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#@+node:@file task.py
#@@language python
#@<< Copyright >>
#@+node:<< Copyright >>
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 by Reithinger GmbH
# mreithinger@web.de
# This file is part of faces.
# faces is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# faces is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#@-node:<< Copyright >>
This module contains all classes for project plan objects
#@<< Imports >>
#@+node:<< Imports >>
import pcalendar
import resource
import types
import sys
import datetime
import operator as op
import warnings
import locale
import weakref
import opcode
import new
except NameError:
from sets import Set as set
#@-node:<< Imports >>
_is_source = True
#@+node:class AttributeError
class AttributeError(AttributeError):
#@ << class AttributeError declarations >>
#@+node:<< class AttributeError declarations >>
is_frozen = False
#@-node:<< class AttributeError declarations >>
#@-node:class AttributeError
#@+node:class RecursionError
class RecursionError(Exception):
"""This exception is raised in cas of cirular dependencies
within an project"""
#@ << class RecursionError declarations >>
#@+node:<< class RecursionError declarations >>
#@-node:<< class RecursionError declarations >>
#@-node:class RecursionError
#@+node:class _IncompleteError
class _IncompleteError(Exception):
"""This exception is raised, when there is not enough
data specified to calculate as task"""
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, *args):
if isinstance(args[0], (basestring)):
Exception.__init__(self, *args)
"not enough data for calculating task, "\
"maybe you have a recursive reference",
#@-node:class _IncompleteError
#@+node:Proxies for self referencing
#@+node:class _MeProxy
class _MeProxy(object):
A Proxy class for the me attribute of tasks in the compile case
#@ << declarations >>
#@+node:<< declarations >>
__slots__ = "task"
#@-node:<< declarations >>
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, task):
object.__setattr__(self, "task", task)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if self.task._is_frozen:
return getattr(self.task, name)
if name in ("name", "up", "root", "path",
"depth", "index", "calendar",
"children", "resource", "balance"):
return getattr(self.task, name)
value = self.task.__dict__.get(name, _NEVER_USED_)
def make_val(default):
if value is _NEVER_USED_: return default
return value
if name in ("start", "end"):
return self.task._to_start(make_val("1.1.2006"))
if name in ("length", "effort", "duration", "todo", "done",
"buffer", "performed", "performed_effort",
"performed_end", "performed_start",
"performed_work_time" ):
return self.task._to_delta(make_val("0d"))
if name in ("complete", "priority", "efficiency"):
return make_val(0)
if value is _NEVER_USED_:
raise AttributeError("'%s' is not a valid attribute." % (name))
return value
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
self.task._set_attrib(name, value)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.task)
def add_attrib(self, name_or_iter, val=None):
if not isinstance(name_or_iter, str):
for n, v in name_or_iter:
setattr(self, n, v)
setattr(self, name_or_iter, val)
#@-node:class _MeProxy
#@+node:class _MeProxyRecalc
class _MeProxyRecalc(_MeProxy):
A Proxy class for the me attribute of tasks in the recalc case
#@ @+others
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if self.task._properties.has_key(name):
self.task._set_attrib(name, value)
#@-node:class _MeProxyRecalc
#@+node:class _MeProxyError
class _MeProxyError(_MeProxy):
#@ << declarations >>
#@+node:<< declarations >>
__slots__ = ("task", "attrib", "exc")
#@-node:<< declarations >>
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, task, attrib, exc):
_MeProxy.__init__(self, task)
object.__setattr__(self, "attrib", attrib)
object.__setattr__(self, "exc", exc)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name == self.attrib or not self.attrib:
raise self.exc
#@-node:class _MeProxyError
#@+node:class _MeProxyWarn
class _MeProxyWarn(_MeProxy):
#@ << declarations >>
#@+node:<< declarations >>
__slots__ = ("task", "attrib", "message")
#@-node:<< declarations >>
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, task, attrib, message):
_MeProxy.__init__(self, task)
object.__setattr__(self, "attrib", attrib)
object.__setattr__(self, "message", message)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name == self.attrib or not self.attrib:
warnings.warn(self.message, RuntimeWarning, 2)
if not self.attrib:
#warn only one time!
object.__setattr__(self, "attrib", 1)
#@-node:class _MeProxyWarn
#@-node:Proxies for self referencing
#@+node:Task instrumentation
# This section contains code for byte code instrumenting
# the task functions
def _int_to_arg(value):
return value % 256, value / 256
def _correct_labels(old_code, new_code):
#@ << localize dot variables >>
#@+node:<< localize dot variables >>
hasjrel = opcode.hasjrel
hasjabs = opcode.hasjabs
#@-node:<< localize dot variables >>
#@ << loop initialization >>
#@+node:<< loop initialization >>
labels = {}
old_new_map = {} # map old code offset to new code offset
n = len(old_code)
i = 0
j = 0
#@-node:<< loop initialization >>
while i < n:
op = old_code[i]
nop = new_code[j]
old_new_map[i] = j
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
oparg = old_code[i] + old_code[i + 1] * 256
i = i + 2
j = j + 2
if nop != op:
j += 3 # skip the 3 addition opcodes for attrib access
#@ << add label if necessary >>
#@+node:<< add label if necessary >>
label = -1
if op in hasjrel:
label = i + oparg
elif op in hasjabs:
label = oparg
if label >= 0:
labels[i] = label
#@-node:<< add label if necessary >>
for offset, label in labels.iteritems():
new_offset = old_new_map[offset]
new_label = old_new_map[label]
op = new_code[new_offset - 3]
#change jump arguments
if op in hasjrel:
jump = _int_to_arg(new_label - new_offset)
new_code[new_offset - 2:new_offset] = jump
elif op in hasjabs:
new_code[new_offset - 2:new_offset] = _int_to_arg(new_label)
def _instrument(func):
#@ << localize dot variables >>
#@+node:<< localize dot variables >>
opname = opcode.opname
opmap = opcode.opmap
jumps = opcode.hasjrel + opcode.hasjabs
co = func.func_code
local_names = co.co_varnames
all_names = list(co.co_names)
global_names = set()
#@-node:<< localize dot variables >>
#@ << define local functions list_to_dict and is_local >>
#@+node:<< define local functions list_to_dict and is_local >>
def list_to_dict(l):
return dict([(t[1], t[0]) for t in enumerate(l)])
def is_local(name):
return name[0] == "_" and name != "__constraint__"
#@-node:<< define local functions list_to_dict and is_local >>
#convert code
#@ << loop initialization >>
#@+node:<< loop initialization >>
# all_name_map maps names to the all_names index
# (same like all_names.index())
all_name_map = list_to_dict(all_names)
if not all_name_map.has_key("me"):
all_name_map["me"] = len(all_names)
#<python 2.5>
for ln in local_names:
if not all_name_map.has_key(ln):
all_name_map[ln] = len(all_names)
#</python 2.5>
new_local_names = filter(is_local, local_names)
new_local_name_map = list_to_dict(new_local_names)
me_arg = _int_to_arg(all_name_map["me"])
old_lnotab = map(ord, co.co_lnotab)
new_lnotab = []
tab_pos = 0
next_tab_point = old_lnotab[0]
except IndexError:
next_tab_point = None
last_tab_point = 0
code = map(ord, co.co_code)
new_code = []
has_labels = False
n = len(code)
i = 0
#@-node:<< loop initialization >>
while i < n:
if i == next_tab_point:
#@ << calculate new tab point >>
#@+node:<< calculate new tab point >>
increment = len(new_code) - last_tab_point
new_lnotab.extend((increment, old_lnotab[tab_pos + 1]))
tab_pos += 2
next_tab_point = i + old_lnotab[tab_pos]
last_tab_point = len(new_code)
except IndexError:
next_tab_point = -1
#@-node:<< calculate new tab point >>
op = code[i]
i += 1
#@ << calculate argument >>
#@+node:<< calculate argument >>
arg0 = code[i]
arg1 = code[i+1]
oparg = arg0 + arg1 * 256
#@-node:<< calculate argument >>
i += 2
if opname[op] == "LOAD_GLOBAL":
elif opname[op] == "STORE_FAST":
#@ << change "store fast" to "store attribute" >>
#@+node:<< change "store fast" to "store attribute" >>
name = local_names[oparg]
if not is_local(name):
op = opmap["STORE_ATTR"]
arg0, arg1 = _int_to_arg(all_name_map[name])
arg0, arg1 = _int_to_arg(new_local_name_map[name])
#@-node:<< change "store fast" to "store attribute" >>
elif opname[op] == "LOAD_FAST":
#@ << change "load fast" to "load attribute" >>
#@+node:<< change "load fast" to "load attribute" >>
name = local_names[oparg]
if not is_local(name):
op = opmap["LOAD_ATTR"]
arg0, arg1 = _int_to_arg(all_name_map[name])
arg0, arg1 = _int_to_arg(new_local_name_map[name])
#@-node:<< change "load fast" to "load attribute" >>
elif op in jumps:
has_labels = True
new_code.extend((op, arg0, arg1))
if has_labels:
_correct_labels(code, new_code)
#@ << create new code and function objects and return >>
#@+node:<< create new code and function objects and return >>
new_code = "".join(map(chr, new_code))
new_lnotab = "".join(map(chr, new_lnotab))
new_co = new.code(co.co_argcount,
max(co.co_stacksize, 2),
func = new.function(new_co,
func.global_names = tuple([all_names[index] for index in global_names])
return func
#@-node:<< create new code and function objects and return >>
#@-node:Task instrumentation
#@+node:class _Path
class _Path(object):
This class represents an instrumented path, to
a task. If it points to an attribute of a task, it
not only returns the value of the attribute. You can also
find out the source attribute (task and attribute name)
of the value.
