
284 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2013-Today OpenERP SA (<http://www.openerp.com>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from openerp.addons.web import http
from openerp.addons.web.http import request
from openerp.addons.website.models import website
from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID
import werkzeug
import json
import logging
import re
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class WebsiteSurvey(http.Controller):
# Survey list
type='http', auth='public', multilang=True)
def list_surveys(self, **post):
'''Lists all the public surveys'''
cr, uid, context = request.cr, request.uid, request.context
survey_obj = request.registry['survey.survey']
survey_ids = survey_obj.search(cr, uid, [('state', '=', 'open'),
('page_ids', '!=', 'None')],
surveys = survey_obj.browse(cr, uid, survey_ids, context=context)
return request.website.render('survey.list', {'surveys': surveys})
# Survey displaying
type='http', auth='public', multilang=True)
def fill_survey(self, survey, token=None, **post):
'''Display and validates a survey'''
cr, uid, context = request.cr, request.uid, request.context
survey_obj = request.registry['survey.survey']
user_input_obj = request.registry['survey.user_input']
# In case of bad survey, redirect to surveys list
if survey_obj.exists(cr, uid, survey.id, context=context) == []:
return werkzeug.utils.redirect("/survey/")
# In case of auth required, block public user
if survey.auth_required and uid == request.registry['website'].get_public_user(request.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, request.context).id:
return request.website.render("website.401")
# In case of non open surveys
if survey.state != 'open':
return request.website.render("survey.notopen")
# If enough surveys completed
if survey.user_input_limit > 0:
completed = user_input_obj.search(cr, uid, [('state', '=', 'done')], count=True)
if completed >= survey.user_input_limit:
return request.website.render("survey.notopen")
# Manual surveying
if not token:
if survey.visible_to_user:
user_input_id = user_input_obj.create(cr, uid, {'survey_id': survey.id})
user_input = user_input_obj.browse(cr, uid, [user_input_id], context=context)[0]
else: # An user cannot open hidden surveys without token
return request.website.render("website.403")
user_input_id = user_input_obj.search(cr, uid, [('token', '=', token)])[0]
except IndexError: # Invalid token
return request.website.render("website.403")
user_input = user_input_obj.browse(cr, uid, [user_input_id], context=context)[0]
_logger.debug('Incoming data: %s', post)
# if user input.state = new => page -1
# sinon, chercher la dernière page sur laquelle on a des infos enregistrées
# si c'est la dernière, afficher la page de conclusion
# Display success message if totally succeeded
if post and post['next'] == "finished":
return request.website.render('survey.finished', {'survey': survey})
# Page selection
pagination = {'current': -1, 'next': 0}
# Default pagination if first opening
if 'current' in post and 'next' in post and post['next'] != "finished":
oldnext = int(post['next'])
if oldnext not in range(0, len(survey.page_ids)):
raise Exception("This page does not exist")
pagination['current'] = oldnext
if oldnext == len(survey.page_ids) - 1:
pagination['next'] = 'finished'
pagination['next'] = oldnext + 1
return request.website.render('survey.survey',
{'survey': survey,
'pagination': pagination,
'token': user_input.token})
# @website.route(['/survey/prefill/<model("survey.survey"):survey>'], type='json', auth='public', multilang=True):
# @website.route(['/survey/validate/<model("survey.survey"):survey>'],
# type='json', auth='public', multilang=True)
# def validate(self, survey=None, **post):
# # for each {K:V} in post, check
# _logger.debug("Incoming json data: " + post.__str__())
# return {'valid': True, 'errors': None}
type='http', auth='public', multilang=True)
def submit(self, survey, **post):
_logger.debug('Incoming data: %s', post)
page_nr = int(post['current'])
questions = survey.page_ids[page_nr].question_ids
errors = {}
for question in questions:
answer_tag = "%s_%s_%s" % (survey.id, page_nr, question.id)
errors.update(self.validate_question(survey.id, page_nr, question, post, answer_tag))
ret = {}
if (len(errors) != 0):
ret['errors'] = errors
cr, uid, context = request.cr, request.uid, request.context
# Store here data if allowed
ret['redirect'] = "nexturl"
return json.dumps(ret)
# Printing routes
type='http', auth='public', multilang=True)
def print_empty_survey(self, survey=None, **post):
