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To check that common dangerous operations are not allowed by the safe_eval mechanism, attempt to
evaluate unauthorized expressions, and verify that they trigger an error.
1. Try a few common expressions to verify they work with safe_eval
!python {model: ir.model}: |
from tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
expected = (1, {"a": 9 * 2}, (True, False, None))
actual = safe_eval('(1, {"a": 9 * 2}, (True, False, None))')
assert actual == expected, "Simple python expressions are not working with safe_eval"
2. Try simple literal definition to verify it works with literal_eval
!python {model: ir.model}: |
from tools.safe_eval import literal_eval
expected = (1, {"a": 9}, (True, False, None))
actual = literal_eval('(1, {"a": 9}, (True, False, None))')
assert actual == expected, "Simple python expressions are not working with literal_eval"
3. Try arithmetic expression in literal_eval to verify it does not work
!python {model: ir.model}: |
from tools.safe_eval import literal_eval
literal_eval('(1, {"a": 2*9}, (True, False, None))')
assert False, "literal_eval should not accept arithmetic expressions"
except ValueError:
4. Try forbidden expressions in literal_eval to verify they are not allowed
!python {model: ir.model}: |
from tools.safe_eval import literal_eval
literal_eval('{"a": True.__class__}')
assert False, "literal_eval should accept only literals"
except ValueError:
5. Try forbidden expressions in safe_eval to verify they are not allowed (open)
!python {model: ir.model}: |
from tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
assert False, "safe_eval should not allow calling open() builtin"
except NameError:
# NameError should be raised because open() builtin is not found,
# but other exceptions probably indicate that open() was executed!
assert False, "safe_eval should not allow calling open() builtin"
"ORM test: verify that parent_store computation are going right"
0. Emulate normal behavior of tree structure storing
!python {model: res.partner.category}: |
# pretend the pool has finished loading to avoid deferring parent_store computation
self.pool._init = False
"1.0 Setup test partner categories: parent root"
!record {model: res.partner.category, id: test_categ_root}:
name: Root category
"1.1 Setup test partner categories: parent category"
!record {model: res.partner.category, id: test_categ_0}:
name: Parent category
parent_id: test_categ_root
"1.2 Setup test partner categories: child 1"
!record {model: res.partner.category, id: test_categ_1}:
name: Child 1
parent_id: test_categ_0
"1.3 Setup test partner categories: child 2"
!record {model: res.partner.category, id: test_categ_2}:
name: Child 2
parent_id: test_categ_0
"1.4 Setup test partner categories: child 2-1"
!record {model: res.partner.category, id: test_categ_21}:
name: Child 2-1
parent_id: test_categ_2
2. Duplicate the parent category and verify that the children have been duplicated too and are below the new parent
!python {model: res.partner.category}: |
new_id = self.copy(cr, uid, ref('test_categ_0'))
new_struct = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', new_id)])
assert len(new_struct) == 4, "After duplication, the new object must have the childs records"
old_struct = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ref('test_categ_0'))])
assert len(old_struct) == 4, "After duplication, previous record must have old childs records only"
assert (not set(new_struct).intersection(old_struct)), "After duplication, nodes should not be mixed"
3. Duplicate the children then reassign them to the new parent (1st method) and check the parent_store structure.
!python {model: res.partner.category}: |
new_child1_id = self.copy(cr, uid, ref('test_categ_1'))
new_child2_id = self.copy(cr, uid, ref('test_categ_2'))
new_id = self.copy(cr, uid, ref('test_categ_0'), {'child_ids': []})
self.write(cr, uid, [new_child1_id, new_child2_id], {'parent_id': new_id})
new_struct = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', new_id)])
assert len(new_struct) == 4, "After duplication, the new object must have the childs records"
old_struct = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ref('test_categ_0'))])
assert len(old_struct) == 4, "After duplication, previous record must have old childs records only"
assert (not set(new_struct).intersection(old_struct)), "After duplication, nodes should not be mixed"
4. Duplicate the children then reassign them to the new parent (2nd method) and check the parent_store structure.
!python {model: res.partner.category}: |
new_child1_id = self.copy(cr, uid, ref('test_categ_1'))
new_child2_id = self.copy(cr, uid, ref('test_categ_2'))
old_struct = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ref('test_categ_0'))])
new_id = self.copy(cr, uid, ref('test_categ_0'), {'child_ids': [(6,0,[new_child1_id, new_child2_id])]})
new_struct = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', new_id)])
assert len(new_struct) == 4, "After duplication, the new object must have the childs records"
old_struct = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ref('test_categ_0'))])
assert len(old_struct) == 4, "After duplication, previous record must have old childs records only"
assert (not set(new_struct).intersection(old_struct)), "After duplication, nodes should not be mixed"
5. Duplicate the children then reassign them to the new parent (3rd method) and make sure the parent_store structure is still right.
!python {model: res.partner.category}: |
new_child1_id = self.copy(cr, uid, ref('test_categ_1'))
new_child2_id = self.copy(cr, uid, ref('test_categ_2'))
new_id = self.copy(cr, uid, ref('test_categ_0'), {'child_ids': []})
self.write(cr, uid, [new_id], {'child_ids': [(4,new_child1_id), (4,new_child2_id)]})
new_struct = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', new_id)])
assert len(new_struct) == 4, "After duplication, the new object must have the childs records"
old_struct = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ref('test_categ_0'))])
assert len(old_struct) == 4, "After duplication, previous record must have old childs records only"
assert (not set(new_struct).intersection(old_struct)), "After duplication, nodes should not be mixed"
6. Restore pool state after the test
!python {model: res.partner.category}: |
self.pool._init = True
"Float precision tests: verify that float rounding methods are working correctly via res.currency"
!python {model: res.currency}: |
currency = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('base.EUR'))
def try_round(amount, expected, self=self, cr=cr, currency=currency):
result = str(self.round(cr, 1, currency, amount))
assert result == expected, 'Rounding error: got %s, expected %s' % (result, expected)
try_round(2.675,'2.68') # in Python 2.7.2, round(2.675,2) gives 2.67
try_round(-2.675,'-2.68') # in Python 2.7.2, round(2.675,2) gives 2.67
try_round(0.0049,'0.0') # 0.0049 is closer to 0 than to 0.01, so should round down
try_round(0.005,'0.01') # the rule is to round half away from zero
try_round(-0.005,'-0.01') # the rule is to round half away from zero
def try_zero(amount, expected, self=self, cr=cr, currency=currency):
assert self.is_zero(cr, 1, currency, amount) == expected, "Rounding error: %s should be zero!" % amount
try_zero(0.01, False)
try_zero(-0.01, False)
try_zero(0.001, True)
try_zero(-0.001, True)
try_zero(0.0046, True)
try_zero(-0.0046, True)
try_zero(2.68-2.675, False) # 2.68 - 2.675 = 0.005 -> rounds to 0.01
try_zero(2.68-2.676, True) # 2.68 - 2.675 = 0.004 -> rounds to 0.0
try_zero(2.676-2.68, True) # 2.675 - 2.68 = -0.004 -> rounds to -0.0
try_zero(2.675-2.68, False) # 2.675 - 2.68 = -0.005 -> rounds to -0.01
def try_compare(amount1, amount2, expected, self=self, cr=cr, currency=currency):
assert self.compare_amounts(cr, 1, currency, amount1, amount2) == expected, \
"Rounding error, compare_amounts(%s,%s) should be %s" % (amount1, amount2, expected)
try_compare(0.001, 0.001, 0)
try_compare(-0.001, -0.001, 0)
try_compare(0.001, 0.002, 0)
try_compare(-0.001, -0.002, 0)
try_compare(2.675, 2.68, 0)
try_compare(2.676, 2.68, 0)
try_compare(-2.676, -2.68, 0)
try_compare(2.674, 2.68, -1)
try_compare(-2.674, -2.68, 1)
try_compare(3, 2.68, 1)
try_compare(-3, -2.68, -1)
try_compare(0.01, 0, 1)
try_compare(-0.01, 0, -1)
"Float precision tests: verify that float rounding methods are working correctly via tools"
!python {model: res.currency}: |
from tools import float_compare, float_is_zero, float_round
def try_round(amount, expected, precision_digits=3, float_round=float_round):
result = str(float_round(amount, precision_digits=precision_digits))
assert result == expected, 'Rounding error: got %s, expected %s' % (result, expected)
try_round(2.6745, '2.675')
try_round(-2.6745, '-2.675')
try_round(2.6744, '2.674')
try_round(-2.6744, '-2.674')
try_round(0.0004, '0.0')
try_round(-0.0004, '-0.0')
try_round(357.4555, '357.456')
try_round(-357.4555, '-357.456')
try_round(457.4554, '457.455')
try_round(-457.4554, '-457.455')
# Extended float range test, inspired by Cloves Almeida's test on bug #882036.
fractions = [.0, .015, .01499, .675, .67499, .4555, .4555, .45555]
expecteds = ['.0', '.02', '.01', '.68', '.67', '.46', '.456', '.4556']
precisions = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4]
# We can't go higher than 12 significant digits with a fractional part, so
# that means max magnitude = 5 with precision 4 if sample values (x) go up to 10000
# because that gives 5 + 4 + 4 = 13 significant digits.
for magnitude in range(5):
for i in xrange(len(fractions)):
frac, exp, prec = fractions[i], expecteds[i], precisions[i]
for sign in [-1,1]:
for x in xrange(0,10000,34):
n = x * 10**magnitude
f = sign * (n + frac)
f_exp = ('-' if f != 0 and sign == -1 else '') + str(n) + exp
try_round(f, f_exp, precision_digits=prec)
def try_zero(amount, expected, float_is_zero=float_is_zero):
assert float_is_zero(amount, precision_digits=3) == expected, "Rounding error: %s should be zero!" % amount
try_zero(0.0002, True)
try_zero(-0.0002, True)
try_zero(0.00034, True)
try_zero(0.0005, False)
try_zero(-0.0005, False)
try_zero(0.0008, False)
try_zero(-0.0008, False)
def try_compare(amount1, amount2, expected, float_compare=float_compare):
assert float_compare(amount1, amount2, precision_digits=3) == expected, \
"Rounding error, compare_amounts(%s,%s) should be %s" % (amount1, amount2, expected)
try_compare(0.0003, 0.0004, 0)
try_compare(-0.0003, -0.0004, 0)
try_compare(0.0002, 0.0005, -1)
try_compare(-0.0002, -0.0005, 1)
try_compare(0.0009, 0.0004, 1)
try_compare(-0.0009, -0.0004, -1)
try_compare(557.4555, 557.4556, 0)
try_compare(-557.4555, -557.4556, 0)
try_compare(657.4444, 657.445, -1)
try_compare(-657.4444, -657.445, 1)
# Rounding to different precision_roundings
def try_round(amount, expected, precision_rounding=None, float_round=float_round):
result = str(float_round(amount, precision_rounding=precision_rounding))
assert result == expected, 'Rounding error: got %s, expected %s' % (result, expected)
try_round(-457.4554, '-457.45', precision_rounding=0.05)
try_round(457.444, '457.5', precision_rounding=0.5)
try_round(457.3, '455.0', precision_rounding=5)
try_round(457.5, '460.0', precision_rounding=5)
try_round(457.1, '456.0', precision_rounding=3)
"Float precision tests: verify that invalid parameters are forbidden"
!python {model: res.currency}: |
from tools import float_compare, float_is_zero, float_round
float_is_zero(0.01, precision_digits=3, precision_rounding=0.01)
except AssertionError:
float_compare(0.01, 0.02, precision_digits=3, precision_rounding=0.01)
except AssertionError:
float_round(0.01, precision_digits=3, precision_rounding=0.01)
except AssertionError: