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#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004
#see license.txt for license details
#history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/graphics/charts/axes.py
"""Collection of axes for charts.
The current collection comprises axes for charts using cartesian
coordinate systems. All axes might have tick marks and labels.
There are two dichotomies for axes: one of X and Y flavours and
another of category and value flavours.
Category axes have an ordering but no metric. They are divided
into a number of equal-sized buckets. Their tick marks or labels,
if available, go BETWEEN the buckets, and the labels are placed
below to/left of the X/Y-axis, respectively.
Value axes have an ordering AND metric. They correspond to a nu-
meric quantity. Value axis have a real number quantity associated
with it. The chart tells it where to go.
The most basic axis divides the number line into equal spaces
and has tickmarks and labels associated with each; later we
will add variants where you can specify the sampling
The charts using axis tell them where the labels should be placed.
Axes of complementary X/Y flavours can be connected to each other
in various ways, i.e. with a specific reference point, like an
x/value axis to a y/value (or category) axis. In this case the
connection can be either at the top or bottom of the former or
at any absolute value (specified in points) or at some value of
the former axes in its own coordinate system.
__version__=''' $Id: axes.py 2838 2006-04-18 17:47:54Z rgbecker $ '''
import string
from types import FunctionType, StringType, TupleType, ListType
from reportlab.lib.validators import isNumber, isNumberOrNone, isListOfStringsOrNone, isListOfNumbers, \
isListOfNumbersOrNone, isColorOrNone, OneOf, isBoolean, SequenceOf, \
isString, EitherOr
from reportlab.lib.attrmap import *
from reportlab.lib import normalDate
from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing, Line, PolyLine, Group, STATE_DEFAULTS, _textBoxLimits, _rotatedBoxLimits
from reportlab.graphics.widgetbase import Widget, TypedPropertyCollection
from reportlab.graphics.charts.textlabels import Label
from reportlab.graphics.charts.utils import nextRoundNumber
# Helpers.
def _findMinMaxValue(V, x, default, func, special=None):
if type(V[0][0]) in (TupleType,ListType):
if special:
f=lambda T,x=x,special=special,func=func: special(T,x,func)
f=lambda T,x=x: T[x]
V=map(lambda e,f=f: map(f,e),V)
V = filter(len,map(lambda x: filter(lambda x: x is not None,x),V))
if len(V)==0: return default
return func(map(func,V))
def _findMin(V, x, default,special=None):
'''find minimum over V[i][x]'''
return _findMinMaxValue(V,x,default,min,special=special)
def _findMax(V, x, default,special=None):
'''find maximum over V[i][x]'''
return _findMinMaxValue(V,x,default,max,special=special)
def _allInt(values):
'''true if all values are int'''
for v in values:
if int(v)!=v: return 0
return 0
return 1
class _AxisG(Widget):
def _get_line_pos(self,v):
v = self.scale(v)
v = v[0]
return v
def _cxLine(self,x,start,end):
x = self._get_line_pos(x)
return Line(x, self._y + start, x, self._y + end)
def _cyLine(self,y,start,end):
y = self._get_line_pos(y)
return Line(self._x + start, y, self._x + end, y)
def _cxLine3d(self,x,start,end,_3d_dx,_3d_dy):
x = self._get_line_pos(x)
y0 = self._y + start
y1 = self._y + end
y0, y1 = min(y0,y1),max(y0,y1)
x1 = x + _3d_dx
return PolyLine([x,y0,x1,y0+_3d_dy,x1,y1+_3d_dy],strokeLineJoin=1)
def _cyLine3d(self,y,start,end,_3d_dx,_3d_dy):
y = self._get_line_pos(y)
x0 = self._x + start
x1 = self._x + end
x0, x1 = min(x0,x1),max(x0,x1)
y1 = y + _3d_dy
return PolyLine([x0,y,x0+_3d_dx,y1,x1+_3d_dx,y1],strokeLineJoin=1)
def _getLineFunc(self, start, end, parent=None):
_3d_dx = getattr(parent,'_3d_dx',None)
if _3d_dx is not None:
_3d_dy = getattr(parent,'_3d_dy',None)
f = self._dataIndex and self._cyLine3d or self._cxLine3d
return lambda v, s=start, e=end, f=f,_3d_dx=_3d_dx,_3d_dy=_3d_dy: f(v,s,e,_3d_dx=_3d_dx,_3d_dy=_3d_dy)
f = self._dataIndex and self._cyLine or self._cxLine
return lambda v, s=start, e=end, f=f: f(v,s,e)
def _makeLines(self,g,start,end,strokeColor,strokeWidth,strokeDashArray,parent=None):
func = self._getLineFunc(start,end,parent)
for t in self._tickValues:
L = func(t)
L.strokeColor = strokeColor
L.strokeWidth = strokeWidth
L.strokeDashArray = strokeDashArray
def makeGrid(self,g,dim=None,parent=None):
'''this is only called by a container object'''
s = self.gridStart
e = self.gridEnd
if dim:
s = s is None and dim[0]
e = e is None and dim[0]+dim[1]
c = self.gridStrokeColor
if self.visibleGrid and (s or e) and c is not None:
if self._dataIndex: offs = self._x
else: offs = self._y
# Category axes.
class CategoryAxis(_AxisG):
"Abstract category axis, unusable in itself."
_nodoc = 1
_attrMap = AttrMap(
visible = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='Display entire object, if true.'),
visibleAxis = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='Display axis line, if true.'),
visibleTicks = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='Display axis ticks, if true.'),
visibleLabels = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='Display axis labels, if true.'),
visibleGrid = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='Display axis grid, if true.'),
strokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Width of axis line and ticks.'),
strokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone, desc='Color of axis line and ticks.'),
strokeDashArray = AttrMapValue(isListOfNumbersOrNone, desc='Dash array used for axis line.'),
gridStrokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Width of grid lines.'),
gridStrokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone, desc='Color of grid lines.'),
gridStrokeDashArray = AttrMapValue(isListOfNumbersOrNone, desc='Dash array used for grid lines.'),
gridStart = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc='Start of grid lines wrt axis origin'),
gridEnd = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc='End of grid lines wrt axis origin'),
labels = AttrMapValue(None, desc='Handle of the axis labels.'),
categoryNames = AttrMapValue(isListOfStringsOrNone, desc='List of category names.'),
joinAxis = AttrMapValue(None, desc='Join both axes if true.'),
joinAxisPos = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc='Position at which to join with other axis.'),
reverseDirection = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='If true reverse category direction.'),
style = AttrMapValue(OneOf('parallel','stacked','parallel_3d'),"How common category bars are plotted"),
labelAxisMode = AttrMapValue(OneOf('high','low','axis'), desc="Like joinAxisMode, but for the axis labels"),
tickShift = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='Tick shift typically'),
def __init__(self):
assert self.__class__.__name__!='CategoryAxis', "Abstract Class CategoryAxis Instantiated"
# private properties set by methods. The initial values
# here are to make demos easy; they would always be
# overridden in real life.
self._x = 50
self._y = 50
self._length = 100
self._catCount = 0
# public properties
self.visible = 1
self.visibleAxis = 1
self.visibleTicks = 1
self.visibleLabels = 1
self.visibleGrid = 0
self.strokeWidth = 1
self.strokeColor = STATE_DEFAULTS['strokeColor']
self.strokeDashArray = STATE_DEFAULTS['strokeDashArray']
self.gridStrokeWidth = 0.25
self.gridStrokeColor = STATE_DEFAULTS['strokeColor']
self.gridStrokeDashArray = STATE_DEFAULTS['strokeDashArray']
self.gridStart = self.gridEnd = 0
self.labels = TypedPropertyCollection(Label)
# if None, they don't get labels. If provided,
# you need one name per data point and they are
# used for label text.
self.categoryNames = None
self.joinAxis = None
self.joinAxisPos = None
self.joinAxisMode = None
self.labelAxisMode = 'axis'
self.reverseDirection = 0
self.style = 'parallel'
#various private things which need to be initialized
self._labelTextFormat = None
self.tickShift = 0
def setPosition(self, x, y, length):
# ensure floating point
self._x = x
self._y = y
self._length = length
def configure(self, multiSeries,barWidth=None):
self._catCount = max(map(len,multiSeries))
self._barWidth = barWidth or (self._length/float(self._catCount or 1))
def _calcTickmarkPositions(self):
n = self._catCount
if self.tickShift:
self._tickValues = [t+0.5 for t in xrange(n)]
self._tickValues = range(n+1)
def draw(self):
g = Group()
if not self.visible:
return g
return g
def _scale(self,idx):
if self.reverseDirection: idx = self._catCount-idx-1
return idx
def _assertYAxis(axis):
acn = axis.__class__.__name__
assert acn[0]=='Y' or acn[:4]=='AdjY', "Cannot connect to other axes (%s), but Y- ones." % acn
def _assertXAxis(axis):
acn = axis.__class__.__name__
assert acn[0]=='X' or acn[:11]=='NormalDateX', "Cannot connect to other axes (%s), but X- ones." % acn
class XCategoryAxis(CategoryAxis):
"X/category axis"
_attrMap = AttrMap(BASE=CategoryAxis,
tickUp = AttrMapValue(isNumber,
desc='Tick length up the axis.'),
tickDown = AttrMapValue(isNumber,
desc='Tick length down the axis.'),
joinAxisMode = AttrMapValue(OneOf('bottom', 'top', 'value', 'points', None),
desc="Mode used for connecting axis ('bottom', 'top', 'value', 'points', None)."),
_dataIndex = 0
def __init__(self):
self.labels.boxAnchor = 'n' #north - top edge
self.labels.dy = -5
# ultra-simple tick marks for now go between categories
# and have same line style as axis - need more
self.tickUp = 0 # how far into chart does tick go?
self.tickDown = 5 # how far below axis does tick go?
def demo(self):
self.setPosition(30, 70, 140)
self.categoryNames = ['One','Two','Three','Four','Five']
# all labels top-centre aligned apart from the last
self.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
self.labels[4].boxAnchor = 'e'
self.labels[4].angle = 90
d = Drawing(200, 100)
return d
def joinToAxis(self, yAxis, mode='bottom', pos=None):
"Join with y-axis using some mode."
if mode == 'bottom':
self._x = yAxis._x
self._y = yAxis._y
elif mode == 'top':
self._x = yAxis._x
self._y = yAxis._y + yAxis._length
elif mode == 'value':
self._x = yAxis._x
self._y = yAxis.scale(pos)
elif mode == 'points':
self._x = yAxis._x
self._y = pos
def _joinToAxis(self):
ja = self.joinAxis
if ja:
jam = self.joinAxisMode
jap = self.joinAxisPos
jta = self.joinToAxis
if jam in ('bottom', 'top'):
jta(ja, mode=jam)
elif jam in ('value', 'points'):
jta(ja, mode=jam, pos=jap)
def scale(self, idx):
"""returns the x position and width in drawing units of the slice"""
return (self._x + self._scale(idx)*self._barWidth, self._barWidth)
def makeAxis(self):
g = Group()
if not self.visibleAxis: return g
axis = Line(self._x, self._y, self._x + self._length, self._y)
axis.strokeColor = self.strokeColor
axis.strokeWidth = self.strokeWidth
axis.strokeDashArray = self.strokeDashArray
return g
def makeTicks(self):
g = Group()
if not self.visibleTicks: return g
if self.tickUp or self.tickDown:
return g
def _labelAxisPos(self):
axis = self.joinAxis
if axis:
mode = self.labelAxisMode
if mode == 'low':
return axis._y
elif mode == 'high':
return axis._y + axis._length
return self._y
def makeTickLabels(self):
g = Group()
if not self.visibleLabels: return g
categoryNames = self.categoryNames
if categoryNames is not None:
catCount = self._catCount
n = len(categoryNames)
reverseDirection = self.reverseDirection
barWidth = self._barWidth
_y = self._labelAxisPos()
_x = self._x
for i in xrange(catCount):
if reverseDirection: ic = catCount-i-1
else: ic = i
if ic>=n: continue
x = _x + (i+0.5) * barWidth
label = self.labels[i]
label.setOrigin(x, _y)
label.setText(categoryNames[ic] or '')
return g
class YCategoryAxis(CategoryAxis):
"Y/category axis"
_attrMap = AttrMap(BASE=CategoryAxis,
tickLeft = AttrMapValue(isNumber,
desc='Tick length left of the axis.'),
tickRight = AttrMapValue(isNumber,
desc='Tick length right of the axis.'),
joinAxisMode = AttrMapValue(OneOf(('left', 'right', 'value', 'points', None)),
desc="Mode used for connecting axis ('left', 'right', 'value', 'points', None)."),
_dataIndex = 1
def __init__(self):
self.labels.boxAnchor = 'e' #east - right edge
self.labels.dx = -5
# ultra-simple tick marks for now go between categories
# and have same line style as axis - need more
self.tickLeft = 5 # how far left of axis does tick go?
self.tickRight = 0 # how far right of axis does tick go?
def demo(self):
self.setPosition(50, 10, 80)
self.categoryNames = ['One','Two','Three']
# all labels top-centre aligned apart from the last
self.labels.boxAnchor = 'e'
self.labels[2].boxAnchor = 's'
self.labels[2].angle = 90
d = Drawing(200, 100)
return d
def joinToAxis(self, xAxis, mode='left', pos=None):
"Join with x-axis using some mode."
if mode == 'left':
self._x = xAxis._x * 1.0
self._y = xAxis._y * 1.0
elif mode == 'right':
self._x = (xAxis._x + xAxis._length) * 1.0
self._y = xAxis._y * 1.0
elif mode == 'value':
self._x = xAxis.scale(pos) * 1.0
self._y = xAxis._y * 1.0
elif mode == 'points':
self._x = pos * 1.0
self._y = xAxis._y * 1.0
def _joinToAxis(self):
ja = self.joinAxis
if ja:
jam = self.joinAxisMode
jap = self.joinAxisPos
jta = self.joinToAxis
if jam in ('left', 'right'):
jta(ja, mode=jam)
elif jam in ('value', 'points'):
jta(ja, mode=jam, pos=jap)
def scale(self, idx):
"Returns the y position and width in drawing units of the slice."
return (self._y + self._scale(idx)*self._barWidth, self._barWidth)
def makeAxis(self):
g = Group()
if not self.visibleAxis: return g
axis = Line(self._x, self._y, self._x, self._y + self._length)
axis.strokeColor = self.strokeColor
axis.strokeWidth = self.strokeWidth
axis.strokeDashArray = self.strokeDashArray
return g
def makeTicks(self):
g = Group()
if not self.visibleTicks: return g
if self.tickLeft or self.tickRight:
return g
def _labelAxisPos(self):
axis = self.joinAxis
if axis:
mode = self.labelAxisMode
if mode == 'low':
return axis._x
elif mode == 'high':
return axis._x + axis._length
return self._x
def makeTickLabels(self):
g = Group()
if not self.visibleTicks: return g
categoryNames = self.categoryNames
if categoryNames is not None:
catCount = self._catCount
n = len(categoryNames)
reverseDirection = self.reverseDirection
barWidth = self._barWidth
labels = self.labels
_x = self._labelAxisPos()
_y = self._y
for i in xrange(catCount):
if reverseDirection: ic = catCount-i-1
else: ic = i
if ic>=n: continue
y = _y + (i+0.5) * barWidth
label = labels[i]
label.setOrigin(_x, y)
label.setText(categoryNames[ic] or '')
return g
# Value axes.
class ValueAxis(_AxisG):
"Abstract value axis, unusable in itself."
_attrMap = AttrMap(
forceZero = AttrMapValue(EitherOr((isBoolean,OneOf('near'))), desc='Ensure zero in range if true.'),
visible = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='Display entire object, if true.'),
visibleAxis = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='Display axis line, if true.'),
visibleLabels = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='Display axis labels, if true.'),
visibleTicks = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='Display axis ticks, if true.'),
visibleGrid = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='Display axis grid, if true.'),
strokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Width of axis line and ticks.'),
strokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone, desc='Color of axis line and ticks.'),
strokeDashArray = AttrMapValue(isListOfNumbersOrNone, desc='Dash array used for axis line.'),
gridStrokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Width of grid lines.'),
gridStrokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone, desc='Color of grid lines.'),
gridStrokeDashArray = AttrMapValue(isListOfNumbersOrNone, desc='Dash array used for grid lines.'),
gridStart = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc='Start of grid lines wrt axis origin'),
gridEnd = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc='End of grid lines wrt axis origin'),
minimumTickSpacing = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Minimum value for distance between ticks.'),
maximumTicks = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Maximum number of ticks.'),
labels = AttrMapValue(None, desc='Handle of the axis labels.'),
labelTextFormat = AttrMapValue(None, desc='Formatting string or function used for axis labels.'),
labelTextPostFormat = AttrMapValue(None, desc='Extra Formatting string.'),
labelTextScale = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc='Scaling for label tick values.'),
valueMin = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc='Minimum value on axis.'),
valueMax = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc='Maximum value on axis.'),
valueStep = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc='Step size used between ticks.'),
valueSteps = AttrMapValue(isListOfNumbersOrNone, desc='List of step sizes used between ticks.'),
avoidBoundFrac = AttrMapValue(EitherOr((isNumberOrNone,SequenceOf(isNumber,emptyOK=0,lo=2,hi=2))), desc='Fraction of interval to allow above and below.'),
rangeRound=AttrMapValue(OneOf('none','both','ceiling','floor'),'How to round the axis limits'),
zrangePref = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc='Zero range axis limit preference.'),
style = AttrMapValue(OneOf('normal','stacked','parallel_3d'),"How values are plotted!"),
def __init__(self):
assert self.__class__.__name__!='ValueAxis', 'Abstract Class ValueAxis Instantiated'
self._configured = 0
# private properties set by methods. The initial values
# here are to make demos easy; they would always be
# overridden in real life.
self._x = 50
self._y = 50
self._length = 100
# public properties
self.visible = 1
self.visibleAxis = 1
self.visibleLabels = 1
self.visibleTicks = 1
self.visibleGrid = 0
self.forceZero = 0
self.strokeWidth = 1
self.strokeColor = STATE_DEFAULTS['strokeColor']
self.strokeDashArray = STATE_DEFAULTS['strokeDashArray']
self.gridStrokeWidth = 0.25
self.gridStrokeColor = STATE_DEFAULTS['strokeColor']
self.gridStrokeDashArray = STATE_DEFAULTS['strokeDashArray']
self.gridStart = self.gridEnd = 0
self.labels = TypedPropertyCollection(Label)
self.labels.angle = 0
# how close can the ticks be?
self.minimumTickSpacing = 10
self.maximumTicks = 7
# a format string like '%0.2f'
# or a function which takes the value as an argument and returns a string
self._labelTextFormat = self.labelTextFormat = self.labelTextPostFormat = self.labelTextScale = None
# if set to None, these will be worked out for you.
# if you override any or all of them, your values
# will be used.
self.valueMin = None
self.valueMax = None
self.valueStep = None
self.avoidBoundFrac = None
self.rangeRound = 'none'
self.zrangePref = 0
self.style = 'normal'
def setPosition(self, x, y, length):
# ensure floating point
self._x = x * 1.0
self._y = y * 1.0
self._length = length * 1.0
def configure(self, dataSeries):
"""Let the axis configure its scale and range based on the data.
