
634 lines
25 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import fnmatch
import functools
import inspect
import logging
import math
import itertools
import urllib
import urlparse
import simplejson
import werkzeug
import werkzeug.exceptions
import werkzeug.wrappers
import openerp
from openerp.osv import osv, fields
from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
from openerp.addons.web import http
from openerp.addons.web.http import request, LazyResponse
from ..utils import slugify
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def route(routes, *route_args, **route_kwargs):
def decorator(f):
f.cms = True
f.multilang = route_kwargs.pop('multilang', False)
return http.route(routes, *route_args, **route_kwargs)(f)
return decorator
def url_for(path_or_uri, lang=None, keep_query=None):
location = path_or_uri.strip()
url = urlparse.urlparse(location)
if request and not url.netloc and not url.scheme:
location = urlparse.urljoin(request.httprequest.path, location)
lang = lang or request.context.get('lang')
langs = [lg.code for lg in request.website.language_ids]
if location[0] == '/' and len(langs) > 1 and lang != request.website.default_lang_id.code:
ps = location.split('/')
if ps[1] in langs:
ps[1] = lang
ps.insert(1, lang)
location = '/'.join(ps)
if keep_query:
url = urlparse.urlparse(location)
location = url.path
params = werkzeug.url_decode(url.query)
query_params = frozenset(werkzeug.url_decode(request.httprequest.query_string).keys())
for kq in keep_query:
for param in fnmatch.filter(query_params, kq):
params[param] = request.params[param]
params = werkzeug.urls.url_encode(params)
if params:
location += '?%s' % params
return location
def urlplus(url, params):
if not params:
return url
# can't use urlencode because it encodes to (ascii, replace) in p2
return "%s?%s" % (url, '&'.join(
k + '=' + urllib.quote_plus(v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, unicode) else str(v))
for k, v in params.iteritems()
class website(osv.osv):
def _get_menu_website(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
# IF a menu is changed, update all websites
return self.search(cr, uid, [], context=context)
def _get_menu(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None):
root_domain = [('parent_id', '=', False)]
menus = self.pool.get('website.menu').search(cr, uid, root_domain, order='id', context=context)
menu = menus and menus[0] or False
return dict( map(lambda x: (x, menu), ids) )
def _get_public_user(self, cr, uid, ids, name='public_user', arg=(), context=None):
ref = self.get_public_user(cr, uid, context=context)
return dict( map(lambda x: (x, ref), ids) )
_name = "website" # Avoid website.website convention for conciseness (for new api). Got a special authorization from xmo and rco
_description = "Website"
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Domain'),
'company_id': fields.many2one('res.company', string="Company"),
'language_ids': fields.many2many('res.lang', 'website_lang_rel', 'website_id', 'lang_id', 'Languages'),
'default_lang_id': fields.many2one('res.lang', string="Default language"),
'social_twitter': fields.char('Twitter Account'),
'social_facebook': fields.char('Facebook Account'),
'social_github': fields.char('GitHub Account'),
'social_linkedin': fields.char('LinkedIn Account'),
'social_youtube': fields.char('Youtube Account'),
'social_googleplus': fields.char('Google+ Account'),
'public_user': fields.function(_get_public_user, relation='res.users', type='many2one', string='Public User'),
'menu_id': fields.function(_get_menu, relation='website.menu', type='many2one', string='Main Menu',
store= {
'website.menu': (_get_menu_website, ['sequence','parent_id','website_id'], 10)
def new_page(self, cr, uid, name, template='website.default_page', ispage=True, context=None):
context=context or {}
# completely arbitrary max_length
idname = slugify(name, max_length=50)
imd = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
view = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view')
module, tmp_page = template.split('.')
