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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 CamptoCamp
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import time
from report import report_sxw
import rml_parse
import pooler
class general_ledger(rml_parse.rml_parse):
_name = 'report.account.general.ledger'
def set_context(self, objects, data, ids, report_type = None):
self.borne_date = self.get_min_date(data['form'])
new_ids = []
if (data['model'] == 'account.account'):
new_ids = 'active_ids' in data['form']['context'] and data['form']['context']['active_ids'] or []
objects = self.pool.get('account.account').browse(self.cr, self.uid, new_ids)
super(general_ledger, self).set_context(objects, data, new_ids, report_type)
def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
super(general_ledger, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context)
self.date_borne = {}
self.query = ""
self.child_ids = ""
self.tot_currency = 0.0
self.period_sql = ""
self.sold_accounts = {}
self.localcontext.update( {
'time': time,
'lines': self.lines,
'sum_debit_account': self._sum_debit_account,
'sum_credit_account': self._sum_credit_account,
'sum_solde_account': self._sum_solde_account,
'sum_debit': self._sum_debit,
'sum_credit': self._sum_credit,
'sum_solde': self._sum_solde,
'get_children_accounts': self.get_children_accounts,
'sum_currency_amount_account': self._sum_currency_amount_account,
'get_fiscalyear': self.get_fiscalyear,
'get_account': self.get_account,
'get_start_period': self.get_start_period,
'get_end_period': self.get_end_period,
self.context = context
def get_min_date(self, form):
## Get max born from account_fiscal year
sql = """ select min(fy.date_start) as start_date,max(fy.date_stop) as stop_date from account_fiscalyear
As fy where fy.state <> 'close'
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
borne_min = res[0]['start_date']
borne_max = res[0]['stop_date']
if form['filter'] == 'filter_period':
## This function will return the most aged date
periods = form['periods']
#periods = form['periods'][0][2]
if not periods:
sql = """
Select min(p.date_start) as start_date,max(p.date_stop) as stop_date from account_period as p where p.fiscalyear_id = %s
sqlargs = (form['fiscalyear'],)
sql = """
Select min(p.date_start) as start_date,max(p.date_stop) as stop_date from account_period as p where p.id in %s
sqlargs = (tuple(periods),)
self.cr.execute(sql, sqlargs)
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
borne_min = res[0]['start_date']
borne_max = res[0]['stop_date']
elif form['filter'] == 'filter_date':
borne_min = form['date_from']
borne_max = form['date_to']
elif form['filter'] == 'filter_no':
sql = """
SELECT min(date) as start_date,max(date) as stop_date FROM account_move_line """
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
borne_min = res[0]['start_date']
borne_max = res[0]['stop_date']
self.date_borne = {
'min_date': borne_min,
'max_date': borne_max,
return self.date_borne
def get_children_accounts(self, account, form):
self.child_ids = self.pool.get('account.account').search(self.cr, self.uid,
[('parent_id', 'child_of', self.ids)])
res = []
ctx = self.context.copy()
self.query = form['query_line']
if account and account.child_consol_ids: # add ids of consolidated childs also of selected account
ctx['consolidate_childs'] = True
ctx['account_id'] = account.id
ids_acc = self.pool.get('account.account').search(self.cr, self.uid,[('parent_id', 'child_of', [account.id])], context=ctx)
for child_account in self.pool.get('account.account').browse(self.cr, self.uid, ids_acc):
sold_account = self._sum_solde_account(child_account,form)
self.sold_accounts[child_account.id] = sold_account
if form['display_account'] == 'bal_mouvement':
if child_account.type != 'view' \
and len(self.pool.get('account.move.line').search(self.cr, self.uid, [('account_id','=',child_account.id)], context=ctx)) <> 0 :
elif form['display_account'] == 'bal_solde':
if child_account.type != 'view' \
and len(self.pool.get('account.move.line').search(self.cr, self.uid, [('account_id','=',child_account.id)], context=ctx)) <> 0 :
if ( sold_account <> 0.0):
if child_account.type != 'view' \
and len(self.pool.get('account.move.line').search(self.cr, self.uid,
context=ctx)) <> 0 :
if not len(res):
return [account]
## We will now compute solde initiaux
if not form['soldeinit']:
return res
for move in res:
SOLDEINIT = "SELECT SUM(l.debit) AS sum_debit,"\
" SUM(l.credit) AS sum_credit "\
"FROM account_move_line l "\
"WHERE l.account_id = %s "\
"AND l.date < %s AND l.date > %s"
self.cr.execute(SOLDEINIT, (move.id, self.borne_date['max_date'], self.borne_date['min_date']))
resultat = self.cr.dictfetchall()
if resultat[0] :
if resultat[0]['sum_debit'] == None:
sum_debit = 0
sum_debit = resultat[0]['sum_debit']
if resultat[0]['sum_credit'] == None:
sum_credit = 0
sum_credit = resultat[0]['sum_credit']
move.init_credit = sum_credit
move.init_debit = sum_debit
move.init_credit = 0
move.init_debit = 0
return res
def lines(self, account, form):
""" Return all the account_move_line of account with their account code counterparts """
