
431 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* InstantClick 2.1 | (C) 2014 Alexandre Dieulot | http://instantclick.io/license.html */
var InstantClick = function(document, location) {
// Internal variables
var $currentLocationWithoutHash
var $urlToPreload
var $preloadTimer
// Preloading-related variables
var $history = {}
var $xhr
var $url = false
var $title = false
var $hasBody = true
var $body = false
var $timing = {}
var $isPreloading = false
var $isWaitingForCompletion = false
// Variables defined by public functions
var $useWhitelist
var $preloadOnMousedown
var $delayBeforePreload
var $eventsCallbacks = {
change: []
////////// HELPERS //////////
function removeHash(url) {
var index = url.indexOf('#')
if (index < 0) {
return url
return url.substr(0, index)
function getLinkTarget(target) {
while (target.nodeName != 'A') {
target = target.parentNode
return target
function triggerPageEvent(eventType) {
for (var i = 0; i < $eventsCallbacks[eventType].length; i++) {
function changePage(title, body, newUrl, scrollY_) {
var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('')
doc.documentElement.innerHTML = body
document.documentElement.replaceChild(doc.body, document.body)
/* We cannot just use `document.body = doc.body` as it causes Safari 5.1, 6.0,
and Mobile 7.0 to execute script tags directly.
var elem = document.createElement('i')
elem.innerHTML = title
document.title = elem.textContent
if (newUrl) {
history.pushState(null, null, newUrl)
var hashIndex = newUrl.indexOf('#')
var hashElem = hashIndex > -1 && document.getElementById(newUrl.substr(hashIndex + 1))
var offset = 0
if (hashElem) {
for (; hashElem.offsetParent; hashElem = hashElem.offsetParent) {
offset += hashElem.offsetTop
scrollTo(0, offset)
$currentLocationWithoutHash = removeHash(newUrl)
else {
scrollTo(0, scrollY_)
function setPreloadingAsHalted() {
$isPreloading = false
$isWaitingForCompletion = false
////////// EVENT HANDLERS //////////
function mousedown(e) {
function mouseover(e) {
var a = getLinkTarget(e.target)
a.addEventListener('mouseout', mouseout)
if (!$delayBeforePreload) {
else {
$urlToPreload = a.href
$preloadTimer = setTimeout(preload, $delayBeforePreload)
function click(e) {
if (e.which > 1 || e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) { // Opening in new tab
function mouseout() {
if ($preloadTimer) {
$preloadTimer = false
if (!$isPreloading || $isWaitingForCompletion) {
function readystatechange() {
if ($xhr.readyState < 4) {
if ($xhr.status == 0) {
/* Request aborted */
$timing.ready = +new Date - $timing.start
var text = $xhr.responseText
var titleIndex = text.indexOf('<title')
if (titleIndex > -1) {
$title = text.substr(text.indexOf('>', titleIndex) + 1)
$title = $title.substr(0, $title.indexOf('</title'))
var bodyIndex = text.indexOf('<body')
if (bodyIndex > -1) {
$body = text.substr(bodyIndex)
var closingIndex = $body.indexOf('</body')
if (closingIndex > -1) {
$body = $body.substr(0, closingIndex)
var urlWithoutHash = removeHash($url)
$history[urlWithoutHash] = {
body: $body,
title: $title,
scrollY: urlWithoutHash in $history ? $history[urlWithoutHash].scrollY : 0
else {
$hasBody = false
if ($isWaitingForCompletion) {
$isWaitingForCompletion = false
////////// MAIN FUNCTIONS //////////
function instantanize(isInitializing) {
var as = document.getElementsByTagName('a'), a, domain = location.protocol + '//' + location.host
for (var i = as.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
a = as[i]
if (a.target || // target="_blank" etc.
a.hasAttribute('download') ||
a.href.indexOf(domain + '/') != 0 || // another domain (or no href attribute)
a.href.indexOf('#') > -1 && removeHash(a.href) == $currentLocationWithoutHash || // link to an anchor
($useWhitelist ? !a.hasAttribute('data-instant') : a.hasAttribute('data-no-instant'))) {
if ($preloadOnMousedown) {
a.addEventListener('mousedown', mousedown)
else {
a.addEventListener('mouseover', mouseover)
a.addEventListener('click', click)
if (!isInitializing) {
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), script, copy, parentNode, nextSibling
for (i = 0, j = scripts.length; i < j; i++) {
script = scripts[i]
if (script.hasAttribute('data-no-instant')) {
copy = document.createElement('script')
if (script.src) {
copy.src = script.src
if (script.innerHTML) {
copy.innerHTML = script.innerHTML
parentNode = script.parentNode
nextSibling = script.nextSibling
parentNode.insertBefore(copy, nextSibling)
function preload(url) {
if (!$preloadOnMousedown && 'display' in $timing && +new Date - ($timing.start + $timing.display) < 100) {
/* After a page is displayed, if the user's cursor happens to be above a link
a mouseover event will be in most browsers triggered automatically, and in
other browsers it will be triggered when the user moves his mouse by 1px.
Here are the behavior I noticed, all on Windows:
- Safari 5.1: auto-triggers after 0 ms
- IE 11: auto-triggers after 30-80 ms (looks like it depends on page's size)
- Firefox: auto-triggers after 10 ms
- Opera 18: auto-triggers after 10 ms
- Chrome: triggers when cursor moved
- Opera 12.16: triggers when cursor moved
To remedy to this, we do not start preloading if last display occurred less than
100 ms ago. If they happen to click on the link, they will be redirected.
if ($preloadTimer) {
$preloadTimer = false
if (!url) {
url = $urlToPreload
if ($isPreloading && (url == $url || $isWaitingForCompletion)) {
$isPreloading = true
$isWaitingForCompletion = false
$url = url
$body = false
$hasBody = true
$timing = {
start: +new Date
$xhr.open('GET', url)
function display(url) {
if (!('display' in $timing)) {
$timing.display = +new Date - $timing.start
if ($preloadTimer) {
/* Happens when theres a delay before preloading and that delay
hasn't expired (preloading didn't kick in).
if ($url && $url != url) {
/* Happens when the user clicks on a link before preloading
kicks in while another link is already preloading.
location.href = url
$isWaitingForCompletion = true
if (!$isPreloading || $isWaitingForCompletion) {
/* If the page isn't preloaded, it likely means
the user has focused on a link (with his Tab
key) and then pressed Return, which triggered a click.
Because very few people do this, it isn't worth handling this
case and preloading on focus (also, focusing on a link
doesn't mean it's likely that you'll "click" on it), so we just
redirect them when they "click".
It could also mean the user hovered over a link less than 100 ms
after a page display, thus we didn't start the preload (see
comments in `preload()` for the rationale behind this.)
If the page is waiting for completion, the user clicked twice
while the page was preloading.
Two possibilities:
1) He clicks on the same link again, either because it's slow
to load (there's no browser loading indicator with
InstantClick, so he might think his click hasn't registered
if the page isn't loading fast enough) or because he has
a habit of double clicking on the web;
2) He clicks on another link.
In the first case, we redirect him (send him to the page the old
way) so that he can have the browser's loading indicator back.
In the second case, we redirect him because we haven't preloaded
that link, since we were already preloading the last one.
Determining if it's a double click might be overkill as there is
(hopefully) not that many people that double click on the web.
Fighting against the perception that the page is stuck is
interesting though, a seemingly good way to do that would be to
later incorporate a progress bar.
location.href = url
if (!$hasBody) {
location.href = $url
if (!$body) {
$isWaitingForCompletion = true
$history[$currentLocationWithoutHash].scrollY = pageYOffset
changePage($title, $body, $url)
var supported = 'pushState' in history
function init() {
if ($currentLocationWithoutHash) {
/* Already initialized */
if (!supported) {
for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var arg = arguments[i]
if (arg === true) {
$useWhitelist = true
else if (arg == 'mousedown') {
$preloadOnMousedown = true
else if (typeof arg == 'number') {
$delayBeforePreload = arg
$currentLocationWithoutHash = removeHash(location.href)
$history[$currentLocationWithoutHash] = {
body: document.body.outerHTML,
title: document.title,
scrollY: pageYOffset
$xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
$xhr.addEventListener('readystatechange', readystatechange)
addEventListener('popstate', function() {
var loc = removeHash(location.href)
if (loc == $currentLocationWithoutHash) {
if (!(loc in $history)) {
location.href = location.href // Reloads the page and makes use of cache for assets, unlike location.reload()
$history[$currentLocationWithoutHash].scrollY = pageYOffset
$currentLocationWithoutHash = loc
changePage($history[loc].title, $history[loc].body, false, $history[loc].scrollY)
function on(eventType, callback) {
/* The debug function isn't included by default to reduce file size.
To enable it, add a slash at the beginning of the comment englobing
the debug function, and uncomment "debug: debug," in the return
statement below the function. */
function debug() {
return {
currentLocationWithoutHash: $currentLocationWithoutHash,
history: $history,
xhr: $xhr,
url: $url,
title: $title,
hasBody: $hasBody,
body: $body,
timing: $timing,
isPreloading: $isPreloading,
isWaitingForCompletion: $isWaitingForCompletion
return {
// debug: debug,
supported: supported,
init: init,
on: on
}(document, location);