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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Business Applications
# Copyright (c) 2012-TODAY OpenERP S.A. <http://openerp.com>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from openerp.addons.mail.mail_mail import mail_mail
from openerp.addons.mail.mail_thread import mail_thread
from openerp.addons.mail.tests.common import TestMail
from openerp.tools import mute_logger, email_split
from openerp.tools.mail import html_sanitize
class test_mail(TestMail):
def test_000_alias_setup(self):
""" Test basic mail.alias setup works, before trying to use them for routing """
cr, uid = self.cr, self.uid
self.user_valentin_id = self.res_users.create(cr, uid,
{'name': 'Valentin Cognito', 'email': 'valentin.cognito@gmail.com', 'login': 'valentin.cognito', 'alias_name': 'valentin.cognito'})
self.user_valentin = self.res_users.browse(cr, uid, self.user_valentin_id)
self.assertEquals(self.user_valentin.alias_name, self.user_valentin.login, "Login should be used as alias")
self.user_pagan_id = self.res_users.create(cr, uid,
{'name': 'Pagan Le Marchant', 'email': 'plmarchant@gmail.com', 'login': 'plmarchant@gmail.com', 'alias_name': 'plmarchant@gmail.com'})
self.user_pagan = self.res_users.browse(cr, uid, self.user_pagan_id)
self.assertEquals(self.user_pagan.alias_name, 'plmarchant', "If login is an email, the alias should keep only the local part")
self.user_barty_id = self.res_users.create(cr, uid,
{'name': 'Bartholomew Ironside', 'email': 'barty@gmail.com', 'login': 'b4r+_#_R3wl$$', 'alias_name': 'b4r+_#_R3wl$$'})
self.user_barty = self.res_users.browse(cr, uid, self.user_barty_id)
self.assertEquals(self.user_barty.alias_name, 'b4r+_-_r3wl-', 'Disallowed chars should be replaced by hyphens')
def test_00_followers_function_field(self):
""" Tests designed for the many2many function field 'follower_ids'.
We will test to perform writes using the many2many commands 0, 3, 4,
5 and 6. """
cr, uid, user_admin, partner_bert_id, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.user_admin, self.partner_bert_id, self.group_pigs
# Data: create 'disturbing' values in mail.followers: same res_id, other res_model; same res_model, other res_id
group_dummy_id = self.mail_group.create(cr, uid,
{'name': 'Dummy group'}, {'mail_create_nolog': True})
self.mail_followers.create(cr, uid,
{'res_model': 'mail.thread', 'res_id': self.group_pigs_id, 'partner_id': partner_bert_id})
self.mail_followers.create(cr, uid,
{'res_model': 'mail.group', 'res_id': group_dummy_id, 'partner_id': partner_bert_id})
# Pigs just created: should be only Admin as follower
follower_ids = set([follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids])
self.assertEqual(follower_ids, set([user_admin.partner_id.id]), 'Admin should be the only Pigs fan')
# Subscribe Bert through a '4' command
group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(4, partner_bert_id)]})
follower_ids = set([follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids])
self.assertEqual(follower_ids, set([partner_bert_id, user_admin.partner_id.id]), 'Bert and Admin should be the only Pigs fans')
# Unsubscribe Bert through a '3' command
group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(3, partner_bert_id)]})
follower_ids = set([follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids])
self.assertEqual(follower_ids, set([user_admin.partner_id.id]), 'Admin should be the only Pigs fan')
# Set followers through a '6' command
group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(6, 0, [partner_bert_id])]})
follower_ids = set([follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids])
self.assertEqual(follower_ids, set([partner_bert_id]), 'Bert should be the only Pigs fan')
# Add a follower created on the fly through a '0' command
group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': 'Patrick Fiori'})]})
partner_patrick_id = self.res_partner.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'Patrick Fiori')])[0]
follower_ids = set([follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids])
self.assertEqual(follower_ids, set([partner_bert_id, partner_patrick_id]), 'Bert and Patrick should be the only Pigs fans')
# Finally, unlink through a '5' command
group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(5, 0)]})
follower_ids = set([follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids])
self.assertFalse(follower_ids, 'Pigs group should not have fans anymore')
# Test dummy data has not been altered
fol_obj_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', 'mail.thread'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id)])
follower_ids = set([follower.partner_id.id for follower in self.mail_followers.browse(cr, uid, fol_obj_ids)])
