
1095 lines
45 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import copy
import reportlab
import re
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab import platypus
import utils
import color
import os
import logging
from lxml import etree
import base64
from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import ActionFlowable
from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval
from reportlab.lib.units import inch,cm,mm
from openerp.tools.misc import file_open
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4, letter
from cStringIO import StringIO
_hush_pyflakes = [ StringIO ]
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
encoding = 'utf-8'
def select_fontname(fontname, default_fontname):
if fontname not in pdfmetrics.getRegisteredFontNames()\
or fontname not in pdfmetrics.standardFonts:
# let reportlab attempt to find it
except Exception:
addition = ""
if " " in fontname:
addition = ". Your font contains spaces which is not valid in RML."
_logger.warning('Could not locate font %s, substituting default: %s%s',
fontname, default_fontname, addition)
fontname = default_fontname
return fontname
def _open_image(filename, path=None):
"""Attempt to open a binary file and return the descriptor
if os.path.isfile(filename):
return open(filename, 'rb')
for p in (path or []):
if p and os.path.isabs(p):
fullpath = os.path.join(p, filename)
if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
return open(fullpath, 'rb')
if p:
fullpath = os.path.join(p, filename)
fullpath = filename
return file_open(fullpath)
except IOError:
raise IOError("File %s cannot be found in image path" % filename)
class NumberedCanvas(canvas.Canvas):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
canvas.Canvas.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._codes = []
self._currentPage =0
def showPage(self):
self._currentPage +=1
if not self._flag:
self._pageCount += 1
self._codes.append({'code': self._code, 'stack': self._codeStack})
def pageCount(self):
if self.pages.get(self._pageCounter,False):
self._pageCounter +=1
if not self.pages.get(key,False):
while not self.pages.get(key,False):
key += 1
self.setFont("Helvetica", 8)
self.drawRightString((self._pagesize[0]-30), (self._pagesize[1]-40),
" %(this)i / %(total)i" % {
'this': self._pageNumber+1,
'total': self.pages.get(key,False),
def save(self):
"""add page info to each page (page x of y)"""
# reset page counter
self._pageNumber = 0
for code in self._codes:
self._code = code['code']
self._codeStack = code['stack']
# self.restoreState()
self._doc.SaveToFile(self._filename, self)
class PageCount(platypus.Flowable):
def __init__(self, story_count=0):
self.story_count = story_count
def draw(self):
self.canv.beginForm("pageCount%d" % self.story_count)
self.canv.setFont("Helvetica", utils.unit_get(str(8)))
self.canv.drawString(0, 0, str(self.canv.getPageNumber()))
class PageReset(platypus.Flowable):
def draw(self):
self.canv._doPageReset = True
class _rml_styles(object,):
def __init__(self, nodes, localcontext):
self.localcontext = localcontext
self.styles = {}
self.styles_obj = {}
self.names = {}
self.table_styles = {}
self.default_style = reportlab.lib.styles.getSampleStyleSheet()
for node in nodes:
for style in node.findall('blockTableStyle'):
self.table_styles[style.get('id')] = self._table_style_get(style)
for style in node.findall('paraStyle'):
sname = style.get('name')
self.styles[sname] = self._para_style_update(style)
if self.default_style.has_key(sname):
for key, value in self.styles[sname].items():
setattr(self.default_style[sname], key, value)
self.styles_obj[sname] = reportlab.lib.styles.ParagraphStyle(sname, self.default_style["Normal"], **self.styles[sname])
for variable in node.findall('initialize'):
for name in variable.findall('name'):
self.names[ name.get('id')] = name.get('value')
def _para_style_update(self, node):
data = {}
for attr in ['textColor', 'backColor', 'bulletColor', 'borderColor']:
if node.get(attr):
data[attr] = color.get(node.get(attr))
for attr in ['bulletFontName', 'fontName']:
if node.get(attr):
fontname= select_fontname(node.get(attr), None)
if fontname is not None:
data['fontName'] = fontname
for attr in ['bulletText']:
if node.get(attr):
data[attr] = node.get(attr)
for attr in ['fontSize', 'leftIndent', 'rightIndent', 'spaceBefore', 'spaceAfter',
'firstLineIndent', 'bulletIndent', 'bulletFontSize', 'leading',
if node.get(attr):
data[attr] = utils.unit_get(node.get(attr))
if node.get('alignment'):
align = {
data['alignment'] = align.get(node.get('alignment').lower(), reportlab.lib.enums.TA_LEFT)
return data
def _table_style_get(self, style_node):
styles = []
for node in style_node:
start = utils.tuple_int_get(node, 'start', (0,0) )
stop = utils.tuple_int_get(node, 'stop', (-1,-1) )
if node.tag=='blockValign':
styles.append(('VALIGN', start, stop, str(node.get('value'))))
elif node.tag=='blockFont':
styles.append(('FONT', start, stop, str(node.get('name'))))
elif node.tag=='blockTextColor':
styles.append(('TEXTCOLOR', start, stop, color.get(str(node.get('colorName')))))
elif node.tag=='blockLeading':
styles.append(('LEADING', start, stop, utils.unit_get(node.get('length'))))
elif node.tag=='blockAlignment':
styles.append(('ALIGNMENT', start, stop, str(node.get('value'))))
elif node.tag=='blockSpan':
styles.append(('SPAN', start, stop))
elif node.tag=='blockLeftPadding':
styles.append(('LEFTPADDING', start, stop, utils.unit_get(node.get('length'))))
elif node.tag=='blockRightPadding':
styles.append(('RIGHTPADDING', start, stop, utils.unit_get(node.get('length'))))
elif node.tag=='blockTopPadding':
styles.append(('TOPPADDING', start, stop, utils.unit_get(node.get('length'))))
elif node.tag=='blockBottomPadding':
styles.append(('BOTTOMPADDING', start, stop, utils.unit_get(node.get('length'))))
elif node.tag=='blockBackground':
styles.append(('BACKGROUND', start, stop, color.get(node.get('colorName'))))
if node.get('size'):
styles.append(('FONTSIZE', start, stop, utils.unit_get(node.get('size'))))
elif node.tag=='lineStyle':
kind = node.get('kind')
assert kind in kind_list
thick = 1
if node.get('thickness'):
thick = float(node.get('thickness'))
styles.append((kind, start, stop, thick, color.get(node.get('colorName'))))
return platypus.tables.TableStyle(styles)
def para_style_get(self, node):
style = False
sname = node.get('style')
if sname:
if sname in self.styles_obj:
style = self.styles_obj[sname]
_logger.debug('Warning: style not found, %s - setting default!', node.get('style'))
if not style:
style = self.default_style['Normal']
para_update = self._para_style_update(node)
if para_update:
# update style only is necessary
style = copy.deepcopy(style)
return style
class _rml_doc(object):
def __init__(self, node, localcontext=None, images=None, path='.', title=None):
if images is None:
images = {}
if localcontext is None:
localcontext = {}
self.localcontext = localcontext
self.etree = node
self.filename = self.etree.get('filename')
self.images = images
self.path = path
self.title = title
def docinit(self, els):
from reportlab.lib.fonts import addMapping
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
for node in els:
for font in node.findall('registerFont'):
name = font.get('fontName').encode('ascii')
fname = font.get('fontFile').encode('ascii')
if name not in pdfmetrics._fonts:
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont(name, fname))
#by default, we map the fontName to each style (bold, italic, bold and italic), so that
#if there isn't any font defined for one of these style (via a font family), the system
#will fallback on the normal font.
addMapping(name, 0, 0, name) #normal
addMapping(name, 0, 1, name) #italic
addMapping(name, 1, 0, name) #bold
addMapping(name, 1, 1, name) #italic and bold
#if registerFontFamily is defined, we register the mapping of the fontName to use for each style.
for font_family in node.findall('registerFontFamily'):
family_name = font_family.get('normal').encode('ascii')
if font_family.get('italic'):
addMapping(family_name, 0, 1, font_family.get('italic').encode('ascii'))
if font_family.get('bold'):
addMapping(family_name, 1, 0, font_family.get('bold').encode('ascii'))
if font_family.get('boldItalic'):
addMapping(family_name, 1, 1, font_family.get('boldItalic').encode('ascii'))
def setTTFontMapping(self,face, fontname, filename, mode='all'):
from reportlab.lib.fonts import addMapping
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
if fontname not in pdfmetrics._fonts:
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont(fontname, filename))
if mode == 'all':
addMapping(face, 0, 0, fontname) #normal
addMapping(face, 0, 1, fontname) #italic
addMapping(face, 1, 0, fontname) #bold
addMapping(face, 1, 1, fontname) #italic and bold
[MERGE] [FIX] res_font: make it works in multiworker environment res_font model gains family, path and mode field Basic fonts embedded in pdf (Helvetica, Times and Courier) are data Fix reports using font names to be valid (eg: DejaVu Sans Bold -> DejaVuSans-Bold) default_get of res_company does not scan the filesystem anymore family field is new name_get font for res_font (more user friendly) Domain on displayed font to only 'normal ones' (not bold or italic) Handle fonts in 'book' mode as normal in setTTFontMapping Relax constraint on res_font to unique family and name ('name' was actually family before) font_scan is called on 'reload fonts' action button and for each report rendering font_scan is lazy when loaded from report and scanning the filesystem only if no font recorded in filesystem '/dev/null' in font path is used to add fonts in the list but not loaded by reportlab Scanning the filesystem triggers clear_caches clear_cache resets the list of found fonts to empty list to make font_scan call to reload the full list (when redering a report on any worker, will always get the updated font list after a scan) Add access rights for fonts (read everybody, create admin, call font_scan as superuser in report rendering) Remove font hack with BaseCustomTTFonts, rely fully on the system fonts Use glob instead of listdir (needed for path like '/usr/share/fonts/TTF/*') Make warning message from reportlab more self-explaining. Also make the runbot green (which is nice) bzr revid: mat@openerp.com-20131209171338-o796pldia9da3kt2
2013-12-09 17:13:38 +00:00
elif (mode== 'normal') or (mode == 'regular') or (mode == 'book'):
addMapping(face, 0, 0, fontname) #normal
elif mode == 'italic':
addMapping(face, 0, 1, fontname) #italic
elif mode == 'bold':
addMapping(face, 1, 0, fontname) #bold
elif mode == 'bolditalic':
addMapping(face, 1, 1, fontname) #italic and bold
def _textual_image(self, node):
rc = ''
for n in node:
rc +=( etree.tostring(n) or '') + n.tail
return base64.decodestring(node.tostring())
def _images(self, el):
result = {}
for node in el.findall('.//image'):
rc =( node.text or '')
result[node.get('name')] = base64.decodestring(rc)
return result
def render(self, out):
el = self.etree.findall('.//docinit')
if el:
el = self.etree.findall('.//stylesheet')
self.styles = _rml_styles(el,self.localcontext)
el = self.etree.findall('.//images')
if el:
self.images.update( self._images(el[0]) )
el = self.etree.findall('.//template')
if len(el):
pt_obj = _rml_template(self.localcontext, out, el[0], self, images=self.images, path=self.path, title=self.title)
el = utils._child_get(self.etree, self, 'story')
self.canvas = canvas.Canvas(out)
pd = self.etree.find('pageDrawing')[0]
pd_obj = _rml_canvas(self.canvas, self.localcontext, None, self, self.images, path=self.path, title=self.title)
class _rml_canvas(object):
def __init__(self, canvas, localcontext, doc_tmpl=None, doc=None, images=None, path='.', title=None):
if images is None:
images = {}
self.localcontext = localcontext
self.canvas = canvas
self.styles = doc.styles
self.doc_tmpl = doc_tmpl
self.doc = doc
self.images = images
self.path = path
self.title = title
if self.title:
def _textual(self, node, x=0, y=0):
text = node.text and node.text.encode('utf-8') or ''
rc = utils._process_text(self, text)
for n in node:
if n.tag == 'seq':
from reportlab.lib.sequencer import getSequencer
seq = getSequencer()
rc += str(seq.next(n.get('id')))
if n.tag == 'pageCount':
if x or y:
self.canvas.doForm('pageCount%s' % (self.canvas._storyCount,))
if x or y:
if n.tag == 'pageNumber':
rc += str(self.canvas.getPageNumber())
rc += utils._process_text(self, n.tail)
return rc.replace('\n','')
def _drawString(self, node):
v = utils.attr_get(node, ['x','y'])
text=self._textual(node, **v)
