
394 lines
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Raw Normal View History

openerp.web.data_import = function(instance) {
var QWeb = instance.web.qweb,
_t = instance.web._t;
* Safari does not deal well at all with raw JSON data being returned. As a
* result, we're going to cheat by using a pseudo-jsonp: instead of getting
* JSON data in the iframe, we're getting a ``script`` tag which consists of a
* function call and the returned data (the json dump).
* The function is an auto-generated name bound to ``window``, which calls
* back into the callback provided here.
* @param {Object} form the form element (DOM or jQuery) to use in the call
* @param {Object} attributes jquery.form attributes object
* @param {Function} callback function to call with the returned data
function jsonp(form, attributes, callback) {
attributes = attributes || {};
var options = {jsonp: _.uniqueId('import_callback_')};
window[options.jsonp] = function () {
delete window[options.jsonp];
callback.apply(null, arguments);
if ('data' in attributes) {
_.extend(attributes.data, options);
} else {
_.extend(attributes, {data: options});
instance.web.DataImport = instance.web.Dialog.extend({
template: 'ImportDataView',
dialog_title: {toString: function () { return _t("Import Data"); }},
init: function(parent, dataset){
var self = this;
this._super(parent, {});
this.model = parent.model;
this.fields = [];
this.all_fields = [];
this.fields_with_defaults = [];
this.required_fields = null;
var convert_fields = function (root, prefix) {
prefix = prefix || '';
_(root.fields).each(function (f) {
self.all_fields.push(prefix + f.name);
if (f.fields) {
convert_fields(f, prefix + f.id + '/');
this.ready = $.Deferred.queue().then(function () {
self.required_fields = _(self.fields).chain()
.filter(function (field) {
return field.required &&
!_.include(self.fields_with_defaults, field.id); })
start: function() {
var self = this;
buttons: [
{text: _t("Close"), click: function() { self.destroy(); }},
{text: _t("Import File"), click: function() { self.do_import(); }, 'class': 'oe_import_dialog_button'}
close: function(event, ui) {
this.$el.delegate('fieldset legend', 'click', function() {
this.ready.push(new instance.web.DataSet(this, this.model).call(
'fields_get', [], function (fields) {
self.ready.push(new instance.web.DataSet(self, self.model)
.default_get(_.pluck(self.fields, 'id')).then(function (fields) {
_.each(fields, function(val, key) {
if (val) {
graft_fields: function (fields, parent, level) {
parent = parent || this;
level = level || 0;
var self = this;
if (level === 0) {
id: 'id',
name: 'id',
string: _t('External ID'),
required: false
_(fields).each(function (field, field_name) {
// Ignore spec for id field
// Don't import function fields (function and related)
if (field_name === 'id') {
// Skip if there's no state which could disable @readonly,
// if a field is ever always readonly we can't import it
if (field.readonly) {
// no states at all
if (_.isEmpty(field.states)) { return; }
// no state altering @readonly
if (!_.any(field.states, function (modifiers) {
return _(modifiers).chain().pluck(0).contains('readonly').value();
})) { return; }
var f = {
id: field_name,
name: field_name,
string: field.string,
required: field.required
switch (field.type) {
case 'many2many':
case 'many2one':
// push a copy for the bare many2one field, to allow importing
// using name_search too - even if we default to exporting the XML ID
var many2one_field = _.extend({}, f)
f.name += '/id';
case 'one2many':
f.name += '/id';
f.fields = [];
// only fetch sub-fields to a depth of 2 levels
if (level < 2) {
self.ready.push(new instance.web.DataSet(self, field.relation).call(
'fields_get', [], function (fields) {
self.graft_fields(fields, f, level+1);
toggle_import_button: function (newstate) {
instance.web.dialog(this.$el, 'widget')
.button('option', 'disabled', !newstate);
do_import: function() {
if(!this.$el.find('#csvfile').val()) { return; }
var lines_to_skip = parseInt(this.$el.find('#csv_skip').val(), 10);
var with_headers = this.$el.find('#file_has_headers').prop('checked');
if (!lines_to_skip && with_headers) {
lines_to_skip = 1;
var indices = [], fields = [];
this.$el.find(".sel_fields").each(function(index, element) {
var val = element.value;
if (!val) {
jsonp(this.$el.find('#import_data'), {
url: '/web/import/import_data',
data: {
model: this.model,
meta: JSON.stringify({
skip: lines_to_skip,
indices: indices,
fields: fields
}, this.on_import_results);
on_autodetect_data: function() {
if(!this.$el.find('#csvfile').val()) { return; }
jsonp(this.$el.find('#import_data'), {
url: '/web/import/detect_data'
}, this.on_import_results);
on_import_results: function(results) {
var headers, result_node = this.$el.find("#result");
if (results['error']) {
result_node.append(QWeb.render('ImportView.error', {
'error': results['error']}));
if (results['success']) {
if (this.getParent().getParent().active_view == "list") {
if (results['records']) {
var lines_to_skip = parseInt(this.$el.find('#csv_skip').val(), 10),
with_headers = this.$el.find('#file_has_headers').prop('checked');
headers = with_headers ? results.records[0] : null;
result_node.append(QWeb.render('ImportView.result', {
'headers': headers,
'records': lines_to_skip ? results.records.slice(lines_to_skip)
: with_headers ? results.records.slice(1)
: results.records
[FIX] mitigate horrendous performance issues inserting options in Webkit In some cases, at least with complex-enough views, inserting many options in a document in a row will get progressively slower. In import, this issue is hit on trying to import partners: partners have a humongous number of fields (direct and on their o2m), ~940, which yields a correspondingly huge number of options in the selection. A basic partner export also has quite high a number of columns (~50 without exporting o2m fields), so this list of 940 options is inserted 50 times in a row (literally too, they're all in the same table row).. While not all that fast, Firefox 5/6 has no significant issue with this (~18ms/insertion, where an insertion is a full select with all its options). Webkit browsers (Chrome and Safari) on the other hand start out fair (~10ms/insertion), but get slower and slower until they end up at 3~5 *seconds* for each insertion (3s if inserting a DocumentFragment, 5s if inserting text via innerHTML). This means the preview table takes up to *two minutes* to display, even the best cases (pre-generating everything that can be and optimizing everything I could think of) take 75 *seconds* for the insertions (the pregeneration of a given select and its options is ~100ms, the base template rendering is ~20ms). rendering divs or inputs does not have this issue, I did not manage to reduce or fix the issue directly so I replaced the options by jQuery-ui's autocomplete widget. This is not issues-free: when tabbing through the fields lists, when reaching the edge of the popup the browser will automatically scroll the field back into view. However, this is done *after* autocomplete's popup has opened, and as a result the popup opens in the wrong place (at the popup's edge, instead of under the now-moved field). bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20110922085812-3u1esk6czraskm01
2011-09-22 08:58:12 +00:00
this.$el.delegate('.oe_m2o_drop_down_button', 'click', function () {
var self = this;
this.ready.then(function () {
var $fields = self.$el.find('.sel_fields').bind('blur', function () {
if (this.value && !_(self.all_fields).contains(this.value)) {
this.value = '';
minLength: 0,
source: self.all_fields,
change: self.on_check_field_values
}).focus(function () {
// Column auto-detection
_(headers).each(function (header, index) {
var field_name = self.match_column_to_field(header);
if (field_name) {
[FIX] mitigate horrendous performance issues inserting options in Webkit In some cases, at least with complex-enough views, inserting many options in a document in a row will get progressively slower. In import, this issue is hit on trying to import partners: partners have a humongous number of fields (direct and on their o2m), ~940, which yields a correspondingly huge number of options in the selection. A basic partner export also has quite high a number of columns (~50 without exporting o2m fields), so this list of 940 options is inserted 50 times in a row (literally too, they're all in the same table row).. While not all that fast, Firefox 5/6 has no significant issue with this (~18ms/insertion, where an insertion is a full select with all its options). Webkit browsers (Chrome and Safari) on the other hand start out fair (~10ms/insertion), but get slower and slower until they end up at 3~5 *seconds* for each insertion (3s if inserting a DocumentFragment, 5s if inserting text via innerHTML). This means the preview table takes up to *two minutes* to display, even the best cases (pre-generating everything that can be and optimizing everything I could think of) take 75 *seconds* for the insertions (the pregeneration of a given select and its options is ~100ms, the base template rendering is ~20ms). rendering divs or inputs does not have this issue, I did not manage to reduce or fix the issue directly so I replaced the options by jQuery-ui's autocomplete widget. This is not issues-free: when tabbing through the fields lists, when reaching the edge of the popup the browser will automatically scroll the field back into view. However, this is done *after* autocomplete's popup has opened, and as a result the popup opens in the wrong place (at the popup's edge, instead of under the now-moved field). bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20110922085812-3u1esk6czraskm01
2011-09-22 08:58:12 +00:00
* Returns the name of the field (nested) matching the provided column name
* @param {String} name column name to look for
* @param {Array} [fields] fields to look into for the provided name
* @returns {String|undefined}
match_column_to_field: function (name, fields) {
fields = fields || this.fields;
var f;
f = _(fields).detect(function (field) {
return field.name === name
if (!f) {
f = _(fields).detect(function (field) {
// TODO: levenshtein between header and field.string
return field.string.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase();
if (f) { return f.name; }
// if ``name`` is a path (o2m), we need to recurse through its .fields
var index = name.indexOf('/');
if (index === -1) { return undefined; }
// Get the first path section, try to find the matching field
var column_name = name.substring(0, index);
f = _(fields).detect(function (field) {
// field.name for o2m is $foo/id, so we want to match on id
return field.id === column_name;
if (!f) {
f = _(fields).detect(function (field) {
return field.string.toLowerCase() === column_name.toLowerCase();
if (!f) { return undefined; }
// if we found a matching field for the first path section, recurse in
// its own .fields to try and get the rest of the path matched
var rest = this.match_column_to_field(
name.substring(index+1), f.fields);
if (!rest) { return undefined; }
return f.id + '/' + rest;
* Looks through all the field selections, and tries to find if two
* (or more) columns were matched to the same model field.
* Returns a map of the multiply-mapped fields to an array of offending
* columns (not actually columns, but the inputs containing the same field
* names).
* Also has the side-effect of marking the discovered inputs with the class
* ``duplicate_fld``.
* @returns {Object<String, Array<String>>} map of duplicate field matches to same-valued inputs
find_duplicate_fields: function() {
// Maps values to DOM nodes, in order to discover duplicates
var values = {}, duplicates = {};
this.$el.find(".sel_fields").each(function(index, element) {
var value = element.value;
var $el = $(element).removeClass('duplicate_fld');
if (!value) { return; }
if (!(value in values)) {
values[value] = element;
} else {
var same_valued_field = values[value];
if (value in duplicates) {
} else {
duplicates[value] = [same_valued_field, element];
return duplicates;
on_check_field_values: function () {
this.$el.find("#message, #msg").remove();
var required_valid = this.check_required();
var duplicates = this.find_duplicate_fields();
if (_.isEmpty(duplicates)) {
} else {
var $err = $('<div id="msg" style="color: red;">'+_t("Destination fields should only be selected once, some fields are selected more than once:")+'</div>').insertBefore(this.$el.find('#result'));
var $dupes = $('<dl>').appendTo($err);
_(duplicates).each(function(elements, value) {
_(elements).each(function(element) {
var cell = $(element).closest('td');
check_required: function() {
var self = this;
if (!self.required_fields.length) { return true; }
// Resolve field id based on column name, as there may be
// several ways to provide the value for a given field and
// thus satisfy the requirement.
// (e.g. m2o_id or m2o_id/id columns may be provided)
var resolve_field_id = function(column_name) {
var f = _.detect(self.fields, function(field) {
return field.name === column_name;
if (!f) { return column_name; };
return f.id;
var selected_fields = _(this.$el.find('.sel_fields').get()).chain()
var missing_fields = _.difference(this.required_fields, selected_fields);
if (missing_fields.length) {
this.$el.find("#result").before('<div id="message" style="color:red">' + _t("*Required Fields are not selected :") + missing_fields + '.</div>');
return false;
return true;
destroy: function() {