view_model, view_id = imd.get_object_reference(cr, uid, module, tmp_page)
cr.execute('SAVEPOINT new_page')
newview_id = view.copy(cr, uid, view_id, context=context)
newview = view.browse(cr, uid, newview_id, context=context)
'arch': newview.arch.replace(template, "%s.%s" % (module, idname)),
'name': name,
'page': ispage,
imd.create(cr, uid, {
'name': idname,
'module': module,
'model': 'ir.ui.view',
'res_id': newview_id,
'noupdate': True
}, context=context)
cr.execute('RELEASE SAVEPOINT new_page')
return "%s.%s" % (module, idname)
cr.execute("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT new_page")
def page_for_name(self, cr, uid, ids, name, module='website', context=None):
# whatever
return '%s.%s' % (module, slugify(name, max_length=50))
def page_exists(self, cr, uid, ids, name, module='website', context=None):
page = self.page_for_name(cr, uid, ids, name, module=module, context=context)
return self.get_template(
cr, uid, ids, template=page, context=context
return False
def get_public_user(self, cr, uid, context=None):
uid = openerp.SUPERUSER_ID
res = self.pool['ir.model.data'].get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'website', 'public_user')
return res and res[1] or False
def get_current_website(self, cr, uid, context=None):
# TODO: Select website, currently hard coded
return self.pool['website'].browse(cr, uid, 1, context=context)
def preprocess_request(self, cr, uid, ids, request, context=None):
def redirect(url):
return werkzeug.utils.redirect(url_for(url))
request.redirect = redirect
is_website_publisher = self.pool.get('ir.model.access').check_groups(cr, uid, 'base.group_website_publisher')
lang = request.context['lang']
is_master_lang = lang == request.website.default_lang_id.code
'is_master_lang': is_master_lang,
'editable': is_website_publisher,
'translatable': not is_master_lang,
def get_template(self, cr, uid, ids, template, context=None):
IMD = self.pool["ir.model.data"]
module, xmlid = template.split('.', 1)
model, id = IMD.get_object_reference(cr, uid, module, xmlid)
except ValueError: # catches both unpack errors and gor errors
module, xmlid = 'website', template
model, id = IMD.get_object_reference(cr, uid, module, xmlid)
return self.pool["ir.ui.view"].browse(cr, uid, id, context=context)
def _render(self, cr, uid, ids, template, values=None, context=None):
user = self.pool.get("res.users")
if not context:
context = {}
qweb_context = context.copy()
if values:
request=request, # TODO maybe rename to _request to mark this attribute as unsafe
user_id=user.browse(cr, uid, uid),
inherit_branding=qweb_context.setdefault('editable', False),
view = self.get_template(cr, uid, ids, template)
if 'main_object' not in qweb_context:
qweb_context['main_object'] = view
#context['debug'] = True
result = view.render(qweb_context, engine='website.qweb', context=context)
return result
def render(self, cr, uid, ids, template, values=None, context=None):
def callback(template, values, context):
return self._render(cr, uid, ids, template, values, context)
if values is None:
values = {}
return LazyResponse(callback, template=template, values=values, context=context)
def pager(self, cr, uid, ids, url, total, page=1, step=30, scope=5, url_args=None, context=None):
# Compute Pager
page_count = int(math.ceil(float(total) / step))
page = max(1, min(int(page), page_count))
scope -= 1
pmin = max(page - int(math.floor(scope/2)), 1)
pmax = min(pmin + scope, page_count)
if pmax - pmin < scope:
pmin = pmax - scope if pmax - scope > 0 else 1
def get_url(page):
_url = "%spage/%s/" % (url, page)
if url_args:
_url = "%s?%s" % (_url, urllib.urlencode(url_args))
return _url
return {
"page_count": page_count,
"offset": (page - 1) * step,
"page": {
'url': get_url(page),
'num': page
"page_start": {
'url': get_url(pmin),
'num': pmin
"page_previous": {
'url': get_url(max(pmin, page - 1)),
'num': max(pmin, page - 1)
"page_next": {
'url': get_url(min(pmax, page + 1)),
'num': min(pmax, page + 1)
"page_end": {
'url': get_url(pmax),
'num': pmax
"pages": [
{'url': get_url(page), 'num': page}
for page in xrange(pmin, pmax+1)
def rule_is_enumerable(self, rule):
""" Checks that it is possible to generate sensible GET queries for
a given rule (if the endpoint matches its own requirements)
:type rule: werkzeug.routing.Rule
:rtype: bool
endpoint = rule.endpoint
methods = rule.methods or ['GET']
converters = rule._converters.values()
return (
'GET' in methods
and endpoint.exposed == 'http'
and endpoint.auth in ('none', 'public')
and getattr(endpoint, 'cms', False)
# preclude combinatorial explosion by only allowing a single converter
and len(converters) <= 1
# ensure all converters on the rule are able to generate values for
# themselves
and all(hasattr(converter, 'generate') for converter in converters)
) and self.endpoint_is_enumerable(rule)
def endpoint_is_enumerable(self, rule):
""" Verifies that it's possible to generate a valid url for the rule's
:type rule: werkzeug.routing.Rule
:rtype: bool
# apparently the decorator package makes getargspec work correctly
# on functions it decorates. That's not the case for
# @functools.wraps, so hack around to get the original function
# (and hope a single decorator was applied or we're hosed)
# FIXME: this is going to blow up if we want/need to use multiple @route (with various configurations) on a method
undecorated_func = rule.endpoint.func_closure[0].cell_contents
# If this is ever ported to py3, use signatures, it doesn't suck as much
spec = inspect.getargspec(undecorated_func)
# if *args bail the fuck out, only dragons can live there
if spec.varargs:
return False
# remove all arguments with a default value from the list
defaults_count = len(spec.defaults or []) # spec.defaults can be None
# a[:-0] ~ a[:0] ~ [] -> replace defaults_count == 0 by None to get
# a[:None] ~ a
args = spec.args[:(-defaults_count or None)]
# params with defaults were removed, leftover allowed are:
# * self (technically should be first-parameter-of-instance-method but whatever)
# * any parameter mapping to a converter
return all(
(arg == 'self' or arg in rule._converters)
for arg in args)
def enumerate_pages(self, cr, uid, ids, query_string=None, context=None):
""" Available pages in the website/CMS. This is mostly used for links
generation and can be overridden by modules setting up new HTML
controllers for dynamic pages (e.g. blog).
