
271 lines
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Raw Normal View History

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<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.5.2.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/qunit/git/qunit.css" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/qunit/git/qunit.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="qweb2.js"></script>
QWeb = new QWeb2.Engine();
function trim(s) {
return s.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, '');
function render(template, context) {
return trim(QWeb.render(template, context));
$(document).ready(function() {
module("Basic output tests", {
setup: function () {
teardown: function () {
QWeb.templates = [];
QWeb.tag = {};
QWeb.att = {};
test("Basic escaped output", function () {
equals(render('esc-literal', {}), "ok", "Render a literal string");
equals(render('esc-variable', {ok: 'ok'}), "ok", "Render a string variable");
equals(render('esc-toescape', {ok: '<ok>'}), "&lt;ok&gt;", "Render a string with data to escape");
test("Formatted escaped output", function () {
equals(render('escf-noformat-literal', {}), "ok", "Render a literal string");
equals(render('escf-simpleformat-variable', {value: 'ok'}), "ok",
"Only render an interpolated variable");
equals(render('escf-format-variable', {value: 'ok'}), "[ok]",
"Actually formatted variable");
equals(render('escf-format-variable-with-escapes', {value: '<ok>'}), '[&lt;ok&gt;]',
"Render a formatted string with data to escape");
test("Basic unescaped output", function () {
equals(render('raw-literal', {}), "ok", "Render a literal string");
equals(render('raw-variable', {ok: 'ok'}), "ok", "Render a string variable");
equals(render('raw-notescaped', {ok: '<ok>'}), "<ok>", "Render a string with data not escaped");
test("Formatted unescaped output", function () {
equals(render('rawf-noformat-literal', {}), "ok", "Render a literal string");
equals(render('rawf-simpleformat-variable', {value: 'ok'}), "ok",
"Only render an interpolated variable");
equals(render('rawf-format-variable', {value: 'ok'}), "[ok]",
"Actually formatted variable");
equals(render('rawf-format-variable-notescaped', {value: '<ok>'}), '[<ok>]',
"Render a formatted string with data not escaped");
module("Context-setting tests", {
setup: function () {
teardown: function () {
QWeb.templates = [];
QWeb.tag = {};
QWeb.att = {};
test("Set literal value", function () {
equals(render('set-from-attribute-literal', {}), "ok",
"Set a literal value via @t-value");
equals(render('set-from-body-literal', {}), "ok",
"Set a literal value via @t-set body");
test("Set value looked up from context", function () {
equals(render('set-from-attribute-lookup', {value: 'ok'}), "ok",
"Set a value looked up in context via @t-value");
equals(render('set-from-body-lookup', {value: 'ok'}), 'ok',
"Set a value looked up in context via @t-set body and @t-esc");
module("Conditionals", {
setup: function () {
teardown: function () {
QWeb.templates = [];
QWeb.tag = {};
QWeb.att = {};
test('Basic (single boolean) conditionals', function () {
equals(render('literal-conditional', {}), 'ok',
"Test on a literal value");
equals(render('boolean-value-conditional', {value: true}), 'ok',
"Test on a truthy variable value");
equals(render('boolean-value-conditional-false', {value: false}), '',
"Test on a falsy variable value");
test('Boolean expressions in conditionals', function () {
equals(render('negify', {}), 'ok',
equals(render('equality', {}), 'ok',
equals(render('difference', {}), 'ok',
equals(render('and', {}), 'ok',
"Boolean and");
equals(render('and-js', {}), 'ok',
"Boolean and via manually escaped JS operator");
equals(render('or', {}), 'ok',
"Boolean or");
equals(render('or-js', {}), 'ok',
"Boolean or using JS operator");
test('Comparison boolean tests in conditionals', function () {
equals(render('greater', {}), 'ok',
equals(render('greater-js', {}), 'ok',
"Greater, JS operator");
equals(render('lower', {}), 'ok',
equals(render('lower-js', {}), 'ok',
"Lower, JS operator");
equals(render('greater-or-equal', {}), 'ok',
"Greater or Equal");
equals(render('greater-or-equal-js', {}), 'ok',
"Greater or Equal, JS operator");
equals(render('lower-or-equal', {}), 'ok',
"Lower or Equal");
equals(render('lower-or-equal-js', {}), 'ok',
"Lower or Equal, JS operator");
module("Attributes manipulation", {
setup: function () {
teardown: function () {
QWeb.templates = [];
QWeb.tag = {};
QWeb.att = {};
test('Fixed-name attributes', function () {
equals(render('fixed-literal', {}), '<div foo="bar"/>',
"Fixed name and literal attribute value");
equals(render('fixed-variable', {value: 'ok'}), '<div foo="ok"/>',
"Fixed name and variable attribute value");
test('Tuple-based attributes', function () {
equals(render('tuple-literal', {}), '<div foo="bar"/>',
"Tuple-based literal attributes");
equals(render('tuple-variable', {att: ['foo', 'bar']}), '<div foo="bar"/>',
"Tuple-based variable attributes");
test('Fixed name, formatted value attributes', function () {
equals(render('format-literal', {}), '<div foo="bar"/>',
"Literal format");
equals(render('format-value', {value:'a'}), '<div foo="bar"/>',
"Valued format");
module("Template calling (including)", {
setup: function () {
teardown: function () {
QWeb.templates = [];
QWeb.tag = {};
QWeb.att = {};
test('Trivial call invocation', function () {
equals(render('basic-caller', {}), 'ok',
"Direct call of a second template");
test('Call invocation with body', function () {
equals(render('with-unused-body', {}), 'ok',
"Call of a second template with body unused");
equals(render('with-unused-setbody', {}), 'ok',
"Call of a second template with body directives unused");
test('Call invocation with body (used by callee)', function () {
equals(render('with-used-body', {}), 'ok',
"Call of a second template with body used");
test('Call invocation with parameters set (in body)', function () {
equals(render('with-used-setbody', {}), 'ok',
"Call of a second template with parameters");
test('Call invocation in-context (via import)', function () {
equals(render('in-context-import', {}), 'ok',
"Call with t-import (calls in current context)");
module("Foreach", {
setup: function () {
teardown: function () {
QWeb.templates = [];
QWeb.tag = {};
QWeb.att = {};
var seq = [4,3,2,1,0];
test('Basic foreach repetition', function () {
equals(QWeb.render('repetition-text-content', {seq:seq}), '*****',
"Repetition of text content via foreach");
equals(QWeb.render('repetition-dom-content', {seq:seq}), '<b/><b/><b/><b/><b/>',
"Repetition of node content via foreach");
equals(QWeb.render('repetition-self', {seq:seq}), '<b/><b/><b/><b/><b/>',
"A node with a foreach repeats itself");
test("Foreach scope content", function () {
equals(QWeb.render('scope-self', {seq:seq}), '43210',
"each value of the sequence is available via the sequence name");
equals(QWeb.render('scope-value', {seq:seq}), '43210',
"each value of the sequence is also via the _value");
equals(QWeb.render('scope-index', {seq:seq}), '01234',
"the current 0-based index is available via _index");
equals(QWeb.render('scope-first', {seq:seq}), 'true false false false false ',
"_first says whether the current item is the first of the sequence");
equals(QWeb.render('scope-last', {seq:seq}), 'false false false false true ',
"_last says whether the current item is the last of the sequence");
equals(QWeb.render('scope-parity', {seq:seq}), 'even odd even odd even ',
"the parity (odd/even) of the current row is available via _parity");
equals(QWeb.render('scope-size', {seq:seq}), '5 5 5 5 5 ',
"the total length of the sequence is available through _size");
test('Name aliasing via t-as', function () {
equals(QWeb.render('aliasing', {seq:seq}), '43210',
"the inner value can be re-bound via t-as");
equals(QWeb.render('loopvars-aliasing', {seq:seq}), 'even odd even odd even ',
"inner loop variables should be rebound as well");
module("Template inheritance tests", {
setup: function () {
teardown: function () {
QWeb.templates = [];
QWeb.tag = {};
QWeb.att = {};
test("jQuery extend", function () {
equals(render('jquery-extend', {}), '<hr/><ul class="main"><li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li></ul><footer><b>END</b></footer>',
"Extend template with jQuery");
equals(render('jquery-extend-clone', {}), '<ul><li>one</li><li>CLONED TEMPLATE</li></ul>',
"Clone template");
<h1 id="qunit-header">QWeb test suite</h1>
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