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, task, path_str):
self._task = task
self._path_str = path_str
def __getattr__(self, name):
new = getattr(self._task, name)
if isinstance(new, Task):
return _Path(new, self._path_str + "." + name)
return _ValueWrapper(new, [(self._task, name)])
def __str__(self):
return self._path_str
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._task)
#@-node:class _Path
#helper functions for _ValueWrapper
def _val(val):
if isinstance(val, _ValueWrapper):
return val._value
return val
def _ref(val):
if isinstance(val, _ValueWrapper):
return val._ref
return []
def _sref(val, ref):
if isinstance(val, _ValueWrapper):
val._ref = ref
def _refsum(refs):
return reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, refs, [])
#@+node:class _ValueWrapper
class _ValueWrapper(object):
This class represents a value, of a task attribute or
a return value of a task method. It contains the value,
and the supplier of that value
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, value, ref):
self._value = value
self._ref = ref
def unicode(self, *args):
if isinstance(self._value, str):
return unicode(self._value, *args)
return unicode(self._value)
def _vw(self, operand, *args):
refs = _refsum(map(_ref, args))
vals = map(_val, args)
result = operand(*vals)
return self.__class__(result, refs)
def _cmp(self, operand, *args):
refs = _refsum(map(_ref, args))
vals = map(_val, args)
result = operand(*vals)
map(lambda a: _sref(a, refs), args)
return result
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._value, name)
def __getitem__(self, slice):
return self.__class__(self._value[slice], self._ref)
def __str__(self): return str(self._value)
def __unicode__(self): return unicode(self._value)
def __repr__(self): return repr(self._value)
def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self._value)
def __lt__(self, other): return self._cmp(op.lt, self, other)
def __le__(self, other): return self._cmp(op.le, self, other)
def __eq__(self, other): return self._cmp(op.eq, self, other)
def __ne__(self, other): return self._cmp(op.ne, self, other)
def __gt__(self, other): return self._cmp(op.gt, self, other)
def __ge__(self, other): return self._cmp(op.ge, self, other)
def __add__(self, other): return self._vw(op.add, self, other)
def __sub__(self, other): return self._vw(op.sub, self, other)
def __mul__(self, other): return self._vw(op.mul, self, other)
def __floordiv__(self, other): return self._vw(op.floordiv, self, other)
def __mod__(self, other): return self._vw(op.mod, self, other)
def __divmod__(self, other): return self._vw(op.divmod, self, other)
def __pow__(self, other): return self._vw(op.pow, self, other)
def __lshift__(self, other): return self._vw(op.lshift, self, other)
def __rshift__(self, other): return self._vw(op.rshift, self, other)
def __and__(self, other): return self._vw(op.and_, self, other)
def __xor__(self, other): return self._vw(op.xor, self, other)
def __or__(self, other): return self._vw(op.or_, self, other)
def __div__(self, other): return self._vw(op.div, self, other)
def __radd__(self, other): return self._vw(op.add, other, self)
def __rsub__(self, other): return self._vw(op.sub, other, self)
def __rmul__(self, other): return self._vw(op.mul, other, self)
def __rdiv__(self, other): return self._vw(op.div, other, self)
def __rtruediv__(self, other): return self._vw(op.truediv, other, self)
def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return self._vw(op.floordiv, other, self)
def __rmod__(self, other): return self._vw(op.mod, other, self)
def __rdivmod__(self, other): return self._vw(op.divmod, other, self)
def __rpow__(self, other): return self._vw(op.pow, other, self)
def __rlshift__(self, other): return self._vw(op.lshift, other, self)
def __rrshift__(self, other): return self._vw(op.rshift, other, self)
def __rand__(self, other): return self._vw(op.and_, other, self)
def __rxor__(self, other): return self._vw(op.xor, other, self)
def __ror__(self, other): return self._vw(op.or_, other, self)
def __int__(self): return int(self._value)
def __long__(self): return long(self._value)
def __float__(self): return float(self._value)
def __len__(self): return len(self._value)
def __iter__(self): return iter(self._value)
def __hash__(self): return hash(self._value)
#@-node:class _ValueWrapper
#@+node:class _NEVER_USED_
class _NEVER_USED_:
#@-node:class _NEVER_USED_
#@+node:class _StringConverter
class _StringConverter(object):
"""This class is a helper for the to_string mechanism
of tasks"""
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, source, format=None):
self.source = source
self.format = format
def __getitem__(self, format):
return _StringConverter(self.source, format)
def __getattr__(self, name):
class StrWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, value, name, source, format):
self._value = value
self.name = name
self.source = source
self.format = format
def __call__(self, arg):
formatter = self.source.formatter(self.name,
return formatter(self._value(arg))
value = getattr(self.source, name)
if callable(value):
#for methods the wrapper has to
return StrWrapper(value, name, self.source, self.format)
formatter = self.source.formatter(name, format=self.format)
return formatter(value)
#@-node:class _StringConverter
def Multi(val, **kwargs):
"""returns a directory for mutlivalued attributes"""
return dict(_default=val, **kwargs)
def create_relative_path(from_, to_):
creates a relative path from absolute path
from_ to absolute path to_
from_ = from_.split(".")
to_ = to_.split(".")
for i, parts in enumerate(zip(from_, to_)):
from_part, to_part = parts
if from_part != to_part:
from_ = from_[i:]
to_ = to_[i:]
return "up." * len(from_) + ".".join(to_)
def create_absolute_path(from_, to_):
creates a absolute path from absolute path
from_ to relative path to_
from_ = from_.split(".")
to_ = to_.split(".")
for i, part in enumerate(to_):
if part != "up":
from_ = from_[:-i]
to_ = to_[i:]
return "%s.%s" % (".".join(from_), ".".join(to_))
def _split_path(path):
index = path.rindex(".")
return path[:index], path[index + 1:]
return path
_to_datetime = pcalendar.to_datetime
def _get_tasks_of_sources(task, attrib_filter="end,start,effort,length,duration"):
#return all source tasks, this task is dependend on
dep_tasks = {}
while task:
for dep in task._sources.values():
for d in dep:
path, attrib = _split_path(d)
if attrib and attrib_filter.find(attrib) >= 0:
dep_tasks[path] = True
task = task.up
return dep_tasks.keys()
def _build_balancing_list(tasks):
Returns a specialy sorted list of tasks.
If the tasks will allocate resources in the sorting order of that list
correct balancing is ensured
# first sort the list for attributes
index = 0
balancing_list = [(-t.priority, t.balance, index, t) for index, t in enumerate(tasks)]
#for p, b, i, t in balancing_list:
# print p, b, i, t.path
balancing_list = [ t for p, b, i, t in balancing_list ]
#now correct the presorted list:
#if task a is dependent on task b, b will be moved before a
done_map = { }
count = len(balancing_list)
while len(done_map) < count:
for i in range(count):
to_inspect = balancing_list[i]
if done_map.has_key(to_inspect):
done_map[to_inspect] = True
#@ << define inspect_depends_on >>
#@+node:<< define inspect_depends_on >>
inspect_path = to_inspect.path + "."
sources = _get_tasks_of_sources(to_inspect)
sources = [ s + "." for s in sources
if not inspect_path.startswith(s) ]
# the if in the later line ignores assignments like
# like start = up.start (i.e. references to parents)
# this will be handled in the second if of inspect_depends_on
# and can cause errors otherwise
def inspect_depends_on(task):
cmp_path = task.path + "."
for src in sources:
if cmp_path.startswith(src):
#task is a source of to_inspect
return True
if inspect_path.startswith(cmp_path):
#to_inspect is a child of task
return True
return False
#@-node:<< define inspect_depends_on >>
for j in range(i + 1, count):
check_task = balancing_list[j]
if done_map.has_key(check_task):
if inspect_depends_on(check_task):
del balancing_list[j]
balancing_list.insert(i, check_task)
i += 1 # to_inspect is now at i + 1
return balancing_list
def _as_string(val):
if isinstance(val, basestring):
return '"""%s"""' % val.replace("\n", "\\n")
if isinstance(val, pcalendar._WorkingDateBase):
return '"%s"' % val.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
if isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
return '"%s"' % val.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
if isinstance(val, datetime.timedelta):
return '"%id %iM"' % (val.days, val.seconds / 60)
if isinstance(val, tuple):
result = map(_as_string, val)
return "(%s)" % ", ".join(result)
if isinstance(val, list):
result = map(_as_string, val)
return "[%s]" % ", ".join(result)
if isinstance(val, resource.Resource):
return val._as_string()
if isinstance(val, Task):
return val.path
return str(val)
def _step_tasks(task):
if isinstance(task, Task):
yield task
stack = [iter(task.children)]
while stack:
for task in stack[-1]:
yield task
if task.children:
instrumentation_cache = {}
balancing_cache = {}
def clear_cache():
#@+node:Resource Allocators
def VariableLoad(limit=0):
Allocates the resource with maximal possible load.
If limit is given, a the load is at least limit or more.
balance = me.balance
except NameError:
balance = SLOPPY
if balance != SLOPPY:
raise RuntimeError("You may specify variable_load only with balance=SLOPPY")
return -limit
def _calc_load(task, resource):
#changed at the resource instance
load = resource.__dict__.get("load")
if load is not None: return load
load = task.__dict__.get("load")
if load is not None: return load
#inherited by the task
return min(task.load, task.max_load, resource.max_load or 100.0)
def _calc_maxload(task, resource):
#changed at the resource instance
max_load = resource.__dict__.get("max_load")
if max_load: return max_load
#an explicit load can overwrite max_load
load = max(resource.__dict__.get("load", 0),
task.__dict__.get("load"), 0)
#change at the task
max_load = task.__dict__.get("max_load")
if max_load: return max(max_load, load)
#inherited by the resource
max_load = resource.max_load
if max_load: return max(max_load, load)
#inherited by the task
return max(task.max_load, load)
#@+node:class AllocationAlgorithm
class AllocationAlgorithm(object):
"""This class is a base for resource allocation algorithms"""
#@ @+others
def test_allocation(self, task, resource):
"""This method simulates the allocation of a specific resource.
It returns a list of values representing the state of the allocation.
The task allocator calls test_allocation for every alternative resource.
It compares the first items of all return lists, and allocates the
resource with the minum first item value"""
return (task.end, )
def allocate(self, task, state):
"""This method eventually allocates a specific resource.