By default, returns template views marked as pages.
:param str query_string: a (user-provided) string, fetches pages
matching the string
:returns: a list of mappings with two keys: ``name`` is the displayable
name of the resource (page), ``url`` is the absolute URL
of the same.
:rtype: list({name: str, url: str})
router = request.httprequest.app.get_db_router(request.db)
# Force enumeration to be performed as public user
uid = self.get_public_user(cr, uid, context=context)
for rule in router.iter_rules():
if not self.rule_is_enumerable(rule):
converters = rule._converters
filtered = bool(converters)
if converters:
# allow single converter as decided by fp, checked by
# rule_is_enumerable
[(name, converter)] = converters.items()
converter_values = converter.generate(
request.cr, uid, query=query_string, context=context)
generated = ({k: v} for k, v in itertools.izip(
itertools.repeat(name), converter_values))
# force single iteration for literal urls
generated = [{}]
for values in generated:
domain_part, url = rule.build(values, append_unknown=False)
page = {'name': url, 'url': url}
if not filtered and query_string and not self.page_matches(cr, uid, page, query_string, context=context):
yield page
def search_pages(self, cr, uid, ids, needle=None, limit=None, context=None):
return list(itertools.islice(
self.enumerate_pages(cr, uid, ids, query_string=needle, context=context),
def page_matches(self, cr, uid, page, needle, context=None):
""" Checks that a "page" matches a user-provide search string.
The default implementation attempts to perform a non-contiguous
substring match of the page's name.
:param page: {'name': str, 'url': str}
:param needle: str
:rtype: bool
haystack = page['name'].lower()
needle = iter(needle.lower())
n = next(needle)
end = object()
for char in haystack:
if char != n: continue
n = next(needle, end)
# found all characters of needle in haystack in order
if n is end:
return True
return False
def kanban(self, cr, uid, ids, model, domain, column, template, step=None, scope=None, orderby=None, context=None):
step = step and int(step) or 10
scope = scope and int(scope) or 5
orderby = orderby or "name"
get_args = dict(request.httprequest.args or {})
model_obj = self.pool[model]
relation = model_obj._columns.get(column)._obj
relation_obj = self.pool[relation]
get_args.setdefault('kanban', "")
kanban = get_args.pop('kanban')
kanban_url = "?%s&kanban=" % urllib.urlencode(get_args)
pages = {}
for col in kanban.split(","):
if col:
col = col.split("-")
pages[int(col[0])] = int(col[1])
objects = []
for group in model_obj.read_group(cr, uid, domain, ["id", column], groupby=column):
obj = {}
# browse column
relation_id = group[column][0]
obj['column_id'] = relation_obj.browse(cr, uid, relation_id)
obj['kanban_url'] = kanban_url
for k, v in pages.items():
if k != relation_id:
obj['kanban_url'] += "%s-%s" % (k, v)
# pager
number = model_obj.search(cr, uid, group['__domain'], count=True)
obj['page_count'] = int(math.ceil(float(number) / step))
obj['page'] = pages.get(relation_id) or 1
if obj['page'] > obj['page_count']:
obj['page'] = obj['page_count']
offset = (obj['page']-1) * step
obj['page_start'] = max(obj['page'] - int(math.floor((scope-1)/2)), 1)
obj['page_end'] = min(obj['page_start'] + (scope-1), obj['page_count'])
# view data
obj['domain'] = group['__domain']
obj['model'] = model
obj['step'] = step
obj['orderby'] = orderby
# browse objects
object_ids = model_obj.search(cr, uid, group['__domain'], limit=step, offset=offset, order=orderby)
obj['object_ids'] = model_obj.browse(cr, uid, object_ids)
values = {
'objects': objects,
'range': range,
'template': template,
return request.website._render("website.kanban_contain", values)
def kanban_col(self, cr, uid, ids, model, domain, page, template, step, orderby, context=None):
html = ""
model_obj = self.pool[model]
domain = safe_eval(domain)
step = int(step)
offset = (int(page)-1) * step
object_ids = model_obj.search(cr, uid, domain, limit=step, offset=offset, order=orderby)
object_ids = model_obj.browse(cr, uid, object_ids)
for object_id in object_ids:
html += request.website._render(template, {'object_id': object_id})
return html
class website_menu(osv.osv):
_name = "website.menu"
_description = "Website Menu"
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Menu', size=64, required=True, translate=True),
'url': fields.char('Url', required=True, translate=True),
'new_window': fields.boolean('New Window'),
'sequence': fields.integer('Sequence'),
# TODO: support multiwebsite once done for ir.ui.views
'website_id': fields.many2one('website', 'Website'),
'parent_id': fields.many2one('website.menu', 'Parent Menu', select=True, ondelete="cascade"),