'''Display an empty survey in printable view'''
pagination = {'current': -1, 'next': 0}
return request.website.render('survey.survey_print',
{'survey': survey,
'pagination': pagination})
# Validation methods
def validate_question(self, survey_id, page_nr, question, post, answer_tag):
''' Routing to the right question valider, depending on question type '''
checker = getattr(self, 'validate_' + question.type)
except AttributeError:
_logger.warning(question.type + ": This type of question has no validation method")
return {}
return checker(survey_id, page_nr, question, post, answer_tag)
def validate_free_text(self, survey_id, page_nr, question, post, answer_tag):
errors = {}
answer = post[answer_tag].strip()
# Empty answer to mandatory question
if question.constr_mandatory and not answer:
errors.update({answer_tag: question.constr_error_msg})
return errors
def validate_textbox(self, survey_id, page_nr, question, post, answer_tag):
errors = {}
answer = post[answer_tag].strip()
# Empty answer to mandatory question
if question.constr_mandatory and not answer:
errors.update({answer_tag: question.constr_error_msg})
# Answer validation (if properly defined)
if answer and question.validation_required and question.validation_type:
# Length of the answer must be in a range
if question.validation_type == "has_length":
if not (question.validation_length_min <= len(answer) <= question.validation_length_max):
errors.update({answer_tag: question.validation_error_msg})
# Answer must be an integer in a particular range
elif question.validation_type == "is_integer":
intanswer = int(answer)
# Answer is not an integer
except ValueError:
errors.update({answer_tag: question.validation_error_msg})
# Answer is not in the right range
if not (question.validation_min_int_value <= intanswer <= question.validation_max_int_value):
errors.update({answer_tag: question.validation_error_msg})
# Answer must be a float in a particular range
elif question.validation_type == "is_decimal":
floatanswer = float(answer)
# Answer is not an integer
except ValueError:
errors.update({answer_tag: question.validation_error_msg})
# Answer is not in the right range
if not (question.validation_min_float_value <= floatanswer <= question.validation_max_float_value):
errors.update({answer_tag: question.validation_error_msg})
# Answer must be a date in a particular range
elif question.validation_type == "is_date":
raise Exception("Not implemented")
# Answer must be an email address
# Note: this validation is very basic:
# all the strings of the form
# <something>@<anything>.<extension>
# will be accepted
elif question.validation_type == "is_email":
if not re.match(r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", answer):
errors.update({answer_tag: question.validation_error_msg})
return errors
def validate_numerical_box(self, survey_id, page_nr, question, post, answer_tag):
errors = {}
answer = post[answer_tag].strip()
# Empty answer to mandatory question
if question.constr_mandatory and not answer:
errors.update({answer_tag: question.constr_error_msg})
# Checks if user input is a number
if answer:
except ValueError:
errors.update({answer_tag: question.constr_error_msg})
return errors
def validate_datetime(self, survey_id, page_nr, question, post, answer_tag):
errors = {}
answer = post[answer_tag].strip()
# Empty answer to mandatory question
if question.constr_mandatory and not answer:
errors.update({answer_tag: question.constr_error_msg})
# Checks if user input is a datetime
# TODO when datepicker will be available
return errors
# def validate_simple_choice(self, survey_id, page_nr, question, post, answer_tag):
# answer_tag = survey_id.__str__() + '*' + page_nr + '*' + question.id.__str__()
# problems = []
# if question.constr_mandatory:
# problems = problems + self.__has_empty_input(question, post, answer_tag)
# return problems
# def validate_multiple_choice(self, survey_id, page_nr, question, post, answer_tag):
# answer_tag = survey_id.__str__() + '*' + page_nr + '*' + question.id.__str__()
# problems = []
# return problems
# def validate_matrix(self, survey_id, page_nr, question, post, answer_tag):
# answer_tag = survey_id.__str__() + '*' + page_nr + '*' + question.id.__str__()
# problems = []
# return problems
def dict_keys_startswith(self, dictionary, string):
'''Returns a dictionary containing the elements of <dict> whose keys start
with <string>.
.. note::
This function uses dictionary comprehensions (Python >= 2.7)'''
return {k: dictionary[k] for k in filter(lambda key: key.startswith(string), dictionary.keys())}