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#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004
#see license.txt for license details
#history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/graphics/charts/linecharts.py
This modules defines a very preliminary Line Chart example.
__version__=''' $Id: linecharts.py 2493 2004-12-22 16:14:25Z rgbecker $ '''
import string
from types import FunctionType, StringType
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.validators import isNumber, isColor, isColorOrNone, isListOfStrings, \
isListOfStringsOrNone, SequenceOf, isBoolean, NoneOr, \
isListOfNumbersOrNone, isStringOrNone
from reportlab.lib.attrmap import *
from reportlab.lib.formatters import Formatter
from reportlab.graphics.widgetbase import Widget, TypedPropertyCollection, PropHolder
from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Line, Rect, Group, Drawing, Polygon, PolyLine
from reportlab.graphics.widgets.signsandsymbols import NoEntry
from reportlab.graphics.charts.axes import XCategoryAxis, YValueAxis
from reportlab.graphics.charts.textlabels import Label
from reportlab.graphics.widgets.markers import uSymbol2Symbol, isSymbol, makeMarker
from reportlab.graphics.charts.areas import PlotArea
class LineChartProperties(PropHolder):
_attrMap = AttrMap(
strokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Width of a line.'),
strokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone, desc='Color of a line.'),
strokeDashArray = AttrMapValue(isListOfNumbersOrNone, desc='Dash array of a line.'),
symbol = AttrMapValue(NoneOr(isSymbol), desc='Widget placed at data points.'),
shader = AttrMapValue(None, desc='Shader Class.'),
filler = AttrMapValue(None, desc='Filler Class.'),
name = AttrMapValue(isStringOrNone, desc='Name of the line.'),
class AbstractLineChart(PlotArea):
def makeSwatchSample(self,rowNo, x, y, width, height):
baseStyle = self.lines
styleIdx = rowNo % len(baseStyle)
style = baseStyle[styleIdx]
color = style.strokeColor
y = y+height/2.
if self.joinedLines:
dash = getattr(style, 'strokeDashArray', getattr(baseStyle,'strokeDashArray',None))
strokeWidth= getattr(style, 'strokeWidth', getattr(style, 'strokeWidth',None))
L = Line(x,y,x+width,y,strokeColor=color,strokeLineCap=0)
if strokeWidth: L.strokeWidth = strokeWidth
if dash: L.strokeDashArray = dash
L = None
if hasattr(style, 'symbol'):
S = style.symbol
elif hasattr(baseStyle, 'symbol'):
S = baseStyle.symbol
S = None
if S: S = uSymbol2Symbol(S,x+width/2.,y,color)
if S and L:
g = Group()
return g
return S or L
def getSeriesName(self,i,default=None):
'''return series name i or default'''
return getattr(self.lines[i],'name',default)
class LineChart(AbstractLineChart):
# This is conceptually similar to the VerticalBarChart.
# Still it is better named HorizontalLineChart... :-/
class HorizontalLineChart(LineChart):
"""Line chart with multiple lines.
A line chart is assumed to have one category and one value axis.
Despite its generic name this particular line chart class has
a vertical value axis and a horizontal category one. It may
evolve into individual horizontal and vertical variants (like
with the existing bar charts).
Available attributes are:
x: x-position of lower-left chart origin
y: y-position of lower-left chart origin
width: chart width
height: chart height
useAbsolute: disables auto-scaling of chart elements (?)
lineLabelNudge: distance of data labels to data points
lineLabels: labels associated with data values
lineLabelFormat: format string or callback function
groupSpacing: space between categories
joinedLines: enables drawing of lines
strokeColor: color of chart lines (?)
fillColor: color for chart background (?)
