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I create a "Testing" folder where all the test data will go.
!record {model: document.directory, id: dir_tests }:
name: 'Testing (will be deleted!)'
parent_id: dir_root
I create an attachment into the root folder (w. empty fields, test that
defaults work)
!record {model: ir.attachment, id: file_test1 }:
name: Test file.txt
I delete the attachment from the root folder
!python {model: ir.attachment}: |
self.unlink(cr, uid, [ref('file_test1')])
I create an attachment into the Testing folder.
!record {model: ir.attachment, id: file_test2 }:
name: Test file 2
parent_id: dir_tests
I update the attachment with data, namely "abcd"
!record {model: ir.attachment, id: file_test2 }:
datas: "YWJjZA==\n"
I test that the datas of the attachment are correct
!assert {model: ir.attachment, id: file_test2 }:
- datas == "YWJjZA==\n"
- file_size == 4
I rename the attachment.
!record {model: ir.attachment, id: file_test2 }:
name: Test renamed 2
I search the testing folder for attachments.
!python {model: ir.attachment}: |
ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id.name','=', 'Testing (will be deleted!)'), ('name','=','Test renamed 2')])
assert ids == [ ref("file_test2") ], ids
I create an attachment to a 3rd resource, eg. a res.country
!record {model: ir.attachment, id: attach_3rd }:
name: 'Country attachment.txt'
parent_id: dir_tests
datas: "Q291bnRyeSBhdHRhY2htZW50IGNvbnRlbnQ=\n"
res_model: res.country
res_id: !eval ref("base.za")
I search for the res.country attachment
!python {model: ir.attachment}: |
ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', 'res.country'), ('res_id', '=', ref("base.za"))])
assert ids == [ ref("attach_3rd")], ids
I test that I can't create duplicate directories (even when duplicates are hidden by a record rule)
!python {model: document.directory}: |
duplicate_detected = False
from openerp.osv.osv import except_osv
demo_uid = ref('base.user_demo')
dir_vals = {
'name': 'Testing (will be deleted!)',
'parent_id': ref('document.dir_root')
new_dir_id = self.create(cr, demo_uid, dir_vals, context=None)
self.unlink(cr, uid, [new_dir_id], context=None)
except except_osv, e:
duplicate_detected = e.value == u'Directory name must be unique!'
assert duplicate_detected is True, 'Failed to detect duplicate directory'
I delete the attachments
!python {model: ir.attachment}: |
self.unlink(cr, uid, [ref('file_test2')])
self.unlink(cr, uid, [ref('attach_3rd')])
I delete the tests folder
!python {model: document.directory}: |
self.unlink(cr, uid, [ref('dir_tests')])