text = utils.xml2str(text)
self.canvas.drawString(text=text, **v)
def _drawCenteredString(self, node):
v = utils.attr_get(node, ['x','y'])
text=self._textual(node, **v)
text = utils.xml2str(text)
self.canvas.drawCentredString(text=text, **v)
def _drawRightString(self, node):
v = utils.attr_get(node, ['x','y'])
text=self._textual(node, **v)
text = utils.xml2str(text)
self.canvas.drawRightString(text=text, **v)
def _rect(self, node):
if node.get('round'):
self.canvas.roundRect(radius=utils.unit_get(node.get('round')), **utils.attr_get(node, ['x','y','width','height'], {'fill':'bool','stroke':'bool'}))
self.canvas.rect(**utils.attr_get(node, ['x','y','width','height'], {'fill':'bool','stroke':'bool'}))
def _ellipse(self, node):
x1 = utils.unit_get(node.get('x'))
x2 = utils.unit_get(node.get('width'))
y1 = utils.unit_get(node.get('y'))
y2 = utils.unit_get(node.get('height'))
self.canvas.ellipse(x1,y1,x2,y2, **utils.attr_get(node, [], {'fill':'bool','stroke':'bool'}))
def _curves(self, node):
line_str = node.text.split()
lines = []
while len(line_str)>7:
self.canvas.bezier(*[utils.unit_get(l) for l in line_str[0:8]])
line_str = line_str[8:]
def _lines(self, node):
line_str = node.text.split()
lines = []
while len(line_str)>3:
lines.append([utils.unit_get(l) for l in line_str[0:4]])
line_str = line_str[4:]
def _grid(self, node):
xlist = [utils.unit_get(s) for s in node.get('xs').split(',')]
ylist = [utils.unit_get(s) for s in node.get('ys').split(',')]
self.canvas.grid(xlist, ylist)
def _translate(self, node):
dx = utils.unit_get(node.get('dx')) or 0
dy = utils.unit_get(node.get('dy')) or 0
def _circle(self, node):
self.canvas.circle(x_cen=utils.unit_get(node.get('x')), y_cen=utils.unit_get(node.get('y')), r=utils.unit_get(node.get('radius')), **utils.attr_get(node, [], {'fill':'bool','stroke':'bool'}))
def _place(self, node):
flows = _rml_flowable(self.doc, self.localcontext, images=self.images, path=self.path, title=self.title, canvas=self.canvas).render(node)
infos = utils.attr_get(node, ['x','y','width','height'])
for flow in flows:
w,h = flow.wrap(infos['width'], infos['height'])
if w<=infos['width'] and h<=infos['height']:
raise ValueError("Not enough space")
def _line_mode(self, node):
ljoin = {'round':1, 'mitered':0, 'bevelled':2}
lcap = {'default':0, 'round':1, 'square':2}
if node.get('width'):
if node.get('join'):
if node.get('cap'):
if node.get('miterLimit'):
if node.get('dash'):
dashes = node.get('dash').split(',')
for x in range(len(dashes)):
def _image(self, node):
import urllib
import urlparse
from reportlab.lib.utils import ImageReader
nfile = node.get('file')
if not nfile:
if node.get('name'):
image_data = self.images[node.get('name')]
_logger.debug("Image %s used", node.get('name'))
s = StringIO(image_data)
newtext = node.text
if self.localcontext:
res = utils._regex.findall(newtext)
for key in res:
newtext = eval(key, {}, self.localcontext) or ''
image_data = None
if newtext:
image_data = base64.decodestring(newtext)
if image_data:
s = StringIO(image_data)
_logger.debug("No image data!")
return False
if nfile in self.images:
s = StringIO(self.images[nfile])
up = urlparse.urlparse(str(nfile))
except ValueError:
up = False
if up and up.scheme:
# RFC: do we really want to open external URLs?
# Are we safe from cross-site scripting or attacks?
_logger.debug("Retrieve image from %s", nfile)
u = urllib.urlopen(str(nfile))
s = StringIO(u.read())
_logger.debug("Open image file %s ", nfile)
s = _open_image(nfile, path=self.path)
img = ImageReader(s)
(sx,sy) = img.getSize()
_logger.debug("Image is %dx%d", sx, sy)
args = { 'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'mask': 'auto'}
for tag in ('width','height','x','y'):
if node.get(tag):
args[tag] = utils.unit_get(node.get(tag))
if ('width' in args) and (not 'height' in args):
args['height'] = sy * args['width'] / sx
elif ('height' in args) and (not 'width' in args):
args['width'] = sx * args['height'] / sy
elif ('width' in args) and ('height' in args):
if (float(args['width'])/args['height'])>(float(sx)>sy):
args['width'] = sx * args['height'] / sy
args['height'] = sy * args['width'] / sx
self.canvas.drawImage(img, **args)
# self.canvas._doc.SaveToFile(self.canvas._filename, self.canvas)
def _path(self, node):
self.path = self.canvas.beginPath()
self.path.moveTo(**utils.attr_get(node, ['x','y']))
for n in utils._child_get(node, self):
if not n.text :
if n.tag=='moveto':
vals = utils.text_get(n).split()
self.path.moveTo(utils.unit_get(vals[0]), utils.unit_get(vals[1]))
elif n.tag=='curvesto':
vals = utils.text_get(n).split()
while len(vals)>5:
while len(pos)<6:
elif n.text:
data = n.text.split() # Not sure if I must merge all TEXT_NODE ?
while len(data)>1:
x = utils.unit_get(data.pop(0))
y = utils.unit_get(data.pop(0))
if (not node.get('close')) or utils.bool_get(node.get('close')):
self.canvas.drawPath(self.path, **utils.attr_get(node, [], {'fill':'bool','stroke':'bool'}))
def setFont(self, node):
fontname = select_fontname(node.get('name'), self.canvas._fontname)
return self.canvas.setFont(fontname, utils.unit_get(node.get('size')))
def render(self, node):
tags = {
'drawCentredString': self._drawCenteredString,
'drawRightString': self._drawRightString,
'drawString': self._drawString,
'rect': self._rect,
'ellipse': self._ellipse,
'lines': self._lines,
'grid': self._grid,
'curves': self._curves,
'fill': lambda node: self.canvas.setFillColor(color.get(node.get('color'))),
'stroke': lambda node: self.canvas.setStrokeColor(color.get(node.get('color'))),
'setFont': self.setFont ,
'place': self._place,
'circle': self._circle,
'lineMode': self._line_mode,
'path': self._path,
'rotate': lambda node: self.canvas.rotate(float(node.get('degrees'))),
'translate': self._translate,
'image': self._image
for n in utils._child_get(node, self):
if n.tag in tags:
class _rml_draw(object):
def __init__(self, localcontext, node, styles, images=None, path='.', title=None):
if images is None:
images = {}
self.localcontext = localcontext
self.node = node
self.styles = styles
self.canvas = None
self.images = images
self.path = path
self.canvas_title = title
def render(self, canvas, doc):
cnv = _rml_canvas(canvas, self.localcontext, doc, self.styles, images=self.images, path=self.path, title=self.canvas_title)
class _rml_Illustration(platypus.flowables.Flowable):
def __init__(self, node, localcontext, styles, self2):
self.localcontext = (localcontext or {}).copy()
self.node = node
self.styles = styles
self.width = utils.unit_get(node.get('width'))
self.height = utils.unit_get(node.get('height'))
self.self2 = self2
def wrap(self, *args):
return self.width, self.height
def draw(self):
drw = _rml_draw(self.localcontext ,self.node,self.styles, images=self.self2.images, path=self.self2.path, title=self.self2.title)
drw.render(self.canv, None)
# Workaround for issue #15: https://bitbucket.org/rptlab/reportlab/issue/15/infinite-pages-produced-when-splitting
original_pto_split = platypus.flowables.PTOContainer.split
def split(self, availWidth, availHeight):
res = original_pto_split(self, availWidth, availHeight)
if len(res) > 2 and len(self._content) > 0:
header = self._content[0]._ptoinfo.header
trailer = self._content[0]._ptoinfo.trailer
if isinstance(res[-2], platypus.flowables.UseUpSpace) and len(header + trailer) == len(res[:-2]):
return []
return res
platypus.flowables.PTOContainer.split = split
class _rml_flowable(object):
def __init__(self, doc, localcontext, images=None, path='.', title=None, canvas=None):
if images is None:
images = {}
self.localcontext = localcontext
self.doc = doc
self.styles = doc.styles
self.images = images
self.path = path
self.title = title
self.canvas = canvas
def _textual(self, node):
rc1 = utils._process_text(self, node.text or '')
for n in utils._child_get(node,self):
txt_n = copy.deepcopy(n)
for key in txt_n.attrib.keys():
if key in ('rml_except', 'rml_loop', 'rml_tag'):
del txt_n.attrib[key]
if not n.tag == 'bullet':
if n.tag == 'pageNumber':
txt_n.text = self.canvas and str(self.canvas.getPageNumber()) or ''
txt_n.text = utils.xml2str(self._textual(n))
txt_n.tail = n.tail and utils.xml2str(utils._process_text(self, n.tail.replace('\n',''))) or ''
rc1 += etree.tostring(txt_n)
return rc1
def _table(self, node):
children = utils._child_get(node,self,'tr')
if not children:
return None
length = 0
colwidths = None
rowheights = None
data = []
styles = []
posy = 0
for tr in children:
paraStyle = None
if tr.get('style'):
st = copy.deepcopy(self.styles.table_styles[tr.get('style')])
for si in range(len(st._cmds)):
s = list(st._cmds[si])
s[1] = (s[1][0],posy)
s[2] = (s[2][0],posy)
st._cmds[si] = tuple(s)
if tr.get('paraStyle'):
paraStyle = self.styles.styles[tr.get('paraStyle')]
data2 = []
posx = 0
for td in utils._child_get(tr, self,'td'):
if td.get('style'):
st = copy.deepcopy(self.styles.table_styles[td.get('style')])
for s in st._cmds:
s[1][1] = posy
s[2][1] = posy
s[1][0] = posx
s[2][0] = posx
if td.get('paraStyle'):
# TODO: merge styles
paraStyle = self.styles.styles[td.get('paraStyle')]
posx += 1
flow = []
for n in utils._child_get(td, self):
if n.tag == etree.Comment:
n.text = ''
fl = self._flowable(n, extra_style=paraStyle)
if isinstance(fl,list):
flow += fl
flow.append( fl )
if not len(flow):
flow = self._textual(td)
data2.append( flow )
if len(data2)>length:
for ab in data:
while len(ab)<length:
while len(data2)<length:
data.append( data2 )
posy += 1
if node.get('colWidths'):
assert length == len(node.get('colWidths').split(','))
colwidths = [utils.unit_get(f.strip()) for f in node.get('colWidths').split(',')]
if node.get('rowHeights'):
rowheights = [utils.unit_get(f.strip()) for f in node.get('rowHeights').split(',')]
if len(rowheights) == 1:
rowheights = rowheights[0]
table = platypus.LongTable(data = data, colWidths=colwidths, rowHeights=rowheights, **(utils.attr_get(node, ['splitByRow'] ,{'repeatRows':'int','repeatCols':'int'})))
if node.get('style'):
for s in styles:
return table
def _illustration(self, node):
return _rml_Illustration(node, self.localcontext, self.styles, self)
def _textual_image(self, node):
return base64.decodestring(node.text)
def _pto(self, node):
sub_story = []
pto_header = None
pto_trailer = None
for node in utils._child_get(node, self):
if node.tag == etree.Comment:
node.text = ''
elif node.tag=='pto_header':
pto_header = self.render(node)
elif node.tag=='pto_trailer':
pto_trailer = self.render(node)
flow = self._flowable(node)
if flow:
if isinstance(flow,list):
sub_story = sub_story + flow
return platypus.flowables.PTOContainer(sub_story, trailer=pto_trailer, header=pto_header)
def _flowable(self, node, extra_style=None):
if node.tag=='pto':
return self._pto(node)
if node.tag=='para':
style = self.styles.para_style_get(node)
if extra_style:
result = []
for i in self._textual(node).split('\n'):
result.append(platypus.Paragraph(i, style, **(utils.attr_get(node, [], {'bulletText':'str'}))))
return result
elif node.tag=='barCode':
from reportlab.graphics.barcode import code128
from reportlab.graphics.barcode import code39
from reportlab.graphics.barcode import code93
from reportlab.graphics.barcode import common
from reportlab.graphics.barcode import fourstate
from reportlab.graphics.barcode import usps
from reportlab.graphics.barcode import createBarcodeDrawing
except ImportError:
_logger.warning("Cannot use barcode renderers:", exc_info=True)
return None
args = utils.attr_get(node, [], {'ratio':'float','xdim':'unit','height':'unit','checksum':'int','quiet':'int','width':'unit','stop':'bool','bearers':'int','barWidth':'float','barHeight':'float'})
codes = {
'codabar': lambda x: common.Codabar(x, **args),
'code11': lambda x: common.Code11(x, **args),
'code128': lambda x: code128.Code128(str(x), **args),
'standard39': lambda x: code39.Standard39(str(x), **args),
'standard93': lambda x: code93.Standard93(str(x), **args),
'i2of5': lambda x: common.I2of5(x, **args),
'extended39': lambda x: code39.Extended39(str(x), **args),
'extended93': lambda x: code93.Extended93(str(x), **args),
'msi': lambda x: common.MSI(x, **args),
'fim': lambda x: usps.FIM(x, **args),
'postnet': lambda x: usps.POSTNET(x, **args),
'ean13': lambda x: createBarcodeDrawing('EAN13', value=str(x), **args),
'qrcode': lambda x: createBarcodeDrawing('QR', value=x, **args),
code = 'code128'
if node.get('code'):
code = node.get('code').lower()
return codes[code](self._textual(node))
elif node.tag=='name':
self.styles.names[ node.get('id')] = node.get('value')
return None
elif node.tag=='xpre':
style = self.styles.para_style_get(node)
return platypus.XPreformatted(self._textual(node), style, **(utils.attr_get(node, [], {'bulletText':'str','dedent':'int','frags':'int'})))
elif node.tag=='pre':
style = self.styles.para_style_get(node)
return platypus.Preformatted(self._textual(node), style, **(utils.attr_get(node, [], {'bulletText':'str','dedent':'int'})))
elif node.tag=='illustration':
return self._illustration(node)
elif node.tag=='blockTable':
return self._table(node)
elif node.tag=='title':
styles = reportlab.lib.styles.getSampleStyleSheet()
style = styles['Title']
return platypus.Paragraph(self._textual(node), style, **(utils.attr_get(node, [], {'bulletText':'str'})))
elif re.match('^h([1-9]+[0-9]*)$', (node.tag or '')):
styles = reportlab.lib.styles.getSampleStyleSheet()
style = styles['Heading'+str(node.tag[1:])]
return platypus.Paragraph(self._textual(node), style, **(utils.attr_get(node, [], {'bulletText':'str'})))
elif node.tag=='image':
image_data = False
if not node.get('file'):
if node.get('name'):
if node.get('name') in self.doc.images:
_logger.debug("Image %s read ", node.get('name'))
image_data = self.doc.images[node.get('name')].read()
_logger.warning("Image %s not defined", node.get('name'))
return False
import base64
newtext = node.text
if self.localcontext:
newtext = utils._process_text(self, node.text or '')
image_data = base64.decodestring(newtext)
if not image_data:
_logger.debug("No inline image data")
return False
image = StringIO(image_data)
_logger.debug("Image get from file %s", node.get('file'))
image = _open_image(node.get('file'), path=self.doc.path)
return platypus.Image(image, mask=(250,255,250,255,250,255), **(utils.attr_get(node, ['width','height'])))
elif node.tag=='spacer':
if node.get('width'):
width = utils.unit_get(node.get('width'))
width = utils.unit_get('1cm')
length = utils.unit_get(node.get('length'))
return platypus.Spacer(width=width, height=length)
elif node.tag=='section':
return self.render(node)
elif node.tag == 'pageNumberReset':
return PageReset()
elif node.tag in ('pageBreak', 'nextPage'):
return platypus.PageBreak()
elif node.tag=='condPageBreak':
return platypus.CondPageBreak(**(utils.attr_get(node, ['height'])))
elif node.tag=='setNextTemplate':
return platypus.NextPageTemplate(str(node.get('name')))
elif node.tag=='nextFrame':
return platypus.CondPageBreak(1000) # TODO: change the 1000 !
elif node.tag == 'setNextFrame':
from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import NextFrameFlowable
return NextFrameFlowable(str(node.get('name')))
elif node.tag == 'currentFrame':
from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import CurrentFrameFlowable
return CurrentFrameFlowable(str(node.get('name')))
elif node.tag == 'frameEnd':
return EndFrameFlowable()
elif node.tag == 'hr':
width_hr=node.get('width') or '100%'
color_hr=node.get('color') or 'black'
thickness_hr=node.get('thickness') or 1
lineCap_hr=node.get('lineCap') or 'round'
return platypus.flowables.HRFlowable(width=width_hr,color=color.get(color_hr),thickness=float(thickness_hr),lineCap=str(lineCap_hr))
sys.stderr.write('Warning: flowable not yet implemented: %s !\n' % (node.tag,))
return None
def render(self, node_story):
def process_story(node_story):
sub_story = []
for node in utils._child_get(node_story, self):
if node.tag == etree.Comment:
node.text = ''
flow = self._flowable(node)
if flow:
if isinstance(flow,list):
sub_story = sub_story + flow
return sub_story
return process_story(node_story)
class EndFrameFlowable(ActionFlowable):
def __init__(self,resume=0):
class TinyDocTemplate(platypus.BaseDocTemplate):
def beforeDocument(self):
# Store some useful value directly inside canvas, so it's available
# on flowable drawing (needed for proper PageCount handling)
self.canv._doPageReset = False
self.canv._storyCount = 0
def ___handle_pageBegin(self):
self.page += 1
for f in self.pageTemplate.frames: f._reset()
self._curPageFlowableCount = 0
if hasattr(self,'_nextFrameIndex'):
del self._nextFrameIndex
for f in self.pageTemplate.frames:
if f.id == 'first':
self.frame = f
def afterPage(self):
if self.canv._doPageReset:
# Following a <pageReset/> tag:
# - we reset page number to 0
# - we add an new PageCount flowable (relative to the current
# story number), but not for NumeredCanvas at is handle page
# count itself)
# NOTE: _rml_template render() method add a PageReset flowable at end
# of each story, so we're sure to pass here at least once per story.
if not isinstance(self.canv, NumberedCanvas):
self.handle_flowable([ PageCount(story_count=self.canv._storyCount) ])
self.canv._pageCount = self.page
self.page = 0
self.canv._flag = True
self.canv._pageNumber = 0
self.canv._doPageReset = False
self.canv._storyCount += 1
class _rml_template(object):
def __init__(self, localcontext, out, node, doc, images=None, path='.', title=None):
if images is None:
images = {}
if not localcontext:
self.localcontext = localcontext
self.images= images
self.path = path
self.title = title
pagesize_map = {'a4': A4,
'us_letter': letter
pageSize = A4
if self.localcontext.get('company'):
pageSize = pagesize_map.get(self.localcontext.get('company').rml_paper_format, A4)
if node.get('pageSize'):
ps = map(lambda x:x.strip(), node.get('pageSize').replace(')', '').replace('(', '').split(','))
pageSize = ( utils.unit_get(ps[0]),utils.unit_get(ps[1]) )
self.doc_tmpl = TinyDocTemplate(out, pagesize=pageSize, **utils.attr_get(node, ['leftMargin','rightMargin','topMargin','bottomMargin'], {'allowSplitting':'int','showBoundary':'bool','rotation':'int','title':'str','author':'str'}))
self.page_templates = []
self.styles = doc.styles
self.doc = doc
pts = node.findall('pageTemplate')
for pt in pts:
frames = []
for frame_el in pt.findall('frame'):
frame = platypus.Frame( **(utils.attr_get(frame_el, ['x1','y1', 'width','height', 'leftPadding', 'rightPadding', 'bottomPadding', 'topPadding'], {'id':'str', 'showBoundary':'bool'})) )
if utils.attr_get(frame_el, ['last']):
frame.lastFrame = True
frames.append( frame )
try :
gr = pt.findall('pageGraphics')\
or pt[1].findall('pageGraphics')
except Exception: # FIXME: be even more specific, perhaps?
if len(gr):
# self.image=[ n for n in utils._child_get(gr[0], self) if n.tag=='image' or not self.localcontext]
drw = _rml_draw(self.localcontext,gr[0], self.doc, images=images, path=self.path, title=self.title)
self.page_templates.append( platypus.PageTemplate(frames=frames, onPage=drw.render, **utils.attr_get(pt, [], {'id':'str'}) ))
drw = _rml_draw(self.localcontext,node,self.doc,title=self.title)
self.page_templates.append( platypus.PageTemplate(frames=frames,onPage=drw.render, **utils.attr_get(pt, [], {'id':'str'}) ))
def render(self, node_stories):
if self.localcontext and not self.localcontext.get('internal_header',False):
del self.localcontext['internal_header']
fis = []
r = _rml_flowable(self.doc,self.localcontext, images=self.images, path=self.path, title=self.title, canvas=None)
story_cnt = 0
for node_story in node_stories:
if story_cnt > 0:
fis += r.render(node_story)
# Reset Page Number with new story tag
story_cnt += 1
if self.localcontext and self.localcontext.get('internal_header',False):
except platypus.doctemplate.LayoutError, e:
e.name = 'Print Error'
e.value = 'The document you are trying to print contains a table row that does not fit on one page. Please try to split it in smaller rows or contact your administrator.'
def parseNode(rml, localcontext=None, fout=None, images=None, path='.', title=None):
node = etree.XML(rml)
r = _rml_doc(node, localcontext, images, path, title=title)
#try to override some font mappings
from customfonts import SetCustomFonts
except ImportError:
# means there is no custom fonts mapping in this system.
except Exception:
_logger.warning('Cannot set font mapping', exc_info=True)
fp = StringIO()
return fp.getvalue()
def parseString(rml, localcontext=None, fout=None, images=None, path='.', title=None):
node = etree.XML(rml)
r = _rml_doc(node, localcontext, images, path, title=title)
#try to override some font mappings
from customfonts import SetCustomFonts
except Exception:
if fout:
fp = file(fout,'wb')
return fout
fp = StringIO()
return fp.getvalue()
def trml2pdf_help():
print 'Usage: trml2pdf input.rml >output.pdf'
print 'Render the standard input (RML) and output a PDF file'
if __name__=="__main__":
if len(sys.argv)>1:
if sys.argv[1]=='--help':
print parseString(file(sys.argv[1], 'r').read()),
print 'Usage: trml2pdf input.rml >output.pdf'
print 'Try \'trml2pdf --help\' for more information.'
# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: