
150 lines
6.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import simplejson
from lxml import etree
from ..exceptions import except_orm
from ..models import (
Model, TransientModel, AbstractModel,
from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval
# extra definitions for backward compatibility
browse_record_list = BaseModel
class browse_record(object):
""" Pseudo-class for testing record instances """
class __metaclass__(type):
def __instancecheck__(self, inst):
return isinstance(inst, BaseModel) and len(inst) <= 1
class browse_null(object):
""" Pseudo-class for testing null instances """
class __metaclass__(type):
def __instancecheck__(self, inst):
return isinstance(inst, BaseModel) and not inst
def transfer_field_to_modifiers(field, modifiers):
default_values = {}
state_exceptions = {}
for attr in ('invisible', 'readonly', 'required'):
state_exceptions[attr] = []
default_values[attr] = bool(field.get(attr))
for state, modifs in (field.get("states",{})).items():
for modif in modifs:
if default_values[modif[0]] != modif[1]:
for attr, default_value in default_values.items():
if state_exceptions[attr]:
modifiers[attr] = [("state", "not in" if default_value else "in", state_exceptions[attr])]
modifiers[attr] = default_value
# Don't deal with groups, it is done by check_group().
# Need the context to evaluate the invisible attribute on tree views.
# For non-tree views, the context shouldn't be given.
def transfer_node_to_modifiers(node, modifiers, context=None, in_tree_view=False):
if node.get('attrs'):
if node.get('states'):
if 'invisible' in modifiers and isinstance(modifiers['invisible'], list):
# TODO combine with AND or OR, use implicit AND for now.
modifiers['invisible'].append(('state', 'not in', node.get('states').split(',')))
modifiers['invisible'] = [('state', 'not in', node.get('states').split(','))]
for a in ('invisible', 'readonly', 'required'):
if node.get(a):
v = bool(eval(node.get(a), {'context': context or {}}))
if in_tree_view and a == 'invisible':
# Invisible in a tree view has a specific meaning, make it a
# new key in the modifiers attribute.
modifiers['tree_invisible'] = v
elif v or (a not in modifiers or not isinstance(modifiers[a], list)):
# Don't set the attribute to False if a dynamic value was
# provided (i.e. a domain from attrs or states).
modifiers[a] = v
def simplify_modifiers(modifiers):
for a in ('invisible', 'readonly', 'required'):
if a in modifiers and not modifiers[a]:
del modifiers[a]
def transfer_modifiers_to_node(modifiers, node):
if modifiers:
node.set('modifiers', simplejson.dumps(modifiers))
def setup_modifiers(node, field=None, context=None, in_tree_view=False):
""" Processes node attributes and field descriptors to generate
the ``modifiers`` node attribute and set it on the provided node.
Alters its first argument in-place.
:param node: ``field`` node from an OpenERP view
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param dict field: field descriptor corresponding to the provided node
:param dict context: execution context used to evaluate node attributes
:param bool in_tree_view: triggers the ``tree_invisible`` code
path (separate from ``invisible``): in
tree view there are two levels of
invisibility, cell content (a column is
present but the cell itself is not
displayed) with ``invisible`` and column
invisibility (the whole column is
hidden) with ``tree_invisible``.
:returns: nothing
modifiers = {}
if field is not None:
transfer_field_to_modifiers(field, modifiers)
node, modifiers, context=context, in_tree_view=in_tree_view)
transfer_modifiers_to_node(modifiers, node)
def test_modifiers(what, expected):
modifiers = {}
if isinstance(what, basestring):
node = etree.fromstring(what)
transfer_node_to_modifiers(node, modifiers)
dumped = simplejson.dumps(modifiers)
assert dumped == expected, "%s != %s" % (dumped, expected)
elif isinstance(what, dict):
transfer_field_to_modifiers(what, modifiers)
dumped = simplejson.dumps(modifiers)
assert dumped == expected, "%s != %s" % (dumped, expected)
# To use this test:
# import openerp
# openerp.osv.orm.modifiers_tests()
def modifiers_tests():
test_modifiers('<field name="a"/>', '{}')
test_modifiers('<field name="a" invisible="1"/>', '{"invisible": true}')
test_modifiers('<field name="a" readonly="1"/>', '{"readonly": true}')
test_modifiers('<field name="a" required="1"/>', '{"required": true}')
test_modifiers('<field name="a" invisible="0"/>', '{}')
test_modifiers('<field name="a" readonly="0"/>', '{}')
test_modifiers('<field name="a" required="0"/>', '{}')
test_modifiers('<field name="a" invisible="1" required="1"/>', '{"invisible": true, "required": true}') # TODO order is not guaranteed
test_modifiers('<field name="a" invisible="1" required="0"/>', '{"invisible": true}')
test_modifiers('<field name="a" invisible="0" required="1"/>', '{"required": true}')
test_modifiers("""<field name="a" attrs="{'invisible': [('b', '=', 'c')]}"/>""", '{"invisible": [["b", "=", "c"]]}')
# The dictionary is supposed to be the result of fields_get().
test_modifiers({}, '{}')
test_modifiers({"invisible": True}, '{"invisible": true}')
test_modifiers({"invisible": False}, '{}')