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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import wizard
import pooler
from tools.translate import _
import datetime
from resource.faces import *
from new import classobj
import project_resource as proj
compute_form = """<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<form string="Compute Scheduling of Phases">
<field name="project_id" colspan="4"/>
compute_fields = {
'project_id': {'string':'Project', 'type':'many2one', 'relation': 'project.project'},
success_msg = """<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<form string="Compute Scheduling of Phases">
<label string="Phase Scheduling completed successfully."/>
def phase_schedule(cr, uid, phase, start_date, calendar_id=False):
pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname)
phase_pool = pool.get('project.phase')
resource_pool = pool.get('resource.resource')
uom_pool = pool.get('product.uom')
wktime_cal = []
resource_cal = False
phase_resource = False
if phase:
resource_id = resource_pool.search(cr, uid, [('user_id','=',phase.responsible_id.id)])
if resource_id:
resource_obj = resource_pool.browse(cr, uid, resource_id)[0]
leaves = proj.leaves_resource(cr, uid, calendar_id or False , resource_id, resource_obj.calendar_id.id)
phase_resource = classobj(str(resource_obj.name), (Resource,), {'__doc__' : resource_obj.name, '__name__' : resource_obj.name, 'vacation' : tuple(leaves), 'efficiency' : resource_obj.time_efficiency})
default_uom_id = uom_pool.search(cr, uid, [('name','=','Hour')])[0]
avg_hours = uom_pool._compute_qty(cr, uid, phase.product_uom.id, phase.duration, default_uom_id)
duration = str(avg_hours) + 'H'
# Creating a new project for each phase
def Project():
start = start_date
minimum_time_unit = 1
resource = phase_resource
# If project has working calendar else the default one would be considered
if calendar_id:
working_days = proj.compute_working_calendar(cr, uid, calendar_id)
vacation = tuple(proj.leaves_resource(cr, uid, calendar_id))
def phase():
effort = duration
project = BalancedProject(Project)
s_date = project.phase.start.to_datetime()
e_date = project.phase.end.to_datetime()
# According to constraints on date start and date end on phase recalculation done
if phase.constraint_date_start and str(s_date) < phase.constraint_date_start:
start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(phase.constraint_date_start, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
start_date = s_date
if phase.constraint_date_end and str(e_date) > phase.constraint_date_end:
end_date= datetime.datetime.strptime(phase.constraint_date_end, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
date_start = phase.constraint_date_end[:-3]
end_date = e_date
date_start = end_date
# Writing the dates back
phase_pool.write(cr, uid, [phase.id], {'date_start' :start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'date_end' :end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}, context={'scheduler' :True})
# Recursive calling the next phases till all the phases are scheduled
for phase in phase.next_phase_ids:
if phase.state in ['draft','open','pending']:
phase_schedule(cr, uid, phase, date_start, phase.project_id.resource_calendar_id.id or False)
class wizard_compute_phases(wizard.interface):
def _compute_date(self, cr, uid, data, context):
pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname)
project_pool = pool.get('project.project')
phase_pool = pool.get('project.phase')
# if project mentioned
if data['form']['project_id']:
project_id = project_pool.browse(cr, uid, data['form']['project_id'])
phase_ids = phase_pool.search(cr, uid, [('project_id','=',project_id.id), ('state','in',['draft','open','pending']), ('previous_phase_ids','=',False)])
# else all the draft,open,pending states phases taken
phase_ids = phase_pool.search(cr, uid,[('state','in',['draft','open','pending']), ('previous_phase_ids','=',False)])
phase_objs = phase_pool.browse(cr, uid, phase_ids)
for phase in phase_objs:
start_date = phase.project_id.date_start
if not phase.project_id.date_start:
start_date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
start_dt = datetime.datetime.strftime((datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d")), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
calendar_id = phase.project_id.resource_calendar_id.id
phase_schedule(cr, uid, phase, start_dt, calendar_id or False)
return {}
def phases_open_list(self, cr, uid, data, context):
mod_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.model.data')
act_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.actions.act_window')
result = mod_obj._get_id(cr, uid, 'project_long_term', 'act_project_phase')
id = mod_obj.read(cr, uid, [result], ['res_id'])[0]['res_id']
result = act_obj.read(cr, uid, [id], context=context)[0]
if data['form']['project_id']:
result['domain'] = [('project_id', '=', data['form']['project_id'])]
result['domain'] = [('state', 'not in', ['cancelled','done'])]
return result
states = {
'init': {
'actions': [],
'result': {'type':'form', 'arch':compute_form, 'fields':compute_fields, 'state':[
('end', 'Cancel'),
('compute', 'Compute')
'compute': {
'actions': [_compute_date],
'result': {'type': 'action', 'action':phases_open_list, 'state':'end'},
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