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# Portions of this file are under the following copyright and license:
# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Danny Brewer
# d29583@groovegarden.com
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# See: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
# and other portions are under the following copyright and license:
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution>..
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenERP SA (<http://openerp.com>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import uno
import unohelper
import pythonloader
if __name__<>"package":
from actions import *
# Uno ServiceManager access
# A different version of this routine and global variable
# is needed for code running inside a component.
# The ServiceManager of the running OOo.
# It is cached in a global variable.
goServiceManager = False
pythonloader.DEBUG = 0
def getServiceManager( cHost="localhost", cPort="2002" ):
"""Get the ServiceManager from the running OpenOffice.org.
Then retain it in the global variable goServiceManager for future use.
This is similar to the GetProcessServiceManager() in OOo Basic.
global goServiceManager
global pythonloader
if not goServiceManager:
# Get the uno component context from the PyUNO runtime
oLocalContext = uno.getComponentContext()
# Create the UnoUrlResolver on the Python side.
# Connect to the running OpenOffice.org and get its context.
if __name__<>"package":
oLocalResolver = oLocalContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
"com.sun.star.bridge.UnoUrlResolver", oLocalContext )
oContext = oLocalResolver.resolve( "uno:socket,host=" + cHost + ",port=" + cPort + ";urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" )
# Get the ServiceManager object
goServiceManager = oContext.ServiceManager
return goServiceManager
# Uno convenience functions
# The stuff in this section is just to make
# python progrmaming of OOo more like using OOo Basic.
# This is the same as ServiceManager.createInstance( ... )
def createUnoService( cClass ):
"""A handy way to create a global objects within the running OOo.
Similar to the function of the same name in OOo Basic.
oServiceManager = getServiceManager()
oObj = oServiceManager.createInstance( cClass )
return oObj
# The StarDesktop object. (global like in OOo Basic)
# It is cached in a global variable.
StarDesktop = None
def getDesktop():
"""An easy way to obtain the Desktop object from a running OOo.
global StarDesktop
if StarDesktop == None:
StarDesktop = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.frame.Desktop" )
return StarDesktop
# preload the StarDesktop variable.
# The CoreReflection object.
# It is cached in a global variable.
goCoreReflection = False
def getCoreReflection():
global goCoreReflection
if not goCoreReflection:
goCoreReflection = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection" )
return goCoreReflection
def createUnoStruct( cTypeName ):
"""Create a UNO struct and return it.
Similar to the function of the same name in OOo Basic.
oCoreReflection = getCoreReflection()
# Get the IDL class for the type name
oXIdlClass = oCoreReflection.forName( cTypeName )
# Create the struct.
oReturnValue, oStruct = oXIdlClass.createObject( None )
return oStruct
# API helpers
def hasUnoInterface( oObject, cInterfaceName ):
"""Similar to Basic's HasUnoInterfaces() function, but singular not plural."""
# Get the Introspection service.
oIntrospection = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.beans.Introspection" )
# Now inspect the object to learn about it.
oObjInfo = oIntrospection.inspect( oObject )
# Obtain an array describing all methods of the object.
oMethods = oObjInfo.getMethods( uno.getConstantByName( "com.sun.star.beans.MethodConcept.ALL" ) )
# Now look at every method.
for oMethod in oMethods:
# Check the method's interface to see if
# these aren't the droids you're looking for.
cMethodInterfaceName = oMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName()
if cMethodInterfaceName == cInterfaceName:
return True
return False
def hasUnoInterfaces( oObject, *cInterfaces ):
"""Similar to the function of the same name in OOo Basic."""
for cInterface in cInterfaces:
if not hasUnoInterface( oObject, cInterface ):
return False
return True
# High level general purpose functions
def makePropertyValue( cName=None, uValue=None, nHandle=None, nState=None ):
"""Create a com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue struct and return it.
oPropertyValue = createUnoStruct( "com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue" )
if cName != None:
oPropertyValue.Name = cName
if uValue != None:
oPropertyValue.Value = uValue
if nHandle != None:
oPropertyValue.Handle = nHandle
if nState != None:
oPropertyValue.State = nState
return oPropertyValue
def makePoint( nX, nY ):
"""Create a com.sun.star.awt.Point struct."""
oPoint = createUnoStruct( "com.sun.star.awt.Point" )
oPoint.X = nX
oPoint.Y = nY
return oPoint
def makeSize( nWidth, nHeight ):
"""Create a com.sun.star.awt.Size struct."""
oSize = createUnoStruct( "com.sun.star.awt.Size" )
oSize.Width = nWidth
oSize.Height = nHeight
return oSize
def makeRectangle( nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight ):
"""Create a com.sun.star.awt.Rectangle struct."""
oRect = createUnoStruct( "com.sun.star.awt.Rectangle" )
oRect.X = nX
oRect.Y = nY
oRect.Width = nWidth
oRect.Height = nHeight
return oRect
def Array( *args ):
"""This is just sugar coating so that code from OOoBasic which
contains the Array() function can work perfectly in python."""
tArray = ()
for arg in args:
tArray += (arg,)
return tArray
def loadComponentFromURL( cUrl, tProperties=() ):
"""Open or Create a document from it's URL.
New documents are created from URL's such as:
StarDesktop = getDesktop()
oDocument = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( cUrl, "_blank", 0, tProperties )
return oDocument
# Styles
def defineStyle( oDrawDoc, cStyleFamily, cStyleName, cParentStyleName=None ):
"""Add a new style to the style catalog if it is not already present.
This returns the style object so that you can alter its properties.
oStyleFamily = oDrawDoc.getStyleFamilies().getByName( cStyleFamily )
# Does the style already exist?
if oStyleFamily.hasByName( cStyleName ):
# then get it so we can return it.
oStyle = oStyleFamily.getByName( cStyleName )
# Create new style object.
oStyle = oDrawDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.style.Style" )
# Set its parent style
if cParentStyleName != None:
oStyle.setParentStyle( cParentStyleName )
# Add the new style to the style family.
oStyleFamily.insertByName( cStyleName, oStyle )
return oStyle
def getStyle( oDrawDoc, cStyleFamily, cStyleName ):
"""Lookup and return a style from the document.
return oDrawDoc.getStyleFamilies().getByName( cStyleFamily ).getByName( cStyleName )
# General Utility functions
def convertToURL( cPathname ):
"""Convert a Windows or Linux pathname into an OOo URL."""
if len( cPathname ) > 1:
if cPathname[1:2] == ":":
cPathname = "/" + cPathname[0] + "|" + cPathname[2:]
cPathname = cPathname.replace( "\\", "/" )
cPathname = "file://" + cPathname
return cPathname
# The global Awt Toolkit.
# This is initialized the first time it is needed.
#goAwtToolkit = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit" )
goAwtToolkit = None
def getAwtToolkit():
global goAwtToolkit
if goAwtToolkit == None:
goAwtToolkit = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit" )
return goAwtToolkit
# This class builds dialog boxes.
# This can be used in two different ways...
# 1. by subclassing it (elegant)
# 2. without subclassing it (less elegant)
class DBModalDialog:
"""Class to build a dialog box from the com.sun.star.awt.* services.
This doesn't do anything you couldn't already do using OOo's UNO API,
this just makes it much easier.
You can change the dialog box size, position, title, etc.
You can add controls, and listeners for those controls to the dialog box.
This class can be used by subclassing it, or without subclassing it.
def __init__( self, nPositionX=None, nPositionY=None, nWidth=None, nHeight=None, cTitle=None ):
self.oDialogModel = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel" )
if nPositionX != None: self.oDialogModel.PositionX = nPositionX
if nPositionY != None: self.oDialogModel.PositionY = nPositionY
if nWidth != None: self.oDialogModel.Width = nWidth
if nHeight != None: self.oDialogModel.Height = nHeight
if cTitle != None: self.oDialogModel.Title = cTitle
self.oDialogControl = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog" )
self.oDialogControl.setModel( self.oDialogModel )
def release( self ):
"""Release resources.
After calling this, you can no longer use this object.
# Dialog box adjustments
def setDialogPosition( self, nX, nY ):
self.oDialogModel.PositionX = nX
self.oDialogModel.PositionY = nY
def setDialogSize( self, nWidth, nHeight ):
self.oDialogModel.Width = nWidth
self.oDialogModel.Height = nHeight
def setDialogTitle( self, cCaption ):
self.oDialogModel.Title = cCaption
def setVisible( self, bVisible ):
self.oDialogControl.setVisible( bVisible )
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButton
# After you add a Button control, you can call self.setControlModelProperty()
# passing any of the properties for a...
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogElement
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlModel
def addButton( self, cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight,
nTabIndex=None ):
self.addControl( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel",
cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight, bDropdown=None, bMultiSelection=None,
nTabIndex=nTabIndex )
if actionListenerProc != None:
self.addActionListenerProc( cCtrlName, actionListenerProc )
def setButtonLabel( self, cCtrlName, cLabel ):
"""Set the label of the control."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
oControl.setLabel( cLabel )
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlEditModel
def addEdit( self, cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight,
textListenerProc=None ):
"""Add a Edit control to the window."""
self.addControl( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlEditModel",
cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight, bDropdown=None)
if cText != None:
self.setEditText( cCtrlName, cText )
if textListenerProc != None:
self.addTextListenerProc( cCtrlName, textListenerProc )
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlCheckBox
# After you add a CheckBox control, you can call self.setControlModelProperty()
# passing any of the properties for a...
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlCheckBoxModel
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogElement
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlModel
def addCheckBox( self, cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight,
nTabIndex=None ):
self.addControl( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlCheckBoxModel",
cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight, bDropdown=None, bMultiSelection=None,
nTabIndex=nTabIndex )
if itemListenerProc != None:
self.addItemListenerProc( cCtrlName, itemListenerProc )
def setEditText( self, cCtrlName, cText ):
"""Set the text of the edit box."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
oControl.setText( cText )
def getEditText( self, cCtrlName):
"""Set the text of the edit box."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl.getText()
def setCheckBoxLabel( self, cCtrlName, cLabel ):
"""Set the label of the control."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
oControl.setLabel( cLabel )
def getCheckBoxState( self, cCtrlName ):
"""Get the state of the control."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl.getState();
def setCheckBoxState( self, cCtrlName, nState ):
"""Set the state of the control."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
oControl.setState( nState )
def enableCheckBoxTriState( self, cCtrlName, bTriStateEnable ):
"""Enable or disable the tri state mode of the control."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
oControl.enableTriState( bTriStateEnable )
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFixedText
def addFixedText( self, cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight,
cLabel=None ):
self.addControl( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFixedTextModel",
cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight,
bDropdown=None, bMultiSelection=None,
cLabel=cLabel )
return self.getControl( cCtrlName )
# Add Controls to dialog
def addControl( self, cCtrlServiceName,
cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight,
oControlModel = self.oDialogModel.createInstance( cCtrlServiceName )
self.oDialogModel.insertByName( cCtrlName, oControlModel )
# if negative coordinates are given for X or Y position,
# then make that coordinate be relative to the right/bottom
# edge of the dialog box instead of to the left/top.
if nPositionX < 0: nPositionX = self.oDialogModel.Width + nPositionX - nWidth
if nPositionY < 0: nPositionY = self.oDialogModel.Height + nPositionY - nHeight
oControlModel.PositionX = nPositionX
oControlModel.PositionY = nPositionY
oControlModel.Width = nWidth
oControlModel.Height = nHeight
oControlModel.Name = cCtrlName
if bDropdown != None:
oControlModel.Dropdown = bDropdown
if bMultiSelection!=None:
if cLabel != None:
oControlModel.Label = cLabel
if nTabIndex != None:
oControlModel.TabIndex = nTabIndex
if sImagePath != None:
oControlModel.ImageURL = sImagePath
# Access controls and control models
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoContorlListBoxModel
def addComboListBox( self, cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight,
mod = self.addControl( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlListBoxModel",
cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight,bDropdown,bMultiSelection )
if itemListenerProc != None:
self.addItemListenerProc( cCtrlName, itemListenerProc )
def addListBoxItems( self, cCtrlName, tcItemTexts, nPosition=0 ):
"""Add a tupple of items to the ListBox at specified position."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
oControl.addItems( tcItemTexts, nPosition )
def selectListBoxItem( self, cCtrlName, cItemText, bSelect=True ):
"""Selects/Deselects the ispecified item."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl.selectItem( cItemText, bSelect )
def selectListBoxItemPos( self, cCtrlName, nItemPos, bSelect=True ):
"""Select/Deselect the item at the specified position."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl.selectItemPos( nItemPos, bSelect )
def removeListBoxItems( self, cCtrlName, nPosition, nCount=1 ):
"""Remove items from a ListBox."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
oControl.removeItems( nPosition, nCount )
def getListBoxItemCount( self, cCtrlName ):
"""Get the number of items in a ListBox."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl.getItemCount()
def getListBoxSelectedItem( self, cCtrlName ):
"""Returns the currently selected item."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl.getSelectedItem()
def getListBoxItem( self, cCtrlName, nPosition ):
"""Return the item at specified position within the ListBox."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl.getItem( nPosition )
def getListBoxSelectedItemPos(self,cCtrlName):
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl.getSelectedItemPos()
def getListBoxSelectedItems(self,cCtrlName):
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl.getSelectedItems()
def getListBoxSelectedItemsPos(self,cCtrlName):
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl.getSelectedItemsPos()
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlComboBoxModel
def addComboBox( self, cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight,
actionListenerProc=None ):
mod = self.addControl( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlComboBoxModel",
cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight,bDropdown)
if itemListenerProc != None:
self.addItemListenerProc( cCtrlName, itemListenerProc )
if actionListenerProc != None:
self.addActionListenerProc( cCtrlName, actionListenerProc )
def setComboBoxText( self, cCtrlName, cText ):
"""Set the text of the ComboBox."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
oControl.setText( cText )
def getComboBoxText( self, cCtrlName):
"""Set the text of the ComboBox."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl.getText()
def getComboBoxSelectedText( self, cCtrlName ):
"""Get the selected text of the ComboBox."""
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl.getSelectedText();
def getControl( self, cCtrlName ):
"""Get the control (not its model) for a particular control name.
The control returned includes the service com.sun.star.awt.UnoControl,
and another control-specific service which inherits from it.
oControl = self.oDialogControl.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl
def getControlModel( self, cCtrlName ):
"""Get the control model (not the control) for a particular control name.
The model returned includes the service UnoControlModel,
and another control-specific service which inherits from it.
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
oControlModel = oControl.getModel()
return oControlModel
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlImageControlModel
def addImageControl( self, cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight,
actionListenerProc=None ):
mod = self.addControl( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlImageControlModel",
cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY, nWidth, nHeight, sImagePath=sImagePath)
if itemListenerProc != None:
self.addItemListenerProc( cCtrlName, itemListenerProc )
if actionListenerProc != None:
self.addActionListenerProc( cCtrlName, actionListenerProc )
# Adjust properties of control models
def setControlModelProperty( self, cCtrlName, cPropertyName, uValue ):
"""Set the value of a property of a control's model.
This affects the control model, not the control.
oControlModel = self.getControlModel( cCtrlName )
oControlModel.setPropertyValue( cPropertyName, uValue )
def getControlModelProperty( self, cCtrlName, cPropertyName ):
"""Get the value of a property of a control's model.
This affects the control model, not the control.
oControlModel = self.getControlModel( cCtrlName )
return oControlModel.getPropertyValue( cPropertyName )
# Sugar coated property adjustments to control models.
def setEnabled( self, cCtrlName, bEnabled=True ):
"""Supported controls...
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "Enabled", bEnabled )
def getEnabled( self, cCtrlName ):
"""Supported controls...
return self.getControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "Enabled" )
def setState( self, cCtrlName, nState ):
"""Supported controls...
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "State", nState )
def getState( self, cCtrlName ):
"""Supported controls...
return self.getControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "State" )
def setLabel( self, cCtrlName, cLabel ):
"""Supported controls...
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "Label", cLabel )
def getLabel( self, cCtrlName ):
"""Supported controls...
return self.getControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "Label" )
def setHelpText( self, cCtrlName, cHelpText ):
"""Supported controls...
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "HelpText", cHelpText )
def getHelpText( self, cCtrlName ):
"""Supported controls...
return self.getControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "HelpText" )
# Adjust controls (not models)
# The following apply to all controls which are a
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoControl
def setDesignMode( self, cCtrlName, bDesignMode=True ):
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
oControl.setDesignMode( bDesignMode )
def isDesignMode( self, cCtrlName, bDesignMode=True ):
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl.isDesignMode()
def isTransparent( self, cCtrlName, bDesignMode=True ):
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
return oControl.isTransparent()
# The following apply to all controls which are a
# com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogElement
def setPosition( self, cCtrlName, nPositionX, nPositionY ):
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "PositionX", nPositionX )
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "PositionY", nPositionY )
def setPositionX( self, cCtrlName, nPositionX ):
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "PositionX", nPositionX )
def setPositionY( self, cCtrlName, nPositionY ):
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "PositionY", nPositionY )
def getPositionX( self, cCtrlName ):
return self.getControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "PositionX" )
def getPositionY( self, cCtrlName ):
return self.getControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "PositionY" )
def setSize( self, cCtrlName, nWidth, nHeight ):
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "Width", nWidth )
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "Height", nHeight )
def setWidth( self, cCtrlName, nWidth ):
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "Width", nWidth )
def setHeight( self, cCtrlName, nHeight ):
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "Height", nHeight )
def getWidth( self, cCtrlName ):
return self.getControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "Width" )
def getHeight( self, cCtrlName ):
return self.getControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "Height" )
def setTabIndex( self, cCtrlName, nWidth, nTabIndex ):
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "TabIndex", nTabIndex )
def getTabIndex( self, cCtrlName ):
return self.getControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "TabIndex" )
def setStep( self, cCtrlName, nWidth, nStep ):
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "Step", nStep )
def getStep( self, cCtrlName ):
return self.getControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "Step" )
def setTag( self, cCtrlName, nWidth, cTag ):
self.setControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "Tag", cTag )
def getTag( self, cCtrlName ):
return self.getControlModelProperty( cCtrlName, "Tag" )
def setEchoChar(self, cCtrlName , cVal):
self.setControlModelProperty(cCtrlName, "EchoChar", cVal)
def getEchoChar(self, cCtrlName):
return self.setControlModelProperty(cCtrlName, "EchoChar")
# Add listeners to controls.
# This applies to...
# UnoControlButton
def addActionListenerProc( self, cCtrlName, actionListenerProc ):
"""Create an com.sun.star.awt.XActionListener object and add it to a control.
A listener object is created which will call the python procedure actionListenerProc.
The actionListenerProc can be either a method or a global procedure.
The following controls support XActionListener:
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
oActionListener = ActionListenerProcAdapter( actionListenerProc )
oControl.addActionListener( oActionListener )
# This applies to...
# UnoControlCheckBox
def addItemListenerProc( self, cCtrlName, itemListenerProc ):
"""Create an com.sun.star.awt.XItemListener object and add it to a control.
A listener object is created which will call the python procedure itemListenerProc.
The itemListenerProc can be either a method or a global procedure.
The following controls support XActionListener:
oControl = self.getControl( cCtrlName )
oActionListener = ItemListenerProcAdapter( itemListenerProc )
oControl.addItemListener( oActionListener )
# Display the modal dialog.
def doModalDialog( self, sObjName,sValue):
"""Display the dialog as a modal dialog."""
self.oDialogControl.setVisible( True )
if not sValue==None:
self.selectListBoxItem( sObjName, sValue, True )
def endExecute( self ):
"""Call this from within one of the listeners to end the modal dialog.
For instance, the listener on your OK or Cancel button would call this to end the dialog.