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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
from tools.translate import _
from base_module_quality import base_module_quality
class quality_test(base_module_quality.abstract_quality_check):
def __init__(self):
super(quality_test, self).__init__()
self.name = _("PEP-8 Test")
self.note = _("""
PEP-8 Test , copyright of py files check, method can not call from loops
self.bool_installed_only = False
self.bad_standard = 0
self.good_standard = 0
self.result_py = {}
self.min_score = 40
return None
def run_test(self, cr, uid, module_path):
list_files = os.listdir(module_path)
for i in list_files:
path = os.path.join(module_path, i)
if os.path.isdir(path):
for j in os.listdir(path):
list_files.append(os.path.join(i, j))
py_list = []
for file_py in list_files:
if file_py.split('.')[-1] == 'py' and not file_py.endswith('__init__.py') and not file_py.endswith('__openerp__.py'):
file_path = os.path.join(module_path, file_py)
open_files = map(lambda x: open(x, 'r'), py_list)
if not py_list:
self.error = True
self.result = _("No python file found")
return None
#below functions check:
#1. Imports should usually be on separate lines
#2. Imports are always put at the top of the file, just after any module comments and docstrings, and before module globals and constants
#1. there should be a one space after , : ;
#1. Have all the .py files a copyright?
#1. Does the module avoid unecessary queries like when we put a browse into a loop?
#1.More than one space around an assignment (or other) operator to align it with another.
# self.check_space_operator(open_files)
#1. For sequences, (strings, lists, tuples), use the fact that empty sequences are false
#for e.g : if seq: => good & if len(seq): => not good
# below function checks
# 1. Don't compare boolean values to True or False using == and !=
self.score = self.good_standard and float(self.good_standard) / float(self.good_standard + self.bad_standard)
if self.score*100 < self.min_score:
self.message = 'Score is below than minimal score(%s%%)' % self.min_score
self.result = self.get_result({ module_path: [int(self.score * 100)]})
self.result_details += self.get_result_general(self.result_py)
return None
def check_import(self, open_files):
for py in open_files:
class_or_def = False
line_counter = 0
file_name = py.name.split('/')[-1]
while True:
line_counter += 1
line = py.readline()
if not line: break
if ((line.find('class') > -1) or (line.find('def') > -1)):
class_or_def = True
import_found = line.find('import')
comment_found = line.find('#')
if comment_found == -1 and import_found != -1:
self.good_standard += 1
if (class_or_def):
self.bad_standard += 1
self.result_py[file_name + str(line_counter)] = [file_name, line_counter, 'Imports are always put at the top of the file, just after any module comments and docstrings, and before module globals and constants']
if (line.find('from') < 0 and line.find(',') != -1):
self.bad_standard += 1
self.result_py[file_name + str(line_counter)] = [file_name, line_counter, 'Imports should usually be on separate lines']
def check_licence(self, open_files):
for py in open_files:
bad_position = False
copyright_found = False
gnu_found = False
license_found = False
gnu_website_found = False
line_counter = 0
file_name = py.name.split('/')[-1]
while True:
declaration = False
flag = False
line_counter += 1
line = py.readline()
if not line: break
if ((line.find('class') > -1) or (line.find('def') > -1) or (line.find('import') > -1)):
bad_position = True
comment_found = line.find('#')
copyright_found = line.find('Copyright')
gnu_found = line.find('GNU')
license_found = line.find('License')
gnu_website_found = line.find('www.gnu.org/licenses')
if ((copyright_found > -1) or (gnu_found > -1) or (license_found > -1) or (gnu_website_found > -1)):
self.good_standard += 1
declaration = True
flag = True
if (comment_found > -1) and bad_position and declaration:
self.bad_standard += 1
self.result_py[file_name + str(line_counter)] = [file_name, line_counter, 'Declaration of copyright must be at the top of file']
if bad_position and (not flag):
self.bad_standard += 1