lines: style list, used cyclically for data series
valueAxis: value axis object
categoryAxis: category axis object
categoryNames: category names
data: chart data, a list of data series of equal length
_attrMap = AttrMap(BASE=LineChart,
useAbsolute = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Flag to use absolute spacing values.'),
lineLabelNudge = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Distance between a data point and its label.'),
lineLabels = AttrMapValue(None, desc='Handle to the list of data point labels.'),
lineLabelFormat = AttrMapValue(None, desc='Formatting string or function used for data point labels.'),
lineLabelArray = AttrMapValue(None, desc='explicit array of line label values, must match size of data if present.'),
groupSpacing = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='? - Likely to disappear.'),
joinedLines = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Display data points joined with lines if true.'),
lines = AttrMapValue(None, desc='Handle of the lines.'),
valueAxis = AttrMapValue(None, desc='Handle of the value axis.'),
categoryAxis = AttrMapValue(None, desc='Handle of the category axis.'),
categoryNames = AttrMapValue(isListOfStringsOrNone, desc='List of category names.'),
data = AttrMapValue(None, desc='Data to be plotted, list of (lists of) numbers.'),
inFill = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='Whether infilling should be done.'),
reversePlotOrder = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='If true reverse plot order.'),
annotations = AttrMapValue(None, desc='list of callables, will be called with self, xscale, yscale.'),
def __init__(self):
# Allow for a bounding rectangle.
self.strokeColor = None
self.fillColor = None
# Named so we have less recoding for the horizontal one :-)
self.categoryAxis = XCategoryAxis()
self.valueAxis = YValueAxis()
# This defines two series of 3 points. Just an example.
self.data = [(100,110,120,130),
(70, 80, 80, 90)]
self.categoryNames = ('North','South','East','West')
self.lines = TypedPropertyCollection(LineChartProperties)
self.lines.strokeWidth = 1
self.lines[0].strokeColor = colors.red
self.lines[1].strokeColor = colors.green
self.lines[2].strokeColor = colors.blue
# control spacing. if useAbsolute = 1 then
# the next parameters are in points; otherwise
# they are 'proportions' and are normalized to
# fit the available space.
self.useAbsolute = 0 #- not done yet
self.groupSpacing = 1 #5
self.lineLabels = TypedPropertyCollection(Label)
self.lineLabelFormat = None
self.lineLabelArray = None
# This says whether the origin is above or below
# the data point. +10 means put the origin ten points
# above the data point if value > 0, or ten
# points below if data value < 0. This is different
# to label dx/dy which are not dependent on the
# sign of the data.
self.lineLabelNudge = 10
# If you have multiple series, by default they butt
# together.
# New line chart attributes.
self.joinedLines = 1 # Connect items with straight lines.
self.inFill = 0
self.reversePlotOrder = 0
def demo(self):
"""Shows basic use of a line chart."""
drawing = Drawing(200, 100)
data = [
(13, 5, 20, 22, 37, 45, 19, 4),
(14, 10, 21, 28, 38, 46, 25, 5)
lc = HorizontalLineChart()
lc.x = 20
lc.y = 10
lc.height = 85
lc.width = 170
lc.data = data
lc.lines.symbol = makeMarker('Circle')
return drawing
def calcPositions(self):
"""Works out where they go.
Sets an attribute _positions which is a list of
lists of (x, y) matching the data.
self._seriesCount = len(self.data)
self._rowLength = max(map(len,self.data))
if self.useAbsolute:
# Dimensions are absolute.
normFactor = 1.0
# Dimensions are normalized to fit.
normWidth = self.groupSpacing
availWidth = self.categoryAxis.scale(0)[1]
normFactor = availWidth / normWidth
self._positions = []
for rowNo in range(len(self.data)):
lineRow = []
for colNo in range(len(self.data[rowNo])):
datum = self.data[rowNo][colNo]
if datum is not None:
(groupX, groupWidth) = self.categoryAxis.scale(colNo)
x = groupX + (0.5 * self.groupSpacing * normFactor)
y = self.valueAxis.scale(0)
height = self.valueAxis.scale(datum) - y
lineRow.append((x, y+height))
def _innerDrawLabel(self, rowNo, colNo, x, y):
"Draw a label for a given item in the list."
