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function openerp_pos_models(instance, module){ //module is instance.point_of_sale
var QWeb = instance.web.qweb;
module.LocalStorageDAO = instance.web.Class.extend({
add_operation: function(operation) {
var self = this;
return $.async_when().pipe(function() {
var tmp = self._get('oe_pos_operations', []);
var last_id = self._get('oe_pos_operations_sequence', 1);
tmp.push({'id': last_id, 'data': operation});
self._set('oe_pos_operations', tmp);
self._set('oe_pos_operations_sequence', last_id + 1);
remove_operation: function(id) {
var self = this;
return $.async_when().pipe(function() {
var tmp = self._get('oe_pos_operations', []);
tmp = _.filter(tmp, function(el) {
return el.id !== id;
self._set('oe_pos_operations', tmp);
get_operations: function() {
var self = this;
return $.async_when().pipe(function() {
return self._get('oe_pos_operations', []);
_get: function(key, default_) {
var txt = localStorage['oe_pos_dao_'+key];
if (! txt)
return default_;
return JSON.parse(txt);
_set: function(key, value) {
localStorage['oe_pos_dao_'+key] = JSON.stringify(value);
reset_stored_data: function(){
for(key in localStorage){
if(key.indexOf('oe_pos_dao_') === 0){
delete localStorage[key];
var fetch = function(osvModel, fields, domain){
var dataSetSearch = new instance.web.DataSetSearch(null, osvModel, {}, domain);
return dataSetSearch.read_slice(fields, 0);
// The PosModel contains the Point Of Sale's representation of the backend.
// Since the PoS must work in standalone ( Without connection to the server )
// it must contains a representation of the server's PoS backend.
// (taxes, product list, configuration options, etc.) this representation
// is fetched and stored by the PosModel at the initialisation.
// this is done asynchronously, a ready deferred alows the GUI to wait interactively
// for the loading to be completed
// There is a single instance of the PosModel for each Front-End instance, it is usually called
// 'pos' and is available to almost all widgets.
module.PosModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function(session, attributes) {
Backbone.Model.prototype.initialize.call(this, attributes);
var self = this;
this.dao = new module.LocalStorageDAO(); // used to store the order's data on the Hard Drive
this.ready = $.Deferred(); // used to notify the GUI that the PosModel has loaded all resources
this.flush_mutex = new $.Mutex(); // used to make sure the orders are sent to the server once at time
//this.build_tree = _.bind(this.build_tree, this); // ???
this.session = session;
this.categories = {};
this.root_category = null;
this.weightable_categories = []; // a flat list of all categories that directly contain weightable products
this.barcode_reader = new module.BarcodeReader({'pos': this}); // used to read barcodes
this.proxy = new module.ProxyDevice(); // used to communicate to the hardware devices via a local proxy
// pos settings
this.use_scale = false;
this.use_proxy_printer = false;
this.use_virtual_keyboard = false;
this.use_websql = false;
this.use_barcode_scanner = false;
// default attributes values. If null, it will be loaded below.
'nbr_pending_operations': 0,
'currency': {symbol: '$', position: 'after'},
'shop': null,
'company': null,
'user': null,
'orders': new module.OrderCollection(),
//this is the product list as seen by the product list widgets, it will change based on the category filters
'products': new module.ProductCollection(),
'cashRegisters': null,
'product_list': null, // the list of all products.
'bank_statements': null,
'taxes': null,
'pos_session': null,
'pos_config': null,
'categories': null,
'selectedOrder': undefined,
this.get('orders').bind('remove', _.bind( this.on_removed_order, this ) );
// We fetch the backend data on the server asynchronously
var cat_def = fetch('pos.category', ['id','name', 'parent_id', 'child_id', 'to_weight'])
return self.set({'categories': result});
var prod_def = fetch(
['name', 'list_price', 'pos_categ_id', 'taxes_id','product_image_small', 'ean13', 'to_weight'],
[['pos_categ_id','!=', false]]
self.set({'product_list': result});
// associate the products with their categories
var prod_process_def = $.when(cat_def, prod_def)
var product_list = self.get('product_list');
var categories = self.get('categories');
var cat_by_id = {};
for(var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++){
cat_by_id[categories[i].id] = categories[i];
//set the parent in the category
for(var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++){
categories[i].parent_category = cat_by_id[categories[i].parent_id[0]];
for(var i = 0; i < product_list.length; i++){
product_list[i].pos_category = cat_by_id[product_list[i].pos_categ_id[0]];
var tax_def = fetch('account.tax', ['amount','price_include','type'])
self.set({'taxes': result});
var session_def = fetch( // loading the PoS Session.