self.assertEqual(follower_ids, set([partner_bert_id]), 'Bert should be the follower of dummy mail.thread data')
fol_obj_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', group_dummy_id)])
follower_ids = set([follower.partner_id.id for follower in self.mail_followers.browse(cr, uid, fol_obj_ids)])
self.assertEqual(follower_ids, set([partner_bert_id, user_admin.partner_id.id]), 'Bert and Admin should be the followers of dummy mail.group data')
def test_05_message_followers_and_subtypes(self):
""" Tests designed for the subscriber API as well as message subtypes """
cr, uid, user_admin, user_raoul, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.user_admin, self.user_raoul, self.group_pigs
# Data: message subtypes
self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_mg_def', 'default': True, 'res_model': 'mail.group'})
self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_other_def', 'default': True, 'res_model': 'crm.lead'})
self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_all_def', 'default': True, 'res_model': False})
mt_mg_nodef = self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_mg_nodef', 'default': False, 'res_model': 'mail.group'})
mt_all_nodef = self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_all_nodef', 'default': False, 'res_model': False})
default_group_subtypes = self.mail_message_subtype.search(cr, uid, [('default', '=', True), '|', ('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_model', '=', False)])
# ----------------------------------------
# CASE1: test subscriptions with subtypes
# ----------------------------------------
# Do: subscribe Raoul, should have default subtypes
# Test: 2 followers (Admin and Raoul)
follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
self.assertEqual(set(follower_ids), set([user_raoul.partner_id.id, user_admin.partner_id.id]),
'message_subscribe: Admin and Raoul should be the only 2 Pigs fans')
# Raoul follows default subtypes
fol_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [
('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'),
('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id),
('partner_id', '=', user_raoul.partner_id.id)
fol_obj = self.mail_followers.browse(cr, uid, fol_ids)[0]
fol_subtype_ids = set([subtype.id for subtype in fol_obj.subtype_ids])
self.assertEqual(set(fol_subtype_ids), set(default_group_subtypes),
'message_subscribe: Raoul subscription subtypes are incorrect, should be all default ones')
# Do: subscribe Raoul with specified new subtypes
group_pigs.message_subscribe_users([user_raoul.id], subtype_ids=[mt_mg_nodef])
# Test: 2 followers (Admin and Raoul)
follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
self.assertEqual(set(follower_ids), set([user_raoul.partner_id.id, user_admin.partner_id.id]),
'message_subscribe: Admin and Raoul should be the only 2 Pigs fans')
# Test: 2 lines in mail.followers (no duplicate for Raoul)
fol_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [
('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'),
('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id),
self.assertEqual(len(fol_ids), 2,
'message_subscribe: subscribing an already-existing follower should not create new entries in mail.followers')
# Test: Raoul follows only specified subtypes
fol_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [
('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'),
('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id),
('partner_id', '=', user_raoul.partner_id.id)
fol_obj = self.mail_followers.browse(cr, uid, fol_ids)[0]
fol_subtype_ids = set([subtype.id for subtype in fol_obj.subtype_ids])
self.assertEqual(set(fol_subtype_ids), set([mt_mg_nodef]),
'message_subscribe: Raoul subscription subtypes are incorrect, should be only specified')
# Do: Subscribe Raoul without specified subtypes: should not erase existing subscription subtypes
group_pigs.message_subscribe_users([user_raoul.id, user_raoul.id])
# Test: 2 followers (Admin and Raoul)
follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
self.assertEqual(set(follower_ids), set([user_raoul.partner_id.id, user_admin.partner_id.id]),
'message_subscribe: Admin and Raoul should be the only 2 Pigs fans')
# Test: Raoul follows default subtypes
fol_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [
('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'),
('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id),
('partner_id', '=', user_raoul.partner_id.id)
fol_obj = self.mail_followers.browse(cr, uid, fol_ids)[0]
fol_subtype_ids = set([subtype.id for subtype in fol_obj.subtype_ids])
self.assertEqual(set(fol_subtype_ids), set([mt_mg_nodef]),
'message_subscribe: Raoul subscription subtypes are incorrect, should be only specified')
# Do: Unsubscribe Raoul twice through message_unsubscribe_users
group_pigs.message_unsubscribe_users([user_raoul.id, user_raoul.id])
# Test: 1 follower (Admin)
follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
self.assertEqual(follower_ids, [user_admin.partner_id.id], 'Admin must be the only Pigs fan')
# Test: 1 lines in mail.followers (no duplicate for Raoul)
fol_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [
('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'),
('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id)
self.assertEqual(len(fol_ids), 1,
'message_subscribe: group should have only 1 entry in mail.follower for 1 follower')
# Do: subscribe Admin with subtype_ids
group_pigs.message_subscribe_users([uid], [mt_mg_nodef, mt_all_nodef])
fol_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id), ('partner_id', '=', user_admin.partner_id.id)])
fol_obj = self.mail_followers.browse(cr, uid, fol_ids)[0]
fol_subtype_ids = set([subtype.id for subtype in fol_obj.subtype_ids])
self.assertEqual(set(fol_subtype_ids), set([mt_mg_nodef, mt_all_nodef]), 'subscription subtypes are incorrect')
# ----------------------------------------
# CASE2: test mail_thread fields
# ----------------------------------------
subtype_data = group_pigs._get_subscription_data(None, None)[group_pigs.id]['message_subtype_data']
self.assertEqual(set(subtype_data.keys()), set(['Discussions', 'mt_mg_def', 'mt_all_def', 'mt_mg_nodef', 'mt_all_nodef']), 'mail.group available subtypes incorrect')
self.assertFalse(subtype_data['Discussions']['followed'], 'Admin should not follow Discussions in pigs')
self.assertTrue(subtype_data['mt_mg_nodef']['followed'], 'Admin should follow mt_mg_nodef in pigs')
self.assertTrue(subtype_data['mt_all_nodef']['followed'], 'Admin should follow mt_all_nodef in pigs')
def test_10_message_quote_context(self):
""" Tests designed for message_post. """
cr, uid, user_admin, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.user_admin, self.group_pigs
msg1_id = self.mail_message.create(cr, uid, {'body': 'Thread header about Zap Brannigan', 'subject': 'My subject'})
msg2_id = self.mail_message.create(cr, uid, {'body': 'First answer, should not be displayed', 'subject': 'Re: My subject', 'parent_id': msg1_id})
msg3_id = self.mail_message.create(cr, uid, {'body': 'Second answer', 'subject': 'Re: My subject', 'parent_id': msg1_id})
msg4_id = self.mail_message.create(cr, uid, {'body': 'Third answer', 'subject': 'Re: My subject', 'parent_id': msg1_id})
msg_new_id = self.mail_message.create(cr, uid, {'body': 'My answer I am propagating', 'subject': 'Re: My subject', 'parent_id': msg1_id})
result = self.mail_message.message_quote_context(cr, uid, msg_new_id, limit=3)
self.assertIn('Thread header about Zap Brannigan', result, 'Thread header content should be in quote.')
self.assertIn('Second answer', result, 'Answer should be in quote.')
self.assertIn('Third answer', result, 'Answer should be in quote.')
self.assertIn('expandable', result, 'Expandable should be present.')
self.assertNotIn('First answer, should not be displayed', result, 'Old answer should not be in quote.')
self.assertNotIn('My answer I am propagating', result, 'Thread header content should be in quote.')
def test_11_notification_url(self):
""" Tests designed to test the URL added in notification emails. """
cr, uid, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.group_pigs
# Test URL formatting
base_url = self.registry('ir.config_parameter').get_param(cr, uid, 'web.base.url')
# Partner data
partner_raoul = self.res_partner.browse(cr, uid, self.partner_raoul_id)
partner_bert_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'bert'})
partner_bert = self.res_partner.browse(cr, uid, partner_bert_id)
# Mail data
mail_mail_id = self.mail_mail.create(cr, uid, {'state': 'exception'})
mail = self.mail_mail.browse(cr, uid, mail_mail_id)
# Test: link for nobody -> None
url = mail_mail._get_partner_access_link(self.mail_mail, cr, uid, mail)
self.assertEqual(url, None,
'notification email: mails not send to a specific partner should not have any URL')
# Test: link for partner -> None
url = mail_mail._get_partner_access_link(self.mail_mail, cr, uid, mail, partner=partner_bert)
self.assertEqual(url, None,
'notification email: mails send to a not-user partner should not have any URL')
# Test: link for user -> signin
url = mail_mail._get_partner_access_link(self.mail_mail, cr, uid, mail, partner=partner_raoul)
self.assertIn(base_url, url,
'notification email: link should contain web.base.url')
self.assertIn('db=%s' % cr.dbname, url,
'notification email: link should contain database name')
self.assertIn('action=mail.action_mail_redirect', url,
'notification email: link should contain the redirect action')
self.assertIn('login=%s' % partner_raoul.user_ids[0].login, url,
'notification email: link should contain the user login')
# Test: link for user -> with model and res_id
mail_mail_id = self.mail_mail.create(cr, uid, {'model': 'mail.group', 'res_id': group_pigs.id})
mail = self.mail_mail.browse(cr, uid, mail_mail_id)
url = mail_mail._get_partner_access_link(self.mail_mail, cr, uid, mail, partner=partner_raoul)
self.assertIn(base_url, url,
'notification email: link should contain web.base.url')
self.assertIn('db=%s' % cr.dbname, url,
'notification email: link should contain database name')
self.assertIn('action=mail.action_mail_redirect', url,
'notification email: link should contain the redirect action')
self.assertIn('login=%s' % partner_raoul.user_ids[0].login, url,
'notification email: link should contain the user login')
self.assertIn('model=mail.group', url,
'notification email: link should contain the model when having not notification email on a record')
self.assertIn('res_id=%s' % group_pigs.id, url,
'notification email: link should contain the res_id when having not notification email on a record')
# Test: link for user -> with model and res_id
mail_mail_id = self.mail_mail.create(cr, uid, {'notification': True, 'model': 'mail.group', 'res_id': group_pigs.id})
mail = self.mail_mail.browse(cr, uid, mail_mail_id)
url = mail_mail._get_partner_access_link(self.mail_mail, cr, uid, mail, partner=partner_raoul)
self.assertIn(base_url, url,
'notification email: link should contain web.base.url')
self.assertIn('db=%s' % cr.dbname, url,
'notification email: link should contain database name')
self.assertIn('action=mail.action_mail_redirect', url,
'notification email: link should contain the redirect action')
self.assertIn('login=%s' % partner_raoul.user_ids[0].login, url,
'notification email: link should contain the user login')
self.assertIn('message_id=%s' % mail.mail_message_id.id, url,
'notification email: link based on message should contain the mail_message id')
self.assertNotIn('model=mail.group', url,
'notification email: link based on message should not contain model')
self.assertNotIn('res_id=%s' % group_pigs.id, url,
'notification email: link based on message should not contain res_id')
@mute_logger('openerp.addons.mail.mail_thread', 'openerp.osv.orm')
def test_12_inbox_redirection(self):
""" Tests designed to test the inbox redirection of emails notification URLs. """
cr, uid, user_admin, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.user_admin, self.group_pigs
model, act_id = self.ir_model_data.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'mail', 'action_mail_inbox_feeds')
# Data: post a message on pigs
msg_id = self.group_pigs.message_post(body='My body', partner_ids=[self.partner_bert_id], type='comment', subtype='mail.mt_comment')
# No specific parameters -> should redirect to Inbox
action = mail_thread.message_redirect_action(self.mail_thread, cr, self.user_raoul_id, {'params': {}})
action.get('type'), 'ir.actions.client',
'URL redirection: action without parameters should redirect to client action Inbox'
action.get('id'), act_id,
'URL redirection: action without parameters should redirect to client action Inbox'
# Raoul has read access to Pigs -> should redirect to form view of Pigs
action = mail_thread.message_redirect_action(self.mail_thread, cr, self.user_raoul_id, {'params': {'message_id': msg_id}})
action.get('type'), 'ir.actions.act_window',
'URL redirection: action with message_id for read-accredited user should redirect to Pigs'
action.get('res_id'), group_pigs.id,
'URL redirection: action with message_id for read-accredited user should redirect to Pigs'
action = mail_thread.message_redirect_action(self.mail_thread, cr, self.user_raoul_id, {'params': {'model': 'mail.group', 'res_id': group_pigs.id}})
action.get('type'), 'ir.actions.act_window',
'URL redirection: action with message_id for read-accredited user should redirect to Pigs'
action.get('res_id'), group_pigs.id,
'URL redirection: action with message_id for read-accredited user should redirect to Pigs'
# Bert has no read access to Pigs -> should redirect to Inbox
action = mail_thread.message_redirect_action(self.mail_thread, cr, self.user_bert_id, {'params': {'message_id': msg_id}})
action.get('type'), 'ir.actions.client',
'URL redirection: action without parameters should redirect to client action Inbox'
action.get('id'), act_id,
'URL redirection: action without parameters should redirect to client action Inbox'
action = mail_thread.message_redirect_action(self.mail_thread, cr, self.user_bert_id, {'params': {'model': 'mail.group', 'res_id': group_pigs.id}})
action.get('type'), 'ir.actions.client',
'URL redirection: action without parameters should redirect to client action Inbox'