labelFmt = self.lineLabelFormat
labelValue = self.data[rowNo][colNo]
if labelFmt is None:
labelText = None
elif type(labelFmt) is StringType:
if labelFmt == 'values':
labelText = self.lineLabelArray[rowNo][colNo]
labelText = labelFmt % labelValue
elif type(labelFmt) is FunctionType:
labelText = labelFmt(labelValue)
elif isinstance(labelFmt, Formatter):
labelText = labelFmt(labelValue)
msg = "Unknown formatter type %s, expected string or function"
raise Exception, msg % labelFmt
if labelText:
label = self.lineLabels[(rowNo, colNo)]
# Make sure labels are some distance off the data point.
if y > 0:
label.setOrigin(x, y + self.lineLabelNudge)
label.setOrigin(x, y - self.lineLabelNudge)
label = None
return label
def drawLabel(self, G, rowNo, colNo, x, y):
'''Draw a label for a given item in the list.
G must have an add method'''
def makeLines(self):
g = Group()
labelFmt = self.lineLabelFormat
P = range(len(self._positions))
if self.reversePlotOrder: P.reverse()
inFill = self.inFill
if inFill:
inFillY = self.categoryAxis._y
inFillX0 = self.valueAxis._x
inFillX1 = inFillX0 + self.categoryAxis._length
inFillG = getattr(self,'_inFillG',g)
# Iterate over data rows.
for rowNo in P:
row = self._positions[rowNo]
styleCount = len(self.lines)
styleIdx = rowNo % styleCount
rowStyle = self.lines[styleIdx]
rowColor = rowStyle.strokeColor
dash = getattr(rowStyle, 'strokeDashArray', None)
if hasattr(self.lines[styleIdx], 'strokeWidth'):
strokeWidth = self.lines[styleIdx].strokeWidth
elif hasattr(self.lines, 'strokeWidth'):
strokeWidth = self.lines.strokeWidth
strokeWidth = None
# Iterate over data columns.
if self.joinedLines:
points = []
for colNo in range(len(row)):
points += row[colNo]
if inFill:
points = points + [inFillX1,inFillY,inFillX0,inFillY]
line = PolyLine(points,strokeColor=rowColor,strokeLineCap=0,strokeLineJoin=1)
if strokeWidth:
line.strokeWidth = strokeWidth
if dash:
line.strokeDashArray = dash
if hasattr(self.lines[styleIdx], 'symbol'):
uSymbol = self.lines[styleIdx].symbol
elif hasattr(self.lines, 'symbol'):
uSymbol = self.lines.symbol
uSymbol = None
if uSymbol:
for colNo in range(len(row)):
x1, y1 = row[colNo]
symbol = uSymbol2Symbol(uSymbol,x1,y1,rowStyle.strokeColor)
if symbol: g.add(symbol)
# Draw item labels.
for colNo in range(len(row)):
x1, y1 = row[colNo]
self.drawLabel(g, rowNo, colNo, x1, y1)
return g
def draw(self):
"Draws itself."
vA, cA = self.valueAxis, self.categoryAxis
vA.setPosition(self.x, self.y, self.height)
