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#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2006
#see license.txt for license details
#history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/lib/textsplit.py
"""Helpers for text wrapping, hyphenation, Asian text splitting and kinsoku shori.
How to split a 'big word' depends on the language and the writing system. This module
works on a Unicode string. It ought to grow by allowing ore algoriths to be plugged
in based on possible knowledge of the language and desirable 'niceness' of the algorithm.
__version__=''' $Id: textsplit.py 2833 2006-04-05 16:01:20Z rgbecker $ '''
from types import StringType, UnicodeType
import unicodedata
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth
from reportlab.rl_config import _FUZZ
#strongly prohibited e.g. end brackets, stop, exclamation...
#middle priority e.g. continuation small vowels - wrapped on two lines but one string...
#weakly prohibited - continuations, celsius symbol etc.
#strongly prohibited
#weaker - currency symbols, hash, postcode - prefixes
def getCharWidths(word, fontName, fontSize):
"""Returns a list of glyph widths. Should be easy to optimize in _rl_accel
>>> getCharWidths('Hello', 'Courier', 10)
[6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0]
>>> from reportlab.pdfbase.cidfonts import UnicodeCIDFont
>>> from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import registerFont
>>> registerFont(UnicodeCIDFont('HeiseiMin-W3'))
>>> getCharWidths(u'\u6771\u4EAC', 'HeiseiMin-W3', 10) #most kanji are 100 ems
[10.0, 10.0]
#character-level function call; the performance is going to SUCK
return [stringWidth(uChar, fontName, fontSize) for uChar in word]
def wordSplit(word, availWidth, fontName, fontSize, encoding='utf8'):
"""Attempts to break a word which lacks spaces into two parts, the first of which
fits in the remaining space. It is allowed to add hyphens or whatever it wishes.
This is intended as a wrapper for some language- and user-choice-specific splitting
algorithms. It should only be called after line breaking on spaces, which covers western
languages and is highly optimised already. It works on the 'last unsplit word'.
Presumably with further study one could write a Unicode splitting algorithm for text
fragments whick was much faster.
Courier characters should be 6 points wide.
>>> wordSplit('HelloWorld', 30, 'Courier', 10)
[[0.0, 'Hello'], [0.0, 'World']]
>>> wordSplit('HelloWorld', 31, 'Courier', 10)
[[1.0, 'Hello'], [1.0, 'World']]
if type(word) is not UnicodeType:
uword = word.decode(encoding)
uword = word
charWidths = getCharWidths(uword, fontName, fontSize)
lines = dumbSplit(uword, charWidths, availWidth)
if type(word) is not UnicodeType:
lines2 = []
#convert back
for (extraSpace, text) in lines:
lines2.append([extraSpace, text.encode(encoding)])
lines = lines2
return lines
def dumbSplit(word, widths, availWidth):
"""This function attempts to fit as many characters as possible into the available
space, cutting "like a knife" between characters. This would do for Chinese.
It returns a list of (text, extraSpace) items where text is a Unicode string,
and extraSpace is the points of unused space available on the line. This is a
structure which is fairly easy to display, and supports 'backtracking' approaches
after the fact.
Test cases assume each character is ten points wide...
>>> dumbSplit(u'Hello', [10]*5, 60)
[[10.0, u'Hello']]
>>> dumbSplit(u'Hello', [10]*5, 50)
[[0.0, u'Hello']]
>>> dumbSplit(u'Hello', [10]*5, 40)
[[0.0, u'Hell'], [30, u'o']]
_more = """
#>>> dumbSplit(u'Hello', [10]*5, 4) # less than one character
#(u'', u'Hello')
# this says 'Nihongo wa muzukashii desu ne!' (Japanese is difficult isn't it?) in 12 characters
>>> jtext = u'\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u306f\u96e3\u3057\u3044\u3067\u3059\u306d\uff01'
>>> dumbSplit(jtext, [10]*11, 30) #
(u'\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e', u'\u306f\u96e3\u3057\u3044\u3067\u3059\u306d\uff01')
assert type(word) is UnicodeType
lines = []
widthUsed = 0.0
lineStartPos = 0
for (i, w) in enumerate(widths):
widthUsed += w
if widthUsed > availWidth + _FUZZ:
#used more than can fit...
#ping out with previous cut, then set up next line with one character
extraSpace = availWidth - widthUsed + w
#print 'ending a line; used %d, available %d' % (widthUsed, availWidth)
selected = word[lineStartPos:i]
#This is the most important of the Japanese typography rules.
#if next character cannot start a line, wrap it up to this line so it hangs
#in the right margin. We won't do two or more though - that's unlikely and
#would result in growing ugliness.
nextChar = word[i]
if nextChar in ALL_CANNOT_START:
#it's punctuation or a closing bracket of some kind. 'wrap up'
#so it stays on the line above, slightly exceeding our target width.
#print 'wrapping up', repr(nextChar)
selected += nextChar
extraSpace -= w
i += 1
lines.append([extraSpace, selected])
lineStartPos = i
widthUsed = w
i -= 1
#any characters left?
if widthUsed > 0:
extraSpace = availWidth - widthUsed
lines.append([extraSpace, word[lineStartPos:]])
return lines
def kinsokuShoriSplit(word, widths, availWidth):
"""Split according to Japanese rules according to CJKV (Lunde).
Essentially look for "nice splits" so that we don't end a line
with an open bracket, or start one with a full stop, or stuff like
that. There is no attempt to try to split compound words into
constituent kanji. It currently uses wrap-down: packs as much
on a line as possible, then backtracks if needed
This returns a number of words each of which should just about fit
on a line. If you give it a whole paragraph at once, it will
do all the splits.
It's possible we might slightly step over the width limit
if we do hanging punctuation marks in future (e.g. dangle a Japanese
full stop in the right margin rather than using a whole character
lines = []
assert len(word) == len(widths)
curWidth = 0.0
curLine = []
i = 0 #character index - we backtrack at times so cannot use for loop
while 1:
ch = word[i]
w = widths[i]
if curWidth + w < availWidth:
curWidth += w
#end of line. check legality
if ch in CANNOT_END_LINE[0]:
#to be completed
# This recipe refers:
# http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/148061
import re
rx=re.compile(u"([\u2e80-\uffff])", re.UNICODE)
def cjkwrap(text, width, encoding="utf8"):
return reduce(lambda line, word, width=width: '%s%s%s' %
[' ','\n', ''][(len(line)-line.rfind('\n')-1
+ len(word.split('\n',1)[0] ) >= width) or
line[-1:] == '\0' and 2],
rx.sub(r'\1\0 ', unicode(text,encoding)).split(' ')
).replace('\0', '').encode(encoding)
if __name__=='__main__':
import doctest, textsplit