
454 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from osv import osv, fields
from tools.translate import _
import pooler
import tools
import time
import base64
from document import nodes
import StringIO
def _str2time(cre):
""" Convert a string with time representation (from db) into time (float)
if not cre:
return time.time()
frac = 0.0
if isinstance(cre, basestring) and '.' in cre:
fdot = cre.find('.')
frac = float(cre[fdot:])
cre = cre[:fdot]
return time.mktime(time.strptime(cre,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) + frac
class node_database(nodes.node_database):
def _child_get(self, cr, name=False, parent_id=False, domain=None):
dirobj = self.context._dirobj
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
if not domain:
domain = []
domain2 = domain + [('calendar_collection','=', False)]
res = super(node_database, self)._child_get(cr, name=name, parent_id=parent_id, domain=domain2)
where = [('parent_id','=',parent_id)]
domain2 = domain + [('calendar_collection','=', True)]
if name:
if domain2:
where += domain2
where2 = where + [('type', '=', 'directory')]
ids = dirobj.search(cr, uid, where2, context=ctx)
for dirr in dirobj.browse(cr,uid,ids,context=ctx):
return res
class node_calendar_collection(nodes.node_dir):
"http://calendarserver.org/ns/" : ('getctag',),
DAV_M_NS = {
"http://calendarserver.org/ns/" : '_get_dav',
http_options = { 'DAV': ['calendar-access'] }
def _file_get(self,cr, nodename=False):
return []
def _child_get(self, cr, name=False, parent_id=False, domain=None):
dirobj = self.context._dirobj
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
where = [('collection_id','=',self.dir_id)]
ext = False
if name:
res = name.split('.ics')
if len(res) > 1:
name = res[0]
ext = '.ics'
if name:
if not domain:
domain = []
where = where + domain
fil_obj = dirobj.pool.get('basic.calendar')
ids = fil_obj.search(cr,uid,where,context=ctx)
res = []
for calender in fil_obj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx):
if not ext:
res.append(node_calendar(calender.name, self, self.context, calender))
res.append(res_node_calendar(name, self, self.context, calender))
return res
def _get_dav_owner(self, cr):
# Todo?
return False
def get_etag(self, cr):
""" Get a tag, unique per object + modification.
see. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-13.3.3 """
return self._get_ttag(cr) + ':' + self._get_wtag(cr)
def _get_wtag(self, cr):
""" Return the modification time as a unique, compact string """
return str(_str2time(self.write_date))
def _get_ttag(self, cr):
return 'calendar collection-%d' % self.dir_id
def _get_dav_getctag(self, cr):
result = self.get_etag(cr)
return str(result)
class node_calendar(nodes.node_class):
our_type = 'collection'
"http://calendarserver.org/ns/" : ('getctag',),
'http://groupdav.org/': ('resourcetype',),
"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" : (
DAV_M_NS = {
"DAV:" : '_get_dav',
'http://groupdav.org/': '_get_gdav',
"http://calendarserver.org/ns/" : '_get_dav',
"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" : '_get_caldav'}
http_options = { 'DAV': ['calendar-access'] }
def __init__(self,path, parent, context, calendar):
super(node_calendar,self).__init__(path, parent,context)
self.calendar_id = calendar.id
self.mimetype = 'application/x-directory'
self.create_date = calendar.create_date
self.write_date = calendar.write_date or calendar.create_date
self.content_length = 0
self.displayname = calendar.name
self.cal_type = calendar.type
def _get_dav_getctag(self, cr):
result = self._get_ttag(cr) + ':' + str(time.time())
return str(result)
def _get_gdav_resourcetype(self, cr):
return (str(self.cal_type + '-collection'), 'http://groupdav.org/')
def removeme_match_dav_eprop(self, cr, match, ns, prop):
# Why?
if ns == "DAV:" and prop == "getetag":
dirobj = self.context._dirobj
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
tem, dav_time = tuple(match.split(':'))
model, res_id = tuple(tem.split('_'))
model_obj = dirobj.pool.get(model)
model = model_obj.browse(cr, uid, res_id, context=ctx)
write_time = model.write_date or model.create_date
wtime = time.mktime(time.strptime(write_time,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
if float(dav_time) == float(wtime):
return True
return False
res = super(node_calendar, self).match_dav_eprop(cr, match, ns, prop)
return res
def get_domain(self, cr, filters):
# TODO: doc.
res = []
# dirobj = self.context._dirobj
#uid = self.context.uid
#ctx = self.context.context.copy()
# calendar_obj = dirobj.pool.get('basic.calendar')
if not filters:
return res
if filters.localName == 'calendar-query':
res = []
for filter_child in filters.childNodes:
if filter_child.nodeType == filter_child.TEXT_NODE:
if filter_child.localName == 'filter':
for vcalendar_filter in filter_child.childNodes:
if vcalendar_filter.nodeType == vcalendar_filter.TEXT_NODE:
if vcalendar_filter.localName == 'comp-filter':
if vcalendar_filter.getAttribute('name') == 'VCALENDAR':
for vevent_filter in vcalendar_filter.childNodes:
if vevent_filter.nodeType == vevent_filter.TEXT_NODE:
if vevent_filter.localName == 'comp-filter':
if vevent_filter.getAttribute('name') == 'VEVENT':
res = [('type','=','vevent')]
if vevent_filter.getAttribute('name') == 'VTODO':
res = [('type','=','vtodo')]
return res
elif filters.localName == 'calendar-multiget':
names = []
for filter_child in filters.childNodes:
if filter_child.nodeType == filter_child.TEXT_NODE:
if filter_child.localName == 'href':
if not filter_child.firstChild:
uri = filter_child.firstChild.data
caluri = uri.split('/')
if len(caluri):
caluri = caluri[-2]
if caluri not in names : names.append(caluri)
res = [('name','in',names)]
return res
return res
def children(self, cr, domain=None):
return self._child_get(cr, domain=domain)
def child(self,cr, name, domain=None):
res = self._child_get(cr, name, domain=domain)
if res:
return res[0]
return None
def _child_get(self, cr, name=False, parent_id=False, domain=None):
dirobj = self.context._dirobj
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
where = []
if name:
if not domain:
domain = []
#for opr1, opt, opr2 in domain:
# if opr1 == 'type' and opr2 != self.cal_type:
# return []
fil_obj = dirobj.pool.get('basic.calendar')
ids = fil_obj.search(cr, uid, domain)
res = []
if self.calendar_id in ids:
res = fil_obj.get_calendar_objects(cr, uid, [self.calendar_id], self, domain=where, context=ctx)
return res
def create_child(self,cr,path,data):
""" API function to create a child file object and node
Return the node_* created
return self.set_data(cr, data)
def set_data(self, cr, data, fil_obj = None):
uid = self.context.uid
calendar_obj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('basic.calendar')
return calendar_obj.import_cal(cr, uid, base64.encodestring(data), self.calendar_id)
def get_data_len(self, cr, fil_obj = None):
return self.content_length
def _get_ttag(self,cr):
return 'calendar-%d' % (self.calendar_id,)
def get_etag(self, cr):
""" Get a tag, unique per object + modification.
see. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-13.3.3 """
return self._get_ttag(cr) + ':' + self._get_wtag(cr)
def _get_wtag(self, cr):
""" Return the modification time as a unique, compact string """
return str(_str2time(self.write_date))
def rmcol(self, cr):
return False
class res_node_calendar(nodes.node_class):
our_type = 'file'
"http://calendarserver.org/ns/" : ('getctag'),
"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" : (
DAV_M_NS = {
"http://calendarserver.org/ns/" : '_get_dav',
"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" : '_get_caldav'}
http_options = { 'DAV': ['calendar-access'] }
def __init__(self,path, parent, context, res_obj, res_model=None, res_id=None):
super(res_node_calendar,self).__init__(path, parent, context)
self.mimetype = 'text/calendar'
self.create_date = parent.create_date
self.write_date = parent.write_date or parent.create_date
self.calendar_id = hasattr(parent, 'calendar_id') and parent.calendar_id or False
if res_obj:
if not self.calendar_id: self.calendar_id = res_obj.id
pr = res_obj.perm_read()[0]
self.create_date = pr.get('create_date')
self.write_date = pr.get('write_date') or pr.get('create_date')
self.displayname = res_obj.name
self.content_length = 0
self.model = res_model
self.res_id = res_id
def open(self, cr, mode=False):
uid = self.context.uid
if self.type in ('collection','database'):
return False
s = StringIO.StringIO(self.get_data(cr))
s.name = self
return s
def get_data(self, cr, fil_obj = None):
uid = self.context.uid
calendar_obj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('basic.calendar')
context = self.context.context.copy()
context.update({'model': self.model, 'res_id':self.res_id})
res = calendar_obj.export_cal(cr, uid, [self.calendar_id], context=context)
return res
def get_data_len(self, cr, fil_obj = None):
return self.content_length
def set_data(self, cr, data, fil_obj = None):
uid = self.context.uid
calendar_obj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('basic.calendar')
return calendar_obj.import_cal(cr, uid, base64.encodestring(data), self.calendar_id)
def _get_ttag(self,cr):
res = False
if self.model and self.res_id:
res = '%s_%d' % (self.model, self.res_id)
elif self.calendar_id:
res = '%d' % (self.calendar_id)
return res
def _get_caldav_calendar_data(self, cr):
return self.get_data(cr)
def _get_caldav_calendar_description(self, cr):
uid = self.context.uid
calendar_obj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('basic.calendar')
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
calendar = calendar_obj.browse(cr, uid, self.calendar_id, context=ctx)
return calendar.description
def _get_caldav_calendar_home_set(self, cr):
import xml.dom.minidom
import urllib
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
doc = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, 'href', None)
calendar_obj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('basic.calendar')
calendar = calendar_obj.browse(cr, uid, self.calendar_id, context=ctx)
huri = doc.createTextNode(urllib.quote('/%s/%s' % (cr.dbname, calendar.collection_id.name)))
href = doc.documentElement
href.tagName = 'D:href'
return href
def _get_caldav_calendar_user_address_set(self, cr):
import xml.dom.minidom
dirobj = self.context._dirobj
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
user_obj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('res.users')
user = user_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid, context=ctx)
doc = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, 'href', None)
href = doc.documentElement
href.tagName = 'D:href'
huri = doc.createTextNode('MAILTO:' + user.email)
return href
def _get_caldav_schedule_inbox_URL(self, cr):
import xml.dom.minidom
import urllib
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
calendar_obj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('basic.calendar')
calendar = calendar_obj.browse(cr, uid, self.calendar_id, context=ctx)
res = '%s/%s' %(calendar.name, calendar.collection_id.name)
doc = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, 'href', None)
href = doc.documentElement
href.tagName = 'D:href'
huri = doc.createTextNode(urllib.quote('/%s/%s' % (cr.dbname, res)))
return href
def rm(self, cr):
uid = self.context.uid
res = False
if self.type in ('collection','database'):
return False
if self.model and self.res_id:
document_obj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get(self.model)
if document_obj:
res = False
#res = document_obj.unlink(cr, uid, [self.res_id]) #TOFIX
return res
def _get_caldav_schedule_outbox_URL(self, cr):
return self._get_caldav_schedule_inbox_URL(cr)
def get_etag(self, cr):
""" Get a tag, unique per object + modification.
see. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-13.3.3 """
return self._get_ttag(cr) + ':' + self._get_wtag(cr)
def _get_wtag(self, cr):
""" Return the modification time as a unique, compact string """
return str(_str2time(self.write_date))
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