['id', 'journal_ids','name','user_id','config_id','start_at','stop_at'],
[['state', '=', 'opened'], ['user_id', '=', this.session.uid]]
).pipe(function(result) {
// some data are associated with the pos session, like the pos config and bank statements.
// we must have a valid session before we can read those.
var session_data_def = new $.Deferred();
if( result.length !== 0 ) {
var pos_session = result[0];
self.set({'pos_session': pos_session});
var pos_config_def = fetch(
'iface_self_checkout', 'iface_websql', 'iface_led', 'iface_cashdrawer',
'iface_payment_terminal', 'iface_electronic_scale', 'iface_barscan', 'iface_vkeyboard',
[['id','=', pos_session.config_id[0]]]
self.set({'pos_config': result[0]});
self.use_scale = result[0].iface_electronic_scale || false;
self.use_proxy_printer = result[0].iface_print_via_proxy || false;
self.use_virtual_keyboard = result[0].iface_vkeyboard || false;
self.use_websql = result[0].iface_websql || false;
self.use_barcode_scanner = result[0].iface_barscan || false;
self.use_selfcheckout = result[0].iface_self_checkout || false;
var bank_def = fetch(
[['state','=','open'],['pos_session_id', '=', pos_session.id]]
var journal_def = fetch(
// associate the bank statements with their journals.
var bank_process_def = $.when(bank_def, journal_def)
var bank_statements = self.get('bank_statements');
var journals = self.get('journals');
for(var i = 0, ilen = bank_statements.length; i < ilen; i++){
for(var j = 0, jlen = journals.length; j < jlen; j++){
if(bank_statements[i].journal_id[0] === journals[j].id){
bank_statements[i].journal = journals[j];
session_data_def = $.when(pos_config_def,bank_def,journal_def,bank_process_def);
return session_data_def;
// when all the data has loaded, we compute some stuff, and declare the Pos ready to be used.
$.when(cat_def, prod_def, session_def, tax_def, prod_process_def, this.get_app_data(), this.flush())
self.set({'cashRegisters' : new module.CashRegisterCollection(self.get('bank_statements'))});
//we failed to load some backend data, or the backend was badly configured.
//the error messages will be displayed in PosWidget
// logs the usefull posmodel data to the console for debug purposes
log_loaded_data: function(){
console.log('PosModel data has been loaded:');
console.log('PosModel: categories:',this.get('categories'));
console.log('PosModel: product_list:',this.get('product_list'));
console.log('PosModel: bank_statements:',this.get('bank_statements'));
console.log('PosModel: journals:',this.get('journals'));
console.log('PosModel: taxes:',this.get('taxes'));
console.log('PosModel: pos_session:',this.get('pos_session'));
console.log('PosModel: pos_config:',this.get('pos_config'));
console.log('PosModel: cashRegisters:',this.get('cashRegisters'));
console.log('PosModel: shop:',this.get('shop'));
console.log('PosModel: company:',this.get('company'));
console.log('PosModel: currency:',this.get('currency'));
console.log('PosModel end of data log.');
// this is called when an order is removed from the order collection. It ensures that there is always an existing
// order and a valid selected order
on_removed_order: function(removed_order){
if( this.get('orders').isEmpty()){
this.add_and_select_order(new module.Order({ pos: this }));
if( this.get('selectedOrder') === removed_order){
this.set({ selectedOrder: this.get('orders').last() });
// load some data from the server, used in initialize
get_app_data: function() {
var self = this;
return $.when(new instance.web.Model("sale.shop").get_func("search_read")([]).pipe(function(result) {
self.set({'shop': result[0]});
var company_id = result[0]['company_id'][0];
return new instance.web.Model("res.company").get_func("read")(company_id, ['currency_id', 'name', 'phone']).pipe(function(result) {
self.set({'company': result});
var currency_id = result['currency_id'][0]
return new instance.web.Model("res.currency").get_func("read")([currency_id],
['symbol', 'position']).pipe(function(result) {
self.set({'currency': result[0]});
}), new instance.web.Model("res.users").get_func("read")(this.session.uid, ['name']).pipe(function(result) {
self.set({'user': result});
push_order: function(record) {
var self = this;
return this.dao.add_operation(record).pipe(function(){
return self.flush();
add_and_select_order: function(newOrder) {
return this.set({
selectedOrder: newOrder
// attemps to send all pending orders ( stored in the DAO ) to the server.
// it will do it one by one, and remove the successfully sent ones from the DAO once
// it has been confirmed that they have been received.
flush: function() {
//this makes sure only one _int_flush is called at the same time
console.log('flush operations');
return this.flush_mutex.exec(_.bind(function() {
return this._int_flush();
}, this));
_int_flush : function() {
var self = this;
this.dao.get_operations().pipe(function(operations) {
// operations are really Orders that are converted to json.
// they are saved to disk and then we attempt to send them to the backend so that they can
// be applied.
// since the network is not reliable we potentially have many 'pending operations' that have not been sent.
self.set( {'nbr_pending_operations':operations.length} );
if(operations.length === 0){
return $.when();
var order = operations[0];
console.log('Pushing Order:',order);
// we prevent the default error handler and assume errors
// are a normal use case, except we stop the current iteration
return (new instance.web.Model('pos.order')).get_func('create_from_ui')([order])
.fail(function(unused, event){
// wtf ask niv
// success: remove the successfully sent operation, and try to send the next one
return self._int_flush();
}, function(){
// in case of error we just sit there and do nothing. wtf ask niv
return $.when();
// this adds several properties to the categories in order to make it easier to diplay them
// fields added include the list of product relevant to each category, list of child categories,
// list of ancestors, etc.
build_categories : function(){
var categories = this.get('categories');
var products = this.get('product_list');
//append the content of array2 into array1
function append(array1, array2){
for(var i = 0, len = array2.length; i < len; i++){
function appendSet(set1, set2){
for(key in set2){
set1[key] = set2[key];
var categories_by_id = {};
for(var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++){
categories_by_id[categories[i].id] = categories[i];
this.categories_by_id = categories_by_id;
var root_category = {
name : 'Root',
id : 0,
parent : null,
childrens : [],
// add parent and childrens field to categories, find root_categories
for(var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++){
var cat = categories[i];
cat.parent = categories_by_id[cat.parent_id[0]];
cat.parent = root_category;
cat.childrens = [];
for(var j = 0; j < cat.child_id.length; j++){
cat.childrens.push(categories_by_id[ cat.child_id[j] ]);
// set some default fields for next steps
for(var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++){
var cat = categories[i];
cat.product_list = []; //list of all products in the category
cat.product_set = {}; // [product.id] === true if product is in category
cat.weightable_product_list = [];
cat.weightable_product_set = {};
cat.weightable = false; //true if directly contains weightable products
this.root_category = root_category;
//we add the products to the categories.
for(var i = 0, len = products.length; i < len; i++){
var product = products[i];
var cat = categories_by_id[product.pos_categ_id[0]];
cat.product_set[product.id] = true;
cat.weightable_product_set[product.id] = true;
cat.weightable = true;
// we build a flat list of all categories that directly contains weightable products
this.weightable_categories = [];
for(var i = 0, len = categories.length; i < len; i++){
var cat = categories[i];
// add ancestor field to categories, contains the list of parents of parents, from root to parent
function make_ancestors(cat, ancestors){
cat.ancestors = ancestors.slice(0);
for(var i = 0; i < cat.childrens.length; i++){
make_ancestors(cat.childrens[i], ancestors.slice(0));
//add the products of the subcategories to the parent categories
function make_products(cat){
for(var i = 0; i < cat.childrens.length; i++){
append(cat.product_list, cat.childrens[i].product_list);
append(cat.weightable_product_list, cat.childrens[i].weightable_product_list);
appendSet(cat.product_set, cat.childrens[i].product_set);
appendSet(cat.weightable_product_set, cat.childrens[i].weightable_product_set);
module.CashRegister = Backbone.Model.extend({
module.CashRegisterCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: module.CashRegister,
module.Product = Backbone.Model.extend({
module.ProductCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: module.Product,
// An orderline represent one element of the content of a client's shopping cart.
// An orderline contains a product, its quantity, its price, discount. etc.
// Currently there is a limitation in that there can only be once orderline by type
// of product, but this will be subject to changes TODO
// An Order contains zero or more Orderlines.
module.Orderline = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
quantity: 1,
list_price: 0,
discount: 0,
weighted: false,
product_type: 'unit',
initialize: function(attributes) {
this.pos = attributes.pos;
Backbone.Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.set({weighted: true});
this.set({product_type: 'weight'});
this.bind('change:quantity', function(unused, qty) {
if (qty == 0)
}, this);
// we override the attributes set to prevent some out of range values
set: function(attributes, options){
if(attributes.discount > 100){
attributes.discount = 100;
}else if(attributes.discount < 0){
attributes.discount = 0;
if(attributes.quantity < 0){
attributes.quantity = 0;
if(attributes.list_price < 0){
attributes.list_price = 0;
return this;
// when we add an new orderline we want to merge it with the last line to see reduce the number of items
// in the orderline. This returns true if it makes sense to merge the two
can_be_merged_with: function(orderline){
if( this.get('id') !== orderline.get('id')){ //only orderline of the same product can be merged
return false;
}else if(this.get('product_type') !== orderline.get('product_type')){
return false;
}else if(this.get('discount') > 0){ // we don't merge discounted orderlines
return false;
}else if(this.get('product_type') === 'unit'){
return true;
}else if(this.get('product_type') === 'weight'){
return true;
}else if(this.get('product_type') === 'price'){
return this.get('list_price') === orderline.get('list_price');
console.error('point_of_sale/pos_models.js/Orderline.can_be_merged_with() : unknown product type:',this.get('product_type'));
return false;
// Modifies this orderline so that it also contains the contents of another orderline.
// the two orderlines must be mergable ('can_be_merged_with()' === true)
merge: function(orderline){
this.set({quantity : this.get('quantity') + orderline.get('quantity') });
setWeight: function(weight){
return this.set({
quantity: weight,
incrementQuantity: function() {
return this.set({
quantity: (this.get('quantity')) + 1
incrementWeight: function(weight){
return this.set({
quantity: (this.get('quantity')) + weight,
set_discount: function(discount){
this.set({'discount': discount});
getPriceWithoutTax: function() {
return this.getAllPrices().priceWithoutTax;
getPriceWithTax: function() {
return this.getAllPrices().priceWithTax;
getTax: function() {
return this.getAllPrices().tax;
getAllPrices: function() {
var self = this;
var base = (this.get('quantity')) * (this.get('list_price')) * (1 - (this.get('discount')) / 100);
var totalTax = base;
var totalNoTax = base;
var product_list = self.pos.get('product_list');
var product = _.detect(product_list, function(el) {return el.id === self.get('id');});
var taxes_ids = product.taxes_id;
var taxes = self.pos.get('taxes');
var taxtotal = 0;
_.each(taxes_ids, function(el) {
var tax = _.detect(taxes, function(t) {return t.id === el;});
if (tax.price_include) {
var tmp;
if (tax.type === "percent") {
tmp = base - (base / (1 + tax.amount));
} else if (tax.type === "fixed") {
tmp = tax.amount * self.get('quantity');
} else {
throw "This type of tax is not supported by the point of sale: " + tax.type;
taxtotal += tmp;
totalNoTax -= tmp;
} else {
var tmp;
if (tax.type === "percent") {
tmp = tax.amount * base;
} else if (tax.type === "fixed") {
tmp = tax.amount * self.get('quantity');
} else {
throw "This type of tax is not supported by the point of sale: " + tax.type;
taxtotal += tmp;
totalTax += tmp;
return {
"priceWithTax": totalTax,
"priceWithoutTax": totalNoTax,
"tax": taxtotal,
exportAsJSON: function() {
return {
qty: this.get('quantity'),
price_unit: this.get('list_price'),
discount: this.get('discount'),
product_id: this.get('id')
module.OrderlineCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: module.Orderline,
// Every PaymentLine has all the attributes of the corresponding CashRegister.
module.Paymentline = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
amount: 0,
initialize: function(attributes) {
Backbone.Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
getAmount: function(){
return this.get('amount');
exportAsJSON: function(){
return {
name: instance.web.datetime_to_str(new Date()),
statement_id: this.get('id'),
account_id: (this.get('account_id'))[0],
journal_id: (this.get('journal_id'))[0],
amount: this.getAmount()
module.PaymentlineCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: module.Paymentline,
// An order more or less represents the content of a client's shopping cart (the OrderLines)
// plus the associated payment information (the PaymentLines)
// there is always an active ('selected') order in the Pos, a new one is created
// automaticaly once an order is completed and sent to the server.
module.Order = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function(attributes){
Backbone.Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
creationDate: new Date(),
orderLines: new module.OrderlineCollection(),
paymentLines: new module.PaymentlineCollection(),
name: "Order " + this.generateUniqueId(),
this.pos = attributes.pos; //TODO put that in set and remember to use 'get' to read it ...
this.pos_widget = attributes.pos_widget; //FIXME we shouldn't depend on pos_widget in the models
this.last_orderline = undefined;
return this;
generateUniqueId: function() {
return new Date().getTime();
addProduct: function(product){
var attr = product.toJSON();
attr.pos = this.pos;
var line = new module.Orderline(attr);
var self = this;
if( this.last_orderline && this.last_orderline.can_be_merged_with(line) ){
line.bind('killme', function() {
}, this);
this.last_orderline = line;
addProductOld: function(product) {
var existing;
existing = (this.get('orderLines')).get(product.id);
if (existing != null) {
this.last_orderline = existing;
} else {
var attr = product.toJSON();
attr.pos = this.pos;
var line = new module.Orderline(attr);
console.log('new Orderline:',line,attr);
this.last_orderline = line;
line.bind('killme', function() {
}, this);
addPaymentLine: function(cashRegister) {
var newPaymentline;
newPaymentline = new module.Paymentline(cashRegister);
/* TODO: Should be 0 for cash-like accounts */
amount: this.getDueLeft()
return (this.get('paymentLines')).add(newPaymentline);
getName: function() {
return this.get('name');
getTotal: function() {
return (this.get('orderLines')).reduce((function(sum, orderLine) {
return sum + orderLine.getPriceWithTax();
}), 0);
getTotalTaxExcluded: function() {
return (this.get('orderLines')).reduce((function(sum, orderLine) {
return sum + orderLine.getPriceWithoutTax();
}), 0);
getTax: function() {
return (this.get('orderLines')).reduce((function(sum, orderLine) {
return sum + orderLine.getTax();
}), 0);
getPaidTotal: function() {
return (this.get('paymentLines')).reduce((function(sum, paymentLine) {
return sum + paymentLine.getAmount();
}), 0);
getChange: function() {
return this.getPaidTotal() - this.getTotal();
getDueLeft: function() {
return this.getTotal() - this.getPaidTotal();
exportAsJSON: function() {
var orderLines, paymentLines;
orderLines = [];
(this.get('orderLines')).each(_.bind( function(item) {
return orderLines.push([0, 0, item.exportAsJSON()]);
}, this));
paymentLines = [];
(this.get('paymentLines')).each(_.bind( function(item) {
return paymentLines.push([0, 0, item.exportAsJSON()]);
}, this));
return {
name: this.getName(),
amount_paid: this.getPaidTotal(),
amount_total: this.getTotal(),
amount_tax: this.getTax(),
amount_return: this.getChange(),
lines: orderLines,
statement_ids: paymentLines,
pos_session_id: this.pos.get('pos_session').id,
module.OrderCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: module.Order,
The numpad handles both the choice of the property currently being modified
(quantity, price or discount) and the edition of the corresponding numeric value.
module.NumpadState = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
buffer: "0",
mode: "quantity"
appendNewChar: function(newChar) {
var oldBuffer;
oldBuffer = this.get('buffer');
if (oldBuffer === '0') {
buffer: newChar
} else if (oldBuffer === '-0') {
buffer: "-" + newChar
} else {
buffer: (this.get('buffer')) + newChar
deleteLastChar: function() {
var tempNewBuffer;
tempNewBuffer = (this.get('buffer')).slice(0, -1) || "0";
if (isNaN(tempNewBuffer)) {
tempNewBuffer = "0";
buffer: tempNewBuffer
switchSign: function() {
var oldBuffer;
oldBuffer = this.get('buffer');
buffer: oldBuffer[0] === '-' ? oldBuffer.substr(1) : "-" + oldBuffer
changeMode: function(newMode) {
buffer: "0",
mode: newMode
reset: function() {
buffer: "0",
mode: "quantity"
updateTarget: function() {
var bufferContent, params;
bufferContent = this.get('buffer');
if (bufferContent && !isNaN(bufferContent)) {
this.trigger('set_value', parseFloat(bufferContent));