
513 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import cStringIO
import datetime
import functools
import operator
import itertools
import time
import Image
import psycopg2
import pytz
import werkzeug.utils
import openerp.osv.fields
import openerp.tools.func
from openerp.osv import orm
from openerp.tools.translate import _
from openerp.tools.misc import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT,\
REFERENCING_FIELDS = set([None, 'id', '.id'])
def only_ref_fields(record):
return dict((k, v) for k, v in record.iteritems()
def exclude_ref_fields(record):
return dict((k, v) for k, v in record.iteritems()
CREATE = lambda values: (0, False, values)
UPDATE = lambda id, values: (1, id, values)
DELETE = lambda id: (2, id, False)
FORGET = lambda id: (3, id, False)
LINK_TO = lambda id: (4, id, False)
DELETE_ALL = lambda: (5, False, False)
REPLACE_WITH = lambda ids: (6, False, ids)
class ConversionNotFound(ValueError): pass
class ColumnWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, column, cr, uid, pool, fromtype, context=None):
self._converter = None
self._column = column
if column._obj:
self._pool = pool
self._converter_args = {
'cr': cr,
'uid': uid,
'model': pool[column._obj],
'fromtype': fromtype,
'context': context
def converter(self):
if not self._converter:
self._converter = self._pool['ir.fields.converter'].for_model(
return self._converter
def __getattr__(self, item):
return getattr(self._column, item)
class ir_fields_converter(orm.Model):
_name = 'ir.fields.converter'
def for_model(self, cr, uid, model, fromtype=str, context=None):
""" Returns a converter object for the model. A converter is a
callable taking a record-ish (a dictionary representing an openerp
record with values of typetag ``fromtype``) and returning a converted
records matching what :meth:`openerp.osv.orm.Model.write` expects.
:param model: :class:`openerp.osv.orm.Model` for the conversion base
:returns: a converter callable
:rtype: (record: dict, logger: (field, error) -> None) -> dict
columns = dict(
(k, ColumnWrapper(v.column, cr, uid, self.pool, fromtype, context))
for k, v in model._all_columns.iteritems())
converters = dict(
(k, self.to_field(cr, uid, model, column, fromtype, context))
for k, column in columns.iteritems())
def fn(record, log):
converted = {}
for field, value in record.iteritems():
if field in (None, 'id', '.id'): continue
if not value:
converted[field] = False
converted[field], ws = converters[field](value)
for w in ws:
if isinstance(w, basestring):
# wrap warning string in an ImportWarning for
# uniform handling
w = ImportWarning(w)
log(field, w)
except ValueError, e:
log(field, e)
return converted
return fn
def to_field(self, cr, uid, model, column, fromtype=str, context=None):
""" Fetches a converter for the provided column object, from the
specified type.
A converter is simply a callable taking a value of type ``fromtype``
(or a composite of ``fromtype``, e.g. list or dict) and returning a
value acceptable for a write() on the column ``column``.
By default, tries to get a method on itself with a name matching the
pattern ``_$fromtype_to_$column._type`` and returns it.
Converter callables can either return a value and a list of warnings
to their caller or raise ``ValueError``, which will be interpreted as a
validation & conversion failure.
ValueError can have either one or two parameters. The first parameter
is mandatory, **must** be a unicode string and will be used as the
user-visible message for the error (it should be translatable and
translated). It can contain a ``field`` named format placeholder so the
caller can inject the field's translated, user-facing name (@string).
The second parameter is optional and, if provided, must be a mapping.
This mapping will be merged into the error dictionary returned to the
If a converter can perform its function but has to make assumptions
about the data, it can send a warning to the user through adding an
instance of :class:`~openerp.osv.orm.ImportWarning` to the second value
it returns. The handling of a warning at the upper levels is the same
as ``ValueError`` above.
:param column: column object to generate a value for
:type column: :class:`fields._column`
:param type fromtype: type to convert to something fitting for ``column``
:param context: openerp request context
:return: a function (fromtype -> column.write_type), if a converter is found
:rtype: Callable | None
# FIXME: return None
converter = getattr(
self, '_%s_to_%s' % (fromtype.__name__, column._type), None)
if not converter: return None
return functools.partial(
converter, cr, uid, model, column, context=context)
def from_field(self, cr, uid, model, column, totype='str', context=None):
""" Fetches a converter for the provided column object, to the
specified type.
A converter is a callable taking a value as returned by a read on the
column, and returning a formatted value of type ``totype``.
By default, tries to get a method on itself with a name matching the
pattern ``_$totype_from_${column._type}`` and returns it.
Error conditions are similar to :meth:`~.to_field`
:param column: column object to generate a value from
:param str totype:
:return: a function (column.read_type -> totype)
:rtype: Callable | None
converter = getattr(
self, '_%s_from_%s' % (totype, column._type), None)
if not converter: return None
return functools.partial(
converter, cr, uid, model, column, context=context)
def _str_to_boolean(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
# all translatables used for booleans
true, yes, false, no = _(u"true"), _(u"yes"), _(u"false"), _(u"no")
# potentially broken casefolding? What about locales?
trues = set(word.lower() for word in itertools.chain(
[u'1', u"true", u"yes"], # don't use potentially translated values
self._get_translations(cr, uid, ['code'], u"true", context=context),
self._get_translations(cr, uid, ['code'], u"yes", context=context),
if value.lower() in trues: return True, []
# potentially broken casefolding? What about locales?
falses = set(word.lower() for word in itertools.chain(
[u'', u"0", u"false", u"no"],
self._get_translations(cr, uid, ['code'], u"false", context=context),
self._get_translations(cr, uid, ['code'], u"no", context=context),
if value.lower() in falses: return False, []
return True, [orm.ImportWarning(
_(u"Unknown value '%s' for boolean field '%%(field)s', assuming '%s'")
% (value, yes), {
'moreinfo': _(u"Use '1' for yes and '0' for no")
def _str_to_integer(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
return int(value), []
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
_(u"'%s' does not seem to be an integer for field '%%(field)s'")
% value)
def _str_to_float(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
return float(value), []
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
_(u"'%s' does not seem to be a number for field '%%(field)s'")
% value)
def _str_id(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
return value, []
_str_to_char = _str_to_text = _str_to_binary = _str_id
def _str_to_date(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
time.strptime(value, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)
return value, []
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
_(u"'%s' does not seem to be a valid date for field '%%(field)s'") % value, {
'moreinfo': _(u"Use the format '%s'") % u"2012-12-31"
def _input_tz(self, cr, uid, context):
# if there's a tz in context, try to use that
if context.get('tz'):
return pytz.timezone(context['tz'])
except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
# if the current user has a tz set, try to use that
user = self.pool['res.users'].read(
cr, uid, [uid], ['tz'], context=context)[0]
if user['tz']:
return pytz.timezone(user['tz'])
except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
# fallback if no tz in context or on user: UTC
return pytz.UTC
def _str_to_datetime(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
if context is None: context = {}
parsed_value = datetime.datetime.strptime(
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
_(u"'%s' does not seem to be a valid datetime for field '%%(field)s'") % value, {
'moreinfo': _(u"Use the format '%s'") % u"2012-12-31 23:59:59"
input_tz = self._input_tz(cr, uid, context)# Apply input tz to the parsed naive datetime
dt = input_tz.localize(parsed_value, is_dst=False)
# And convert to UTC before reformatting for writing
return dt.astimezone(pytz.UTC).strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT), []
def _get_translations(self, cr, uid, types, src, context):
types = tuple(types)
# Cache translations so they don't have to be reloaded from scratch on
# every row of the file
tnx_cache = cr.cache.setdefault(self._name, {})
if tnx_cache.setdefault(types, {}) and src in tnx_cache[types]:
return tnx_cache[types][src]
Translations = self.pool['ir.translation']
tnx_ids = Translations.search(
cr, uid, [('type', 'in', types), ('src', '=', src)], context=context)
tnx = Translations.read(cr, uid, tnx_ids, ['value'], context=context)
result = tnx_cache[types][src] = map(operator.itemgetter('value'), tnx)
return result
def _str_to_selection(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
selection = column.selection
if not isinstance(selection, (tuple, list)):
# FIXME: Don't pass context to avoid translations?
# Or just copy context & remove lang?
selection = selection(model, cr, uid)
for item, label in selection:
labels = self._get_translations(
cr, uid, ('selection', 'model', 'code'), label, context=context)
if value == unicode(item) or value in labels:
return item, []
raise ValueError(
_(u"Value '%s' not found in selection field '%%(field)s'") % (
value), {
'moreinfo': [label or unicode(item) for item, label in selection
if label or item]
def db_id_for(self, cr, uid, model, column, subfield, value, context=None):
""" Finds a database id for the reference ``value`` in the referencing
subfield ``subfield`` of the provided column of the provided model.
:param model: model to which the column belongs
:param column: relational column for which references are provided
:param subfield: a relational subfield allowing building of refs to
existing records: ``None`` for a name_get/name_search,
``id`` for an external id and ``.id`` for a database
:param value: value of the reference to match to an actual record
:param context: OpenERP request context
:return: a pair of the matched database identifier (if any), the
translated user-readable name for the field and the list of
:rtype: (ID|None, unicode, list)
if context is None: context = {}
id = None
warnings = []
action = {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'target': 'new',
'view_mode': 'tree,form', 'view_type': 'form',
'views': [(False, 'tree'), (False, 'form')],
'help': _(u"See all possible values")}
if subfield is None:
action['res_model'] = column._obj
elif subfield in ('id', '.id'):
action['res_model'] = 'ir.model.data'
action['domain'] = [('model', '=', column._obj)]
RelatedModel = self.pool[column._obj]
if subfield == '.id':
field_type = _(u"database id")
try: tentative_id = int(value)
except ValueError: tentative_id = value
if RelatedModel.search(cr, uid, [('id', '=', tentative_id)],
id = tentative_id
except psycopg2.DataError:
# type error
raise ValueError(
_(u"Invalid database id '%s' for the field '%%(field)s'") % value,
{'moreinfo': action})
elif subfield == 'id':
field_type = _(u"external id")
if '.' in value:
module, xid = value.split('.', 1)
module, xid = context.get('_import_current_module', ''), value
ModelData = self.pool['ir.model.data']
_model, id = ModelData.get_object_reference(
cr, uid, module, xid)
except ValueError: pass # leave id is None
elif subfield is None:
field_type = _(u"name")
ids = RelatedModel.name_search(
cr, uid, name=value, operator='=', context=context)
if ids:
if len(ids) > 1:
_(u"Found multiple matches for field '%%(field)s' (%d matches)")
% (len(ids))))
id, _name = ids[0]
raise Exception(_(u"Unknown sub-field '%s'") % subfield)
if id is None:
raise ValueError(
_(u"No matching record found for %(field_type)s '%(value)s' in field '%%(field)s'")
% {'field_type': field_type, 'value': value},
{'moreinfo': action})
return id, field_type, warnings
def _referencing_subfield(self, record):
""" Checks the record for the subfields allowing referencing (an
existing record in an other table), errors out if it finds potential
conflicts (multiple referencing subfields) or non-referencing subfields
returns the name of the correct subfield.
:param record:
:return: the record subfield to use for referencing and a list of warnings
:rtype: str, list
# Can import by name_get, external id or database id
fieldset = set(record.iterkeys())
raise ValueError(
_(u"Can not create Many-To-One records indirectly, import the field separately"))
if len(fieldset) > 1:
raise ValueError(
_(u"Ambiguous specification for field '%(field)s', only provide one of name, external id or database id"))
# only one field left possible, unpack
[subfield] = fieldset
return subfield, []
def _str_to_many2one(self, cr, uid, model, column, values, context=None):
# Should only be one record, unpack
[record] = values
subfield, w1 = self._referencing_subfield(record)
reference = record[subfield]
id, subfield_type, w2 = self.db_id_for(
cr, uid, model, column, subfield, reference, context=context)
return id, w1 + w2
def _str_to_many2many(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
[record] = value
subfield, warnings = self._referencing_subfield(record)
ids = []
for reference in record[subfield].split(','):
id, subfield_type, ws = self.db_id_for(
cr, uid, model, column, subfield, reference, context=context)
return [REPLACE_WITH(ids)], warnings
def _str_to_one2many(self, cr, uid, model, column, records, context=None):
commands = []
warnings = []
if len(records) == 1 and exclude_ref_fields(records[0]) == {}:
# only one row with only ref field, field=ref1,ref2,ref3 as in
# m2o/m2m
record = records[0]
subfield, ws = self._referencing_subfield(record)
# transform [{subfield:ref1,ref2,ref3}] into
# [{subfield:ref1},{subfield:ref2},{subfield:ref3}]
records = ({subfield:item} for item in record[subfield].split(','))
def log(_, e):
if not isinstance(e, Warning):
raise e
for record in records:
id = None
refs = only_ref_fields(record)
# there are ref fields in the record
if refs:
subfield, w1 = self._referencing_subfield(refs)
reference = record[subfield]
id, subfield_type, w2 = self.db_id_for(
cr, uid, model, column, subfield, reference, context=context)
writable = column.converter(exclude_ref_fields(record), log)
if id:
commands.append(UPDATE(id, writable))
return commands, warnings
def _html_from_passthrough(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
escapes the value and returns it directly
return werkzeug.utils.escape(value), []
_html_from_char = _html_from_integer = \
_html_from_date = _html_from_datetime = _html_from_passthrough
def _html_from_float(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
width, precision = column.digits or (None, None)
if precision is None:
fmt = '{value}'
fmt = '{value:.{precision}f}'
return werkzeug.utils.escape(
fmt.format(value=value, width=width, precision=precision, )), []
def _html_from_text(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
Escapes the value and converts newlines to br. This is bullshit.
return werkzeug.utils.escape(value).replace('\n', '<br>\n'), []
def _html_from_selection(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
selection = dict(openerp.osv.fields.selection.reify(
cr, uid, model, column, context=context))
return werkzeug.utils.escape(selection[value]), []
def _html_from_html(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
return value, []
def _html_from_many2one(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
return werkzeug.utils.escape(value.name_get()[0][1]), []
def _html_from_binary(self, cr, uid, model, column, value, context=None):
image = Image.open(cStringIO.StringIO(value.decode('base64')))
except IOError:
raise ValueError("Non-image binary fields can not be converted to HTML")
try: image.verify()
except: # no idea what "suitable exceptions" are
raise ValueError("Invalid image content")
mime = PIL_MIME_MAPPING.get(image.format)
if mime is None:
raise ValueError("Unknown PIL format %s" % image.format)
return ('<img src="data:%s;base64,%s">' % (mime, value)), []
PIL_MIME_MAPPING = {'PNG': 'image/png', 'JPEG': 'image/jpeg', 'GIF': 'image/gif', }