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Testing that some domain expressions work
!python {model: res.partner.address }: |
ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('partner_id','=','Agrolait')])
assert len(ids) >= 1, ids
Trying the "in" operator, for scalar value
!python {model: res.partner.address }: |
ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('partner_id','in','Agrolait')])
assert len(ids) >= 1, ids
Trying the "in" operator for list value
!python {model: res.partner.address }: |
ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('partner_id','in',['Agrolait','ASUStek'])])
assert len(ids) >= 1, ids
Check we can use "in" operator for plain fields.
!python {model: ir.ui.menu }: |
ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('sequence','in',[1, 2, 10, 20])])
assert len(ids) >= 1, ids
Test one2many operator with empty search list
!assert {model: res.partner, search: "[('address', 'in', [])]", count: 0, string: "Ids should be empty"}
Test one2many operator with False
!assert {model: res.partner, search: "[('address', '=', False)]"}:
- address in (False, None, [])
Test many2many operator with empty search list
!assert {model: res.partner, search: "[('category_id', 'in', [])]", count: 0, string: "Ids should be empty"}
Test many2many operator with False
!assert {model: res.partner, search: "[('category_id', '=', False)]"}:
- category_id in (False, None, [])
Filtering on invalid value across x2many relationship should return an empty set
!assert {model: res.partner, search: "[('address.city','=','foo')]", count: 0, string: "Searching for address.city = foo should give empty results"}
Check if many2one works with empty search list
!assert {model: res.partner, search: "[('company_id','in', [])]", count: 0, string: "Searching for company_id in [] should be empty!" }
For the sake of the following tests, I will create a second company
!record {model: res.company, id: ymltest_company2}:
name: Acme 2
And create a few partners with that company or no company
!python {model: res.partner }: |
for r in range(4):
self.create(cr, uid, { 'name': 'P of Acme %d' % r,
'company_id': ref('ymltest_company2') })
for r in range(4):
self.create(cr, uid, { 'name': 'P of All %d' % r,
'company_id': False })
Check if many2one works with negative empty list
!python {model: res.partner }: |
all_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [])
res_ids = self.search(cr, uid,['|',('company_id','not in', []), ('company_id','=',False)])
assert all_ids == res_ids, "not in [] fails"
Check that many2one will pick the correct records with a list
!python {model: res.partner }: |
res_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('company_id', 'in', [False,])])
assert len(res_ids) >= 4, "We created 4 partners w/company, why find %d? %r" % \
(len(res_ids), res_ids)
Check that many2one will exclude the correct records with a list
!python {model: res.partner }: |
# assuming that the default company is #1
res_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('company_id', 'not in', [1])])
assert len(res_ids) >= 4, "We should have found 4 records at least, only have %d! %r" % \
(len(res_ids), res_ids)
Check that we exclude the correct records, + False
!python {model: res.partner }: |
# assuming that the default company is #1
res_ids = self.search(cr, uid, ['|', ('company_id', 'not in', [1]), ('company_id', '=', False)])
assert len(res_ids) >= 8, "We should have found 8 records at least, only have %d! %r" % \
(len(res_ids), res_ids)
Check that multi-level expressions also work
!python {model: res.partner }: |
res_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('company_id.partner_id', 'in', [])])
assert res_ids == [], "Searching an empty set should return empty result, not %r" % res_ids
Check that multi-level expressions with negative op work
!python {model: res.partner }: |
all_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('company_id', '!=', False)])
res_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('company_id.partner_id', 'not in', [])])
assert res_ids == all_ids, "Searching against empty set failed, returns %r" % res_ids