Called after setPosition. Let it look at a list of lists of
numbers determine the tick mark intervals. If valueMin,
valueMax and valueStep are configured then it
will use them; if any of them are set to None it
will look at the data and make some sensible decision.
You may override this to build custom axes with
irregular intervals. It creates an internal
variable self._values, which is a list of numbers
to use in plotting.
self._configured = 1
def _getValueStepAndTicks(self, valueMin, valueMax,cache={}):
K = (valueMin,valueMax)
r = cache[K]
self._valueMin = valueMin
self._valueMax = valueMax
T = self._calcTickPositions()
if len(T)>1:
valueStep = T[1]-T[0]
oVS = self.valueStep
self.valueStep = None
T = self._calcTickPositions()
self.valueStep = oVS
if len(T)>1:
valueStep = T[1]-T[0]
valueStep = self._valueStep
r = cache[K] = valueStep, T, valueStep*1e-8
return r
def _setRange(self, dataSeries):
"""Set minimum and maximum axis values.
The dataSeries argument is assumed to be a list of data
vectors. Each vector is itself a list or tuple of numbers.
Returns a min, max tuple.
oMin = valueMin = self.valueMin
oMax = valueMax = self.valueMax
rangeRound = self.rangeRound
if valueMin is None: valueMin = self._cValueMin = _findMin(dataSeries,self._dataIndex,0)
if valueMax is None: valueMax = self._cValueMax = _findMax(dataSeries,self._dataIndex,0)
if valueMin == valueMax:
if valueMax==0:
if oMin is None and oMax is None:
zrp = getattr(self,'zrangePref',0)
if zrp>0:
valueMax = zrp
valueMin = 0
elif zrp<0:
valueMax = 0
valueMin = zrp
valueMax = 0.01
valueMin = -0.01
elif self.valueMin is None:
valueMin = -0.01
valueMax = 0.01
if valueMax>0:
valueMax = 1.2*valueMax
valueMin = 0.0
valueMax = 0.0
valueMin = 1.2*valueMin
if getattr(self,'_bubblePlot',None):
bubbleMax = float(_findMax(dataSeries,2,0))
self._bubbleV = bubbleV
self._bubbleMax = bubbleMax
self._bubbleRadius = frac*self._length
def special(T,x,func,bubbleV=bubbleV,bubbleMax=bubbleMax):
v = T[2]
except IndexError:
v = bubbleMAx*0.1
bubbleV *= (v/bubbleMax)**0.5
return func(T[x]+bubbleV,T[x]-bubbleV)
if oMin is None: valueMin = self._cValueMin = _findMin(dataSeries,self._dataIndex,0,special=special)
if oMax is None: valueMax = self._cValueMax = _findMax(dataSeries,self._dataIndex,0,special=special)
forceZero = self.forceZero
if forceZero:
if forceZero=='near':
forceZero = min(abs(valueMin),abs(valueMax)) <= 5*(valueMax-valueMin)
if forceZero:
if valueMax<0: valueMax=0
elif valueMin>0: valueMin = 0
abf = self.avoidBoundFrac
do_rr = not getattr(self,'valueSteps',None)
do_abf = abf and do_rr
if type(abf) not in (TupleType,ListType):
abf = abf, abf
do_rr = rangeRound is not 'none' and do_rr
if do_rr:
rrn = rangeRound in ['both','floor']
rrx = rangeRound in ['both','ceiling']
rrn = rrx = 0
go = do_rr or do_abf
cache = {}
cMin = valueMin
cMax = valueMax
iter = 0
while go and iter<=10:
iter += 1
go = 0
if do_abf:
valueStep, T, fuzz = self._getValueStepAndTicks(valueMin, valueMax, cache)
i0 = valueStep*abf[0]
i1 = valueStep*abf[1]
if rrn: v = T[0]
else: v = valueMin
u = cMin-i0
if abs(v)>fuzz and v>=u+fuzz:
valueMin = u
go = 1
if rrx: v = T[-1]
else: v = valueMax
u = cMax+i1
if abs(v)>fuzz and v<=u-fuzz:
valueMax = u
go = 1
if do_rr:
valueStep, T, fuzz = self._getValueStepAndTicks(valueMin, valueMax, cache)
if rrn:
if valueMin<T[0]-fuzz:
valueMin = T[0]-valueStep
go = 1
go = valueMin>=T[0]+fuzz
valueMin = T[0]
if rrx:
if valueMax>T[-1]+fuzz:
valueMax = T[-1]+valueStep
go = 1
go = valueMax<=T[-1]-fuzz
valueMax = T[-1]
self._valueMin, self._valueMax = valueMin, valueMax
def _rangeAdjust(self):
"""Override this if you want to alter the calculated range.
E.g. if want a minumamum range of 30% or don't want 100%
as the first point.
def _adjustAxisTicks(self):
'''Override if you want to put slack at the ends of the axis
eg if you don't want the last tick to be at the bottom etc
def _calcScaleFactor(self):
"""Calculate the axis' scale factor.
This should be called only *after* the axis' range is set.
Returns a number.
self._scaleFactor = self._length / float(self._valueMax - self._valueMin)
return self._scaleFactor
def _calcTickPositions(self):
valueMin, valueMax, valueStep = self._valueMin, self._valueMax, self._valueStep
fuzz = 1e-8*valueStep
rangeRound = self.rangeRound
i0 = int(float(valueMin)/valueStep)
v = i0*valueStep
if rangeRound in ('both','floor'):
if v>valueMin+fuzz: i0 -= 1
elif v<valueMin-fuzz: i0 += 1
i1 = int(float(valueMax)/valueStep)
v = i1*valueStep
if rangeRound in ('both','ceiling'):
if v<valueMax-fuzz: i1 += 1
elif v>valueMax+fuzz: i1 -= 1
return [i*valueStep for i in xrange(i0,i1+1)]
def _calcTickmarkPositions(self):
"""Calculate a list of tick positions on the axis. Returns a list of numbers."""
self._tickValues = getattr(self,'valueSteps',None)
if self._tickValues: return self._tickValues
self._tickValues = self._calcTickPositions()
return self._tickValues
def _calcValueStep(self):
'''Calculate _valueStep for the axis or get from valueStep.'''
