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#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004
#see license.txt for license details
#history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/graphics/charts/legends.py
"""This will be a collection of legends to be used with charts.
__version__=''' $Id$ '''
import string, copy
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.validators import isNumber, OneOf, isString, isColorOrNone, isNumberOrNone, isListOfNumbersOrNone
from reportlab.lib.attrmap import *
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth, getFont
from reportlab.graphics.widgetbase import Widget
from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing, Group, String, Rect, Line, STATE_DEFAULTS
class Legend(Widget):
"""A simple legend containing rectangular swatches and strings.
The swatches are filled rectangles whenever the respective
color object in 'colorNamePairs' is a subclass of Color in
reportlab.lib.colors. Otherwise the object passed instead is
assumed to have 'x', 'y', 'width' and 'height' attributes.
A legend then tries to set them or catches any error. This
lets you plug-in any widget you like as a replacement for
the default rectangular swatches.
Strings can be nicely aligned left or right to the swatches.
_attrMap = AttrMap(
x = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="x-coordinate of upper-left reference point"),
y = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="y-coordinate of upper-left reference point"),
deltax = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc="x-distance between neighbouring swatches"),
deltay = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc="y-distance between neighbouring swatches"),
dxTextSpace = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="Distance between swatch rectangle and text"),
autoXPadding = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="x Padding between columns if deltax=None"),
autoYPadding = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="y Padding between rows if deltay=None"),
dx = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="Width of swatch rectangle"),
dy = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="Height of swatch rectangle"),
columnMaximum = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="Max. number of items per column"),
alignment = AttrMapValue(OneOf("left", "right"), desc="Alignment of text with respect to swatches"),
colorNamePairs = AttrMapValue(None, desc="List of color/name tuples (color can also be widget)"),
fontName = AttrMapValue(isString, desc="Font name of the strings"),
fontSize = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="Font size of the strings"),
fillColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone, desc=""),
strokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone, desc="Border color of the swatches"),
strokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="Width of the border color of the swatches"),
callout = AttrMapValue(None, desc="a user callout(self,g,x,y,(color,text))"),
def __init__(self):
# Upper-left reference point.
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
# Alginment of text with respect to swatches.
self.alignment = "left"
# x- and y-distances between neighbouring swatches.
self.deltax = 75
self.deltay = 20
self.autoXPadding = 5
self.autoYPadding = 2
# Size of swatch rectangle.
self.dx = 10
self.dy = 10
# Distance between swatch rectangle and text.
self.dxTextSpace = 10
# Max. number of items per column.
self.columnMaximum = 3
# Color/name pairs.
self.colorNamePairs = [ (colors.red, "red"),
(colors.blue, "blue"),
(colors.green, "green"),
(colors.pink, "pink"),
(colors.yellow, "yellow") ]
# Font name and size of the labels.
self.fontName = STATE_DEFAULTS['fontName']
self.fontSize = STATE_DEFAULTS['fontSize']
self.fillColor = STATE_DEFAULTS['fillColor']
self.strokeColor = STATE_DEFAULTS['strokeColor']
self.strokeWidth = STATE_DEFAULTS['strokeWidth']
def _calculateMaxWidth(self, colorNamePairs):
"Calculate the maximum width of some given strings."
m = 0
for t in map(lambda p:str(p[1]),colorNamePairs):
if t:
for s in string.split(t,'\n'):
m = max(m,stringWidth(s, self.fontName, self.fontSize))
return m
def _calcHeight(self):
deltay = self.deltay
dy = self.dy
thisy = upperlefty = self.y - dy
if ascent==0: ascent=0.718 # default (from helvetica)
leading = self.fontSize*1.2
columnCount = 0
count = 0
lowy = upperlefty
for unused, name in colorNamePairs:
T = string.split(name and str(name) or '','\n')
S = []
# thisy+dy/2 = y+leading/2
y = thisy+(dy-ascent)*0.5-leading
newy = thisy-max(deltay,len(S)*leading)
lowy = min(y,newy)
if count == columnMaximum-1:
count = 0
thisy = upperlefty
columnCount = columnCount + 1
thisy = newy
count = count+1
return upperlefty - lowy
def draw(self):
g = Group()
colorNamePairs = self.colorNamePairs
thisx = upperleftx = self.x
thisy = upperlefty = self.y - self.dy
dx, dy, alignment, columnMaximum = self.dx, self.dy, self.alignment, self.columnMaximum
deltax, deltay, dxTextSpace = self.deltax, self.deltay, self.dxTextSpace
fontName, fontSize, fillColor = self.fontName, self.fontSize, self.fillColor
strokeWidth, strokeColor = self.strokeWidth, self.strokeColor
leading = fontSize*1.2
if not deltay:
deltay = max(dy,leading)+self.autoYPadding
if not deltax:
maxWidth = self._calculateMaxWidth(colorNamePairs)
deltax = maxWidth+dx+dxTextSpace+self.autoXPadding
if alignment=='left': maxWidth = self._calculateMaxWidth(colorNamePairs)
def gAdd(t,g=g,fontName=fontName,fontSize=fontSize,fillColor=fillColor):
t.fontName = fontName
t.fontSize = fontSize
t.fillColor = fillColor
return g.add(t)
if ascent==0: ascent=0.718 # default (from helvetica)
ascent=ascent*fontSize # normalize
columnCount = 0
count = 0
callout = getattr(self,'callout',None)
for col, name in colorNamePairs:
T = string.split(name and str(name) or '','\n')
S = []
# thisy+dy/2 = y+leading/2
y = thisy+(dy-ascent)*0.5
if callout: callout(self,g,thisx,y,colorNamePairs[count])
if alignment == "left":
for t in T:
# align text to left
s = String(thisx+maxWidth,y,t)
s.textAnchor = "end"
y = y-leading
x = thisx+maxWidth+dxTextSpace
elif alignment == "right":
for t in T:
# align text to right
s = String(thisx+dx+dxTextSpace, y, t)
s.textAnchor = "start"
y = y-leading
x = thisx
raise ValueError, "bad alignment"
# Make a 'normal' color swatch...
if isinstance(col, colors.Color):
r = Rect(x, thisy, dx, dy)
r.fillColor = col
r.strokeColor = strokeColor
r.strokeWidth = strokeWidth
#try and see if we should do better.
c = copy.deepcopy(col)
c.x = x
c.y = thisy
c.width = dx
c.height = dy
if count%columnMaximum == columnMaximum-1:
thisx = thisx+deltax
thisy = upperlefty
columnCount = columnCount + 1
thisy = thisy-max(deltay,len(S)*leading)
count = count+1
return g
class LineSwatch(Widget):
"""basically a Line with properties added so it can be used in a LineLegend"""
_attrMap = AttrMap(
x = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="x-coordinate for swatch line start point"),
y = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="y-coordinate for swatch line start point"),
width = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="length of swatch line"),
height = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="used for line strokeWidth"),
strokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone, desc="color of swatch line"),
strokeDashArray = AttrMapValue(isListOfNumbersOrNone, desc="dash array for swatch line"),
def __init__(self):
from reportlab.lib.colors import red
from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Line
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.width = 20
self.height = 1
self.strokeColor = red
self.strokeDashArray = None
def draw(self):
l = Line(self.x,self.y,self.x+self.width,self.y)
l.strokeColor = self.strokeColor
l.strokeDashArray = self.strokeDashArray
l.strokeWidth = self.height
return l
class LineLegend(Legend):
"""A subclass of Legend for drawing legends with lines as the
swatches rather than rectangles. Useful for lineCharts and
linePlots. Should be similar in all other ways the the standard
Legend class.
_attrMap = AttrMap(
x = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="x-coordinate of upper-left reference point"),
y = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="y-coordinate of upper-left reference point"),
deltax = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc="x-distance between neighbouring line-swatches"),
deltay = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc="y-distance between neighbouring line-swatches"),
dxTextSpace = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="Distance between line-swatches and text"),
autoXPadding = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="x Padding between columns if deltax=None"),
autoYPadding = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="y Padding between rows if deltay=None"),
dx = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="Width of line-swatch - ie length of the line"),
dy = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="Height of line-swatch - ie strokeWidth to be used for the line"),
columnMaximum = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="Max. number of items per column"),
alignment = AttrMapValue(OneOf("left", "right"), desc="Alignment of text with respect to line-swatches"),
colorNamePairs = AttrMapValue(None, desc="List of color/name tuples (color can also be widget)"),
fontName = AttrMapValue(isString, desc="Font name of the strings"),
fontSize = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="Font size of the strings"),
fillColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone, desc=""),
strokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone, desc="Stroke color of the line-swatches"),
strokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="Width of the line-swatches"),
callout = AttrMapValue(None, desc="a user callout(self,g,x,y,(color,text))"),
def __init__(self):
# Size of swatch rectangle.
self.dx = 10 #width of line
self.dy = 2 #strokeWidth for line
# Color/name pairs.
self.colorNamePairs = []
for col, colName in [ (colors.red, "red"),
(colors.blue, "blue"),
(colors.green, "green"),
(colors.pink, "pink"),
(colors.yellow, "yellow") ]:
l = LineSwatch()
l.strokeColor = col
self.colorNamePairs.append((l, colName))
# Font name and size of the labels.
self.fillColor = STATE_DEFAULTS['fillColor']
self.strokeColor = STATE_DEFAULTS['strokeColor']
self.strokeWidth = STATE_DEFAULTS['strokeWidth']
def draw(self):
g = Group()
colorNamePairs = self.colorNamePairs
thisx = upperleftx = self.x
thisy = upperlefty = self.y - self.dy
dx, dy, alignment, columnMaximum = self.dx, self.dy, self.alignment, self.columnMaximum
deltax, deltay, dxTextSpace = self.deltax, self.deltay, self.dxTextSpace
fontName, fontSize, fillColor = self.fontName, self.fontSize, self.fillColor
strokeWidth, strokeColor = self.strokeWidth, self.strokeColor
leading = fontSize*1.2
if not deltay:
deltay = max(dy,leading)+self.autoYPadding
if not deltax:
maxWidth = self._calculateMaxWidth(colorNamePairs)
deltax = maxWidth+dx+dxTextSpace+self.autoXPadding
if alignment=='left': maxWidth = self._calculateMaxWidth(colorNamePairs)
def gAdd(t,g=g,fontName=fontName,fontSize=fontSize,fillColor=fillColor):
t.fontName = fontName
t.fontSize = fontSize
t.fillColor = fillColor
return g.add(t)
if ascent==0: ascent=0.718 # default (from helvetica)
ascent=ascent*fontSize # normalize
columnCount = 0
count = 0
callout = getattr(self,'callout',None)
for col, name in colorNamePairs:
T = string.split(name and str(name) or '','\n')
S = []
# thisy+dy/2 = y+leading/2
y = thisy+(dy-ascent)*0.5
if callout: callout(self,g,thisx,y,colorNamePairs[count])
if alignment == "left":
for t in T:
# align text to left
s = String(thisx+maxWidth,y,t)
s.textAnchor = "end"
y = y-leading
x = thisx+maxWidth+dxTextSpace
elif alignment == "right":
for t in T:
# align text to right
s = String(thisx+dx+dxTextSpace, y, t)
s.textAnchor = "start"
y = y-leading
x = thisx
raise ValueError, "bad alignment"
# Make a 'normal' color line-swatch...
if isinstance(col, colors.Color):
l = LineSwatch()
l.x = x
l.y = thisy
l.width = dx
l.height = dy
l.strokeColor = col
#try and see if we should do better.
c = copy.deepcopy(col)
c.x = x
c.y = thisy
c.width = dx
c.height = dy
if count%columnMaximum == columnMaximum-1:
thisx = thisx+deltax
thisy = upperlefty
columnCount = columnCount + 1
thisy = thisy-max(deltay,len(S)*leading)
count = count+1
return g
def demo(self):
"Make sample legend."
d = Drawing(200, 100)
legend = Legend()
legend.alignment = 'left'
legend.x = 0
legend.y = 100
legend.dxTextSpace = 5
items = string.split('red green blue yellow pink black white', ' ')
items = map(lambda i:(getattr(colors, i), i), items)
legend.colorNamePairs = items
d.add(legend, 'legend')
return d
def sample1c():
"Make sample legend."
d = Drawing(200, 100)
legend = Legend()
legend.alignment = 'right'
legend.x = 0
legend.y = 100
legend.dxTextSpace = 5
items = string.split('red green blue yellow pink black white', ' ')
items = map(lambda i:(getattr(colors, i), i), items)
legend.colorNamePairs = items
d.add(legend, 'legend')
return d
def sample2c():
"Make sample legend."
d = Drawing(200, 100)
legend = Legend()
legend.alignment = 'right'
legend.x = 20
legend.y = 90
legend.deltax = 60
legend.dxTextSpace = 10
legend.columnMaximum = 4
items = string.split('red green blue yellow pink black white', ' ')
items = map(lambda i:(getattr(colors, i), i), items)
legend.colorNamePairs = items
d.add(legend, 'legend')
return d
def sample3():
"Make sample legend with line swatches."
d = Drawing(200, 100)
legend = LineLegend()
legend.alignment = 'right'
legend.x = 20
legend.y = 90
legend.deltax = 60
legend.dxTextSpace = 10
legend.columnMaximum = 4
items = string.split('red green blue yellow pink black white', ' ')
items = map(lambda i:(getattr(colors, i), i), items)
legend.colorNamePairs = items
d.add(legend, 'legend')
return d
def sample3a():
"Make sample legend with line swatches and dasharrays on the lines."
d = Drawing(200, 100)
legend = LineLegend()
legend.alignment = 'right'
legend.x = 20
legend.y = 90
legend.deltax = 60
legend.dxTextSpace = 10
legend.columnMaximum = 4
items = string.split('red green blue yellow pink black white', ' ')
darrays = ([2,1], [2,5], [2,2,5,5], [1,2,3,4], [4,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4,5,6], [1])
cnp = []
for i in range(0, len(items)):
l = LineSwatch()
l.strokeColor = getattr(colors, items[i])
l.strokeDashArray = darrays[i]
cnp.append((l, items[i]))
legend.colorNamePairs = cnp
d.add(legend, 'legend')
return d