instance it was called on
Activates the id preceding the current one in the active ids
sequence of the dataset.
If the current active id is at the start of the sequence,
wraps back to the last id of the sequence.
.. js:function:: next
:returns: the dataset instance it was called on
Activates the id following the current one in the active ids
If the current active id is the last of the sequence, wraps
back to the beginning of the active ids sequence.
.. js:function:: select(ids)
:param Array ids: the identifiers to activate on the dataset
:returns: the dataset instance it was called on
Activates all the ids specified in the dataset, resets the
current active id to be the first id of the new sequence.
The internal order will be the same as the ids list provided.
.. js:function:: get_active_ids
:returns: the list of current active ids for the dataset
.. js:function:: activate(id)
:param Number id: the id to activate
:returns: the dataset instance it was called on
Activates the id provided in the dataset. If no ids are
selected, selects the id in the dataset.
If ids are already selected and the provided id is not in that
selection, raises an error.
.. js:function:: get_active_id
:returns: the dataset's current active id
Ad-hoc objects and structural types
These objects are not associated with any specific class, they're
generally literal objects created on the spot. Names are merely
convenient ways to refer to them and their properties.
.. js:class:: OnFetchEvent
.. js:attribute:: context
The context used for the :js:func:`fetch` call (domain set on
the :js:class:`openerp.base.DataSet` when ``fetch`` was
.. js:attribute:: domain
The domain used for the :js:func:`fetch` call
.. js:attribute:: limit
The limit with which the original :js:func:`fetch` call was
.. js:attribute:: offset
The offset with which the original :js:func:`fetch` call was
.. js:attribute:: sort
The sorting criteria active on the
:js:class:`openerp.base.DataSet` when :js:func:`fetch` was
.. js:class:: DataSetOptions
.. js:attribute:: context
.. js:attribute:: domain
.. js:attribute:: sort
.. autoclass:: openerpweb.openerpweb.OpenERPSession
.. autoclass:: openerpweb.openerpweb.OpenERPModel
* Addons lifecycle (loading, execution, events, ...)
* Python-side
* JS-side
* Handling static files
* Overridding a Python controller (object?)
* Overridding a Javascript controller (object?)
* Extending templates
.. how do you handle deploying static files via e.g. a separate lighttpd?
* Python public APIs
* QWeb templates description?
* OpenERP Web modules (from OpenERP modules)
.. [#] the ``-s`` parameter tells ``unit2`` to start trying to
find tests in the provided directory (here we're testing
addons). However a side-effect of that is to set the
``PYTHONPATH`` there as well, so it will fail to find (and
import) ``openerpweb``.
The ``-t`` parameter lets us set the ``PYTHONPATH``
independently, but it doesn't accept multiple values and here
we really want to have both ``.`` and ``addons`` on the
The solution is to set the ``PYTHONPATH`` to ``.`` on start,
and the ``start-directory`` to ``addons``. This results in a
correct ``PYTHONPATH`` within ``unit2``.
.. _unittest:
.. _unittest2:
.. _autodiscovery:
.. _pluggable test discovery:
.. _new and improved assertions:
.. _pluggable custom types equality assertions:
.. _assertRaises context manager:
.. _cleanup function registration:
.. _test skipping:
.. _class- and module-level setup and teardown:
.. _Semantic Versioning:
.. _nose: