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<data noupdate="1">
<record id="base.user_demo" model="res.users">
<field eval="[(4, ref('base.group_sale_salesman')),(4, ref('base.group_document_user'))]" name="groups_id"/>
<record id="demo_category1" model="document.page">
<field name="name">OpenERP Features</field>
<field name="type">category</field>
<field name="content">
Summary of the feature
Long explanation
Additional ressources
<record id="demo_page1" model="document.page">
<field name="name">OpenERP 6.1. Functional Demo</field>
<field name="parent_id" ref="demo_category1"/>
<field name="content">
The news is out, OpenERP's latest version 6.1. is here. It's more<br>
user-friendly, even more business oriented and efficient to manage your company<br>
How to discover the latest version 6.1.?<br>
Demo : <a target="http://demo.openerp.com" href="http://demo.openerp.com" style="background: url(&quot;&quot;) no-repeat scroll right center transparent;padding-right: 13px;"></a><br>
Online: <a target="http://openerp.com/online" href="http://openerp.com/online" style="background: url(&quot;&quot;) no-repeat scroll right center transparent;padding-right: 13px;"></a><br>
Download: <a target="http://openerp.com/downloads" href="http://openerp.com/downloads" style="background: url(&quot;&quot;) no-repeat scroll right center transparent;padding-right: 13px;"></a><br>
We have also put together a functional demo that presents 6.1. Watch this video<br>
to learn directly from us what OpenERP 6.1. can do for you. Share it in your<br>
company, with your clients and implement it now for your business.<br>
<h3>Watch on Youtube!</h3><br>
<iframe width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7jES2jxKMso " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe><br>
<record id="demo_page2" model="document.page">
<field name="name">Personalise Dashboards</field>
<field name="parent_id" ref="demo_category1"/>
<field name="content">
You like OpenERP, but feel like you want to personalise it more? Now, OpenERP<br>
goes a step further and lets you customize your dashboard. Thanks to a new<br>
feature that allows you to customize your dashboard by adding new boards of any<br>
search view.<br>
<h3>How is it done?</h3><br>
Step 1: access one search view <br>
Step 2: apply the filter you want to see at each connection to the application<br>
(eg. on sales, manufacturing, etc)<br>
Step 3: add it into the dashboard in the same space where you can save the filter<br>
Step 4: choose the application you want it visible on and the name of the array<br>
Look at this simple example below from Purchase, where I want to put on the<br>
application's dashboard "Purchases to Approve". After I access the search view<br>
and apply the filter for "Purchases to Approve", I can add it immediately to my<br>
Purchase dashboard.<br>
<img src="http://www.openerp.com/sites/default/files/fileattach/dashboard2_1(1).png" alt=""><br>
In less than a minute, the search view is visible on the dashboard<br>
<img src="http://www.openerp.com/sites/default/files/fileattach/dashboard2_2.png" alt=""><br>
Of course, you are free to delete what you don't need or like, but just in case<br>
you change your mind there is a reset button to return to the default view.<br>
<record id="demo_page3" model="document.page">
<field name="name">Touchscreen Point of Sale</field>
<field name="parent_id" ref="demo_category1"/>
<field name="content">
The brand new OpenERP touchscreen point of sale available with 6.1 allows you<br>
to manage your shop sales very easily. It's fully web based so that you don't<br>
have to install or deploy any software and all the sales shops can be easily<br>
consolidated. It works in connected and disconnected modes so that you can<br>
continue to sell if you lose your internet connection.<br>
<img src="http://www.openerp.com/sites/default/files/fileattach/POS(2).png" alt=""><br>
<h3>Here's a summary of its main features and benefits:</h3><br>
100% WEB based<br>
<ul><li>available for any touchscreen device (ipod, ipad, any tablet)mobile (with portable devices)</li><li>no installation required</li><li>no synchronization needed, completely integrated</li><li>continue working even when your connection is down if you close your browser, data won't be lost</li><li>fully web based with a clean interface smart interface</li></ul><br>
You have different options to select your products. You can do it through the<br>
barcode reader, just browse through the categories you have put in place (ie.<br>
drinks, snacks, meals, etc.), or text search in case neither of the other<br>
options work for you. If you need to use the POS for your restaurant, for<br>
example, your employees can record at the same time multiple tickets without<br>
having to wait to do one transaction at a time. Along, to facilitate payment,<br>
the application allows multiple payment methods.<br>
The POS application is so simple and accessible to use that your shop or<br>
restaurant will never need any other tool to manage orders. Due to its smart<br>
and user-friendly interface you don't need any training to learn how to use it.<br>
Think of it as an out-of-the-box solution to boost your business' productivity.<br>