# First compute all counterpart strings for every move_id where this account appear.
# Currently, the counterpart info is used only in landscape mode
sql = """
SELECT m1.move_id,
array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT DISTINCT a.code FROM account_move_line m2 LEFT JOIN account_account a ON (m2.account_id=a.id) WHERE m2.move_id = m1.move_id AND m2.account_id<>%%s), ', ') AS counterpart
FROM (SELECT move_id FROM account_move_line l WHERE %s AND l.account_id = %%s GROUP BY move_id) m1
""" % self.query
self.cr.execute(sql, (account.id, account.id))
counterpart_res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
counterpart_accounts = {}
for i in counterpart_res:
del counterpart_res
# Then select all account_move_line of this account
if form['sortby'] == 'sort_journal_partner':
sql_sort='j.code, p.name'
sql = """
SELECT l.id, l.date, j.code, l.amount_currency,l.ref, l.name, COALESCE(l.debit,0) AS debit, COALESCE(l.credit,0) AS credit, l.period_id, l.partner_id,
m.name AS move_name, m.id AS move_id,
c.code AS currency_code,
i.id AS invoice_id, i.type AS invoice_type, i.number AS invoice_number,
p.name AS partner_name
FROM account_move_line l
LEFT JOIN account_move m on (l.move_id=m.id)
LEFT JOIN res_currency c on (l.currency_id=c.id)
LEFT JOIN res_partner p on (l.partner_id=p.id)
LEFT JOIN account_invoice i on (m.id =i.move_id)
JOIN account_journal j on (l.journal_id=j.id)
WHERE %s AND l.account_id = %%s ORDER by %s
""" % (self.query, sql_sort)
self.cr.execute(sql, (account.id,))
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
account_sum = 0.0
account_move_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.move.line')
inv_types = { 'out_invoice': 'CI', 'in_invoice': 'SI', 'out_refund': 'OR', 'in_refund': 'SR', }
for l in res:
if l['invoice_id']:
l['ref'] = '%s: %s'%(inv_types[l['invoice_type']], l['invoice_number'])
l['partner'] = l['partner_name'] or ''
account_sum = l['debit'] - l ['credit']
l['progress'] = account_sum
l['line_corresp'] = counterpart_accounts[l['move_id']]
# Modification du amount Currency
if l['credit'] > 0:
if l['amount_currency'] != None:
l['amount_currency'] = abs(l['amount_currency']) * -1
if l['amount_currency'] != None:
self.tot_currency = self.tot_currency + l['amount_currency']
return res
def _sum_debit_account(self, account, form):
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(debit) "\
"FROM account_move_line l "\
"WHERE l.account_id = %s AND %s "%(account.id, self.query))
## Add solde init to the result
sum_debit = self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
if form.get('soldeinit', False):
sum_debit += account.init_debit
return sum_debit
def _sum_credit_account(self, account, form):
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(credit) "\
"FROM account_move_line l "\
"WHERE l.account_id = %s AND %s "%(account.id, self.query))
## Add solde init to the result
sum_credit = self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
if form.get('soldeinit', False):
sum_credit += account.init_credit
return sum_credit
def _sum_solde_account(self, account, form):
self.cr.execute("SELECT (sum(debit) - sum(credit)) as tot_solde "\
"FROM account_move_line l "\
"WHERE l.account_id = %s AND %s"%(account.id, self.query))
sum_solde = self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
if form.get('soldeinit', False):
sum_solde += account.init_debit - account.init_credit
return sum_solde
def _sum_debit(self, form):
if not self.ids:
return 0.0
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(debit) "\
"FROM account_move_line l "\
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s AND "+self.query,
sum_debit = self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
return sum_debit
def _sum_credit(self, form):
if not self.ids:
return 0.0
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(credit) "\
"FROM account_move_line l "\
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s AND "+self.query,
## Add solde init to the result
sum_credit = self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
return sum_credit
def _sum_solde(self, form):
if not self.ids:
return 0.0
self.cr.execute("SELECT (sum(debit) - sum(credit)) as tot_solde "\
"FROM account_move_line l "\
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s AND "+self.query,
sum_solde = self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
return sum_solde
def _set_get_account_currency_code(self, account_id):
self.cr.execute("SELECT c.code as code "\
"FROM res_currency c,account_account as ac "\
"WHERE ac.id = %s AND ac.currency_id = c.id"%(account_id))
result = self.cr.fetchone()
if result:
self.account_currency = result[0]
self.account_currency = False
def _sum_currency_amount_account(self, account, form):
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(aml.amount_currency) FROM account_move_line as aml,res_currency as rc WHERE aml.currency_id = rc.id AND aml.account_id= %s ", (account.id,))
total = self.cr.fetchone()
if self.account_currency:
return_field = str(total[0]) + self.account_currency
return return_field
currency_total = self.tot_currency = 0.0
return currency_total
def get_fiscalyear(self,form):
return pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.fiscalyear').browse(self.cr,self.uid,form['fiscalyear_id']).name
def get_account(self,form):
return pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.account').browse(self.cr,self.uid,form['chart_account_id']).name
def get_start_period(self, form):
if form['filter'] == 'filter_period':
if form['period_from']:
return pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.period').browse(self.cr,self.uid,form['period_from']).name
return ''
def get_end_period(self, form):
if form['filter'] == 'filter_period':
if form['period_to']:
return pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.period').browse(self.cr,self.uid,form['period_to']).name
return ''
report_sxw.report_sxw('report.account.general.ledger', 'account.account', 'addons/account/report/general_ledger.rml', parser=general_ledger, header=False)
report_sxw.report_sxw('report.account.general.ledger_landscape', 'account.account', 'addons/account/report/general_ledger_landscape.rml', parser=general_ledger, header=False)
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