
790 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

(function() {
if (typeof(console) === "undefined") {
// Even IE9 only exposes console object if debug window opened
window.console = {};
('log error debug info warn assert clear dir dirxml trace group'
+ ' groupCollapsed groupEnd time timeEnd profile profileEnd count'
+ ' exception').split(/\s+/).forEach(function(property) {
console[property] = _.identity;
var instance = openerp;
openerp.web.core = {};
var ControllerMixin = {
* Informs the action manager to do an action. This supposes that
* the action manager can be found amongst the ancestors of the current widget.
* If that's not the case this method will simply return `false`.
do_action: function() {
var parent = this.getParent();
if (parent) {
return parent.do_action.apply(parent, arguments);
return false;
do_notify: function() {
if (this.getParent()) {
return this.getParent().do_notify.apply(this,arguments);
return false;
do_warn: function() {
if (this.getParent()) {
return this.getParent().do_warn.apply(this,arguments);
return false;
rpc: function(url, data, options) {
return this.alive(openerp.session.rpc(url, data, options));
A class containing common utility methods useful when working with OpenERP as well as the PropertiesMixin.
openerp.web.Controller = openerp.web.Class.extend(openerp.web.PropertiesMixin, ControllerMixin, {
* Constructs the object and sets its parent if a parent is given.
* @param {openerp.web.Controller} parent Binds the current instance to the given Controller instance.
* When that controller is destroyed by calling destroy(), the current instance will be
* destroyed too. Can be null.
init: function(parent) {
this.session = openerp.session;
openerp.web.Widget.include(_.extend({}, ControllerMixin, {
init: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.session = openerp.session;
instance.web.Registry = instance.web.Class.extend({
* Stores a mapping of arbitrary key (strings) to object paths (as strings
* as well).
* Resolves those paths at query time in order to always fetch the correct
* object, even if those objects have been overloaded/replaced after the
* registry was created.
* An object path is simply a dotted name from the instance root to the
* object pointed to (e.g. ``"instance.web.Session"`` for an OpenERP
* session object).
* @constructs instance.web.Registry
* @param {Object} mapping a mapping of keys to object-paths
init: function (mapping) {
this.parent = null;
this.map = mapping || {};
* Retrieves the object matching the provided key string.
* @param {String} key the key to fetch the object for
* @param {Boolean} [silent_error=false] returns undefined if the key or object is not found, rather than throwing an exception
* @returns {Class} the stored class, to initialize or null if not found
get_object: function (key, silent_error) {
var path_string = this.map[key];
if (path_string === undefined) {
if (this.parent) {
return this.parent.get_object(key, silent_error);
if (silent_error) { return void 'nooo'; }
return null;
var object_match = instance;
var path = path_string.split('.');
// ignore first section
for(var i=1; i<path.length; ++i) {
object_match = object_match[path[i]];
if (object_match === undefined) {
if (silent_error) { return void 'noooooo'; }
return null;
return object_match;
* Checks if the registry contains an object mapping for this key.
* @param {String} key key to look for
contains: function (key) {
if (key === undefined) { return false; }
if (key in this.map) {
return true;
if (this.parent) {
return this.parent.contains(key);
return false;
* Tries a number of keys, and returns the first object matching one of
* the keys.
* @param {Array} keys a sequence of keys to fetch the object for
* @returns {Class} the first class found matching an object
get_any: function (keys) {
for (var i=0; i<keys.length; ++i) {
var key = keys[i];
if (!this.contains(key)) {
return this.get_object(key);
return null;
* Adds a new key and value to the registry.
* This method can be chained.
* @param {String} key
* @param {String} object_path fully qualified dotted object path
* @returns {instance.web.Registry} itself
add: function (key, object_path) {
this.map[key] = object_path;
return this;
* Creates and returns a copy of the current mapping, with the provided
* mapping argument added in (replacing existing keys if needed)
* Parent and child remain linked, a new key in the parent (which is not
* overwritten by the child) will appear in the child.
* @param {Object} [mapping={}] a mapping of keys to object-paths
extend: function (mapping) {
var child = new instance.web.Registry(mapping);
child.parent = this;
return child;
* @deprecated use Registry#extend
clone: function (mapping) {
console.warn('Registry#clone is deprecated, use Registry#extend');
return this.extend(mapping);
instance.web.py_eval = function(expr, context) {
return py.eval(expr, _.extend({}, context || {}, {"true": true, "false": false, "null": null}));
Some retro-compatibility.
instance.web.JsonRPC = instance.web.Session;
/** Session openerp specific RPC class */
instance.web.Session.include( /** @lends instance.web.Session# */{
init: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.debug = ($.deparam($.param.querystring()).debug !== undefined);
// TODO: session store in cookie should be optional
this.name = instance._session_id;
this.qweb_mutex = new $.Mutex();
* Setup a sessionm
session_bind: function(origin) {
var self = this;
instance.web.qweb.default_dict['_s'] = this.origin;
this.uid = null;
this.username = null;
this.user_context= {};
this.db = null;
this.module_list = instance._modules.slice();
this.module_loaded = {};
_(this.module_list).each(function (mod) {
self.module_loaded[mod] = true;
this.active_id = null;
return this.session_init();
* Init a session, reloads from cookie, if it exists
session_init: function () {
var self = this;
return this.session_reload().then(function(result) {
var modules = instance._modules.join(',');
var deferred = self.rpc('/web/webclient/qweblist', {mods: modules}).then(self.load_qweb.bind(self));
if(self.session_is_valid()) {
return deferred.then(function() { return self.load_modules(); });
return $.when(
self.rpc('/web/webclient/bootstrap_translations', {mods: instance._modules}).then(function(trans) {
session_is_valid: function() {
var db = $.deparam.querystring().db;
if (db && this.db !== db) {
return false;
return !!this.uid;
* The session is validated either by login or by restoration of a previous session
session_authenticate: function() {
var self = this;
return $.when(this._super.apply(this, arguments)).then(function() {
return self.load_modules();
session_logout: function() {
return this.rpc("/web/session/destroy", {});
get_cookie: function (name) {
if (!this.name) { return null; }
var nameEQ = this.name + '|' + name + '=';
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0; i<cookies.length; ++i) {
var cookie = cookies[i].replace(/^\s*/, '');
if(cookie.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0) {
return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(nameEQ.length)));
return null;
* Create a new cookie with the provided name and value
* @private
* @param name the cookie's name
* @param value the cookie's value
* @param ttl the cookie's time to live, 1 year by default, set to -1 to delete
set_cookie: function (name, value, ttl) {
if (!this.name) { return; }
ttl = ttl || 24*60*60*365;
document.cookie = [
this.name + '|' + name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(value)),
'max-age=' + ttl,
'expires=' + new Date(new Date().getTime() + ttl*1000).toGMTString()
* Load additional web addons of that instance and init them
load_modules: function() {
var self = this;
return this.rpc('/web/session/modules', {}).then(function(result) {
var all_modules = _.uniq(self.module_list.concat(result));
var to_load = _.difference(result, self.module_list).join(',');
self.module_list = all_modules;
var loaded = self.load_translations();
var datejs_locale = "/web/static/lib/datejs/globalization/" + self.user_context.lang.replace("_", "-") + ".js";
var file_list = [ datejs_locale ];
if(to_load.length) {
loaded = $.when(
self.rpc('/web/webclient/csslist', {mods: to_load}).done(self.load_css.bind(self)),
self.rpc('/web/webclient/qweblist', {mods: to_load}).then(self.load_qweb.bind(self)),
self.rpc('/web/webclient/jslist', {mods: to_load}).done(function(files) {
file_list = file_list.concat(files);
return loaded.then(function () {
return self.load_js(file_list);
}).done(function() {
if (!Date.CultureInfo.pmDesignator) {
// If no am/pm designator is specified but the openerp
// datetime format uses %i, date.js won't be able to
// correctly format a date. See bug#938497.
Date.CultureInfo.amDesignator = 'AM';
Date.CultureInfo.pmDesignator = 'PM';
load_translations: function() {
return instance.web._t.database.load_translations(this, this.module_list, this.user_context.lang);
load_css: function (files) {
var self = this;
_.each(files, function (file) {
$('head').append($('<link>', {
'href': self.url(file, null),
'rel': 'stylesheet',
'type': 'text/css'
load_js: function(files) {
var self = this;
var d = $.Deferred();
if(files.length !== 0) {
var file = files.shift();
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.type = 'text/javascript';
tag.src = self.url(file, null);
tag.onload = tag.onreadystatechange = function() {
if ( (tag.readyState && tag.readyState != "loaded" && tag.readyState != "complete") || tag.onload_done )
tag.onload_done = true;
self.load_js(files).done(function () {
var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
} else {
return d;
load_qweb: function(files) {
var self = this;
_.each(files, function(file) {
self.qweb_mutex.exec(function() {
return self.rpc('/web/proxy/load', {path: file}).then(function(xml) {
if (!xml) { return; }
return self.qweb_mutex.def;
on_modules_loaded: function() {
for(var j=0; j<this.module_list.length; j++) {
var mod = this.module_list[j];
instance[mod] = {};
// init module mod
var fct = instance._openerp[mod];
if(typeof(fct) === "function") {
instance._openerp[mod] = {};
for (var k in fct) {
instance._openerp[mod][k] = fct[k];
fct(instance, instance._openerp[mod]);
this.module_loaded[mod] = true;
* Cooperative file download implementation, for ajaxy APIs.
* Requires that the server side implements an httprequest correctly
* setting the `fileToken` cookie to the value provided as the `token`
* parameter. The cookie *must* be set on the `/` path and *must not* be
* `httpOnly`.
* It would probably also be a good idea for the response to use a
* `Content-Disposition: attachment` header, especially if the MIME is a
* "known" type (e.g. text/plain, or for some browsers application/json
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} [options.url] used to dynamically create a form
* @param {Object} [options.data] data to add to the form submission. If can be used without a form, in which case a form is created from scratch. Otherwise, added to form data
* @param {HTMLFormElement} [options.form] the form to submit in order to fetch the file
* @param {Function} [options.success] callback in case of download success
* @param {Function} [options.error] callback in case of request error, provided with the error body
* @param {Function} [options.complete] called after both ``success`` and ``error` callbacks have executed
get_file: function (options) {
// need to detect when the file is done downloading (not used
// yet, but we'll need it to fix the UI e.g. with a throbber
// while dump is being generated), iframe load event only fires
// when the iframe content loads, so we need to go smarter:
// http://geekswithblogs.net/GruffCode/archive/2010/10/28/detecting-the-file-download-dialog-in-the-browser.aspx
var timer, token = new Date().getTime(),
cookie_name = 'fileToken', cookie_length = cookie_name.length,
CHECK_INTERVAL = 1000, id = _.uniqueId('get_file_frame'),
remove_form = false;
// iOS devices doesn't allow iframe use the way we do it,
// opening a new window seems the best way to workaround
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
var params = _.extend({}, options.data || {}, {token: token});
var url = this.url(options.url, params);
return window.open(url);
var $form, $form_data = $('<div>');
var complete = function () {
if (options.complete) { options.complete(); }
if (remove_form && $form) { $form.remove(); }
var $target = $('<iframe style="display: none;">')
.attr({id: id, name: id})
.load(function () {
try {
if (options.error) {
if (!this.contentDocument.body.childNodes[1]) {
else {
} finally {
if (options.form) {
$form = $(options.form);
} else {
remove_form = true;
$form = $('<form>', {
action: options.url,
method: 'POST'
var hparams = _.extend({}, options.data || {}, {token: token});
if (this.override_session)
hparams.session_id = this.session_id;
_.each(hparams, function (value, key) {
var $input = $form.find('[name=' + key +']');
if (!$input.length) {
$input = $('<input type="hidden" name="' + key + '">')
.attr('target', id)
var waitLoop = function () {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
// setup next check
timer = setTimeout(waitLoop, CHECK_INTERVAL);
for (var i=0; i<cookies.length; ++i) {
var cookie = cookies[i].replace(/^\s*/, '');
if (!cookie.indexOf(cookie_name === 0)) { continue; }
var cookie_val = cookie.substring(cookie_length + 1);
if (parseInt(cookie_val, 10) !== token) { continue; }
// clear cookie
document.cookie = _.str.sprintf("%s=;expires=%s;path=/",
cookie_name, new Date().toGMTString());
if (options.success) { options.success(); }
timer = setTimeout(waitLoop, CHECK_INTERVAL);
synchronized_mode: function(to_execute) {
var synch = this.synch;
this.synch = true;
try {
return to_execute();
} finally {
this.synch = synch;
* Event Bus used to bind events scoped in the current instance
instance.web.Bus = instance.web.Class.extend(instance.web.EventDispatcherMixin, {
init: function() {
instance.web.EventDispatcherMixin.init.call(this, parent);
var self = this;
// TODO fme: allow user to bind keys for some global actions.
// check gtk bindings
// http://unixpapa.com/js/key.html
_.each('click,dblclick,keydown,keypress,keyup'.split(','), function(evtype) {
$('html').on(evtype, function(ev) {
self.trigger(evtype, ev);
_.each('resize,scroll'.split(','), function(evtype) {
$(window).on(evtype, function(ev) {
self.trigger(evtype, ev);
instance.web.bus = new instance.web.Bus();
set_bundle: function(translation_bundle) {
if (translation_bundle.lang_parameters) {
this.parameters.grouping = py.eval(this.parameters.grouping);
/** Custom jQuery plugins */
$.fn.getAttributes = function() {
var o = {};
if (this.length) {
for (var attr, i = 0, attrs = this[0].attributes, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
attr = attrs.item(i);
o[attr.nodeName] = attr.nodeValue;
return o;
$.fn.openerpClass = function(additionalClass) {
// This plugin should be applied on top level elements
additionalClass = additionalClass || '';
if (!!$.browser.msie) {
additionalClass += ' openerp_ie';
return this.each(function() {
$(this).addClass('openerp ' + additionalClass);
$.fn.openerpBounce = function() {
return this.each(function() {
$(this).css('box-sizing', 'content-box').effect('bounce', {distance: 18, times: 5}, 250);
/** Jquery extentions */
$.Mutex = openerp.Mutex;
$.async_when = function() {
var async = false;
var def = $.Deferred();
$.when.apply($, arguments).done(function() {
var args = arguments;
var action = function() {
def.resolve.apply(def, args);
if (async)
setTimeout(action, 0);
}).fail(function() {
var args = arguments;
var action = function() {
def.reject.apply(def, args);
if (async)
setTimeout(action, 0);
async = true;
return def;
// special tweak for the web client
var old_async_when = $.async_when;
$.async_when = function() {
if (instance.session.synch)
return $.when.apply(this, arguments);
return old_async_when.apply(this, arguments);
/** Setup default session */
instance.session = new instance.web.Session();
* Lazy translation function, only performs the translation when actually
* printed (e.g. inserted into a template)
* Useful when defining translatable strings in code evaluated before the
* translation database is loaded, as class attributes or at the top-level of
* an OpenERP Web module
* @param {String} s string to translate
* @returns {Object} lazy translation object
instance.web._lt = function (s) {
return {toString: function () { return instance.web._t(s); }};
instance.web.qweb.debug = instance.session.debug;
_.extend(instance.web.qweb.default_dict, {
'__debug__': instance.session.debug,
instance.web.qweb.preprocess_node = function() {
// Note that 'this' is the Qweb Node
switch (this.node.nodeType) {
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
// Text and CDATAs
var translation = this.node.parentNode.attributes['t-translation'];
if (translation && translation.value === 'off') {
var match = /^(\s*)([\s\S]+?)(\s*)$/.exec(this.node.data);
if (match) {
this.node.data = match[1] + instance.web._t(match[2]) + match[3];
// Element
var attr, attrs = ['label', 'title', 'alt', 'placeholder'];
while ((attr = attrs.pop())) {
if (this.attributes[attr]) {
this.attributes[attr] = instance.web._t(this.attributes[attr]);
/** Setup jQuery timeago */
var _t = instance.web._t;
* Strings in timeago are "composed" with prefixes, words and suffixes. This
* makes their detection by our translating system impossible. Use all literal
* strings we're using with a translation mark here so the extractor can do its
* job.
_t('less than a minute ago');
_t('about a minute ago');
_t('%d minutes ago');
_t('about an hour ago');
_t('%d hours ago');
_t('a day ago');
_t('%d days ago');
_t('about a month ago');
_t('%d months ago');
_t('about a year ago');
_t('%d years ago');
instance.session.on('module_loaded', this, function () {
// provide timeago.js with our own translator method
$.timeago.settings.translator = instance.web._t;
/** Setup blockui */
if ($.blockUI) {
$.blockUI.defaults.baseZ = 1100;
$.blockUI.defaults.message = '<div class="openerp oe_blockui_spin_container" style="background-color: transparent;">';
$.blockUI.defaults.css.border = '0';
$.blockUI.defaults.css["background-color"] = '';
var messages_by_seconds = function() {
return [
[0, _t("Loading...")],
[20, _t("Still loading...")],
[60, _t("Still loading...<br />Please be patient.")],
[120, _t("Don't leave yet,<br />it's still loading...")],
[300, _t("You may not believe it,<br />but the application is actually loading...")],
[420, _t("Take a minute to get a coffee,<br />because it's loading...")],
[3600, _t("Maybe you should consider reloading the application by pressing F5...")]
instance.web.Throbber = instance.web.Widget.extend({
template: "Throbber",
start: function() {
var opts = {
lines: 13, // The number of lines to draw
length: 7, // The length of each line
width: 4, // The line thickness
radius: 10, // The radius of the inner circle
rotate: 0, // The rotation offset
color: '#FFF', // #rgb or #rrggbb
speed: 1, // Rounds per second
trail: 60, // Afterglow percentage
shadow: false, // Whether to render a shadow
hwaccel: false, // Whether to use hardware acceleration
className: 'spinner', // The CSS class to assign to the spinner
zIndex: 2e9, // The z-index (defaults to 2000000000)
top: 'auto', // Top position relative to parent in px
left: 'auto' // Left position relative to parent in px
this.spin = new Spinner(opts).spin(this.$el[0]);
this.start_time = new Date().getTime();
act_message: function() {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() {
if (self.isDestroyed())
var seconds = (new Date().getTime() - self.start_time) / 1000;
var mes;
_.each(messages_by_seconds(), function(el) {
if (seconds >= el[0])
mes = el[1];
}, 1000);
destroy: function() {
if (this.spin)
instance.web.Throbber.throbbers = [];
instance.web.blockUI = function() {
var tmp = $.blockUI.apply($, arguments);
var throbber = new instance.web.Throbber();
return tmp;
instance.web.unblockUI = function() {
_.each(instance.web.Throbber.throbbers, function(el) {
return $.unblockUI.apply($, arguments);
* Registry for all the client actions key: tag value: widget
instance.web.client_actions = new instance.web.Registry();
// vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax: