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#@+node:@file pcalendar.py
#@@language python
#@<< Copyright >>
#@+node:<< Copyright >>
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 by Reithinger GmbH
# mreithinger@web.de
# This file is part of faces.
# faces is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# faces is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#@-node:<< Copyright >>
This module contains all classes and functions for the project plan calendar
#@<< Imports >>
#@+node:<< Imports >>
from string import *
import datetime
import time
import re
import locale
import bisect
import sys
TIME_RANGE_PATTERN = re.compile("(\\d+):(\\d+)\\s*-\\s*(\\d+):(\\d+)")
TIME_DELTA_PATTERN = re.compile("([-+]?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)([dwmyMH])")
DEFAULT_WORKING_TIMES = ( (8 * 60, 12 * 60 ),
(13 * 60, 17 * 60 ) )
5 : (),
6 : () }
#@-node:<< Imports >>
def to_time_range(src):
converts a string to a timerange, i.e
(from, to)
from, to are ints, specifing the minutes since midnight
if not src: return ()
mo = TIME_RANGE_PATTERN.match(src)
if not mo:
raise ValueError("%s is no time range" % src)
from_time = int(mo.group(1)) * 60 + int(mo.group(2))
to_time = int(mo.group(3)) * 60 + int(mo.group(4))
return from_time, to_time
def to_datetime(src):
a tolerant conversion function to convert different strings
to a datetime.dateime
#to get the original value for wrappers
new = getattr(src, "_value", src)
while new is not src:
src = new
new = getattr(src, "_value", src)
if isinstance(src, _WorkingDateBase):
src = src.to_datetime()
if isinstance(src, datetime.datetime):
return src
src = str(src)
formats = [ "%x %H:%M",
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
"%y-%m-%d %H:%M",
"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M",
"%d.%m.%y %H:%M",
"%Y%m%d %H:%M",
"%d/%m/%y %H:%M",
"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M",
"%Y%m%d" ]
for f in formats:
conv = time.strptime(src, f)
return datetime.datetime(*conv[0:-3])
except Exception, e:
raise TypeError("'%s' (%s) is not a datetime" % (src, str(type(src))))
def _to_days(src):
converts a string of the day abreviations mon, tue, wed,
thu, fri, sat, sun to a dir with correct weekday indices.
For Example
convert_to_days('mon, tue, thu') results in
{ 0:1, 1:1, 3:1 }
tokens = src.split(",")
result = { }
for t in tokens:
index = { "mon" : 0,
"tue" : 1,
"wed" : 2,
"thu" : 3,
"fri" : 4,
"sat" : 5,
"sun" : 6 } [ lower(t.strip()) ]
result[index] = 1
raise ValueError("%s is not a day" % (t))
return result
def _add_to_time_spans(src, to_add, is_free):
if not isinstance(to_add, (tuple, list)):
to_add = (to_add,)
tmp = []
for start, end, f in src:
tmp.append((start, True, f))
tmp.append((end, False, f))
for v in to_add:
if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
start = to_datetime(v[0])
end = to_datetime(v[1])
start = to_datetime(v)
end = start.replace(hour=0, minute=0) + datetime.timedelta(1)
tmp.append((start, start <= end, is_free))
tmp.append((end, start > end, is_free))
# 0: date
# 1: is_start
# 2: is_free
sequence = []
free_count = 0
work_count = 0
last = None
for date, is_start, is_free in tmp:
if is_start:
if is_free:
if not free_count and not work_count:
last = date
free_count += 1
if not work_count:
if free_count: sequence.append((last, date, True))
last = date
work_count += 1
if is_free:
assert(free_count > 0)
free_count -= 1
if not free_count and not work_count:
sequence.append((last, date, True))
assert(work_count > 0)
work_count -= 1
if not work_count: sequence.append((last, date, False))
if free_count: last = date
return tuple(sequence)
def to_timedelta(src, cal=None, is_duration=False):
converts a string to a datetime.timedelta. If cal is specified
it will be used for getting the working times. if is_duration=True
working times will not be considered. Valid units are
d for Days
w for Weeks
m for Months
y for Years
H for Hours
M for Minutes
cal = cal or _default_calendar
if isinstance(src, datetime.timedelta):
return datetime.timedelta(src.days, seconds=src.seconds, calendar=cal)
if isinstance(src, (long, int, float)):
src = "%sM" % str(src)
if not isinstance(src, basestring):
raise ValueError("%s is not a duration" % (repr(src)))
src = src.strip()
if is_duration:
d_p_w = 7
d_p_m = 30
d_p_y = 360
d_w_h = 24
d_p_w = cal.working_days_per_week
d_p_m = cal.working_days_per_month
d_p_y = cal.working_days_per_year
d_w_h = cal.working_hours_per_day
def convert_minutes(minutes):
minutes = int(minutes)
hours = minutes / 60
minutes = minutes % 60
days = hours / d_w_h
hours = hours % d_w_h
return [ days, 0, 0, 0, minutes, hours ]
def convert_days(value):
days = int(value)
value -= days
value *= d_w_h
hours = int(value)
value -= hours
value *= 60
minutes = round(value)
return [ days, 0, 0, 0, minutes, hours ]
sum_args = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
split = src.split(" ")
for s in split:
mo = TIME_DELTA_PATTERN.match(s)
if not mo:
raise ValueError(src +
" is not a valid duration: valid"
" units are: d w m y M H")
unit = mo.group(3)
val = float(mo.group(1))
if unit == 'd':
args = convert_days(val)
elif unit == 'w':
args = convert_days(val * d_p_w)
elif unit == 'm':
args = convert_days(val * d_p_m)
elif unit == 'y':
args = convert_days(val * d_p_y)
elif unit == 'M':
args = convert_minutes(val)
elif unit == 'H':
args = convert_minutes(val * 60)
sum_args = [ a + b for a, b in zip(sum_args, args) ]
sum_args = tuple(sum_args)
return datetime.timedelta(*sum_args)
def timedelta_to_str(delta, format, cal=None, is_duration=False):
cal = cal or _default_calendar
if is_duration:
d_p_w = 7
d_p_m = 30
d_p_y = 365
d_w_h = 24
d_p_w = cal.working_days_per_week
d_p_m = cal.working_days_per_month
d_p_y = cal.working_days_per_year
d_w_h = cal.working_hours_per_day
has_years = format.find("%y") > -1
has_minutes = format.find("%M") > -1
has_hours = format.find("%H") > -1 or has_minutes
has_days = format.find("%d") > -1
has_weeks = format.find("%w") > -1
has_months = format.find("%m") > -1
result = format
days = delta.days
d_r = (days, format)
minutes = delta.seconds / 60
def rebase(d_r, cond1, cond2, letter, divisor):
#rebase the days
if not cond1: return d_r
days, result = d_r
if cond2:
val = days / divisor
if not val:
result = re.sub("{[^{]*?%" + letter + "[^}]*?}", "", result)
result = result.replace("%" + letter, str(val))
days %= divisor
result = result.replace("%" + letter,
(float(days) / divisor)))
return (days, result)
d_r = rebase(d_r, has_years, has_months or has_weeks or has_days, "y", d_p_y)
d_r = rebase(d_r, has_months, has_weeks or has_days, "m", d_p_m)
d_r = rebase(d_r, has_weeks, has_days, "w", d_p_w)
days, result = d_r
if not has_days:
minutes += days * d_w_h * 60
days = 0
if has_hours:
if not days:
result = re.sub("{[^{]*?%d[^}]*?}", "", result)
result = result.replace("%d", str(days))
result = result.replace("%d",
"%.2f" % (days + float(minutes)
/ (d_w_h * 60)))
if has_hours:
if has_minutes:
val = minutes / 60
if not val:
result = re.sub("{[^{]*?%H[^}]*?}", "", result)
result = result.replace("%H", str(val))
minutes %= 60
result = result.replace("%H", "%.2f" % (float(minutes) / 60))
if not minutes:
result = re.sub("{[^{]*?%M[^}]*?}", "", result)
result = result.replace("%M", str(minutes))
result = result.replace("{", "")
result = result.replace("}", "")
return result.strip()
def strftime(dt, format):
an extended version of strftime, that introduces some new
%IW iso week number
%IY iso year
%IB full month name appropriate to iso week
%ib abbreviated month name appropriate to iso week
%im month as decimal number appropriate to iso week
iso = dt.isocalendar()
if iso[0] != dt.year:
iso_date = dt.replace(day=1, month=1)
format = format \
.replace("%IB", iso_date.strftime("%B"))\
.replace("%ib", iso_date.strftime("%b"))\
.replace("%im", iso_date.strftime("%m"))
format = format \
.replace("%IB", "%B")\
.replace("%ib", "%b")\
.replace("%im", "%m")
format = format \
.replace("%IW", str(iso[1]))\
.replace("%IY", str(iso[0]))\
return dt.strftime(format)
def union(*calendars):
returns a calendar that unifies all working times
#@ << check arguments >>
#@+node:<< check arguments >>
if len(calendars) == 1:
calendars = calendars[0]
#@-node:<< check arguments >>
#@ << intersect vacations >>
#@+node:<< intersect vacations >>
free_time = []
for c in calendars:
for start, end, is_free in c.time_spans:
if is_free:
free_time.append((start, False))
free_time.append((end, True))
count = len(calendars)
open = 0
time_spans = []
for date, is_end in free_time:
if is_end:
if open == count:
time_spans.append((start, date, True))
open -= 1
open += 1
start = date
#@-node:<< intersect vacations >>
#@ << unify extra worktime >>
#@+node:<< unify extra worktime >>
for c in calendars:
for start, end, is_free in c.time_spans:
if not is_free:
time_spans = _add_to_time_spans(time_spans, start, end)
#@-node:<< unify extra worktime >>
#@ << unify working times >>
#@+node:<< unify working times >>
working_times = {}
for d in range(0, 7):
times = []
for c in calendars:
for start, end in c.working_times.get(d, []):
times.append((start, False))
times.append((end, True))
open = 0
ti = []
start = None
for time, is_end in times:
if not is_end:
if not start: start = time
open += 1
open -= 1
if not open:
ti.append((start, time))
start = None
if ti:
working_times[d] = ti
#@-node:<< unify working times >>
#@ << create result calendar >>
#@+node:<< create result calendar >>
result = Calendar()
result.working_times = working_times
result.time_spans = time_spans
#@-node:<< create result calendar >>
return result
#@+node:class _CalendarItem
class _CalendarItem(int):
#@ << class _CalendarItem declarations >>
#@+node:<< class _CalendarItem declarations >>
__slots__ = ()
calender = None
#@-node:<< class _CalendarItem declarations >>
#@ @+others
def __new__(cls, val):
return int.__new__(cls, val)
except OverflowError:
return int.__new__(cls, sys.maxint)
def round(self, round_up=True):
m_t_u = self.calendar.minimum_time_unit
minutes = int(self)
base = (minutes / m_t_u) * m_t_u
minutes %= m_t_u
round_up = round_up and minutes > 0 or minutes > m_t_u / 2
if round_up: base += m_t_u
return self.__class__(base)
#@-node:class _CalendarItem
#@+node:class _Minutes
class _Minutes(_CalendarItem):
#@ << class _Minutes declarations >>
#@+node:<< class _Minutes declarations >>
__slots__ = ()
STR_FORMAT = "{%dd}{ %HH}{ %MM}"
#@-node:<< class _Minutes declarations >>
#@ @+others
def __new__(cls, src=0, is_duration=False):
converts a timedelta in working minutes.
if isinstance(src, cls) or type(src) is int:
return _CalendarItem.__new__(cls, src)
cal = cls.calendar
if not isinstance(src, datetime.timedelta):
src = to_timedelta(src, cal, is_duration)
d_w_h = is_duration and 24 or cal.working_hours_per_day
src = src.days * d_w_h * 60 + src.seconds / 60
return _CalendarItem.__new__(cls, src)
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(int(self), int(self.__class__(other)))
def __add__(self, other):
return self.__class__(int(self) + int(self.__class__(other)))
return NotImplemented
def __sub__(self, other):
return self.__class__(int(self) - int(self.__class__(other)))
return NotImplemented
def to_timedelta(self, is_duration=False):
d_w_h = is_duration and 24 or self.calendar.working_hours_per_day
minutes = int(self)
hours = minutes / 60
minutes = minutes % 60
days = hours / d_w_h
hours = hours % d_w_h
return datetime.timedelta(days, hours=hours, minutes=minutes)
def strftime(self, format=None, is_duration=False):
td = self.to_timedelta(is_duration)
return timedelta_to_str(td, format or self.STR_FORMAT,
self.calendar, is_duration)
#@-node:class _Minutes
#@+node:class _WorkingDateBase
class _WorkingDateBase(_CalendarItem):
A daytetime which has only valid values within the
workingtimes of a specific calendar
#@ << class _WorkingDateBase declarations >>
#@+node:<< class _WorkingDateBase declarations >>
timetuple = True
STR_FORMAT = "%x %H:%M"
_minutes = _Minutes
__slots__ = ()
#@-node:<< class _WorkingDateBase declarations >>
#@ @+others
def __new__(cls, src):
#cls.__bases__[0] is the base of
#the calendar specific StartDate and EndDate
if isinstance(src, cls.__bases__[0]) or type(src) in (int, float):
return _CalendarItem.__new__(cls, src)
src = cls.calendar.from_datetime(to_datetime(src))
return _CalendarItem.__new__(cls, src)
def __repr__(self):
return self.strftime()
def to_datetime(self):
return self.to_starttime()
def to_starttime(self):
return self.calendar.to_starttime(self)
def to_endtime(self):
return self.calendar.to_endtime(self)
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(int(self), int(self.__class__(other)))
def __add__(self, other):
return self.__class__(int(self) + int(self._minutes(other)))
except ValueError, e:
raise e
return NotImplemented
def __sub__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, (datetime.timedelta, str, _Minutes)):
other = self._minutes(other)
if isinstance(other, self._minutes):
return self.__class__(int(self) - int(other))
return self._minutes(int(self) - int(self.__class__(other)))
return NotImplemented
def strftime(self, format=None):
return strftime(self.to_datetime(), format or self.STR_FORMAT)
#@-node:class _WorkingDateBase
#@+node:class Calendar
class Calendar(object):
A calendar to specify working times and vacations.
The calendars epoch start at 1.1.1979
#@ << declarations >>
#@+node:<< declarations >>
# january the first must be a monday
EPOCH = datetime.datetime(1979, 1, 1)
minimum_time_unit = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_TIME_UNIT
working_days_per_week = DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS_PER_WEEK
working_days_per_month = DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS_PER_MONTH
working_days_per_year = DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS_PER_YEAR
working_hours_per_day = DEFAULT_WORKING_HOURS_PER_DAY
now = EPOCH
#@-node:<< declarations >>
#@ @+others
def __init__(self):
self.time_spans = ()
self._dt_num_can = ()
self._num_dt_can = ()
self.working_times = { }
def __or__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Calendar):
return union(self, other)
return NotImplemented
def clone(self):
result = Calendar()
result.working_times = self.working_times.copy()
result.time_spans = self.time_spans
return result
def set_working_days(self, day_range, trange, *further_tranges):
Sets the working days of an calendar
day_range is a string of day abbreviations like 'mon, tue'
trange and further_tranges is a time range string like
time_ranges = [ trange ] + list(further_tranges)
time_ranges = filter(bool, map(to_time_range, time_ranges))
days = _to_days(day_range)
for k in days.keys():
self.working_times[k] = time_ranges
def set_vacation(self, value):
Sets vacation time.
value is either a datetime literal or
a sequence of items that can be
a datetime literals and or pair of datetime literals
self.time_spans = _add_to_time_spans(self.time_spans, value, True)
def set_extra_work(self, value):
Sets extra working time
value is either a datetime literal or
a sequence of items that can be
a datetime literals and or pair of datetime literals
self.time_spans = _add_to_time_spans(self.time_spans, value, False)
def from_datetime(self, value):
assert(isinstance(value, datetime.datetime))
delta = value - self.EPOCH
days = delta.days
minutes = delta.seconds / 60
# calculate the weektime
weeks = days / 7
wtime = self.week_time * weeks
# calculate the daytime
days %= 7
dtime = sum(self.day_times[:days])
# calculate the minute time
slots = self.working_times.get(days, DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS[days])
mtime = 0
for start, end in slots:
if minutes > end:
mtime += end - start
if minutes > start:
mtime += minutes - start
result = wtime + dtime + mtime
# map exceptional timespans
dt_num_can = self._dt_num_can
pos = bisect.bisect(dt_num_can, (value,)) - 1
if pos >= 0:
start, end, nstart, nend, cend = dt_num_can[pos]
if value < end:
if nstart < nend:
delta = value - start
delta = delta.days * 24 * 60 + delta.seconds / 60
result = nstart + delta
result = nstart
result += (nend - cend) # == (result - cend) + nend
return result
def split_time(self, value):
#map exceptional timespans
num_dt_can = self._num_dt_can
pos = bisect.bisect(num_dt_can, (value, sys.maxint)) - 1
if pos >= 0:
nstart, nend, start, end, cend = num_dt_can[pos]
if value < nend:
value = start + datetime.timedelta(minutes=value - nstart)
delta = value - self.EPOCH
return delta.days / 7, delta.days % 7, delta.seconds / 60, -1
value += (cend - nend) # (value - nend + cend)
#calculate the weeks since the epoch
weeks = value / self.week_time
value %= self.week_time
#calculate the remaining days
days = 0
for day_time in self.day_times:
if value < day_time: break
value -= day_time
days += 1
#calculate the remaining minutes
minutes = 0
slots = self.working_times.get(days, DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS[days])
index = 0
for start, end in slots:
delta = end - start
if delta > value:
minutes = start + value
value -= delta
index += 1
return weeks, days, minutes, index
def to_starttime(self, value):
weeks, days, minutes, index = self.split_time(value)
return self.EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(weeks=weeks,
def to_endtime(self, value):
return self.to_starttime(value - 1) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
def get_working_times(self, day):
return self.working_times.get(day, DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS[day])
def _build_mapping(self):
self._dt_num_can = self._num_dt_can = ()
dt_num_can = []
num_dt_can = []
delta = self.Minutes()
for start, end, is_free in self.time_spans:
cstart = self.StartDate(start)
cend = self.EndDate(end)
nstart = cstart + delta
if not is_free:
d = end - start
d = d.days * 24 * 60 + d.seconds / 60
nend = nstart + d
nend = nstart
delta += (nend - nstart) - (cend - cstart)
dt_num_can.append((start, end, nstart, nend, cend))
num_dt_can.append((nstart, nend, start, end, cend))
self._dt_num_can = tuple(dt_num_can)
self._num_dt_can = tuple(num_dt_can)
def _recalc_working_time(self):
def slot_sum_time(day):
slots = self.working_times.get(day, DEFAULT_WORKING_DAYS[day])
return sum(map(lambda slot: slot[1] - slot[0], slots))
self.day_times = map(slot_sum_time, range(0, 7))
self.week_time = sum(self.day_times)
def _make_classes(self):
#ensure that the clases are instance specific
class minutes(_Minutes):
calendar = self
__slots__ = ()
class db(_WorkingDateBase):
calendar = self
_minutes = minutes
__slots__ = ()
class wdt(db): __slots__ = ()
class edt(db):
__slots__ = ()
def to_datetime(self):
return self.to_endtime()
self.Minutes, self.StartDate, self.EndDate = minutes, wdt, edt
self.WorkingDate = self.StartDate
_default_calendar = Calendar()
WorkingDate = _default_calendar.WorkingDate
StartDate = _default_calendar.StartDate
EndDate = _default_calendar.EndDate
Minutes = _default_calendar.Minutes
#@-node:class Calendar
if __name__ == '__main__':
cal = Calendar()
start = EndDate("10.1.2005")
delay = Minutes("4H")
start2 = cal.StartDate(start)
start3 = cal.StartDate("10.1.2005")
#@-node:@file pcalendar.py
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