'child_id': fields.one2many('website.menu', 'parent_id', string='Child Menus'),
'parent_left': fields.integer('Parent Left', select=True),
'parent_right': fields.integer('Parent Right', select=True),
_defaults = {
'url': '',
'sequence': 0,
'new_window': False,
_parent_store = True
_parent_order = 'sequence, name'
_order = "parent_left"
# would be better to take a menu_id as argument
def get_tree(self, cr, uid, website_id, context=None):
def make_tree(node):
menu_node = dict(
for child in node.child_id:
return menu_node
menu = self.pool.get('website').browse(cr, uid, website_id, context=context).menu_id
return make_tree(menu)
def save(self, cr, uid, website_id, data, context=None):
def replace_id(old_id, new_id):
for menu in data['data']:
if menu['id'] == old_id:
menu['id'] = new_id
if menu['parent_id'] == old_id:
menu['parent_id'] = new_id
to_delete = data['to_delete']
if to_delete:
self.unlink(cr, uid, to_delete, context=context)
for menu in data['data']:
mid = menu['id']
if isinstance(mid, str):
new_id = self.create(cr, uid, {'name': menu['name']}, context=context)
replace_id(mid, new_id)
for menu in data['data']:
self.write(cr, uid, [menu['id']], menu, context=context)
return True
class ir_attachment(osv.osv):
_inherit = "ir.attachment"
def _website_url_get(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None):
result = {}
for attach in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
if attach.type == 'url':
result[attach.id] = attach.url
result[attach.id] = urlplus('/website/image', {
'model': 'ir.attachment',
'field': 'datas',
'id': attach.id,
'max_width': 1024,
'max_height': 768,
return result
_columns = {
'website_url': fields.function(_website_url_get, string="Attachment URL", type='char')
class res_partner(osv.osv):
_inherit = "res.partner"
def google_map_img(self, cr, uid, ids, zoom=8, width=298, height=298, context=None):
partner = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
params = {
'center': '%s, %s %s, %s' % (partner.street, partner.city, partner.zip, partner.country_id and partner.country_id.name_get()[0][1] or ''),
'size': "%sx%s" % (height, width),
'zoom': zoom,
'sensor': 'false',
return urlplus('http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap' , params)
def google_map_link(self, cr, uid, ids, zoom=8, context=None):
partner = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
params = {
'q': '%s, %s %s, %s' % (partner.street, partner.city, partner.zip, partner.country_id and partner.country_id.name_get()[0][1] or ''),
return urlplus('https://maps.google.be/maps' , params)
class res_company(osv.osv):
_inherit = "res.company"
def google_map_img(self, cr, uid, ids, zoom=8, width=298, height=298, context=None):
partner = self.browse(cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, ids[0], context=context).partner_id
return partner and partner.google_map_img(zoom, width, height, context=context) or None
def google_map_link(self, cr, uid, ids, zoom=8, context=None):
partner = self.browse(cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, ids[0], context=context).partner_id
return partner and partner.google_map_link(zoom, context=context) or None
class base_language_install(osv.osv):
_inherit = "base.language.install"
_columns = {
'website_ids': fields.many2many('website', string='Websites to translate'),
def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
defaults = super(base_language_install, self).default_get(cr, uid, fields, context)
website_id = context.get('params', {}).get('website_id')
if website_id:
if 'website_ids' not in defaults:
defaults['website_ids'] = []
return defaults
def lang_install(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
action = super(base_language_install, self).lang_install(cr, uid, ids, context)
language_obj = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)[0]
website_ids = [website.id for website in language_obj['website_ids']]
lang_id = self.pool['res.lang'].search(cr, uid, [('code', '=', language_obj['lang'])])
if website_ids and lang_id:
data = {'language_ids': [(4, lang_id[0])]}
self.pool['website'].write(cr, uid, website_ids, data)
params = context.get('params', {})
if 'url_return' in params:
return {
'url': params['url_return'].replace('[lang]', language_obj['lang']),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
'target': 'self'
return action
class SeoMetadata(osv.Model):
_name = 'website.seo.metadata'
_description = 'SEO metadata'
_columns = {
'website_meta_title': fields.char("Website meta title", size=70, translate=True),
'website_meta_description': fields.text("Website meta description", size=160, translate=True),
'website_meta_keywords': fields.char("Website meta keywords", translate=True),