State is the return list of test_allocation"""
#@-node:class AllocationAlgorithm
#@+node:class StrictAllocator
class StrictAllocator(AllocationAlgorithm):
"""This class implements the STRICT resource allocation"""
#@ @+others
def _distribute_len_loads(self, task, resource, effort, length):
# A special load calculation, if effort and length are given.
# and the resources have a defined maxload, the load must be
# individually calculated for each resource.
# Formulars: r=resources, t=task
# effort = length * efficiency(t) * sum[load(r) * effiency(r)]
# ==> sum_load = sum[load(r) * effiency(r)]
# = effort / (length * efficiency(t))
sum_load = float(effort) / (task.efficiency * length)
# algorithm:
# The goal is to distribute the load (norm_load) equally
# to all resources. If a resource has a max_load(r) < norm_load
# the load of this resource will be max_load(r), and the other
# resources will have another (higher) norm_load
max_loads = map(lambda r: (_calc_maxload(task, r), r), resource)
efficiency_sum = sum(map(lambda r: r.efficiency, resource))
norm_load = sum_load / efficiency_sum
loads = {}
for max_load, r in max_loads[:-1]:
if max_load < norm_load:
loads[r] = max_load
efficiency_sum -= r.efficiency
sum_load -= max_load * r.efficiency
norm_load = sum_load / efficiency_sum
loads[r] = norm_load
max_load, r = max_loads[-1]
loads[r] = norm_load
return loads
def test_allocation(self, task, resource):
effort = task.__dict__.get("effort")
to_start = task._to_start
to_end = task._to_end
to_delta = task._to_delta
if task.performed_end:
start = to_start(max(task.performed_end,
start = task.start
if task.root.has_actual_data and task.complete == 0:
start = max(start, to_start(task.root.calendar.now))
base_start = to_start(task.performed_start or task.start)
calc_load = lambda r: _calc_load(task, r)
loads = map(lambda r: (r, calc_load(r)), resource)
length = task.__dict__.get("length")
duration = task.__dict__.get("duration")
end = task.__dict__.get("end")
#@ << correct length >>
#@+node:<< correct length >>
if length is not None:
length = to_delta(max(length - (task.start - base_start), 0))
#@-node:<< correct length >>
#@ << correct duration >>
#@+node:<< correct duration >>
if duration is not None:
delta = task.start.to_datetime() - base_start.to_datetime()
delta = to_delta(delta, True)
duration = to_delta(max(duration - delta, 0), True)
#@-node:<< correct duration >>
#@ << check end >>
#@+node:<< check end >>
if end is not None:
length = end - start
if length <= 0: return False
#@-node:<< check end >>
#@ << correct effort and (re)calculate length >>
#@+node:<< correct effort and (re)calculate length >>
if effort is not None:
effort -= task.performed_effort
effort = to_delta(max(effort, 0))
if effort <= 0: return False
if length is not None:
#if length and effort is set, the load will be calculated
length = length or task.calendar.minimum_time_unit
loads = self._distribute_len_loads(task, resource,
effort, length)
def calc_load(res):
return loads[res]
#the length depends on the count of resources
factor = sum(map(lambda a: a[0].efficiency * a[1],
loads)) * task.efficiency
length = effort / factor
#@-node:<< correct effort and (re)calculate length >>
#@ << set adjust_date and delta >>
#@+node:<< set adjust_date and delta >>
if length is not None:
adjust_date = lambda date: date
delta = to_delta(length).round()
assert(duration is not None)
adjust_date = _to_datetime
delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=duration)
#@-node:<< set adjust_date and delta >>
# find the earliest start date
start, book_load\
= self.balance(task, start, delta, adjust_date,
calc_load, resource)
end = to_end(start + delta)
start = to_start(start)
if effort is None:
#length is frozen ==> a new effort will be calculated
factor = sum(map(lambda a: a[1], loads))
length = end - start
effort = to_delta(length * factor\
+ task.performed_effort).round()
return (end, book_load), resource, calc_load, start, effort
def allocate(self, task, state):
# now really book the resource
end_bl, resource, calc_load, start, effort = state
end = end_bl[0]
cal = task.root.calendar
to_start = task._to_start
to_end = task._to_end
to_delta = task._to_delta
task.start = task.performed_start \
and to_start(task.performed_start) \
or to_start(start)
task.end = end
length = end - start
for r in resource:
book_load = calc_load(r)
work_time = to_delta(length * book_load).round()
r.book_task(task, start, end, book_load, work_time, False)
#the following lines are important to be exactly at this
#positions in that order:
# done and todo are dependend on:
# - the existence of effort (if effort was set or not set)
# - book_task (they can only be calculated, if the task is booked)
# - booked_resource (to get the booked tasks)
task.booked_resource = resource
task.done = task.done
task.todo = task.todo
task.length = end - task.start
task.effort = to_delta(effort + task.performed_effort)
#now effort exists always
def balance(self, task, start, delta, adjust_date,
calc_load, resource):
book_load = max(map(lambda r: r.get_load(task.start, task.scenario), resource))
return start, book_load
#@-node:class StrictAllocator
#@+node:class SmartAllocator
class SmartAllocator(StrictAllocator):
#@ @+others
def balance(self, task, start, delta, adjust_date,
calc_load, resource):
#find the earliest start date, at which all
#resources in the team are free
cal = task.root.calendar
to_start = task._to_start
start = adjust_date(start)
scenario = task.scenario
while True:
#we have finished, when all resources have the
#same next free start date
for r in resource:
max_load = _calc_maxload(task, r)
load = calc_load(r)
#find the next free time of the resource
s = r.find_free_time(start, delta, load, max_load, scenario)
if s != start:
s = to_start(s)
start = adjust_date(s)
#only one resource
return start, 1.0
#@-node:class SmartAllocator
#@+node:class SloppyAllocator
class SloppyAllocator(AllocationAlgorithm):
#@ @+others
def test_allocation(self, task, resource):
if task.__dict__.has_key("effort"):
return self.test_allocation_effort(task, resource)
return self.test_allocation_length(task, resource)
def test_allocation_length(self, task, resource):
#length is frozen ==> effort will be calculated
to_start = task._to_start
to_end = task._to_end
to_delta = task._to_delta
end = task.end
if task.performed_end:
start = to_start(max(task.performed_end,
start = task.start
base_start = to_start(task.performed_start or task.start)
length = to_delta(max(task.length - (start - base_start), 0))
sum_effort = 0
intervals = []
scenario = task.scenario
for r in resource:
date = start
max_load = _calc_maxload(task, r)
book_load = _calc_load(task, r)
while date < end:
#find free time intervals and add them for booking
endi, load = r.end_of_booking_interval(date, task)
endi = min(endi, end)
endi = to_end(endi)
if book_load <= 0:
#variable book_load ==> calc the maxmimal possible book_load >= (the given book_load)
used_book_load = - book_load
diff_load = max_load - load
if diff_load and diff_load >= book_load:
used_book_load = diff_load
used_book_load = max_load
used_book_load = book_load
if max_load - load >= used_book_load:
intervals.append((r, used_book_load, date, endi))
sum_effort = (endi - date) * used_book_load
date = to_start(endi)
return -sum_effort, end, resource, intervals
def test_allocation_effort(self, task, resource):
#effort is frozen ==> length will be calculated
to_start = task._to_start
to_end = task._to_end
to_delta = task._to_delta
intervals = []
effort = task.__dict__.get("effort")
if task.performed_end:
next_date = to_start(max(task.performed_end,
next_date = task.start
if task.root.has_actual_data and task.complete == 0:
next_date = max(next_date, to_start(task.root.calendar.now))
#walks chronologicly through the booking
#intervals of each resource, and reduces
#the effort for each free interval
#until it becomes 0
alloc_effort = effort
effort -= task.performed_effort
while effort > 0:
date = next_date
interval_resource = []
interval_end = to_start(sys.maxint)
factor = 0
for r in resource:
max_load = _calc_maxload(task, r)
book_load = _calc_load(task, r)
end, load = r.end_of_booking_interval(date, task)
interval_end = to_start(min(end, interval_end))
if book_load <= 0:
#variable book_load ==> calc the maxmimal possible book_load >= (the given book_load)
book_load = - book_load
diff_load = max_load - load
if diff_load and diff_load >= book_load:
book_load = diff_load
book_load = max_load
if book_load + load <= max_load:
resource_factor = book_load * r.efficiency
interval_resource.append((r, book_load, resource_factor))
factor += resource_factor
next_date = interval_end
if factor:
factor *= task.efficiency
length = to_delta(effort / factor).round()
end = date + length
if interval_end >= end:
next_date = interval_end = end
effort = 0
book_end = end
book_end = interval_end
length = book_end - date
minus_effort = length * factor
effort -= minus_effort
book_end = to_end(book_end)
intervals.append((date, book_end, length, interval_resource))
return next_date, alloc_effort, resource, intervals
def allocate(self, task, state):
if task.__dict__.has_key("effort"): self.allocate_effort(task, state)
else: self.allocate_length(task, state)
def allocate_length(self, task, state):
# now really book the resource
neg_sum_effort, end, resource, intervals = state
cal = task.root.calendar
to_start = task._to_start
to_end = task._to_end
to_delta = task._to_delta
task.start = to_start(task.performed_start or task.start)
task.end = to_end(end)
effort = 0
for r, load, s, e in intervals:
work_time = to_delta((e - s) * load).round()
effort += work_time
r.book_task(task, s, e, load, work_time, False)
#see comment at StrictAllocator.allocate
task.booked_resource = resource
task.done = task.done
task.todo = task.todo
task.effort = to_delta(effort + task.performed_effort).round()
def allocate_effort(self, task, state):
# now really book the resource
end, effort, resource, intervals = state
to_start = task._to_start
to_end = task._to_end
to_delta = task._to_delta
task.start = task.performed_start \
and to_start(task.performed_start) \
or to_start(intervals[0][0])
task.end = to_end(end)
for start, end, length, resources in intervals:
for r, load, factor in resources:
work_time = to_delta(length * load)
r.book_task(task, start, end, load, work_time, False)
task.booked_resource = resource
task.done = task.done
task.todo = task.todo
task.effort = to_delta(effort)
task.length = task.end - task.start
#@-node:class SloppyAllocator
_smart_allocator = SmartAllocator()
_sloppy_allocator = SloppyAllocator()
_strict_allocator = StrictAllocator()
_allocators = { SMART: _smart_allocator,
SLOPPY: _sloppy_allocator,
STRICT: _strict_allocator }
_allocator_strings = { SMART: "SMART",
#@-node:Resource Allocators
#@+node:Load Calculators
def YearlyMax(value):
Calculates a load parameter with a maximal yearly workload
#@ << calculate calendar and time_diff >>
#@+node:<< calculate calendar and time_diff >>
cal = me.calendar
except NameError:
cal = pcalendar._default_calendar
time_diff = cal.Minutes(value)
#@-node:<< calculate calendar and time_diff >>
return float(time_diff) / \
(cal.working_days_per_year \
* cal.working_hours_per_day \
* 60)
def WeeklyMax(value):
Calculates a load parameter with a maximal weekly workload
#@ << calculate calendar and time_diff >>
#@+node:<< calculate calendar and time_diff >>
cal = me.calendar
except NameError:
cal = pcalendar._default_calendar
time_diff = cal.Minutes(value)
#@-node:<< calculate calendar and time_diff >>
return float(time_diff) / \
(cal.working_days_per_week \
* cal.working_hours_per_day \
* 60)
def MonthlyMax(value):
Calculates a load parameter with a maximal monthly workload
#@ << calculate calendar and time_diff >>
#@+node:<< calculate calendar and time_diff >>
cal = me.calendar
except NameError:
cal = pcalendar._default_calendar
time_diff = cal.Minutes(value)
#@-node:<< calculate calendar and time_diff >>
return float(time_diff) / \
(cal.working_days_per_month \
* cal.working_hours_per_day \
* 60)
def DailyMax(value):
Calculates a load parameter with a maximal daily workload
#@ << calculate calendar and time_diff >>
#@+node:<< calculate calendar and time_diff >>
cal = me.calendar
except NameError:
cal = pcalendar._default_calendar
time_diff = cal.Minutes(value)
#@-node:<< calculate calendar and time_diff >>
return float(time_diff) / (cal.working_hours_per_day * 60)
#@-node:Load Calculators
#@+node:class _TaskProperty
class _TaskProperty(object):
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, method):
self.method = method
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if not instance:
return None
return instance._wrap_attrib(self.method)
#@-node:class _TaskProperty
#@+node:class _RoundingTaskProperty
class _RoundingTaskProperty(object):
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, method, name):
self.method = method
self.name = name
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if not instance:
return None
result = instance._wrap_attrib(self.method).round()
if instance._is_frozen:
#correct the attrib to the rounded value
setattr(instance, self.name, result)
return result
#@-node:class _RoundingTaskProperty
#@+node:class Task
class Task(object):
#@ << description >>
#@+node:<< description >>
This class represents a single task in the project tree. A task
can have other child tasks, or is a leaf of the tree. Resources
will be allocated only to leafes. You will never create task
objects by your self, they are created indirectly by Projects.