if self.valueStep is None:
rawRange = self._valueMax - self._valueMin
rawInterval = rawRange / min(float(self.maximumTicks-1),(float(self._length)/self.minimumTickSpacing))
self._valueStep = nextRoundNumber(rawInterval)
self._valueStep = self.valueStep
def _allIntTicks(self):
return _allInt(self._tickValues)
def makeTickLabels(self):
g = Group()
if not self.visibleLabels: return g
f = self._labelTextFormat # perhaps someone already set it
if f is None:
f = self.labelTextFormat or (self._allIntTicks() and '%.0f' or str)
elif f is str and self._allIntTicks(): f = '%.0f'
post = self.labelTextPostFormat
scl = self.labelTextScale
pos = [self._x, self._y]
d = self._dataIndex
labels = self.labels
i = 0
for tick in self._tickValues:
if f and labels[i].visible:
v = self.scale(tick)
if scl is not None:
t = tick*scl
t = tick
if type(f) is StringType: txt = f % t
elif type(f) in (TupleType,ListType):
#it's a list, use as many items as we get
if i < len(f):
txt = f[i]
txt = ''
elif callable(f):
txt = f(t)
raise ValueError, 'Invalid labelTextFormat %s' % f
if post: txt = post % txt
label = labels[i]
pos[d] = v
i = i + 1
return g
def draw(self):
g = Group()
if not self.visible:
return g
return g
class XValueAxis(ValueAxis):
"X/value axis"
_attrMap = AttrMap(BASE=ValueAxis,
tickUp = AttrMapValue(isNumber,
desc='Tick length up the axis.'),
tickDown = AttrMapValue(isNumber,
desc='Tick length down the axis.'),
joinAxis = AttrMapValue(None,
desc='Join both axes if true.'),
joinAxisMode = AttrMapValue(OneOf('bottom', 'top', 'value', 'points', None),
desc="Mode used for connecting axis ('bottom', 'top', 'value', 'points', None)."),
joinAxisPos = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,
desc='Position at which to join with other axis.'),
# Indicate the dimension of the data we're interested in.
_dataIndex = 0
def __init__(self):
self.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
self.labels.dx = 0
self.labels.dy = -5
self.tickUp = 0
self.tickDown = 5
self.joinAxis = None
self.joinAxisMode = None
self.joinAxisPos = None
def demo(self):
self.setPosition(20, 50, 150)
d = Drawing(200, 100)
return d
def joinToAxis(self, yAxis, mode='bottom', pos=None):
"Join with y-axis using some mode."
if mode == 'bottom':
self._x = yAxis._x * 1.0
self._y = yAxis._y * 1.0
elif mode == 'top':
self._x = yAxis._x * 1.0
self._y = (yAxis._y + yAxis._length) * 1.0
elif mode == 'value':
self._x = yAxis._x * 1.0
self._y = yAxis.scale(pos) * 1.0
elif mode == 'points':
self._x = yAxis._x * 1.0
self._y = pos * 1.0
def _joinToAxis(self):
ja = self.joinAxis
if ja:
jam = self.joinAxisMode
jap = self.joinAxisPos
jta = self.joinToAxis
if jam in ('bottom', 'top'):
jta(ja, mode=jam)
elif jam in ('value', 'points'):
jta(ja, mode=jam, pos=jap)
def scale(self, value):
"""Converts a numeric value to a Y position.
The chart first configures the axis, then asks it to
work out the x value for each point when plotting
lines or bars. You could override this to do
logarithmic axes.
msg = "Axis cannot scale numbers before it is configured"
assert self._configured, msg
if value is None:
value = 0
return self._x + self._scaleFactor * (value - self._valueMin)
def makeAxis(self):
g = Group()
if not self.visibleAxis: return g
axis = Line(self._x, self._y, self._x + self._length, self._y)
axis.strokeColor = self.strokeColor
axis.strokeWidth = self.strokeWidth
axis.strokeDashArray = self.strokeDashArray
return g
def makeTicks(self):
g = Group()
if self.visibleTicks and (self.tickUp or self.tickDown):
return g
class NormalDateXValueAxis(XValueAxis):
"""An X axis applying additional rules.
Depending on the data and some built-in rules, the axis
displays normalDate values as nicely formatted dates.
The client chart should have NormalDate X values.
_attrMap = AttrMap(BASE = XValueAxis,
bottomAxisLabelSlack = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="Fractional amount used to adjust label spacing"),
niceMonth = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc="Flag for displaying months 'nicely'."),
forceEndDate = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='Flag for enforced displaying of last date value.'),
forceFirstDate = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='Flag for enforced displaying of first date value.'),
xLabelFormat = AttrMapValue(None, desc="Label format string (e.g. '{mm}/{yy}') or function."),
dayOfWeekName = AttrMapValue(SequenceOf(isString,emptyOK=0,lo=7,hi=7), desc='Weekday names.'),
monthName = AttrMapValue(SequenceOf(isString,emptyOK=0,lo=12,hi=12), desc='Month names.'),
dailyFreq = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='True if we are to assume daily data to be ticked at end of month.'),
_valueClass = normalDate.ND
def __init__(self, **kw):
apply(XValueAxis.__init__, (self,))
# some global variables still used...
self.bottomAxisLabelSlack = 0.1
self.niceMonth = 1
self.forceEndDate = 0
self.forceFirstDate = 0
self.dailyFreq = 0
self.xLabelFormat = "{mm}/{yy}"
self.dayOfWeekName = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
self.monthName = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
self.valueSteps = None
def _scalar2ND(self, x):
"Convert a scalar to a NormalDate value."
d = self._valueClass()
return d
def _dateFormatter(self, v):
"Create a formatted label for some value."
if not isinstance(v,normalDate.NormalDate):
v = self._scalar2ND(v)
d, m = normalDate._dayOfWeekName, normalDate._monthName
normalDate._dayOfWeekName, normalDate._monthName = self.dayOfWeekName, self.monthName
return v.formatMS(self.xLabelFormat)
normalDate._dayOfWeekName, normalDate._monthName = d, m
def _xAxisTicker(self, xVals):
"""Complex stuff...
Needs explanation...
axisLength = self._length
formatter = self._dateFormatter
labels = self.labels
fontName, fontSize, leading = labels.fontName, labels.fontSize, labels.leading
textAnchor, boxAnchor, angle = labels.textAnchor, labels.boxAnchor, labels.angle
RBL = _textBoxLimits(string.split(formatter(xVals[0]),'\n'),fontName,
fontSize,leading or 1.2*fontSize,textAnchor,boxAnchor)
RBL = _rotatedBoxLimits(RBL[0],RBL[1],RBL[2],RBL[3], angle)
xLabelW = RBL[1]-RBL[0]
xLabelH = RBL[3]-RBL[2]
w = max(xLabelW,labels.width,self.minimumTickSpacing)
W = w+w*self.bottomAxisLabelSlack
n = len(xVals)
ticks = []
labels = []
maximumTicks = self.maximumTicks
def addTick(i, xVals=xVals, formatter=formatter, ticks=ticks, labels=labels):
for d in (1,2,3,6,12,24,60,120):
k = n/d
if k<=maximumTicks and k*W <= axisLength:
i = n-1
if self.niceMonth:
j = xVals[-1].month() % (d<=12 and d or 12)
if j:
if self.forceEndDate: addTick(i)
i = i - j
#weird first date ie not at end of month
wfd = xVals[0].month() == xVals[1].month()
wfd = 0
while i>=wfd:
i = i - d
if self.forceFirstDate and ticks[0] != xVals[0]:
if (axisLength/(ticks[-1]-ticks[0]))*(ticks[1]-ticks[0])<=w:
del ticks[1], labels[1]
if self.forceEndDate and self.niceMonth and j:
if (axisLength/(ticks[-1]-ticks[0]))*(ticks[-1]-ticks[-2])<=w:
del ticks[-2], labels[-2]
if labels[0] and labels[0]==labels[1]:
del ticks[1], labels[1]
except IndexError:
return ticks, labels
def _convertXV(self,data):
'''Convert all XValues to a standard normalDate type'''
VC = self._valueClass
for D in data:
for i in xrange(len(D)):
x, y = D[i]
if not isinstance(x,VC):
D[i] = (VC(x),y)
def _getStepsAndLabels(self,xVals):
if self.dailyFreq:
xEOM = []
pm = 0
px = xVals[0]
for x in xVals:
m = x.month()
if pm!=m:
if pm: xEOM.append(px)
pm = m
px = x
px = xVals[-1]
if xEOM[-1]!=x: xEOM.append(px)
steps, labels = self._xAxisTicker(xEOM)
steps, labels = self._xAxisTicker(xVals)
return steps, labels
def configure(self, data):
from reportlab.lib.set_ops import union
xVals = reduce(union,map(lambda x: map(lambda dv: dv[0],x),data),[])
steps,labels = self._getStepsAndLabels(xVals)
valueMin, valueMax = self.valueMin, self.valueMax
if valueMin is None: valueMin = xVals[0]
if valueMax is None: valueMax = xVals[-1]
self._valueMin, self._valueMax = valueMin, valueMax
self._tickValues = steps
self._labelTextFormat = labels
self._scaleFactor = self._length / float(valueMax - valueMin)
self._tickValues = steps
self._configured = 1
class YValueAxis(ValueAxis):
"Y/value axis"
_attrMap = AttrMap(BASE=ValueAxis,
tickLeft = AttrMapValue(isNumber,
desc='Tick length left of the axis.'),
tickRight = AttrMapValue(isNumber,
desc='Tick length right of the axis.'),
joinAxis = AttrMapValue(None,
desc='Join both axes if true.'),
joinAxisMode = AttrMapValue(OneOf(('left', 'right', 'value', 'points', None)),
desc="Mode used for connecting axis ('left', 'right', 'value', 'points', None)."),
joinAxisPos = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,
desc='Position at which to join with other axis.'),
# Indicate the dimension of the data we're interested in.
_dataIndex = 1
def __init__(self):
self.labels.boxAnchor = 'e'
self.labels.dx = -5
self.labels.dy = 0
self.tickRight = 0
self.tickLeft = 5
self.joinAxis = None
self.joinAxisMode = None
self.joinAxisPos = None
def demo(self):
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
self.setPosition(100, 10, 80)
drawing = Drawing(200, 100)
return drawing
def joinToAxis(self, xAxis, mode='left', pos=None):
"Join with x-axis using some mode."
if mode == 'left':
self._x = xAxis._x * 1.0
self._y = xAxis._y * 1.0
elif mode == 'right':
self._x = (xAxis._x + xAxis._length) * 1.0
self._y = xAxis._y * 1.0
elif mode == 'value':
self._x = xAxis.scale(pos) * 1.0
self._y = xAxis._y * 1.0
elif mode == 'points':
self._x = pos * 1.0
self._y = xAxis._y * 1.0
def _joinToAxis(self):
ja = self.joinAxis
if ja:
jam = self.joinAxisMode
jap = self.joinAxisPos
jta = self.joinToAxis
if jam in ('left', 'right'):
jta(ja, mode=jam)
elif jam in ('value', 'points'):
jta(ja, mode=jam, pos=jap)
def scale(self, value):
"""Converts a numeric value to a Y position.
The chart first configures the axis, then asks it to
work out the x value for each point when plotting
lines or bars. You could override this to do
logarithmic axes.
msg = "Axis cannot scale numbers before it is configured"
assert self._configured, msg
if value is None:
value = 0
return self._y + self._scaleFactor * (value - self._valueMin)
def makeAxis(self):
g = Group()
if not self.visibleAxis: return g
axis = Line(self._x, self._y, self._x, self._y + self._length)
axis.strokeColor = self.strokeColor
axis.strokeWidth = self.strokeWidth
axis.strokeDashArray = self.strokeDashArray
return g
def makeTicks(self):
g = Group()
if self.visibleTicks and (self.tickLeft or self.tickRight):
return g
class AdjYValueAxis(YValueAxis):
"""A Y-axis applying additional rules.
Depending on the data and some built-in rules, the axis
may choose to adjust its range and origin.
_attrMap = AttrMap(BASE = YValueAxis,
requiredRange = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc='Minimum required value range.'),
leftAxisPercent = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='When true add percent sign to label values.'),
leftAxisOrigShiftIPC = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Lowest label shift interval ratio.'),
leftAxisOrigShiftMin = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Minimum amount to shift.'),
leftAxisSkipLL0 = AttrMapValue(EitherOr((isBoolean,isListOfNumbers)), desc='Skip/Keep lowest tick label when true/false.\nOr skiplist')
def __init__(self):
apply(YValueAxis.__init__, (self,))
self.requiredRange = 30
self.leftAxisPercent = 1
self.leftAxisOrigShiftIPC = 0.15
self.leftAxisOrigShiftMin = 12
self.leftAxisSkipLL0 = 0
self.valueSteps = None
def _rangeAdjust(self):
"Adjusts the value range of the axis."
from reportlab.graphics.charts.utils import find_good_grid, ticks
y_min, y_max = self._valueMin, self._valueMax
m = self.maximumTicks
n = filter(lambda x,m=m: x<=m,[4,5,6,7,8,9])
if not n: n = [m]
valueStep, requiredRange = self.valueStep, self.requiredRange
if requiredRange and y_max - y_min < requiredRange:
y1, y2 = find_good_grid(y_min, y_max,n=n,grid=valueStep)[:2]
if y2 - y1 < requiredRange:
ym = (y1+y2)*0.5
y1 = min(ym-requiredRange*0.5,y_min)
y2 = max(ym+requiredRange*0.5,y_max)
if y_min>=100 and y1<100:
y2 = y2 + 100 - y1
y1 = 100
elif y_min>=0 and y1<0:
y2 = y2 - y1
y1 = 0
self._valueMin, self._valueMax = y1, y2
T, L = ticks(self._valueMin, self._valueMax, split=1, n=n, percent=self.leftAxisPercent,grid=valueStep)
abf = self.avoidBoundFrac
if abf:
i1 = (T[1]-T[0])
if type(abf) not in (TupleType,ListType):
i0 = i1 = i1*abf
i0 = i1*abf[0]
i1 = i1*abf[1]
_n = getattr(self,'_cValueMin',T[0])
_x = getattr(self,'_cValueMax',T[-1])
if _n - T[0] < i0: self._valueMin = self._valueMin - i0
if T[-1]-_x < i1: self._valueMax = self._valueMax + i1
T, L = ticks(self._valueMin, self._valueMax, split=1, n=n, percent=self.leftAxisPercent,grid=valueStep)
self._valueMin = T[0]
self._valueMax = T[-1]
self._tickValues = self.valueSteps = T
if self.labelTextFormat is None:
self._labelTextFormat = L
self._labelTextFormat = self.labelTextFormat
if abs(self._valueMin-100)<1e-6:
vMax, vMin = self._valueMax, self._valueMin
m = max(self.leftAxisOrigShiftIPC*self._valueStep,
self._valueMin = self._valueMin - m
if self.leftAxisSkipLL0:
if type(self.leftAxisSkipLL0) in (ListType,TupleType):
for x in self.leftAxisSkipLL0:
L[x] = ''
except IndexError:
L[0] = ''
# Sample functions.
def sample0a():
"Sample drawing with one xcat axis and two buckets."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20)]
xAxis = XCategoryAxis()
xAxis.setPosition(75, 75, 300)
xAxis.categoryNames = ['Ying', 'Yang']
xAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
return drawing
def sample0b():
"Sample drawing with one xcat axis and one bucket only."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10,)]
xAxis = XCategoryAxis()
xAxis.setPosition(75, 75, 300)
xAxis.categoryNames = ['Ying']
xAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
return drawing
def sample1():
"Sample drawing containing two unconnected axes."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
xAxis = XCategoryAxis()
xAxis.setPosition(75, 75, 300)
xAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer','Wine','Meat','Cannelloni']
xAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
xAxis.labels[3].dy = -15
xAxis.labels[3].angle = 30
xAxis.labels[3].fontName = 'Times-Bold'
yAxis = YValueAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
return drawing
##def sample2a():
## "Make sample drawing with two axes, x connected at top of y."
## drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
## data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
## yAxis = YValueAxis()
## yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
## yAxis.configure(data)
## xAxis = XCategoryAxis()
## xAxis._length = 300
## xAxis.configure(data)
## xAxis.joinToAxis(yAxis, mode='top')
## xAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer', 'Wine', 'Meat', 'Cannelloni']
## xAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
## drawing.add(xAxis)
## drawing.add(yAxis)
## return drawing
##def sample2b():
## "Make two axes, x connected at bottom of y."
## drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
## data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
## yAxis = YValueAxis()
## yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
## yAxis.configure(data)
## xAxis = XCategoryAxis()
## xAxis._length = 300
## xAxis.configure(data)
## xAxis.joinToAxis(yAxis, mode='bottom')
## xAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer', 'Wine', 'Meat', 'Cannelloni']
## xAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
## drawing.add(xAxis)
## drawing.add(yAxis)
## return drawing
##def sample2c():
## "Make two axes, x connected at fixed value (in points) of y."
## drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
## data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
## yAxis = YValueAxis()
## yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
## yAxis.configure(data)
## xAxis = XCategoryAxis()
## xAxis._length = 300
## xAxis.configure(data)
## xAxis.joinToAxis(yAxis, mode='points', pos=100)
## xAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer', 'Wine', 'Meat', 'Cannelloni']
## xAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
## drawing.add(xAxis)
## drawing.add(yAxis)
## return drawing
##def sample2d():
## "Make two axes, x connected at fixed value (of y-axes) of y."
## drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
## data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
## yAxis = YValueAxis()
## yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
## yAxis.configure(data)
## xAxis = XCategoryAxis()
## xAxis._length = 300
## xAxis.configure(data)
## xAxis.joinToAxis(yAxis, mode='value', pos=20)
## xAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer', 'Wine', 'Meat', 'Cannelloni']
## xAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
## drawing.add(xAxis)
## drawing.add(yAxis)
## return drawing
##def sample3a():
## "Make sample drawing with two axes, y connected at left of x."
## drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
## data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
## xAxis = XCategoryAxis()
## xAxis._length = 300
## xAxis.configure(data)
## xAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer', 'Wine', 'Meat', 'Cannelloni']
## xAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
## yAxis = YValueAxis()
## yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
## yAxis.configure(data)
## yAxis.joinToAxis(xAxis, mode='left')
## drawing.add(xAxis)
## drawing.add(yAxis)
## return drawing
##def sample3b():
## "Make sample drawing with two axes, y connected at right of x."
## drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
## data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
## xAxis = XCategoryAxis()
## xAxis._length = 300
## xAxis.configure(data)
## xAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer', 'Wine', 'Meat', 'Cannelloni']
## xAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
## yAxis = YValueAxis()
## yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
## yAxis.configure(data)
## yAxis.joinToAxis(xAxis, mode='right')
## drawing.add(xAxis)
## drawing.add(yAxis)
## return drawing
##def sample3c():
## "Make two axes, y connected at fixed value (in points) of x."
## drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
## data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
## yAxis = YValueAxis()
## yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
## yAxis.configure(data)
## xAxis = XValueAxis()
## xAxis._length = 300
## xAxis.configure(data)
## xAxis.joinToAxis(yAxis, mode='points', pos=100)
## drawing.add(xAxis)
## drawing.add(yAxis)
## return drawing
def sample4a():
"Sample drawing, xvalue/yvalue axes, y connected at 100 pts to x."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
yAxis = YValueAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
xAxis = XValueAxis()
xAxis._length = 300
xAxis.joinAxis = yAxis
xAxis.joinAxisMode = 'points'
xAxis.joinAxisPos = 100
return drawing
def sample4b():
"Sample drawing, xvalue/yvalue axes, y connected at value 35 of x."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
yAxis = YValueAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
xAxis = XValueAxis()
xAxis._length = 300
xAxis.joinAxis = yAxis
xAxis.joinAxisMode = 'value'
xAxis.joinAxisPos = 35
return drawing
def sample4c():
"Sample drawing, xvalue/yvalue axes, y connected to bottom of x."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
yAxis = YValueAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
xAxis = XValueAxis()
xAxis._length = 300
xAxis.joinAxis = yAxis
xAxis.joinAxisMode = 'bottom'
return drawing
def sample4c1():
"xvalue/yvalue axes, without drawing axis lines/ticks."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
yAxis = YValueAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
yAxis.visibleAxis = 0
yAxis.visibleTicks = 0
xAxis = XValueAxis()
xAxis._length = 300
xAxis.joinAxis = yAxis
xAxis.joinAxisMode = 'bottom'
xAxis.visibleAxis = 0
xAxis.visibleTicks = 0
return drawing
def sample4d():
"Sample drawing, xvalue/yvalue axes, y connected to top of x."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
yAxis = YValueAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
xAxis = XValueAxis()
xAxis._length = 300
xAxis.joinAxis = yAxis
xAxis.joinAxisMode = 'top'
return drawing
def sample5a():
"Sample drawing, xvalue/yvalue axes, y connected at 100 pts to x."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
xAxis = XValueAxis()
xAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 300)
yAxis = YValueAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
yAxis.joinAxis = xAxis
yAxis.joinAxisMode = 'points'
yAxis.joinAxisPos = 100
return drawing
def sample5b():
"Sample drawing, xvalue/yvalue axes, y connected at value 35 of x."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
xAxis = XValueAxis()
xAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 300)
yAxis = YValueAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
yAxis.joinAxis = xAxis
yAxis.joinAxisMode = 'value'
yAxis.joinAxisPos = 35
return drawing
def sample5c():
"Sample drawing, xvalue/yvalue axes, y connected at right of x."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
xAxis = XValueAxis()
xAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 300)
yAxis = YValueAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
yAxis.joinAxis = xAxis
yAxis.joinAxisMode = 'right'
return drawing
def sample5d():
"Sample drawing, xvalue/yvalue axes, y connected at left of x."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
xAxis = XValueAxis()
xAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 300)
yAxis = YValueAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
yAxis.joinAxis = xAxis
yAxis.joinAxisMode = 'left'
return drawing
def sample6a():
"Sample drawing, xcat/yvalue axes, x connected at top of y."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
yAxis = YValueAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
xAxis = XCategoryAxis()
xAxis._length = 300
xAxis.joinAxis = yAxis
xAxis.joinAxisMode = 'top'
xAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer', 'Wine', 'Meat', 'Cannelloni']
xAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
return drawing
def sample6b():
"Sample drawing, xcat/yvalue axes, x connected at bottom of y."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
yAxis = YValueAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
xAxis = XCategoryAxis()
xAxis._length = 300
xAxis.joinAxis = yAxis
xAxis.joinAxisMode = 'bottom'
xAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer', 'Wine', 'Meat', 'Cannelloni']
xAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
return drawing
def sample6c():
"Sample drawing, xcat/yvalue axes, x connected at 100 pts to y."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
yAxis = YValueAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
xAxis = XCategoryAxis()
xAxis._length = 300
xAxis.joinAxis = yAxis
xAxis.joinAxisMode = 'points'
xAxis.joinAxisPos = 100
xAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer', 'Wine', 'Meat', 'Cannelloni']
xAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
return drawing
def sample6d():
"Sample drawing, xcat/yvalue axes, x connected at value 20 of y."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
yAxis = YValueAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
xAxis = XCategoryAxis()
xAxis._length = 300
xAxis.joinAxis = yAxis
xAxis.joinAxisMode = 'value'
xAxis.joinAxisPos = 20
xAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer', 'Wine', 'Meat', 'Cannelloni']
xAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n'
return drawing
def sample7a():
"Sample drawing, xvalue/ycat axes, y connected at right of x."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
xAxis = XValueAxis()
xAxis._length = 300
yAxis = YCategoryAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
yAxis.joinAxis = xAxis
yAxis.joinAxisMode = 'right'
yAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer', 'Wine', 'Meat', 'Cannelloni']
yAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'e'
return drawing
def sample7b():
"Sample drawing, xvalue/ycat axes, y connected at left of x."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
xAxis = XValueAxis()
xAxis._length = 300
yAxis = YCategoryAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
yAxis.joinAxis = xAxis
yAxis.joinAxisMode = 'left'
yAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer', 'Wine', 'Meat', 'Cannelloni']
yAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'e'
return drawing
def sample7c():
"Sample drawing, xvalue/ycat axes, y connected at value 30 of x."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
xAxis = XValueAxis()
xAxis._length = 300
yAxis = YCategoryAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
yAxis.joinAxis = xAxis
yAxis.joinAxisMode = 'value'
yAxis.joinAxisPos = 30
yAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer', 'Wine', 'Meat', 'Cannelloni']
yAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'e'
return drawing
def sample7d():
"Sample drawing, xvalue/ycat axes, y connected at 200 pts to x."
drawing = Drawing(400, 200)
data = [(10, 20, 30, 42)]
xAxis = XValueAxis()
xAxis._length = 300
yAxis = YCategoryAxis()
yAxis.setPosition(50, 50, 125)
yAxis.joinAxis = xAxis
yAxis.joinAxisMode = 'points'
yAxis.joinAxisPos = 200
yAxis.categoryNames = ['Beer', 'Wine', 'Meat', 'Cannelloni']
yAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'e'
return drawing