if vA: vA.joinAxis = cA
if cA: cA.joinAxis = vA
# If zero is in chart, put x axis there, otherwise
# use bottom.
xAxisCrossesAt = vA.scale(0)
if ((xAxisCrossesAt > self.y + self.height) or (xAxisCrossesAt < self.y)):
y = self.y
y = xAxisCrossesAt
cA.setPosition(self.x, y, self.width)
g = Group()
if self.inFill:
self._inFillG = Group()
vA.gridStart = cA._x
vA.gridEnd = cA._x+cA._length
cA.gridStart = vA._y
cA.gridEnd = vA._y+vA._length
for a in getattr(self,'annotations',()): g.add(a(self,cA.scale,vA.scale))
return g
def _cmpFakeItem(a,b):
'''t, z0, z1, x, y = a[:5]'''
return cmp((-a[1],a[3],a[0],-a[4]),(-b[1],b[3],b[0],-b[4]))
class _FakeGroup:
def __init__(self):
self._data = []
def add(self,what):
if what: self._data.append(what)
def value(self):
return self._data
def sort(self):
#for t in self._data: print t
class HorizontalLineChart3D(HorizontalLineChart):
_attrMap = AttrMap(BASE=HorizontalLineChart,
theta_x = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='dx/dz'),
theta_y = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='dy/dz'),
zDepth = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='depth of an individual series'),
zSpace = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='z gap around series'),
theta_x = .5
theta_y = .5
zDepth = 10
zSpace = 3
def calcPositions(self):
nSeries = self._seriesCount
zSpace = self.zSpace
zDepth = self.zDepth
if self.categoryAxis.style=='parallel_3d':
_3d_depth = nSeries*zDepth+(nSeries+1)*zSpace
_3d_depth = zDepth + 2*zSpace
self._3d_dx = self.theta_x*_3d_depth
self._3d_dy = self.theta_y*_3d_depth
def _calc_z0(self,rowNo):
zSpace = self.zSpace
if self.categoryAxis.style=='parallel_3d':
z0 = rowNo*(self.zDepth+zSpace)+zSpace
z0 = zSpace
return z0
def _zadjust(self,x,y,z):
return x+z*self.theta_x, y+z*self.theta_y
def makeLines(self):
labelFmt = self.lineLabelFormat
P = range(len(self._positions))
if self.reversePlotOrder: P.reverse()
inFill = self.inFill
assert not inFill, "inFill not supported for 3d yet"
#if inFill:
#inFillY = self.categoryAxis._y
#inFillX0 = self.valueAxis._x
#inFillX1 = inFillX0 + self.categoryAxis._length
#inFillG = getattr(self,'_inFillG',g)
zDepth = self.zDepth
_zadjust = self._zadjust
theta_x = self.theta_x
theta_y = self.theta_y
F = _FakeGroup()
from utils3d import _make_3d_line_info
tileWidth = getattr(self,'_3d_tilewidth',None)
if not tileWidth and self.categoryAxis.style!='parallel_3d': tileWidth = 1
# Iterate over data rows.
for rowNo in P:
row = self._positions[rowNo]
n = len(row)
styleCount = len(self.lines)
styleIdx = rowNo % styleCount
rowStyle = self.lines[styleIdx]
rowColor = rowStyle.strokeColor
dash = getattr(rowStyle, 'strokeDashArray', None)
z0 = self._calc_z0(rowNo)
z1 = z0 + zDepth
if hasattr(self.lines[styleIdx], 'strokeWidth'):
strokeWidth = self.lines[styleIdx].strokeWidth
elif hasattr(self.lines, 'strokeWidth'):
strokeWidth = self.lines.strokeWidth
strokeWidth = None
# Iterate over data columns.
if self.joinedLines:
if n:
x0, y0 = row[0]
for colNo in xrange(1,n):
x1, y1 = row[colNo]
_make_3d_line_info( F, x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1,
theta_x, theta_y,
rowColor, fillColorShaded=None, tileWidth=tileWidth,
strokeColor=None, strokeWidth=None, strokeDashArray=None,
x0, y0 = x1, y1
if hasattr(self.lines[styleIdx], 'symbol'):
uSymbol = self.lines[styleIdx].symbol
elif hasattr(self.lines, 'symbol'):
uSymbol = self.lines.symbol
uSymbol = None
if uSymbol:
for colNo in xrange(n):
x1, y1 = row[colNo]
x1, y1 = _zadjust(x1,y1,z0)
symbol = uSymbol2Symbol(uSymbol,x1,y1,rowColor)
if symbol: F.add((2,z0,z0,x1,y1,symbol))
