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openerp.testing.section('data.model.group_by', {
rpc: 'mock',
dependencies: ['web.data'],
}, function (test) {
var group_result = [{
bar: 3, bar_count: 5, __context: {}, __domain: [['bar', '=', 3]],
}, {
bar: 5, bar_count: 3, __context: {}, __domain: [['bar', '=', 5]],
}, {
bar: 8, bar_count: 0, __context: {}, __domain: [['bar', '=', 8]],
test('basic', {asserts: 7}, function (instance, $fix, mock) {
var m = new instance.web.Model('foo');
mock('foo:read_group', function (args, kwargs) {
deepEqual(kwargs.fields, ['bar'],
"should read grouping field");
deepEqual(kwargs.groupby, ['bar'],
"should have single grouping field");
return group_result;
mock('/web/dataset/search_read', function (args) {
deepEqual(args.params.domain, [['bar', '=', 3]],
"should have domain matching that of group_by result");
return {records: [
{bar: 3, id: 1},
{bar: 3, id: 2},
{bar: 3, id: 4},
{bar: 3, id: 8},
{bar: 3, id: 16}
], length: 5};
return m.query().group_by('bar')
.then(function (groups) {
ok(groups, "should have data");
equal(groups.length, 3, "should have three results");
var first = groups[0];
ok(first.attributes.has_children, "should have children");
return first.query().all();
}).done(function (first) {
equal(first.length, 5, "should have 5 records");
test('noleaf', {asserts: 5}, function (instance, $fix, mock) {
var m = new instance.web.Model('foo', {group_by_no_leaf: true});
mock('foo:read_group', function (args, kwargs) {
deepEqual(kwargs.fields, ['bar'],
"should read grouping field");
deepEqual(kwargs.groupby, ['bar'],
"should have single grouping field");
return group_result;
return m.query().group_by('bar')
.then(function (groups) {
ok(groups, "should have data");
equal(groups.length, 3, "should have three results");
"should not have children because no_leaf");
test('nogroup', {rpc: false}, function (instance, $f, mock) {
var m = new instance.web.Model('foo');
strictEqual(m.query().group_by(), null, "should not group");
test('empty.noleaf', {asserts: 1}, function (instance, $f, mock) {
var m = new instance.web.Model('foo', {group_by_no_leaf: true});
mock('foo:read_group', function (args, kwargs) {
return [{__context: [], __domain: []}];
return m.query().group_by().done(function (groups) {
strictEqual(groups.length, 1,
"should generate a single fake-ish group");