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function openerp_pos_devices(module, instance){ //module is instance.point_of_sale
module.BarcodeReader = instance.web.Class.extend({
init: function(attributes){
this.pos = attributes.pos;
//returns true if the code is a valid EAN codebar number by checking the control digit.
checkEan: function(code){
var st1 = code.slice();
var st2 = st1.slice(0,st1.length-1).reverse();
// some EAN13 barcodes have a length of 12, as they start by 0
while (st2.length < 12) {
var countSt3 = 1;
var st3 = 0;
$.each(st2, function() {
if (countSt3%2 === 1) {
st3 += this;
countSt3 ++;
st3 *= 3;
var st4 = 0;
var countSt4 = 1;
$.each(st2, function() {
if (countSt4%2 === 0) {
st4 += this;
countSt4 ++;
var st5 = st3 + st4;
var cd = (10 - (st5%10)) % 10;
return code[code.length-1] === cd;
// returns a product that has a packaging with an EAN matching to provided ean string.
// returns undefined if no such product is found.
getProductByEAN: function(ean) {
var allProducts = this.pos.get('product_list');
var allPackages = this.pos.get('product.packaging');
var prefix = ean.substring(0,2);
var scannedProductModel = undefined;
if (prefix in {'02':'', '22':'', '24':'', '26':'', '28':''}) {
// PRICE barcode
var itemCode = ean.substring(0,7);
var scannedPackaging = _.detect(allPackages, function(pack) { return pack.ean !== undefined && pack.ean.substring(0,7) === itemCode;});
if (scannedPackaging !== undefined) {
scannedProductModel = _.detect(allProducts, function(pc) { return pc.id === scannedPackaging.product_id[0];});
scannedProductModel.list_price = Number(ean.substring(7,12))/100;
} else if (prefix in {'21':'','23':'','27':'','29':'','25':''}) {
// WEIGHT barcode
var weight = Number(barcode.substring(7,12))/1000;
var itemCode = ean.substring(0,7);
var scannedPackaging = _.detect(allPackages, function(pack) { return pack.ean !== undefined && pack.ean.substring(0,7) === itemCode;});
if (scannedPackaging !== undefined) {
scannedProductModel = _.detect(allProducts, function(pc) { return pc.id === scannedPackaging.product_id[0];});
scannedProductModel.list_price *= weight;
scannedProductModel.name += ' - ' + weight + ' Kg.';
} else {
// UNIT barcode
scannedProductModel = _.detect(allProducts, function(pc) { return pc.ean13 === ean;}); //TODO DOES NOT SCALE
return scannedProductModel;
//starts catching keyboard events and tries to interpret codebar
connect: function(){
var self = this;
var codeNumbers = [];
var timeStamp = 0;
var lastTimeStamp = 0;
// The barcode readers acts as a keyboard, we catch all keyup events and try to find a
// barcode sequence in the typed keys, then act accordingly.
$('body').delegate('','keyup', function (e){
//We only care about numbers
if (!isNaN(Number(String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode)))) {
// The barcode reader sends keystrokes with a specific interval.
// We look if the typed keys fit in the interval.
if (codeNumbers.length==0) {
timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
} else {
if (lastTimeStamp + 30 < new Date().getTime()) {
// not a barcode reader
codeNumbers = [];
timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
codeNumbers.push(e.keyCode - 48);
lastTimeStamp = new Date().getTime();
if (codeNumbers.length == 13) {
//console.log('found code:', codeNumbers.join(''));
// a barcode reader
if (!self.checkEan(codeNumbers)) {
// barcode read error, raise warning
resizable: false,
modal: true,
title: "Warning",
var selectedOrder = self.pos.get('selectedOrder');
var scannedProductModel = self.getProductByEAN(codeNumbers.join(''),allPackages,allProducts);
if (scannedProductModel === undefined) {
// product not recognized, raise warning
resizable: false,
modal: true,
title: "Warning",
buttons: {
"OK": function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
} else {
selectedOrder.addProduct(new module.Product(scannedProductModel));
codeNumbers = [];
} else {
// NaN
codeNumbers = [];
disconnect: function(){
$('body').undelegate('', 'keyup')