
229 lines
8.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Copyright (C) 2007-TODAY Tiny ERP Pvt Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
# $Id$
# Developed by Tiny (http://openerp.com) and Axelor (http://axelor.com).
# The OpenERP web client is distributed under the "OpenERP Public License".
# It's based on Mozilla Public License Version (MPL) 1.1 with following
# restrictions:
# - All names, links and logos of Tiny, OpenERP and Axelor must be
# kept as in original distribution without any changes in all software
# screens, especially in start-up page and the software header, even if
# the application source code has been changed or updated or code has been
# added.
# - All distributions of the software must keep source code with OEPL.
# - All integrations to any other software must keep source code with OEPL.
# If you need commercial licence to remove this kind of restriction please
# contact us.
# You can see the MPL licence at: http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
import re
import random
import locale
from base64 import b64encode
from base64 import b64decode
from StringIO import StringIO
import cherrypy
import wikimarkup
from openobject.widgets import JSLink, CSSLink
from openerp.utils import rpc
from openerp.widgets import register_widget
from openerp.widgets.form import Text
_image = re.compile(r'img:(.*)\.(.*)', re.UNICODE)
_rss = re.compile(r'rss:(.*)\.(.*)', re.UNICODE)
_attach = re.compile(r'attach:(.*)\.(.*)', re.UNICODE)
_internalLinks = re.compile(r'\[\[.*\]\]', re.UNICODE)
_edit = re.compile(r'edit:(.*)\|(.*)', re.UNICODE)
_view = re.compile(r'view:(.*)\|(.*)', re.UNICODE)
class WikiParser(wikimarkup.Parser):
def parse(self, text, id):
text = text.replace(' ', 'n-b-s-p')
text = text.replace('&', 'n-a-m-p')
text = text.replace('&','&')
text = text.replace('n-b-s-p', ' ')
text = text.replace('n-a-m-p', '&')
text = text.replace('<code>', '<pre>')
text = text.replace('</code>', '</pre>')
text = wikimarkup.to_unicode(text)
text = self.strip(text)
text = super(WikiParser, self).parse(text)
text = self.addImage(text, id)
text = self.attachDoc(text, id)
text = self.recordLink(text)
text = self.viewRecordLink(text)
text = self.addInternalLinks(text)
#TODO : already implemented but we will implement it later after releasing the 5.0
#text = self.addRss(text, id)
return text
def viewRecordLink(self, text):
def record(path):
record = path.group().replace('view:','').split("|")
model = record[0]
text = record[1].replace('\r','').strip()
label = "View Record"
if len(record) > 2:
label = record[2]
proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model)
ids = proxy.name_search(text, [], 'ilike', {})
if len(ids):
id = ids[0][0]
id = int(text)
id = 0
return "[[/openerp/form/view?model=%s&amp;id=%d | %s]]" % (model, id, label)
bits = _view.sub(record, text)
return bits
def addRss(self, text, id):
def addrss(path):
rssurl = path.group().replace('rss:','')
import rss.feedparser as feedparser
data = feedparser.parse(rssurl)
values = "<h2>%s</h2><br/>" % (data.feed.title)
values += "%s<br/>" % (data.channel.description)
for entry in data['entries']:
values += "<h3><a href='%s'> %s </a></h3><br/>" % (entry.link, entry.title)
values += "%s <br/>" % (entry.summary)
return values
bits = _rss.sub(addrss, text)
return bits
def attachDoc(self, text, id):
def document(path):
file = path.group().replace('attach:','')
if file.startswith('http') or file.startswith('ftp'):
return "<a href='%s'>Download File</a>" % (file)
proxy = rpc.RPCProxy('ir.attachment')
ids = proxy.search([('datas_fname','=',file.strip()), ('res_model','=','wiki.wiki'), ('res_id','=',id)])
if len(ids) > 0:
return "<a href='/widget_wiki/wiki/getfile?file=%s&amp;id=%d'>%s</a>" % (file, id, file)
return """<a onclick="openobject.tools.openWindow(openobject.http.getURL('/openerp/attachment', {model: 'wiki.wiki', id: %d}),
{name : 'Wiki Attachments'})">Attach : %s </a>""" % (id, file)
bits = _attach.sub(document, text)
return bits
def addImage(self, text, id):
def image(path):
file = path.group().replace('img:','')
if file.startswith('http') or file.startswith('ftp'):
return "<img src='%s'/>" % (file)
proxy = rpc.RPCProxy('ir.attachment')
ids = proxy.search([('datas_fname','=',file.strip()), ('res_model','=','wiki.wiki'), ('res_id','=',id)])
if len(ids) > 0:
return "<img src='/widget_wiki/wiki/getImage?file=%s&amp;id=%d'/>" % (file, id)
return """<a onclick="openobject.tools.openWindow(openobject.http.getURL('/openerp/attachment', {model: 'wiki.wiki', id: %d}),
{name : 'Wiki Attachments'})">Attach : %s </a>""" % (id, file)
#"[[/attachment/?model=wiki.wiki&amp;id=%d | Attach:%s]]" % (id, file)
bits = _image.sub(image, text)
return bits
def recordLink(self, text):
def record(path):
record = path.group().replace('edit:','').split("|")
model = record[0]
text = record[1].replace('\r','').strip()
label = "Edit Record"
if len(record) > 2:
label = record[2]
proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model)
ids = proxy.name_search(text, [], '=', {})
if len(ids):
id = ids[0][0]
id = int(text)
id = 0
return "[[/openerp/form/edit?model=%s&amp;id=%d | %s]]" % (model, id, label)
bits = _edit.sub(record, text)
return bits
def addInternalLinks(self, text):
proxy = rpc.RPCProxy('wiki.wiki')
def link(path):
link = path.group().replace('[','').replace('[','').replace(']','').replace(']','').split("|")
name_to_search = link[0].strip()
mids = proxy.search([('name','ilike', name_to_search)])
link_str = ""
if mids:
if len(link) == 2:
link_str = "<a href='/openerp/form/view?model=wiki.wiki&amp;id=%s'>%s</a>" % (mids[0], link[1])
elif len(link) == 1:
link_str = "<a href='/openerp/form/view?model=wiki.wiki&amp;id=%s'>%s</a>" % (mids[0], link[0])
if len(link) == 2:
link_str = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (link[0], link[1])
elif len(link) == 1:
link_str = "<a href='/openerp/form/edit?model=wiki.wiki&amp;id=False'>%s</a>" % (link[0])
return link_str
bits = _internalLinks.sub(link, text)
return bits
def wiki2html(text, showToc, id):
p = WikiParser(show_toc=showToc)
return p.parse(text, id)
class WikiWidget(Text):
template = "/wiki/widgets/templates/wiki.mako"
params = ["data"]
css = [CSSLink("wiki", "css/wiki.css")]
data = None
def set_value(self, value):
super(WikiWidget, self).set_value(value)
if value:
toc = True
id = False
if hasattr(cherrypy.request, 'terp_record'):
params = cherrypy.request.terp_params
if params._terp_model == 'wiki.wiki':
proxy = rpc.RPCProxy('wiki.wiki')
toc = proxy.read([params.id], ['toc'])[0]['toc']
id = params.id
text = value+'\n\n'
html = wiki2html(text, toc, id)
self.data = html
register_widget(WikiWidget, ["text_wiki"])