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In order to test hr_recruitment module for OpenERP, I will create applicants form, Manages job positions and the recruitment process.
I create a department.
!record {model: hr.department, id: hr_department_rd0}:
manager_id: base.user_root
name: 'R & D '
I create new Job Position.
!record {model: hr.job, id: hr_job_jea0}:
department_id: 'hr_department_rd0'
description: 'Position of Jr. Application Engineer'
expected_employees: 5
name: 'JAE '
I create a recruitment stage "Initial Jobs Demand".
!record {model: hr.recruitment.stage, id: hr_recrutiment_stage_first0}:
name: 'Initial Jobs Demand'
sequence: 1
I create an applicant.
!record {model: hr.applicant, id: hr_applicant_fresher0}:
availability: 0.0
department_id: hr.dep_it
name: Fresher
partner_address_id: base.res_partner_address_tang
partner_id: base.res_partner_asus
partner_name: Marion Jones
partner_phone: '1111112223'
response: 0.0
salary_expected: 0.0
salary_proposed: 0.0
stage_id: hr_recrutiment_stage_first0
type_id: hr_recruitment.degree_licenced
I check that applicant is on "draft" state.
!assert {model: hr.applicant, id: hr_applicant_fresher0}:
- state == 'draft'
I change the state by click on "In Progress" button.
!python {model: hr.applicant}: |
self.case_open(cr, uid, [ref("hr_applicant_fresher0")], {"active_ids": [ref("hr_recruitment.menu_crm_case_categ0_act_job")],
I create a new case category.
!record {model: crm.case.categ, id: crm_case_categ_employee0}:
name: 'Employee'
I schedule a phonecall for this applicant by click on "Schedule a Phone Call" button.
!record {model: hr.recruitment.job2phonecall, id: hr_recruitment_forinterview0}:
user_id: base.user_root
deadline: !eval time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 11:51:00')
note: 'For interview.'
category_id: 'crm_case_categ_employee0'
I click on "Schedule phonecall" button of this wizard.
!python {model: hr.recruitment.job2phonecall}: |
self.make_phonecall(cr, uid, [ref('hr_recruitment_forinterview0')], {'active_ids': [ref('hr_applicant_fresher0')]})
I schedule meeting for interview of this applicant by click on "Schedule Meeting" button.
!python {model: hr.applicant}: |
self.action_makeMeeting(cr, uid, [ref('hr_recruitment_forinterview0')])
I create an entry for the meeting with the applicant.
!record {model: crm.meeting, id: crm_meeting_fresher0}:
alarm_id: base_calendar.alarm1
count: 0.0
date: !eval "'%s-%s-%s 00:00:00' %(datetime.now().year,datetime.now().month,datetime.now().day+1)"
date_deadline: !eval "'%s-%s-%s 08:00:00' %(datetime.now().year,datetime.now().month,datetime.now().day+1)"
day: 0.0
duration: 8.0
name: Fresher
opportunity_id: crm.crm_case_construstazunits0
partner_address_id: base.res_partner_address_tang
partner_id: base.res_partner_asus
recurrent_uid: 0.0
rrule_type: none
state: open
user_id: base.user_root
On a successful meeting with the applicant, I hired employee by click on "Hired" button.
!python {model: hr.applicant}: |
self.case_close(cr, uid, [ref('hr_applicant_fresher0')])
I check that applicant state is "Hired".
!assert {model: hr.applicant, id: hr_applicant_fresher0}:
- state == 'done'