# Draw item labels.
for colNo in xrange(n):
x1, y1 = row[colNo]
x1, y1 = _zadjust(x1,y1,z0)
L = self._innerDrawLabel(rowNo, colNo, x1, y1)
if L: F.add((2,z0,z0,x1,y1,L))
g = Group()
map(lambda x,a=g.add: a(x[-1]),F.value())
return g
class VerticalLineChart(LineChart):
def sample1():
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [
(13, 5, 20, 22, 37, 45, 19, 4),
(5, 20, 46, 38, 23, 21, 6, 14)
lc = HorizontalLineChart()
lc.x = 50
lc.y = 50
lc.height = 125
lc.width = 300
lc.data = data
lc.joinedLines = 1
lc.lines.symbol = makeMarker('FilledDiamond')
lc.lineLabelFormat = '%2.0f'
catNames = string.split('Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug', ' ')
lc.categoryAxis.categoryNames = catNames
lc.categoryAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
lc.valueAxis.valueMin = 0
lc.valueAxis.valueMax = 60
lc.valueAxis.valueStep = 15
return drawing
class SampleHorizontalLineChart(HorizontalLineChart):
"Sample class overwriting one method to draw additional horizontal lines."
def demo(self):
"""Shows basic use of a line chart."""
drawing = Drawing(200, 100)
data = [
(13, 5, 20, 22, 37, 45, 19, 4),
(14, 10, 21, 28, 38, 46, 25, 5)
lc = SampleHorizontalLineChart()
lc.x = 20
lc.y = 10
lc.height = 85
lc.width = 170
lc.data = data
lc.strokeColor = colors.white
lc.fillColor = colors.HexColor(0xCCCCCC)
return drawing
def makeBackground(self):
g = Group()
valAxis = self.valueAxis
valTickPositions = valAxis._tickValues
for y in valTickPositions:
y = valAxis.scale(y)
g.add(Line(self.x, y, self.x+self.width, y,
strokeColor = self.strokeColor))
return g
def sample1a():
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [
(13, 5, 20, 22, 37, 45, 19, 4),
(5, 20, 46, 38, 23, 21, 6, 14)
lc = SampleHorizontalLineChart()
lc.x = 50
lc.y = 50
lc.height = 125
lc.width = 300
lc.data = data
lc.joinedLines = 1
lc.strokeColor = colors.white
lc.fillColor = colors.HexColor(0xCCCCCC)
lc.lines.symbol = makeMarker('FilledDiamond')
lc.lineLabelFormat = '%2.0f'
catNames = string.split('Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug', ' ')
lc.categoryAxis.categoryNames = catNames
lc.categoryAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
lc.valueAxis.valueMin = 0
lc.valueAxis.valueMax = 60
lc.valueAxis.valueStep = 15
return drawing
def sample2():
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [
(13, 5, 20, 22, 37, 45, 19, 4),
(5, 20, 46, 38, 23, 21, 6, 14)
lc = HorizontalLineChart()
lc.x = 50
lc.y = 50
lc.height = 125
lc.width = 300
lc.data = data
lc.joinedLines = 1
lc.lines.symbol = makeMarker('Smiley')
lc.lineLabelFormat = '%2.0f'
lc.strokeColor = colors.black
lc.fillColor = colors.lightblue
catNames = string.split('Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug', ' ')
lc.categoryAxis.categoryNames = catNames
lc.categoryAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
lc.valueAxis.valueMin = 0
lc.valueAxis.valueMax = 60
lc.valueAxis.valueStep = 15
return drawing
def sample3():
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [
(13, 5, 20, 22, 37, 45, 19, 4),
(5, 20, 46, 38, 23, 21, 6, 14)
lc = HorizontalLineChart()
lc.x = 50
lc.y = 50
lc.height = 125
lc.width = 300
lc.data = data
lc.joinedLines = 1
lc.lineLabelFormat = '%2.0f'
lc.strokeColor = colors.black
lc.lines[0].symbol = makeMarker('Smiley')
lc.lines[1].symbol = NoEntry
lc.lines[0].strokeWidth = 2
lc.lines[1].strokeWidth = 4
catNames = string.split('Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug', ' ')
lc.categoryAxis.categoryNames = catNames
lc.categoryAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
lc.valueAxis.valueMin = 0
lc.valueAxis.valueMax = 60
lc.valueAxis.valueStep = 15
return drawing