self.result_py[file_name] = [file_name, '--', 'File is not copyright']
def check_loop(self, open_files):
for py in open_files:
methods = ['browse', 'search', 'read', 'copy', 'unlink']
place_for = 1000
file_name = py.name.split('/')[-1]
line_counter = 0
counter = 0
while True:
line_counter += 1
line = py.readline()
if not line: break
place_method = 0
for i in line :
if (i == ' '):
place_method += 1
elif (i != ' '):
elif (place_method > 100):
if (line.find('for') > -1):
place_for = place_method
if (place_for < place_method):
counter += 1
for method in methods:
got = line.find(method)
if(got > -1):
self.bad_standard += 1
self.result_py[file_name + str(line_counter)] = [file_name, line_counter, 'puting method inside loop is not good']
self.good_standard += counter
def check_space(self, open_files):
for py in open_files:
counter_line = 0
file_name = py.name.split('/')[-1]
counter = 0
while True:
counter_line += 1
line = py.readline()
if not line: break
pos_comma = line.find(',')
pos_semicolon = line.find(';')
pos_colon = line.find(':')
space_find = -1
if (pos_comma != -1 or pos_semicolon != -1 or pos_colon != -1):
counter += 1
for i in line:
space_find += 1
if (i == ' '):
if ((space_find + 1) == pos_comma) or ((space_find + 1) == pos_semicolon) or ((space_find + 1) == pos_colon):
self.bad_standard += 1
self.result_py[file_name + str(counter_line)] = [file_name, counter_line, 'You should not have space before (: ; ,)']
self.good_standard += counter # to be check
def check_space_operator(self, open_files):
for py in open_files:
space_counter = 0
eq_found = False
operator_found = False
line_counter = 0
file_name = py.name.split('/')[-1]
while True:
line_counter += 1
line = py.readline()
if not line: break
for counter in line:
if (counter == ' '):
space_counter += 1
if (space_counter > 1):
if counter in ['=', '<', '>', '!', '+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '%'] or operator_found:
self.bad_standard += 1
self.result_py[file_name + str(line_counter)] = [file_name, line_counter, 'More than one space around an assignment (or other) operator to align it with another']
operator_found = False
space_counter = 0
if counter in ['=', '<', '>', '!', '+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '%']:
self.good_standard += 1
operator_found = True
def check_len(self, open_files):
for py in open_files:
line_counter = 0
file_name = py.name.split('/')[-1]
while True:
line_counter += 1
line = py.readline()
if not line: break
if (line.find('if') > -1) and (line.find('len(') > -1) and (line.find(')') > -1):
self.good_standard += 1
if (line.find(':') > -1) and not line.find('<') > -1 and not line.find('>') > -1 and not line.find('=') > -1 and not line.find('!') > -1 :
self.bad_standard += 1
self.result_py[file_name + str(line_counter)] = [file_name, line_counter, ' For sequences, (strings, lists, tuples), use the fact that empty sequences are false']
def check_boolean(self, open_files):
for py in open_files:
line_counter = 0
file_name = py.name.split('/')[-1]
while True:
line_counter += 1
line = py.readline()
if not line: break
if (line.find('if') > -1):
self.good_standard += 1
if ((line.find('==') > -1) or (line.find('!=') > -1)) and ((line.find('True') > -1) or (line.find('False') > -1)):
self.bad_standard += 1
self.result_py[file_name + str(line_counter)] = [file_name, line_counter, "Don't compare boolean values to True or False using == or !="]
def get_result(self, dict_obj):
header = ('{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="left" \n! %-40s \n', [_('Result of pep8_test in %')])
if not self.error:
return self.format_table(header, data_list=dict_obj)
return ""
def get_result_general(self, dict_obj):
str_html = '''<html><strong>Result</strong><head>%s</head><body><table class="tablestyle">'''%(self.get_style())
header = ('<tr><th class="tdatastyle">%s</th><th class="tdatastyle">%s</th><th class="tdatastyle">%s</th></tr>', [_('Object Name'), _('Line number'), _('Suggestion')])
if not self.error:
res = str_html + self.format_html_table(header, data_list=dict_obj) + '</table></body></html>'
res = res.replace('''<td''', '''<td class="tdatastyle" ''')
return res
return ""
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