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# Implements encrypting functions.
# Copyright (c) 2008, F S 3 Consulting Inc.
# Maintainer:
# Alec Joseph Rivera (agi<at>fs3.ph)
# refactored by Antony Lesuisse <al<at>openerp.com>
import hashlib
import hmac
import logging
from random import sample
from string import ascii_letters, digits
import openerp
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
magic_md5 = '$1$'
magic_sha256 = '$5$'
def gen_salt(length=8, symbols=None):
if symbols is None:
symbols = ascii_letters + digits
return ''.join(sample(symbols, length))
def md5crypt( raw_pw, salt, magic=magic_md5 ):
""" md5crypt FreeBSD crypt(3) based on but different from md5
The md5crypt is based on Mark Johnson's md5crypt.py, which in turn is
based on FreeBSD src/lib/libcrypt/crypt.c (1.2) by Poul-Henning Kamp.
Mark's port can be found in ActiveState ASPN Python Cookbook. Kudos to
Poul and Mark. -agi
Original license:
* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* <phk@login.dknet.dk> wrote this file. As long as you retain this
* notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some
* day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in
* return.
* Poul-Henning Kamp
raw_pw = raw_pw.encode('utf-8')
salt = salt.encode('utf-8')
hash = hashlib.md5()
hash.update( raw_pw + magic + salt )
st = hashlib.md5()
st.update( raw_pw + salt + raw_pw)
stretch = st.digest()
for i in range( 0, len( raw_pw ) ):
hash.update( stretch[i % 16] )
i = len( raw_pw )
while i:
if i & 1:
hash.update( raw_pw[0] )
i >>= 1
saltedmd5 = hash.digest()
for i in range( 1000 ):
hash = hashlib.md5()
if i & 1:
hash.update( raw_pw )
hash.update( saltedmd5 )
if i % 3:
hash.update( salt )
if i % 7:
hash.update( raw_pw )
if i & 1:
hash.update( saltedmd5 )
hash.update( raw_pw )
saltedmd5 = hash.digest()
itoa64 = './0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
rearranged = ''
for a, b, c in ((0, 6, 12), (1, 7, 13), (2, 8, 14), (3, 9, 15), (4, 10, 5)):
v = ord( saltedmd5[a] ) << 16 | ord( saltedmd5[b] ) << 8 | ord( saltedmd5[c] )
for i in range(4):
rearranged += itoa64[v & 0x3f]
v >>= 6
v = ord( saltedmd5[11] )
for i in range( 2 ):
rearranged += itoa64[v & 0x3f]
v >>= 6
return magic + salt + '$' + rearranged
def sh256crypt(cls, password, salt, magic=magic_sha256):
iterations = 1000
# see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2
result = password.encode('utf8')
for i in xrange(cls.iterations):
result = hmac.HMAC(result, salt, hashlib.sha256).digest() # uses HMAC (RFC 2104) to apply salt
result = result.encode('base64') # doesnt seem to be crypt(3) compatible
return '%s%s$%s' % (magic_sha256, salt, result)
class res_users(osv.osv):
_inherit = "res.users"
def set_pw(self, cr, uid, id, name, value, args, context):
if value:
encrypted = md5crypt(value, gen_salt())
cr.execute('update res_users set password_crypt=%s where id=%s', (encrypted, int(id)))
del value
def get_pw( self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context ):
cr.execute('select id, password from res_users where id in %s', (tuple(map(int, ids)),))
stored_pws = cr.fetchall()
res = {}
for id, stored_pw in stored_pws:
res[id] = stored_pw
return res
_columns = {
'password': fields.function(get_pw, fnct_inv=set_pw, type='char', string='Password', invisible=True, store=True),
'password_crypt': fields.char(string='Encrypted Password', invisible=True),
def check_credentials(self, cr, uid, password):
# convert to base_crypt if needed
cr.execute('SELECT password, password_crypt FROM res_users WHERE id=%s AND active', (uid,))
if cr.rowcount:
stored_password, stored_password_crypt = cr.fetchone()
if password and not stored_password_crypt:
salt = gen_salt()
stored_password_crypt = md5crypt(stored_password, salt)
cr.execute("UPDATE res_users SET password='', password_crypt=%s WHERE id=%s", (stored_password_crypt, uid))
return super(res_users, self).check_credentials(cr, uid, password)
except openerp.exceptions.AccessDenied:
# check md5crypt
if stored_password_crypt[:len(magic_md5)] == magic_md5:
salt = stored_password_crypt[len(magic_md5):11]
if stored_password_crypt == md5crypt(password, salt):
elif stored_password_crypt[:len(magic_md5)] == magic_sha256:
salt = stored_password_crypt[len(magic_md5):11]
if stored_password_crypt == md5crypt(password, salt):
# Reraise password incorrect
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