
797 lines
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#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004
#see license.txt for license details
#history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/pdfbase/pdfmetrics.py
#$Header $
__version__=''' $Id: pdfmetrics.py 2873 2006-05-17 10:59:59Z rgbecker $ '''
This provides a database of font metric information and
efines Font, Encoding and TypeFace classes aimed at end users.
There are counterparts to some of these in pdfbase/pdfdoc.py, but
the latter focus on constructing the right PDF objects. These
classes are declarative and focus on letting the user construct
and query font objects.
The module maintains a registry of font objects at run time.
It is independent of the canvas or any particular context. It keeps
a registry of Font, TypeFace and Encoding objects. Ideally these
would be pre-loaded, but due to a nasty circularity problem we
trap attempts to access them and do it on first access.
import string, os
from types import StringType, ListType, TupleType
from reportlab.pdfbase import _fontdata
from reportlab.lib.logger import warnOnce
from reportlab.lib.utils import rl_isfile, rl_glob, rl_isdir, open_and_read, open_and_readlines
from reportlab.rl_config import defaultEncoding
import rl_codecs
standardFonts = _fontdata.standardFonts
standardEncodings = _fontdata.standardEncodings
_typefaces = {}
_encodings = {}
_fonts = {}
def _py_unicode2T1(utext,fonts):
'''return a list of (font,string) pairs representing the unicode text'''
#print 'unicode2t1(%s, %s): %s' % (utext, fonts, type(utext))
#if type(utext)
R = []
font, fonts = fonts[0], fonts[1:]
enc = font.encName
if 'UCS-2' in enc:
enc = 'UTF16'
while utext:
except UnicodeEncodeError, e:
i0, il = e.args[2:4]
if i0:
if fonts:
utext = utext[il:]
return R
from _rl_accel import unicode2T1
except ImportError:
unicode2T1 = _py_unicode2T1
class FontError(Exception):
class FontNotFoundError(Exception):
def parseAFMFile(afmFileName):
"""Quick and dirty - gives back a top-level dictionary
with top-level items, and a 'widths' key containing
a dictionary of glyph names and widths. Just enough
needed for embedding. A better parser would accept
options for what data you wwanted, and preserve the
lines = open_and_readlines(afmFileName, 'r')
if len(lines)<=1:
#likely to be a MAC file
if lines: lines = string.split(lines[0],'\r')
if len(lines)<=1:
raise ValueError, 'AFM file %s hasn\'t enough data' % afmFileName
topLevel = {}
glyphLevel = []
lines = map(string.strip, lines)
#pass 1 - get the widths
inMetrics = 0 # os 'TOP', or 'CHARMETRICS'
for line in lines:
if line[0:16] == 'StartCharMetrics':
inMetrics = 1
elif line[0:14] == 'EndCharMetrics':
inMetrics = 0
elif inMetrics:
chunks = string.split(line, ';')
chunks = map(string.strip, chunks)
cidChunk, widthChunk, nameChunk = chunks[0:3]
# character ID
l, r = string.split(cidChunk)
assert l == 'C', 'bad line in font file %s' % line
cid = string.atoi(r)
# width
l, r = string.split(widthChunk)
assert l == 'WX', 'bad line in font file %s' % line
width = string.atoi(r)
# name
l, r = string.split(nameChunk)
assert l == 'N', 'bad line in font file %s' % line
name = r
glyphLevel.append((cid, width, name))
# pass 2 font info
inHeader = 0
for line in lines:
if line[0:16] == 'StartFontMetrics':
inHeader = 1
if line[0:16] == 'StartCharMetrics':
inHeader = 0
elif inHeader:
if line[0:7] == 'Comment': pass
left, right = string.split(line,' ',1)
raise ValueError, "Header information error in afm %s: line='%s'" % (afmFileName, line)
right = string.atoi(right)
topLevel[left] = right
return (topLevel, glyphLevel)
class TypeFace:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.glyphNames = []
self.glyphWidths = {}
self.ascent = 0
self.descent = 0
# all typefaces of whatever class should have these 3 attributes.
# these are the basis for family detection.
self.familyName = None # should set on load/construction if possible
self.bold = 0 # bold faces should set this
self.italic = 0 #italic faces should set this
if name == 'ZapfDingbats':
self.requiredEncoding = 'ZapfDingbatsEncoding'
elif name == 'Symbol':
self.requiredEncoding = 'SymbolEncoding'
self.requiredEncoding = None
if name in standardFonts:
self.builtIn = 1
self.builtIn = 0
def _loadBuiltInData(self, name):
"""Called for the built in 14 fonts. Gets their glyph data.
We presume they never change so this can be a shared reference."""
name = str(name) #needed for pycanvas&jython/2.1 compatibility
self.glyphWidths = _fontdata.widthsByFontGlyph[name]
self.glyphNames = self.glyphWidths.keys()
self.ascent,self.descent = _fontdata.ascent_descent[name]
def getFontFiles(self):
"Info function, return list of the font files this depends on."
return []
def findT1File(self, ext='.pfb'):
possible_exts = (string.lower(ext), string.upper(ext))
if hasattr(self,'pfbFileName'):
r_basename = os.path.splitext(self.pfbFileName)[0]
for e in possible_exts:
if rl_isfile(r_basename + e):
return r_basename + e
r = _fontdata.findT1File(self.name)
afm = bruteForceSearchForAFM(self.name)
if afm:
if string.lower(ext) == '.pfb':
for e in possible_exts:
pfb = os.path.splitext(afm)[0] + e
if rl_isfile(pfb):
r = pfb
r = None
elif string.lower(ext) == '.afm':
r = afm
r = None
if r is None:
warnOnce("Can't find %s for face '%s'" % (ext, self.name))
return r
def bruteForceSearchForFile(fn,searchPath=None):
if searchPath is None: from reportlab.rl_config import T1SearchPath as searchPath
if rl_isfile(fn): return fn
bfn = os.path.basename(fn)
for dirname in searchPath:
if not rl_isdir(dirname): continue
tfn = os.path.join(dirname,bfn)
if rl_isfile(tfn): return tfn
return fn
def bruteForceSearchForAFM(faceName):
"""Looks in all AFM files on path for face with given name.
Returns AFM file name or None. Ouch!"""
from reportlab.rl_config import T1SearchPath
for dirname in T1SearchPath:
if not rl_isdir(dirname): continue
possibles = rl_glob(dirname + os.sep + '*.[aA][fF][mM]')
for possible in possibles:
(topDict, glyphDict) = parseAFMFile(possible)
if topDict['FontName'] == faceName:
return possible
return None
#for faceName in standardFonts:
# registerTypeFace(TypeFace(faceName))
class Encoding:
"""Object to help you create and refer to encodings."""
def __init__(self, name, base=None):
self.name = name
self.frozen = 0
if name in standardEncodings:
assert base is None, "Can't have a base encoding for a standard encoding"
self.baseEncodingName = name
self.vector = _fontdata.encodings[name]
elif base == None:
# assume based on the usual one
self.baseEncodingName = defaultEncoding
self.vector = _fontdata.encodings[defaultEncoding]
elif type(base) is StringType:
baseEnc = getEncoding(base)
self.baseEncodingName = baseEnc.name
self.vector = baseEnc.vector[:]
elif type(base) in (ListType, TupleType):
self.baseEncodingName = defaultEncoding
self.vector = base[:]
elif isinstance(base, Encoding):
# accept a vector
self.baseEncodingName = base.name
self.vector = base.vector[:]
def __getitem__(self, index):
"Return glyph name for that code point, or None"
return self.vector[index]
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
# should fail if they are frozen
assert self.frozen == 0, 'Cannot modify a frozen encoding'
if self.vector[index]!=value:
L = list(self.vector)
L[index] = value
self.vector = tuple(L)
def freeze(self):
self.vector = tuple(self.vector)
self.frozen = 1
def isEqual(self, other):
return ((self.name == other.name) and (self.vector == other.vector))
def modifyRange(self, base, newNames):
"""Set a group of character names starting at the code point 'base'."""
assert self.frozen == 0, 'Cannot modify a frozen encoding'
idx = base
for name in newNames:
self.vector[idx] = name
idx = idx + 1
def getDifferences(self, otherEnc):
"""Return a compact list of the code points differing between two encodings
This is in the Adobe format: list of
[[b1, name1, name2, name3],
[b2, name4]]
where b1...bn is the starting code point, and the glyph names following
are assigned consecutive code points."""
ranges = []
curRange = None
for i in xrange(len(self.vector)):
glyph = self.vector[i]
if glyph==otherEnc.vector[i]:
if curRange:
curRange = []
if curRange:
elif glyph:
curRange = [i, glyph]
if curRange:
return ranges
def makePDFObject(self):
"Returns a PDF Object representing self"
# avoid circular imports - this cannot go at module level
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfdoc
D = {}
baseEnc = getEncoding(self.baseEncodingName)
differences = self.getDifferences(baseEnc) #[None] * 256)
# if no differences, we just need the base name
if differences == []:
return pdfdoc.PDFName(self.baseEncodingName)
#make up a dictionary describing the new encoding
diffArray = []
for range in differences:
diffArray.append(range[0]) # numbers go 'as is'
for glyphName in range[1:]:
if glyphName is not None:
# there is no way to 'unset' a character in the base font.
diffArray.append('/' + glyphName)
#print 'diffArray = %s' % diffArray
D["Differences"] = pdfdoc.PDFArray(diffArray)
D["BaseEncoding"] = pdfdoc.PDFName(self.baseEncodingName)
D["Type"] = pdfdoc.PDFName("Encoding")
PD = pdfdoc.PDFDictionary(D)
return PD
#for encName in standardEncodings:
# registerEncoding(Encoding(encName))
standardT1SubstitutionFonts = []
class Font:
"""Represents a font (i.e combination of face and encoding).
Defines suitable machinery for single byte fonts. This is
a concrete class which can handle the basic built-in fonts;
not clear yet if embedded ones need a new font class or
just a new typeface class (which would do the job through
def __init__(self, name, faceName, encName):
self.fontName = name
face = self.face = getTypeFace(faceName)
self.encoding= getEncoding(encName)
self.encName = encName
if face.builtIn and face.requiredEncoding is None:
_ = standardT1SubstitutionFonts
_ = []
self.substitutionFonts = _
# multi byte fonts do their own stringwidth calculations.
# signal this here.
self._multiByte = 0
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.face.name)
def _calcWidths(self):
"""Vector of widths for stringWidth function"""
#synthesize on first request
w = [0] * 256
gw = self.face.glyphWidths
vec = self.encoding.vector
for i in range(256):
glyphName = vec[i]
if glyphName is not None:
width = gw[glyphName]
w[i] = width
except KeyError:
import reportlab.rl_config
if reportlab.rl_config.warnOnMissingFontGlyphs:
print 'typeface "%s" does not have a glyph "%s", bad font!' % (self.face.name, glyphName)
self.widths = w
def _py_stringWidth(self, text, size, encoding='utf8'):
"""This is the "purist" approach to width. The practical approach
is to use the stringWidth function, which may be swapped in for one
written in C."""
if not isinstance(text,unicode): text = text.decode(encoding)
return sum([sum(map(f.widths.__getitem__,map(ord,t))) for f, t in unicode2T1(text,[self]+self.substitutionFonts)])*0.001*size
stringWidth = _py_stringWidth
def _formatWidths(self):
"returns a pretty block in PDF Array format to aid inspection"
text = '['
for i in range(256):
text = text + ' ' + str(self.widths[i])
if i == 255:
text = text + ' ]'
if i % 16 == 15:
text = text + '\n'
return text
def addObjects(self, doc):
"""Makes and returns one or more PDF objects to be added
to the document. The caller supplies the internal name
to be used (typically F1, F2... in sequence) """
# avoid circular imports - this cannot go at module level
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfdoc
# construct a Type 1 Font internal object
internalName = 'F' + repr(len(doc.fontMapping)+1)
pdfFont = pdfdoc.PDFType1Font()
pdfFont.Name = internalName
pdfFont.BaseFont = self.face.name
pdfFont.__Comment__ = 'Font %s' % self.fontName
pdfFont.Encoding = self.encoding.makePDFObject()
# is it a built-in one? if not, need more stuff.
if not self.face.name in standardFonts:
pdfFont.FirstChar = 0
pdfFont.LastChar = 255
pdfFont.Widths = pdfdoc.PDFArray(self.widths)
pdfFont.FontDescriptor = self.face.addObjects(doc)
# now link it in
ref = doc.Reference(pdfFont, internalName)
# also refer to it in the BasicFonts dictionary
fontDict = doc.idToObject['BasicFonts'].dict
fontDict[internalName] = pdfFont
# and in the font mappings
doc.fontMapping[self.fontName] = '/' + internalName
def _pfbSegLen(p,d):
'''compute a pfb style length from the first 4 bytes of string d'''
return ((((ord(d[p+3])<<8)|ord(d[p+2])<<8)|ord(d[p+1]))<<8)|ord(d[p])
def _pfbCheck(p,d,m,fn):
if d[p]!=PFB_MARKER or d[p+1]!=m:
raise ValueError, 'Bad pfb file\'%s\' expected chr(%d)chr(%d) at char %d, got chr(%d)chr(%d)' % (fn,ord(PFB_MARKER),ord(m),p,ord(d[p]),ord(d[p+1]))
if m==PFB_EOF: return
p = p + 2
l = _pfbSegLen(p,d)
p = p + 4
if p+l>len(d):
raise ValueError, 'Bad pfb file\'%s\' needed %d+%d bytes have only %d!' % (fn,p,l,len(d))
return p, p+l
class EmbeddedType1Face(TypeFace):
"""A Type 1 font other than one of the basic 14.
Its glyph data will be embedded in the PDF file."""
def __init__(self, afmFileName, pfbFileName):
# ignore afm file for now
TypeFace.__init__(self, None)
#None is a hack, name will be supplied by AFM parse lower done
#in this __init__ method.
self.afmFileName = os.path.abspath(afmFileName)
self.pfbFileName = os.path.abspath(pfbFileName)
self.requiredEncoding = None
def getFontFiles(self):
return [self.afmFileName, self.pfbFileName]
def _loadGlyphs(self, pfbFileName):
"""Loads in binary glyph data, and finds the four length
measurements needed for the font descriptor"""
pfbFileName = bruteForceSearchForFile(pfbFileName)
assert rl_isfile(pfbFileName), 'file %s not found' % pfbFileName
d = open_and_read(pfbFileName, 'b')
s1, l1 = _pfbCheck(0,d,PFB_ASCII,pfbFileName)
s2, l2 = _pfbCheck(l1,d,PFB_BINARY,pfbFileName)
s3, l3 = _pfbCheck(l2,d,PFB_ASCII,pfbFileName)
self._binaryData = d[s1:l1]+d[s2:l2]+d[s3:l3]
self._length = len(self._binaryData)
self._length1 = l1-s1
self._length2 = l2-s2
self._length3 = l3-s3
def _loadMetrics(self, afmFileName):
"""Loads in and parses font metrics"""
#assert os.path.isfile(afmFileName), "AFM file %s not found" % afmFileName
afmFileName = bruteForceSearchForFile(afmFileName)
(topLevel, glyphData) = parseAFMFile(afmFileName)
self.name = topLevel['FontName']
self.familyName = topLevel['FamilyName']
self.ascent = topLevel.get('Ascender', 1000)
self.descent = topLevel.get('Descender', 0)
self.capHeight = topLevel.get('CapHeight', 1000)
self.italicAngle = topLevel.get('ItalicAngle', 0)
self.stemV = topLevel.get('stemV', 0)
self.xHeight = topLevel.get('XHeight', 1000)
strBbox = topLevel.get('FontBBox', [0,0,1000,1000])
tokens = string.split(strBbox)
self.bbox = []
for tok in tokens:
glyphWidths = {}
for (cid, width, name) in glyphData:
glyphWidths[name] = width
self.glyphWidths = glyphWidths
self.glyphNames = glyphWidths.keys()
# for font-specific encodings like Symbol, Dingbats, Carta we
# need to make a new encoding as well....
if topLevel.get('EncodingScheme', None) == 'FontSpecific':
names = [None] * 256
for (code, width, name) in glyphData:
if code >=0 and code <=255:
names[code] = name
encName = self.name + 'Encoding'
self.requiredEncoding = encName
enc = Encoding(encName, names)
def addObjects(self, doc):
"""Add whatever needed to PDF file, and return a FontDescriptor reference"""
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfdoc
fontFile = pdfdoc.PDFStream()
fontFile.content = self._binaryData
#fontFile.dictionary['Length'] = self._length
fontFile.dictionary['Length1'] = self._length1
fontFile.dictionary['Length2'] = self._length2
fontFile.dictionary['Length3'] = self._length3
#fontFile.filters = [pdfdoc.PDFZCompress]
fontFileRef = doc.Reference(fontFile, 'fontFile:' + self.pfbFileName)
fontDescriptor = pdfdoc.PDFDictionary({
'Type': '/FontDescriptor',
'Flags': 34,
'FontFile': fontFileRef,
fontDescriptorRef = doc.Reference(fontDescriptor, 'fontDescriptor:' + self.name)
return fontDescriptorRef
def registerTypeFace(face):
assert isinstance(face, TypeFace), 'Not a TypeFace: %s' % face
_typefaces[face.name] = face
# HACK - bold/italic do not apply for type 1, so egister
# all combinations of mappings.
from reportlab.lib import fonts
ttname = string.lower(face.name)
if not face.name in standardFonts:
fonts.addMapping(ttname, 0, 0, face.name)
fonts.addMapping(ttname, 1, 0, face.name)
fonts.addMapping(ttname, 0, 1, face.name)
fonts.addMapping(ttname, 1, 1, face.name)
def registerEncoding(enc):
assert isinstance(enc, Encoding), 'Not an Encoding: %s' % enc
if _encodings.has_key(enc.name):
# already got one, complain if they are not the same
if enc.isEqual(_encodings[enc.name]):
raise FontError('Encoding "%s" already registered with a different name vector!' % enc.Name)
_encodings[enc.name] = enc
# have not yet dealt with immutability!
def registerFont(font):
"Registers a font, including setting up info for accelerated stringWidth"
#assert isinstance(font, Font), 'Not a Font: %s' % font
fontName = font.fontName
_fonts[fontName] = font
if font._multiByte:
# CID fonts don't need to have typeface registered.
#need to set mappings so it can go in a paragraph even if within
# bold tags
from reportlab.lib import fonts
ttname = string.lower(font.fontName)
fonts.addMapping(ttname, 0, 0, font.fontName)
fonts.addMapping(ttname, 1, 0, font.fontName)
fonts.addMapping(ttname, 0, 1, font.fontName)
fonts.addMapping(ttname, 1, 1, font.fontName)
def getTypeFace(faceName):
"""Lazily construct known typefaces if not found"""
return _typefaces[faceName]
except KeyError:
# not found, construct it if known
if faceName in standardFonts:
face = TypeFace(faceName)
(face.familyName, face.bold, face.italic) = _fontdata.standardFontAttributes[faceName]
## print 'auto-constructing type face %s with family=%s, bold=%d, italic=%d' % (
## face.name, face.familyName, face.bold, face.italic)
return face
#try a brute force search
afm = bruteForceSearchForAFM(faceName)
if afm:
for e in ('.pfb', '.PFB'):
pfb = os.path.splitext(afm)[0] + e
if rl_isfile(pfb): break
assert rl_isfile(pfb), 'file %s not found!' % pfb
face = EmbeddedType1Face(afm, pfb)
return face
def getEncoding(encName):
"""Lazily construct known encodings if not found"""
return _encodings[encName]
except KeyError:
if encName in standardEncodings:
enc = Encoding(encName)
#print 'auto-constructing encoding %s' % encName
return enc
def findFontAndRegister(fontName):
'''search for and register a font given it's name'''
#it might have a font-specific encoding e.g. Symbol
# or Dingbats. If not, take the default.
face = getTypeFace(fontName)
if face.requiredEncoding:
font = Font(fontName, fontName, face.requiredEncoding)
font = Font(fontName, fontName, defaultEncoding)
return font
def _py_getFont(fontName):
"""Lazily constructs known fonts if not found.
Names of form 'face-encoding' will be built if
face and encoding are known. Also if the name is
just one of the standard 14, it will make up a font
in the default encoding."""
return _fonts[fontName]
except KeyError:
return findFontAndRegister(fontName)
from _rl_accel import getFontU as getFont
except ImportError:
getFont = _py_getFont
_notdefFont,_notdefChar = getFont('ZapfDingbats'),chr(110)
def getAscentDescent(fontName):
font = getFont(fontName)
return font.ascent,font.descent
return font.face.ascent,font.face.descent
def getAscent(fontName):
return getAscentDescent(fontName)[0]
def getDescent(fontName):
return getAscentDescent(fontName)[1]
def getRegisteredFontNames():
"Returns what's in there"
reg = _fonts.keys()
return reg
def _py_stringWidth(text, fontName, fontSize, encoding='utf8'):
"""Define this anyway so it can be tested, but whether it is used or not depends on _rl_accel"""
return getFont(fontName).stringWidth(text, fontSize, encoding=encoding)
from _rl_accel import stringWidthU as stringWidth
except ImportError:
stringWidth = _py_stringWidth
from _rl_accel import _instanceStringWidthU
import new
Font.stringWidth = new.instancemethod(_instanceStringWidthU,None,Font)
except ImportError:
def dumpFontData():
print 'Registered Encodings:'
keys = _encodings.keys()
for encName in keys:
print ' ',encName
print 'Registered Typefaces:'
faces = _typefaces.keys()
for faceName in faces:
print ' ',faceName
print 'Registered Fonts:'
k = _fonts.keys()
for key in k:
font = _fonts[key]
print ' %s (%s/%s)' % (font.fontName, font.face.name, font.encoding.name)
def test3widths(texts):
# checks all 3 algorithms give same answer, note speed
import time
for fontName in standardFonts[0:1]:
## t0 = time.time()
## for text in texts:
## l1 = stringWidth(text, fontName, 10)
## t1 = time.time()
## print 'fast stringWidth took %0.4f' % (t1 - t0)
t0 = time.time()
w = getFont(fontName).widths
for text in texts:
l2 = 0
for ch in text:
l2 = l2 + w[ord(ch)]
t1 = time.time()
print 'slow stringWidth took %0.4f' % (t1 - t0)
t0 = time.time()
for text in texts:
l3 = getFont(fontName).stringWidth(text, 10)
t1 = time.time()
print 'class lookup and stringWidth took %0.4f' % (t1 - t0)
def testStringWidthAlgorithms():
rawdata = open('../../rlextra/rml2pdf/doc/rml_user_guide.prep').read()
print 'rawdata length %d' % len(rawdata)
print 'test one huge string...'
words = string.split(rawdata)
print 'test %d shorter strings (average length %0.2f chars)...' % (len(words), 1.0*len(rawdata)/len(words))
def test():
helv = TypeFace('Helvetica')
print helv.glyphNames[0:30]
wombat = TypeFace('Wombat')
print wombat.glyphNames
if __name__=='__main__':