@var root:
Returns the root project task.
@var up:
Returns the parent task.
@var title:
Specifies an alternative more descriptive name for the task.
@var start:
The start date of the task. Valid values are expressions and
strings specifing a datatime
@var end:
The end date of the task. Valid values are expressions and
@var effort:
Specifies the effort needed to complete the task. Valid values
are expressions and strings. (Todo: What happens, in case of
specified performance data...)
@var length:
Specifies the time the task occupies the resources. This is
working time, not calendar time. 7d means 7 working days, not one
week. Whether a day is considered a working day or not depends on
the defined working hours and global vacations.
@var duration:
Specifies the time the task occupies the resources. This is
calendar time, not working time. 7d means one week.
@var buffer:
Specifies the time a task can be delayed, without moving dependend
milestones. A Task with a buffer S{<=} 0d is part of the critical
chain. This attribute is readonly.
@var complete:
Specifies what percentage of the task is already completed.
@var todo:
Specifies the effort, which needs to be done to complete a
task. This is another (indirect) way to specify the ME{complete}
@var done:
Specifies the work effort, which has been already done. This
attribute is readonly.
@var estimated_effort:
Specifies the estimated_effort given by setting the effort property.
@var performed:
Specifies a list of actual working times performed on the task.
The format is: C{[ (resource, from, to, time), ... ]}
@var performed_work_time:
Specifies the sum of all working times. This attribute is
@var performed_effort:
Specifies the complete effort of all working times. This attribute is
@var performed_start:
The start date of the performed data.
@var performed_end:
The end date of the performed data.
@var performed_resource:
The resources who have already performed on the task. This attribute is readonly.
@var balance:
Specifies the resource allocation type. Possible values are
@var resource:
Specifies the possible resources, that may be allocated for the
@var booked_resource:
Specifies the allocated resources of a task. This attribute is
@var load:
Specifies the daily load of a resource for an allocation of the
specified task. A load of 1.0 (default) means the resource is
allocated for as many hours as specified by
ME{working_hours_per_day}. A load of 0.5 means half that many
@var max_load:
Specify the maximal allowed load sum of all simultaneously
allocated tasks of a resource. A ME{max_load} of 1.0 (default)
means the resource may be fully allocated. A ME{max_load} of 1.3
means the resource may be allocated with 30% overtime.
@var efficiency:
The efficiency of a resource can be used for two purposes. First
you can use it as a crude way to model a team. A team of 5 people
should have an efficiency of 5.0. Keep in mind that you cannot
track the member of the team individually if you use this
feature. The other use is to model performance variations between
your resources.
@var milestone:
Specified if the task is a milestone. The possible values are
C{True} or "later". If the start date of the milestone is not
a valid working date, the milestone will appear at the previous
working date before the given start date. If "later" is specified
the milestone will appear at the next valid working date.
A milestone has always an effort of 0d.
@var priority:
Specifies a priority between 1 and 1000. A task with higher
priority is more likely to get the requested resources. The
default priority is 500.
@var children:
Specifies a list of all subtasks. A task without children is
called a leaf task index{leaf task} otherwise it is called a
parent task index{parent task}. This attribute is readonly.
@var depth:
Specifies the depth of the task within the hierachy. This
attribute is readonly.
@var index:
Specifies a structural index number. This attribute is readonly.
@var path:
Specifies the path.
@var copy_src:
Specifies the path to an other task. When you set this attribute,
all attributes (except of ME{start} and ME{end}) of copy_src will
be copied to the current task. This is usefull if you want to
define the same task, in diffent project definitions. It acts like
a task link.
@var scenario:
The scenario which is currently evaluated. This attribute is readonly.
@var dont_inherit:
A list of attribute names, which will be not inherited by
@var calendar:
Specifies the task calendar.
@var working_days_per_week:
Specifies the days within a working week. This value is used
internally to convert time differences from weeks to days. The
default value is 5 days.
@var working_days_per_month:
Specifies the days within a working month. This value is used
internally to convert time differences from months to days. The
default value is 20 days.
@var working_days_per_year:
Specifies the days within a working year. This value is used
internally to convert time differences from years to days The
default value is 200 days.
@var working_hours_per_day:
Specifies the hours within a working day. This value is used
internally to convert time differences from are entered in days to
hours. The default value is 8 hours.
@var minimum_time_unit:
Specifies the minimum resolution in minutes for the task
scheduling. The default value is 15 minutes.
@var vacation:
Specifies a public vacation for the calendar. This attribute is
specified as a list of date literals or date literal intervals. Be
aware that the end of an interval is excluded, i.e. it is the
first working date.
@var extra_work:
Specifies additional worktime. This attribute is specified as a
list of date literals or date literal intervals. Be aware that the
end of an interval is excluded, i.e. it is the first working date.
@var working_days:
Specifies the weekly working time within calendar. The format of
this attribute is: [ (day_range, time_range, ...), (day_range, time_range, ...), ... ].
day_range is a comma sperated string of week days. Valid values
are mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun.
time_range is string specifing a time interval like
8:00-10:00. You can specified any number of time_ranges, following
the first.
@var now:
Specifies the current daytime and is a date literal. ME{now} is
used to calculate several task attributes.
#@-node:<< description >>
#@ << declarations >>
#@+node:<< declarations >>
# Variables for the gui interface
_date_completion = { "Date": 'Date("|")',
"max": "max(|)",
"min": "min(|)",
"Multi" : "Multi(|)" }
_delta_completion = { "Delta" : 'Delta("|")',
"Multi" : "Multi(|)" }
__attrib_completions__ = { \
"def NewTask():" : "def |NewTask():\n",
"milestone": 'milestone = True',
"start": 'start = ',
"end": 'end = ',
"effort": 'effort = "|"',
"duration": 'duration = "|"',
"length": 'length = "|"',
"todo": 'todo = "|"',
"done": 'done = "|"',
"title": 'title = "|"',
"load": 'load = ',
"max_load": 'max_load = ',
"efficiency": 'efficiency = ',
"complete": 'complete = ',
"copy_src": 'copy_src =',
"__constraint__": '__constraint__():\n|"',
"priority": 'priority = ',
"balance" : 'balance = ',
"resource": 'resource = ',
"performed" : 'performed = [(|resource, "2002-02-01", "2002-02-05", "2H"),]',
"add_attrib": "add_attrib(|'name', None)",
"working_days_per_week": 'working_days_per_week = ',
"working_days_per_month": 'working_days_per_month = ',
"working_days_per_year": 'working_days_per_year = ',
"working_hours_per_day": 'working_hours_per_day = ',
"minimum_time_unit": 'minimum_time_unit = ',
"vacation": 'vacation = [("|2002-02-01", "2002-02-05")]',
"extra_work": 'extra_work = [("|2002-02-01", "2002-02-05")]',
"working_days" : 'working_days = ["|mon,tue,wed,thu,fri", "8:00-12:00", "13:00-17:00"]',
"now": 'now = "|"',
"calendar" : 'calendar = ',
"#load": { "YearlyMax": 'YearlyMax("|")',
"WeeklyMax": 'WeeklyMax("|")',
"MonthlyMax": 'MonthlyMax("|")',
"DailyMax": 'DailyMax("|")',
"VariableLoad" : "VariableLoad(|)"},
"#max_load": { "YearlyMax": 'YearlyMax("|")',
"WeeklyMax": 'WeeklyMax("|")',
"MonthlyMax": 'MonthlyMax("|")',
"DailyMax": 'DailyMax("|")' },
"#start": _date_completion,
"#end": _date_completion,
"#effort": _delta_completion,
"#duration": _delta_completion,
"#length": _delta_completion,
"#todo": _delta_completion,
"#done": _delta_completion,
"#resource" : "get_resource_completions",
"#calendar" : "get_calendar_completions",
"#balance": { "STRICT": "STRICT",
formats = { "start" : "%x %H:%M",
"end" : "%x %H:%M",
"performed_start" : "%x %H:%M",
"performed_end" : "%x %H:%M",
"load" : "%.2f",
"length" : "%dd{ %HH}{ %MM}",
"effort" : "%dd{ %HH}{ %MM}",
"estimated_effort" : "%dd{ %HH}{ %MM}",
"performed_effort" : "%dd{ %HH}{ %MM}",
"duration" : "%dd{ %HH}{ %MM}",
"complete" : "%i",
"priority" : "%i",
"todo" : "%dd{ %HH}{ %MM}",
"done" : "%dd{ %HH}{ %MM}",
"efficiency" : "%.2f",
"buffer" : "%dd{ %HH}{ %MM}",
"costs" : "%.2f",
"sum" : "%.2f",
"max" : "%.2f",
"min" : "%.2f",
"milestone" : "%s",
"resource" : "%s",
"booked_resource" : "%s",
"performed_resource" : "%s" }
_constraint = None
_is_frozen = False
_is_compiled = False
_is_parent_referer = False
scenario = None # only for autocompletion
milestone = False
performed = ()
performed_resource = ()
booked_resource = ()
_performed_resource_length = ()
_resource_length = ()
dont_inherit = ()
performed_start = None
performed_end = None
performed_work_time = pcalendar.Minutes(0)
_setting_hooks = {}
#@-node:<< declarations >>
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, func, name, parent=None, index=1):
assert(type(func) == types.FunctionType)
func_key = (func.func_code, func.func_closure and id(func.func_closure))
instrumented = instrumentation_cache[func_key]
except KeyError:
instrumented = _instrument(func)
instrumented.org_code = func_key
instrumentation_cache[func_key] = instrumented
func.task_func = instrumented # will be used in the gui
self._function = instrumented
self.name = name
self.up = parent
self.children = []
self._sources = {} # all tasks, I am linked to
self._dependencies = {} # all tasks that link to me
self._original_values = {}
self._properties = {} # a registry of all non standard attributes
self.title = self.name
self.root = parent and parent.root or self
self.scenario = self.root.scenario
self.path = parent and parent.path + "." + name or name
self.depth = len(self.path.split(".")) - 1
self.index = parent and ("%s.%i" % (parent.index, index)) \
or str(index)
if self.formats.has_key(name):
raise AttributeError("Task name '%s' hides attribute of parent." \
% name)
cal = self.calendar
self._to_delta = cal.Minutes
self._to_start = cal.StartDate
self._to_end = cal.EndDate
def __iter__(self):
return _step_tasks(self)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Task %s>" % self.name
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.path, other.path)
except Exception:
return cmp(self.path, other)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name[0] != "_":
parent = self.up
while parent:
if name not in parent.dont_inherit:
result = getattr(parent, name)
if not (isinstance(result, Task) and result.up == parent):
return result
parent = parent.up
except AttributeError:
except IndexError:
raise AttributeError()
exception = AttributeError("'%s' is not a valid attribute of '%s'"
% (name, self.path))
exception.is_frozen = self._is_frozen
raise exception
def _idendity_(self): return self.root.id + self.path[4:]
def _set_hook(cls, attrib_name, function=None):
if function:
cls._setting_hooks[attrib_name] = function
del cls._setting_hooks[attrib_name]
except KeyError: pass
_set_hook = classmethod(_set_hook)
#@+node:Public methods
def to_string(self): return _StringConverter(self)
to_string = property(to_string)
def indent_name(self, ident=" "):
returns a indented name, according to its depth in the hierachy.
return ident * self.depth + self.name
indent_name.attrib_method = True
indent_name.__call_completion__ = "indent_name()"
def costs(self, cost_name, mode="ep"):
calculates the resource costs for the task.
cost_name is the name of a rate attribute of the reosurce
mode is character combination:
e calculates the estimated costs
p calculates the performed costs
==> pe calculates all costs
if self.children:
return sum([ c.costs(cost_name, mode) for c in self.children])
costs = 0
if 'e' in mode:
costs += sum(map(lambda rl: getattr(rl[0], cost_name) * rl[1],
if 'p' in mode:
costs += sum(map(lambda rl: getattr(rl[0], cost_name) * rl[1],
costs /= (60.0 * self.root.calendar.working_hours_per_day)
return round(costs, 2)
costs.attrib_method = True
costs.__call_completion__ = 'costs("|")'
def sum(self, attrib_name):
val = 0
if self.children:
val += sum(map(lambda c: c.sum(attrib_name), self.children))
if self.is_inherited(attrib_name):
return val
if attrib_name not in self.dont_inherit:
return val
return val + getattr(self, attrib_name)
sum.attrib_method = True
sum.__call_completion__ = 'sum("|")'
def min(self, attrib_name):
if self.children:
return min(map(lambda c: c.min(attrib_name), self.children))
return getattr(self, attrib_name)
min.attrib_method = True
min.__call_completion__ = 'min("|")'
def max(self, attrib_name):
if self.children:
return max(map(lambda c: c.max(attrib_name), self.children))
return getattr(self, attrib_name)
max.attrib_method = True
max.__call_completion__ = 'max("|")'
def all_resources(self):
result = self._all_resources_as_dict()
result = result.keys()
return result
def get_task(self, path=None):
Returns a task with the given path.
if not path:
return self
names = path.split(".")
rest = ".".join(names[1:])
result = getattr(self, names[0], None)
return isinstance(result, Task) and result.get_task(rest) or None
def snapshot(self, indent="", name=None):
text = indent + "def %s():\n" % (name or self.name)
indent += " "
for name in ("priority", "balance", "complete",
"milestone", "end", "start", "effort", "load"):
val = getattr(self, name, None)
if val is None:
if name[0] == "_":
name = name[1:]
text += "%s%s = %s\n" % (indent, name, _as_string(val))
for name in self._properties:
if name.startswith("performed"): continue
val = getattr(self, name, None)
if issubclass(val, resource.Resource): continue
except TypeError:
text += "%s%s = %s\n" % (indent, name, _as_string(val))
resources = tuple(self._iter_booked_resources())
if resources:
text += "%sresource = \\\n" % indent
def make_resource(res):
return "%s %s" \
% (indent, res.snapshot())
text += "&\\\n".join(map(make_resource, resources)) + "\n"
def make_resource_booking(res):
def make_booking(booking):
return '%s (%s, "%s", "%s", "%sM"),' \
% (indent, res.name,
booking.book_start.strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M"),
booking.book_end.strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M"),
return "\n".join(map(make_booking, res.get_bookings(self)))
text += "%sperformed = [\n" % indent
text += "\n".join(map(make_resource_booking, resources)) + "]"
child_text = map(lambda c: c.snapshot(indent), self.children)
text += "\n\n"
text += "".join(child_text)
return text
def is_inherited(self, attrib_name):
return not self.__dict__.has_key(attrib_name)
def formatter(self, attrib_name, arg=None, format=None):
"""returns a function which is able
to convert the value of the given attrib_name to a string"""
formats = self.formats
format = format or formats.get(attrib_name)
if attrib_name in ("start", "end", "length", "effort",
"done", "todo", "buffer", "estimated_effort",
"performed_effort", "performed_start", "performed_end"):
def save_strftime(v):
return v.strftime(format)
#except AttributeError: some bug avoid catching this exception
except Exception:
return str(v)
return save_strftime
if attrib_name == "duration":
def save_strftime(v):
return v.strftime(format, True)
except AttributeError:
return str(v)
return save_strftime
if attrib_name in ("booked_resource", "performed_resource"):
def get_resource_name(v):
title = getattr(v, "title", None)
if title: return title
return ", ".join([r.title for r in v])
return get_resource_name
if arg and attrib_name in ("costs", "sum", "max", "min"):
format = formats.get("%s(%s)" % (attrib_name, arg), format)
if format:
return lambda v: locale.format(format, v, True)
return str
#@-node:Public methods
#@+node:Resource allocation Methods
def _all_resources_as_dict(self):
if self.children:
result = {}
for c in self.children:
return result
if self.resource:
return dict(map(lambda r: (r, 1), self.resource.all_members()))
return {}
def _test_allocation(self, resource_state, allocator):
resource = self.resource._get_resources(resource_state)
if not resource:
return False
return allocator.test_allocation(self, resource)
def _allocate(self, state, allocator):
allocator.allocate(self, state)
#activate cache for done and todo
if self.start.to_datetime() > self.end.to_datetime():
#this can happen when performed effort are
#during non working time
tmp = self.start
self.start = self.end
self.end = tmp
for r in self.performed_resource:
self._resource_length = map(lambda r: (weakref.proxy(r), \
def _convert_performed(self, all_resources):
performed = self.performed
if not performed: return False
if not isinstance(performed, (tuple, list)) \
or not isinstance(performed[0], (tuple, list)) \
or not len(performed[0]) >= 3:
self._raise(TypeError("""The format of the performed attribute must be:
[( res_name, start_literal, end_literal, working_time ), ... ].
"""), "performed")
round_down_delta = self.root.calendar.minimum_time_unit / 2
round_down_delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=round_down_delta)
def convert_item(index):
item = performed[index]
res, start, end = item[:3]
if isinstance(res, str):
found = filter(lambda r: r.name == res, all_resources)
if found: res = found[0]
if not isinstance(res, (resource.Resource,
raise ValueError("the resource '%s' is unknown." % res)
start = _to_datetime(start)
end = _to_datetime(end)
if len(item) > 3:
working_time = self._to_delta(item[3]).round()
working_time = self._to_delta(end - start, True)
return ((res, start, end, working_time), index)
except Exception, exc:
self._raise(exc.__class__("Item %i: %s" \
% (index + 1, str(exc))),
converted = dict(map(convert_item, range(len(performed))))
converted = converted.items()
#check for overlapping items
last_res = None
for item, index in converted:
res, start, end, work_time = item
if last_res == res and start < last_end:
self._warn("Items %i, %i: %s and %s are overlapping." \
% (last_index + 1, index + 1,
last_res = res
last_end = end
last_index = index
self._performed = map(lambda x: x[0], converted)
return True
def _allocate_performed(self, performed):
if not performed: return
to_delta = self._to_delta
to_start = self._to_start
to_end = self._to_end
last = datetime.datetime.min
first = datetime.datetime.max
effort = 0
work_time_sum = 0
zero_minutes = to_delta(0)
minimum_time_unit = to_delta(self.calendar.minimum_time_unit)
summary = {}
for item in performed:
res, start, end, work_time = item
effort += work_time * self.efficiency * res.efficiency
work_time_sum += work_time
res = res()
ss, es, wts = summary.get(res, (datetime.datetime.max,
summary[res] = (min(ss, start), max(es, end), wts + work_time)
for r, v in summary.iteritems():
start, end, work_time = v
assert(start.__class__ is datetime.datetime)
assert(end.__class__ is datetime.datetime)
#the booking limits should be inside the workingtime
#to display them correct in resource charts
cstart = to_start(start).to_datetime()
if cstart > start: cstart = to_end(start).to_datetime()
cend = to_end(end).to_datetime()
if cend < end: cend = to_start(end).to_datetime()
if self.root.is_snapshot:
delta = to_end(cend) - to_start(cstart)
delta = to_delta(cend - cstart).round()
if not delta:
delta = minimum_time_unit
book_load = float(work_time) / delta
r().book_task(self, cstart, cend, book_load, work_time, True)
last = max(end, last)
first = min(start, first)
self._performed_resource_length = tuple([ (r, v[2]) for r, v in summary.iteritems() ])
self.performed_resource = tuple(summary.keys())
self.performed_end = last
self.performed_start = first
self.performed_effort = to_delta(effort)
self.performed_work_time = to_delta(work_time_sum)
def _iter_booked_resources(self):
result = dict(map(lambda r: (r, 1), self.performed_resource))
result.update(dict(map(lambda r: (r, 1), self.booked_resource)))
return result.iterkeys()
#@-node:Resource allocation Methods
#@+node:Compile Methods
def _generate(self, deferred=None):
do_raise = False
deferred = deferred or [ self ]
while deferred:
new_deferred = []
for task in deferred:
task._compile(new_deferred, do_raise)
do_raise = deferred == new_deferred
deferred = new_deferred
def _recalc_properties(self):
if not self._properties: return
self.__compile_function([], False, _MeProxyRecalc(self))
self._is_compiled = True
def _compile(self, deferred, do_raise):
self.dont_inherit = ()
self._constraint = None
#@ << raise child recursion error >>
#@+node:<< raise child recursion error >>
self._raise(RecursionError("A child defines a "\
"recursive definition at %s" % self.path))
#@-node:<< raise child recursion error >>
except AttributeError:
self.__at_compile = self, ""
self.__compile_function(deferred, do_raise, _MeProxy(self))
del self.__at_compile
for c in self.children:
if not c._is_compiled:
c._compile(deferred, do_raise)
if self._is_compiled:
self.root.has_actual_data |= self.__dict__.has_key("performed")
def __compile_function(self, deferred, do_raise, me_instance):
self._is_compiled = self._is_frozen
restore_globals = []
globals_ = self._function.func_globals
#@ << set function global values >>
#@+node:<< set function global values >>
def to_value_wrapper(a):
if isinstance(a, _ValueWrapper):
return a
return _ValueWrapper(a, [(None, None)])
def my_max(*args):
return max(map(to_value_wrapper, args))
def my_min(*args):
return min(map(to_value_wrapper, args))
globals_["me"] = me_instance
if self._is_compiled:
globals_["up"] = self.up
globals_["root"] = self.root
globals_["up"] = _Path(self.up, "up")
globals_["root"] = _Path(self.root, "root")
globals_["Delta"] = self._to_delta
globals_["Date"] = self._to_start
globals_["max"] = my_max
globals_["min"] = my_min
globals_["add_attrib"] = me_instance.add_attrib
#@-node:<< set function global values >>
#@ << set me in global functions >>
#@+node:<< set me in global functions >>
# Is used for functions like YearlyMax, MonthlyMax, ....
for name in self._function.global_names:
obj = globals_[name]
if isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType):
fg = obj.func_globals
if not fg.has_key("me") and "me" in obj.func_code.co_names:
fg["me"] = me_instance
except KeyError: continue
#@-node:<< set me in global functions >>
#@ << eval function >>
#@+node:<< eval function >>
if do_raise:
self._is_compiled = True
except _IncompleteError, e:
src = e.args[1]
if src is not self:
self.__at_compile = e.args[1:]
src._compile([], True)
self._is_compiled = True
except AttributeError, e:
#print "AttributeError:", e, self.name, e.is_frozen, do_raise
except _IncompleteError:
#print "_IncompleteError:", id(self), self.name, do_raise
except RecursionError:
self._is_parent_referer = True
#@-node:<< eval function >>
for fg in restore_globals:
del fg["me"]
#@-node:Compile Methods
#@+node:Setting methods
def _set_attrib(self, name, value):
if value is _NEVER_USED_: return
value = self._setting_hooks[name](self, name, value)
except KeyError: pass
if name == "__constraint__":
self._constraint = value
if type(value) == types.FunctionType:
if value.func_code.co_argcount == 0:
#@ << add child task >>
#@+node:<< add child task >>
task = self.__dict__[value.func_name]
except KeyError:
task = Task(value, value.func_name, self, len(self.children) + 1)
setattr(self, value.func_name, task)
#@-node:<< add child task >>
if name[0] == "_":
#private vars will not be set
if isinstance(value, _Path):
value = value._task
set_method = getattr(self, "_set_" + name, None)
if set_method:
#@ << set standard attribute >>
#@+node:<< set standard attribute >>
if type(value) == types.DictionaryType:
value = value.get(self.scenario, value["_default"])
self.__set_sources(name, value)
self._original_values[name] = value
#@-node:<< set standard attribute >>
#@ << set userdefined attribute >>
#@+node:<< set userdefined attribute >>
if callable( getattr(self.__class__, name, None)):
raise NameError('You may not use "%s" as attribute' % name)
setattr(self, name, value)
self._properties[name] = True
self.__set_sources(name, value)
#@-node:<< set userdefined attribute >>
#@+node:read only attributes
def _set_name(self, value):
raise AttributeError("The attribute 'name' is readonly.")
def _set_done(self, value):
raise AttributeError("The attribute 'done' is readonly.")
def _set_performed_work_time(self, value):
raise AttributeError("The attribute 'performed_work_time' is readonly.")
def _set_booked_resource(self, value):
raise AttributeError("The attribute 'booked_resource' is readonly.")
def _set_performed_effort(self, value):
raise AttributeError("The attribute 'performed_effort' is readonly.")
def _set_children(self, value):
raise AttributeError("The attribute 'children' is readonly.")
def _set_depth(self, value):
raise AttributeError("The attribute 'depth' is readonly.")
def _set_index(self, value):
raise AttributeError("The attribute 'index' is readonly.")
def _set_scenario(self, value):
raise AttributeError("The attribute 'scenario' is readonly.")
def _set_buffer(self, value):
raise AttributeError("The attribute 'buffer' is readonly.")
#@-node:read only attributes
def _set_start(self, value):
self.__start_class = value.__class__
self.start = self._to_start(value).round()
def _set_end(self, value):
self.end = self._to_end(value)
def _set_max_load(self, max_load):
self.max_load = float(max_load)
def _set_load(self, load):
self.load = float(load)
def _set_length(self, value):
self.length = self._to_delta(value).round()
def _set_effort(self, value):
self.effort = self._to_delta(value).round()
def _set_duration(self, value):
self.duration = self._to_delta(value, True).round()
def _set_complete(self, value):
self.complete = value
def _set_done(self, value):
self.done = self._to_delta(value).round()
def _set_todo(self, value):
self.todo = self._to_delta(value).round()
def _set_milestone(self, value):
self.milestone = value
def _set_resource(self, value):
if not value:
self.resource = None
if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
value = reduce(lambda a, b: a & b, value)
self.resource = value()
def _set_copy_src(self, value):
if isinstance(value, _MeProxy):
raise RuntimeError("Cannot copy me.")
if not value._is_compiled:
raise _IncompleteError(value, "copy_src")
if value.resource and not self.resource:
self.resource = value.resource
if value.balance and not self.balance:
self.balance = value.balance
copy_parms = ("priority", "todo", "complete",
"_constraint", "load", "length",
"effort", "duration")
for p in copy_parms:
v = value.__dict__.get(p)
if v: setattr(self, p, v)
self.copy_src = value
for k in value._properties.iterkeys():
setattr(self, k, getattr(value, k))
def __set_sources(self, attrib_name, value):
#@ << find references >>
#@+node:<< find references >>
def make_ref(val):
if isinstance(val, _ValueWrapper):
return val._ref
if isinstance(val, Task):
return [(val, "")]
return []
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
sources = _refsum(map(make_ref, value))
sources = make_ref(value)
#@-node:<< find references >>
if not sources: return
#track only dependcies within the same project
root = self.root
sources = [ task.path + "." + attrib
for task, attrib in sources
if task and task.root is root ]
self._sources[attrib_name] = tuple(sources)
attr_path = self.path + "." + attrib_name
#set dependencies of my sources
for d in sources:
path, attrib = _split_path(d)
task = self.get_task(path)
r_d = task._dependencies
d_l = r_d.setdefault(attrib, {})
d_l[attr_path] = True
#@+node:Calendar Setters
def _set_calendar(self, value):
self.calendar = value
self._to_delta = value.Minutes
self._to_start = value.StartDate
self._to_end = value.EndDate
def __renew_dates(self):
for attrib in ("effort", "start", "end", "length", "todo"):
self._set_attrib(attrib, self._original_values[attrib])
except KeyError:
def __make_calendar(self):
if not "calendar" in self.__dict__:
cal = self.calendar = self.calendar.clone()
self._to_delta = cal.Minutes
self._to_start = cal.StartDate
self._to_end = cal.EndDate
def _set_vacation(self, value):
self._properties["vacation"] = True
self.vacation = value
def _set_extra_work(self, value):
self._properties["extra_work"] = True
self.extra_work = value
def _set_working_days(self, value):
if type(value[0]) is str:
value = (value, )
self.working_days = value
self._properties["working_days"] = True
for v in value:
day_range = v[0]
tranges = tuple(v[1:])
self.calendar.set_working_days(day_range, *tranges)
def _set_minimum_time_unit(self, value):
self.calendar.minimum_time_unit = value
self._properties["minimum_time_unit"] = True
def _get_minimum_time_unit(self):
return self.calendar.minimum_time_unit
minimum_time_unit = property(_get_minimum_time_unit)
def _set_working_days_per_week(self, value):
self.calendar.working_days_per_week = value
self._properties["working_days_per_week"] = True
def _get_working_days_per_week(self):
return self.calendar.working_days_per_week
working_days_per_week = property(_get_working_days_per_week)
def _set_working_days_per_month(self, value):
self.calendar.working_days_per_month = value
self._properties["working_days_per_month"] = True
def _get_working_days_per_month(self):
return self.calendar.working_days_per_month
working_days_per_month = property(_get_working_days_per_month)
def _set_working_days_per_year(self, value):
self.calendar.working_days_per_year = value
self._properties["working_days_per_year"] = True
def _get_working_days_per_year(self):
return self.calendar.working_days_per_year
working_days_per_year = property(_get_working_days_per_year)
def _set_working_hours_per_day(self, value):
self.calendar.working_hours_per_day = value
self._properties["set_working_hours_per_day"] = True
def _get_working_hours_per_day(self):
return self.calendar.working_hours_per_day
working_hours_per_day = property(_get_working_hours_per_day)
def _set_now(self, value):
proxy = weakref.proxy
self.calendar.now = _to_datetime(value)
#@-node:Calendar Setters
#@-node:Setting methods
#@+node:Freezer Methods
def _unfreeze(self, attrib_name):
if self.__dict__.has_key(attrib_name):
del self.__dict__[attrib_name]
def _wrap_attrib(self, method):
attrib_name = method.__name__[7:]
recursion_attrib = "_rec" + attrib_name
dest, dattr = self.__at_compile
raise RecursionError("Recursive definition of %s(%s) and %s(%s)" \
% (self.path, attrib_name, dest.path, dattr))
except AttributeError: pass
if not self._is_compiled:
raise _IncompleteError(self, attrib_name)
getattr(self, recursion_attrib)
raise RecursionError(self, attrib_name)
except AttributeError: pass
setattr(self, recursion_attrib, True)
result = method(self)
if self._is_frozen:
setattr(self, attrib_name, result)
return result
delattr(self, recursion_attrib)
def _find_frozen(self, attrib_name, default=None):
value = self.__dict__.get(attrib_name)
if value is not None:
return value
up = self.up
return up and up._find_frozen(attrib_name) or default
#@-node:Freezer Methods
#@+node:Calculation Methods
def __calc_performed_effort(self):
if self.children:
return self._to_delta(sum([ t.performed_effort for t in self.children ]))
return pcalendar.Minutes(0)
performed_effort = _TaskProperty(__calc_performed_effort)
def __calc_estimated_effort(self):
if self.children:
return self._to_delta(sum([ t.estimated_effort for t in self.children ]))
return self.effort
estimated_effort = _TaskProperty(__calc_estimated_effort)
def __calc_start(self):
to_start = self._to_start
if self.children:
return min([ to_start(t.start) for t in self.children
if not t._is_parent_referer ])
except ValueError:
#@ << raise child recursion error >>
#@+node:<< raise child recursion error >>
self._raise(RecursionError("A child defines a "\
"recursive definition at %s" % self.path))
#@-node:<< raise child recursion error >>
end = self.end
duration = self.__dict__.get("duration")
if duration is not None:
start = end.to_datetime() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=duration)
start = end - self.length
return to_start(start)
except RecursionError:
start = self._find_frozen("start")
if start: return to_start(start)
#@ << raise recursion error >>
#@+node:<< raise recursion error >>
raise RecursionError("you have to specify a "\
"start or an end at %s" % self.path)
#@-node:<< raise recursion error >>
start = _TaskProperty(__calc_start)
def __calc_end(self):
to_end = self._to_end
if self.children:
return max([ to_end(t.end) for t in self.children
if not t._is_parent_referer ])
except ValueError:
#@ << raise child recursion error >>
#@+node:<< raise child recursion error >>
self._raise(RecursionError("A child defines a "\
"recursive definition at %s" % self.path))
#@-node:<< raise child recursion error >>
start = self.start
duration = self.__dict__.get("duration")
if duration is not None:
end = start.to_datetime() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=duration)
end = start + self.length
return to_end(end)
except RecursionError:
end = self._find_frozen("end")
if end: return to_end(end)
#@ << raise recursion error >>
#@+node:<< raise recursion error >>
raise RecursionError("you have to specify a "\
"start or an end at %s" % self.path)
#@-node:<< raise recursion error >>
end = _TaskProperty(__calc_end)
def __calc_load(self):
length = self.__dict__.get("length")
effort = self.__dict__.get("effort")
if length is not None and effort is not None:
return float(effort) / (float(length) or 1.0)
load = self._find_frozen("load")
if load is not None: return load
return 1.0
load = _TaskProperty(__calc_load)
def __calc_length(self):
effort = self.__dict__.get("effort")
if effort is None:
return self.end - self.start
return self._to_delta(effort / self.load)
length = _RoundingTaskProperty(__calc_length, "length")
def __calc_duration(self):
return self._to_delta(self.end.to_datetime()\
- self.start.to_datetime(), True)
duration = _TaskProperty(__calc_duration)
def __calc_effort(self):
if self.children:
return self._to_delta(sum([ t.effort for t in self.children ]))
return self._to_delta(self.length * self.load)
effort = _RoundingTaskProperty(__calc_effort, "effort")
def __calc_done(self):
if self.children:
dones = map(lambda t: t.done, self.children)
return self._to_delta(sum(dones))
res = self._iter_booked_resources()
done = sum(map(lambda r: r.done_of(self), res))
complete = self.__dict__.get("complete")
todo = self.__dict__.get("todo")
if not done and complete == 100 or todo == 0:
#if now is not set
done = self.effort
return self._to_delta(done)
done = _TaskProperty(__calc_done)
def __calc_buffer(self):
if self.children:
return self._to_delta(min(map(lambda t: t.buffer, self.children)))
scenario = self.scenario
end = self.end
old_end = self.__dict__.get("end")
#@ << find all tasks, that depend on my end >>
#@+node:<< find all tasks, that depend on my end >>
deps = { }
task = self
while task:
deps.update(task._dependencies.get("end", {}))
task = task.up
#@-node:<< find all tasks, that depend on my end >>
#@ << define unfreeze_parents >>
#@+node:<< define unfreeze_parents >>
def unfreeze_parents():
task = self.up
while task:
task = task.up
#@-node:<< define unfreeze_parents >>
buffers = [ ]
for d in deps.keys():
path, attrib = _split_path(d)
if attrib != "start":
#@ << calculate buffer to descendant 'd' >>
#@+node:<< calculate buffer to descendant 'd' >>
# the following code considers a expressione like
# start = predecessor.end + Delta("1d") the buffer
# calculation must be aware of the 1d delay.
# (therefore a simple succ_start - end would be
# incorrect)
# Solution: Simluate a later end and calculate the
# real delay
succ_task = self.get_task(path)
simulated_task = Task(succ_task._function,
succ_task.up, 1)
current_start = succ_task.start
simulated_end = current_start
self.end = current_start
simulated_start = simulated_task.start
if old_end: self.end = old_end
else: self._unfreeze("end")
del simulated_task
current_delay = current_start - end
simulated_delay = simulated_start - simulated_end
real_delay = current_delay - simulated_delay
buffer_ = real_delay + succ_task.buffer
except RecursionError, err:
#@-node:<< calculate buffer to descendant 'd' >>
if not buffer_:
if buffers:
return self._to_delta(min(buffers))
return not self.milestone \
and self.root.end - end \
or self._to_delta(0)
buffer = _TaskProperty(__calc_buffer)
def __calc_complete(self):
done = self.done
todo = self.todo
return int(100.0 * done / ((done + todo) or 1))
complete = _TaskProperty(__calc_complete)
def __calc_todo(self):
complete = self.__dict__.get("complete")
if complete:
# effort = done + todo
# done done
# complete = ------ ==> todo = -------- - done
# effort complete
complete = float(complete)
done = self.done
if done:
done = float(done)
return self._to_delta(done * 100.0 / complete - done)
return self._to_delta(self.effort * complete / 100.0)
if self.children:
todos = map(lambda t: t.todo, self.children)
return self._to_delta(sum(todos))
todo = sum(map(lambda r: r.todo_of(self), self.booked_resource))
return self._to_delta(max(todo, self.effort - self.done))
todo = _TaskProperty(__calc_todo)
#@-node:Calculation Methods
#@+node:Check Methods
def __check_task(self):
if self.children: return
start = self._find_frozen("start")
end = self._find_frozen("end")
if not (start or end):
self._raise(ValueError("You must specify either a"\
" start or an end attribute"))
if start and end: return
length = self.__dict__.get("length")
duration = self.__dict__.get("duration")
effort = self.__dict__.get("effort")
if not (effort or length or duration):
#set a default value
#self._raise(ValueError("You must specify either a"\
# " length or a duration or "\
# "an effort attribute"))
def __check_milestone(self):
if not self.milestone: return
self.length = self._to_delta(0)
start = self.__dict__.get("start")
if not start:
self._raise(ValueError("Milestone must have start attribute"),
if self.__start_class.__name__ == "edt":
#the milestone is probably dependent on the end date of
#an other task (see edt in pcalendar) ==> start at the end date
self.start = self.end = self._to_end(self.start)
self.start = self.end = self._to_start(self.start)
def _check_completion(self):
if not self.performed_effort: return
if self.root.is_snapshot: return
# allocation is not done yet ==> self.todo, self.done,
# self.complete cannot be calculated
if self._find_frozen("complete", 0) < 100 \
and self.__dict__.get("todo", 1) > 0:
start = self.performed_start
end = self.performed_end
#ensure that self.start.to_datetime() < self.end.to_datetime()
cstart = self._to_start(start)
if cstart.to_datetime() > start: cstart = self._to_end(start)
cend = self._to_end(end)
if cend.to_datetime() < end: cend = self._to_start(end)
self.start = cstart
self.end = cend
if self.performed_effort != self.effort:
self.estimated_effort = self.effort
self.effort = self.performed_effort
def check(self):
if self._constraint and self._is_compiled:
globals_ = self._function.func_globals
globals_["me"] = self
globals_["up"] = self.up
globals_["root"] = self.root
globals_["assert_"] = self.__assert
#@-node:Check Methods
#@+node:Error Methods
def __assert(self, value):
if not value:
warnings.warn('assertion in scenario: "%s"' % self.scenario,
RuntimeWarning, 2)
def _warn(self, message, attrib=None, level=2):
self.__compile_function([], True, _MeProxyWarn(self, attrib, message))
def _raise(self, exc, attrib=None):
self.__compile_function([], True, _MeProxyError(self, attrib, exc))
raise exc
#@-node:Error Methods
#@-node:class Task
#@+node:class _ProjectBase
class _ProjectBase(Task):
Base class for all projects.
#@ << class _ProjectBase declarations >>
#@+node:<< class _ProjectBase declarations >>
__attrib_completions__ = { }
del __attrib_completions__["milestone"] #project cannot be milestones
priority = 500
efficiency = 1.0
max_load = 1.0
balance = 0
resource = None
copy_src = None
has_actual_data = False
is_snapshot = False
#@-node:<< class _ProjectBase declarations >>
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, top_task, scenario="_default", id=""):
self.calendar = pcalendar.Calendar()
Task.__init__(self, top_task, top_task.func_name)
self.id = id or self.name
self.scenario = scenario
self.all_scenarios = set(("_default",))
self.path = "root"
self._globals = top_task.func_globals.copy()
def _idendity_(self): return self.id
def _restore_globals(self):
del self._globals
def free(self):
all_resources = self.all_resources()
for r in all_resources:
r().unbook_tasks_of_project(self.id, self.scenario)
for t in self:
t.booked_resource = ()
return all_resources
def _get_balancing_list(self):
cached_list = balancing_cache[self._function.org_code]
if len(cached_list) != len(tuple(self)):
# different scenarios can have different tasks
raise KeyError()
except KeyError:
cached_list = _build_balancing_list(self)
balancing_cache[self._function.org_code] = cached_list
cached_list = [ self.get_task(t.path) for t in cached_list ]
return cached_list
def snapshot(self, indent="", name=None):
text = Task.snapshot(self, indent, name)
lines = text.splitlines(True)
indent += " "
def make_resource(r):
return '%sclass %s(Resource): title = "%s"\n' \
% (indent, r.name, r.title)
now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%x %H:%M")
resource_text = map(lambda r: make_resource(r), self.all_resources())
lines.insert(1, "%sfrom faces import Resource\n" % indent)
lines.insert(2, "".join(resource_text) + "\n")
lines.insert(3, '%snow = "%s"\n' % (indent, now))
lines.insert(4, '%sis_snapshot = True\n' % indent)
return "".join(lines)
#@-node:class _ProjectBase
#@+node:class Project
class Project(_ProjectBase):
Generates a Project without allocating resources.
@param top_task: Specifies the highest function of a project definiton.
@param scenario: Specifies the name of the scenario which should be scheduled.
@param id: Specifiess a unique idenfication name to distinguish the project from
other projects in the resource database. The default value for id
is the name of top_task.
#@ << class Project declarations >>
#@+node:<< class Project declarations >>
__call_completion__ = 'Project(|top_task, scenario="_default", id=None)'
#@-node:<< class Project declarations >>
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, top_task, scenario="_default", id=None):
_ProjectBase.__init__(self, top_task, scenario, id)
no_snapshot = not self.is_snapshot
for t in self:
t._is_frozen = True
no_snapshot and t.check()
#@-node:class Project
#@+node:class _AllocationPoject
class _AllocationPoject(_ProjectBase):
#@ @+others
def unfreeze_parents(self):
if self.has_actual_data:
for t in filter(lambda t: t.children, self):
if not t._original_values.has_key("start"): t._unfreeze("start")
if not t._original_values.has_key("end"): t._unfreeze("end")
#@-node:class _AllocationPoject
#@+node:class BalancedProject
class BalancedProject(_AllocationPoject):
Generates a project with allocated resources. The tasks are balanced
to fit the resources load conditions.
#@ << class BalancedProject declarations >>
#@+node:<< class BalancedProject declarations >>
__call_completion__ = """BalancedProject(|top_task, scenario="_default",
id=None, balance=SMART, performed=None)"""
#@-node:<< class BalancedProject declarations >>
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, top_task, scenario="_default",
id=None, balance=SMART, performed=None):
_AllocationPoject.__init__(self, top_task, scenario, id)
self.balance = balance
if performed:
self.has_actual_data = True
no_snapshot = not self.is_snapshot
if no_snapshot:
for t in self:
t._is_frozen = True
no_snapshot and t.check()
def allocate_snapshot(self):
all_resources = self.free()
scenario = self.scenario
has_actual_data = True
for t in self:
if not t.resource or t.milestone or t.children:
def allocate(self):
all_resources = self.free()
balancing_list = self._get_balancing_list()
scenario = self.scenario
#for t in balancing_list:
# print t.path
for t in balancing_list:
t._compile([], True)
if not t.resource or t.milestone or t.children:
if t._convert_performed(all_resources):
has_actual_data = True
except AttributeError:
allocator = _allocators[t.balance]
min_val = None
min_state = None
for p in range(t.resource._permutation_count()):
state = t._test_allocation(p, allocator)
if not state: continue
to_minimize = state[0]
if not min_val or min_val > to_minimize:
min_val = to_minimize
min_state = state
if min_state:
t._allocate(min_state, allocator)
elif t.performed_start:
# t could not be allocated ==>
# performance data holds all information
t.start = t._to_start(t.performed_start)
t.end = t._to_end(t.performed_end)
def _distribute_performed(self, performed):
project_id = self._idendity_()
plen = len(project_id)
performed = filter(lambda item: item[0].startswith(project_id),
task = None
for item in performed:
path = item[0]
rpath = "root" + path[plen:]
task = self.get_task(rpath)
if not task:
#@ << extract task in activity path >>
#@+node:<< extract task in activity path >>
# A performed path can have sub activities appended to the
# task path.
# like:
# root.parent1.parent2.task.subactivity
# here rhe correct task path is:
# root.parent1.parent2.task
orpath = rpath
while not task:
#path can specify a sub module
#find the correct path to the module
last_dot = rpath.rindex(".", 0, len(rpath))
except ValueError:
rpath = rpath[:last_dot]
task = self.get_task(rpath)
item = list(item)
#@-node:<< extract task in activity path >>
if not task or task.children:
self._warn("The performance data contain "
"a task with id '%s'. But such "
"a task does not exist in your "
"project." % path)
if not isinstance(task.performed, list):
task.performed = list(task.performed)
#@-node:class BalancedProject
#@+node:class AdjustedProject
class AdjustedProject(_AllocationPoject):
Generates a project with allocated resources. The tasks are
adjusted to the actual tracking data and balanced to fit the
resources load conditions.
#@ << class AdjustedProject declarations >>
#@+node:<< class AdjustedProject declarations >>
__call_completion__ = 'AdjustedProject(|base_project)'
#@-node:<< class AdjustedProject declarations >>
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, base_project):
_AllocationPoject.__init__(self, base_project._function,
self.balance = base_project.balance
self.has_actual_data = base_project.has_actual_data
for t in self:
t._is_frozen = True
def allocate(self, base):
balancing_list = self._get_balancing_list()
scenario = self.scenario
cal = self.calendar
now = cal.now
#for t in balancing_list:
# print t.path
#@ << free the resources, we have to rebook >>
#@+node:<< free the resources, we have to rebook >>
for t in balancing_list:
src = base.get_task(t.path)
if src.end > now or src.complete < 100:
for r in src._iter_booked_resources():
#@-node:<< free the resources, we have to rebook >>
for t in balancing_list:
src = base.get_task(t.path)
if src.end <= now and src.complete == 100:
#@ << copy the attribs of complete tasks >>
#@+node:<< copy the attribs of complete tasks >>
t.effort = src.effort
t.load = src.load
t.start = src.start
t.end = src.end
t.done = src.done
t.todo = src.todo
t.booked_resource = src.booked_resource
t.performed_resource = src.performed_resource
#@-node:<< copy the attribs of complete tasks >>
t._compile([], True)
if not t.resource or t.milestone or t.children:
# now allocate the uncomplete tasks
#@ << allocate performed data >>
#@+node:<< allocate performed data >>
t._performed = src._performed
except AttributeError:
#@-node:<< allocate performed data >>
allocator = _allocators[t.balance]
if src.start >= now:
#@ << allocate tasks, that have not begun yet >>
#@+node:<< allocate tasks, that have not begun yet >>
min_val = None
min_state = None
for p in range(t.resource._permutation_count()):
state = t._test_allocation(p, allocator)
if not state: continue
to_minimize = state[0]
if not min_val or min_val > to_minimize:
min_val = to_minimize
min_state = state
if min_state:
t._allocate(min_state, allocator)
elif t.performed_start:
t.start = t._to_start(t.performed_start)
t.end = t._to_end(t.performed_end)
#@-node:<< allocate tasks, that have not begun yet >>
#@ << allocate tasks, that are allready at work >>
#@+node:<< allocate tasks, that are allready at work >>
if t.__dict__.has_key("effort"):
t.effort = t._to_delta(src.done + src.todo).round()
resource = src.booked_resource or src.performed_resource
state = allocator.test_allocation(t, resource)
if state:
t._allocate(state, allocator)
#@-node:<< allocate tasks, that are allready at work >>
#@-node:class AdjustedProject
Atttribute mit Bedeutung:
minimum_time_unit |int in minutes|
working_days_per_week |int in days |
working_days_per_month|int in days |
working_days_per_year |int in days |
working_hours_per_day |int in hours |
vacation | [ one_day, (from, to), .. ] |
copy_src (set: copy all attributes of another task
get: reference of copy)
for gantt
#@-node:@file task.py
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