action.get('id'), act_id,
'URL redirection: action without parameters should redirect to client action Inbox'
def test_20_message_post(self):
""" Tests designed for message_post. """
cr, uid, user_raoul, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.user_raoul, self.group_pigs
# --------------------------------------------------
# Data creation
# --------------------------------------------------
# 0 - Update existing users-partners
self.res_users.write(cr, uid, [uid], {'email': 'a@a', 'notification_email_send': 'comment'})
self.res_users.write(cr, uid, [self.user_raoul_id], {'email': 'r@r'})
# 1 - Bert Tartopoils, with email, should receive emails for comments and emails
p_b_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Bert Tartopoils', 'email': 'b@b'})
# 2 - Carine Poilvache, with email, should receive emails for emails
p_c_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Carine Poilvache', 'email': 'c@c', 'notification_email_send': 'email'})
# 3 - Dédé Grosbedon, without email, to test email verification; should receive emails for every message
p_d_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Dédé Grosbedon', 'email': 'd@d', 'notification_email_send': 'all'})
# 4 - Attachments
attach1_id = self.ir_attachment.create(cr, user_raoul.id, {
'name': 'Attach1', 'datas_fname': 'Attach1',
'datas': 'bWlncmF0aW9uIHRlc3Q=',
'res_model': 'mail.compose.message', 'res_id': 0})
attach2_id = self.ir_attachment.create(cr, user_raoul.id, {
'name': 'Attach2', 'datas_fname': 'Attach2',
'datas': 'bWlncmF0aW9uIHRlc3Q=',
'res_model': 'mail.compose.message', 'res_id': 0})
attach3_id = self.ir_attachment.create(cr, user_raoul.id, {
'name': 'Attach3', 'datas_fname': 'Attach3',
'datas': 'bWlncmF0aW9uIHRlc3Q=',
'res_model': 'mail.compose.message', 'res_id': 0})
# 5 - Mail data
_subject = 'Pigs'
_mail_subject = 'Re: %s' % (group_pigs.name)
_body1 = '<p>Pigs rules</p>'
_body2 = '<html>Pigs rocks</html>'
_attachments = [
('List1', 'My first attachment'),
('List2', 'My second attachment')
# --------------------------------------------------
# CASE1: post comment + partners + attachments
# --------------------------------------------------
# Data: set alias_domain to see emails with alias
self.registry('ir.config_parameter').set_param(self.cr, self.uid, 'mail.catchall.domain', 'schlouby.fr')
# Data: change Pigs name to test reply_to
self.mail_group.write(cr, uid, [self.group_pigs_id], {'name': '"Pigs" !ù $%-'})
# Do: subscribe Raoul
new_follower_ids = [self.partner_raoul_id]
# Test: group followers = Raoul + uid
group_fids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
test_fids = new_follower_ids + [self.partner_admin_id]
self.assertEqual(set(test_fids), set(group_fids),
'message_subscribe: incorrect followers after subscribe')
# Do: Raoul message_post on Pigs
msg1_id = self.mail_group.message_post(cr, user_raoul.id, self.group_pigs_id,
body=_body1, subject=_subject, partner_ids=[p_b_id, p_c_id],
attachment_ids=[attach1_id, attach2_id], attachments=_attachments,
type='comment', subtype='mt_comment')
msg = self.mail_message.browse(cr, uid, msg1_id)
msg_message_id = msg.message_id
msg_pids = [partner.id for partner in msg.notified_partner_ids]
msg_aids = [attach.id for attach in msg.attachment_ids]
sent_emails = self._build_email_kwargs_list
# Test: mail_message: subject and body not modified
self.assertEqual(_subject, msg.subject, 'message_post: mail.message subject incorrect')
self.assertEqual(_body1, msg.body, 'message_post: mail.message body incorrect')
# Test: mail_message: notified_partner_ids = group followers + partner_ids - author
test_pids = set([self.partner_admin_id, p_b_id, p_c_id])
self.assertEqual(test_pids, set(msg_pids), 'message_post: mail.message notified partners incorrect')
# Test: mail_message: attachments (4, attachment_ids + attachments)
test_aids = set([attach1_id, attach2_id])
msg_attach_names = set([attach.name for attach in msg.attachment_ids])
test_attach_names = set(['Attach1', 'Attach2', 'List1', 'List2'])
self.assertEqual(len(msg_aids), 4,
'message_post: mail.message wrong number of attachments')
self.assertEqual(msg_attach_names, test_attach_names,
'message_post: mail.message attachments incorrectly added')
'message_post: mail.message attachments duplicated')
for attach in msg.attachment_ids:
self.assertEqual(attach.res_model, 'mail.group',
'message_post: mail.message attachments were not linked to the document')
self.assertEqual(attach.res_id, group_pigs.id,
'message_post: mail.message attachments were not linked to the document')
if 'List' in attach.name:
self.assertIn((attach.name, attach.datas.decode('base64')), _attachments,
'message_post: mail.message attachment name / data incorrect')
dl_attach = self.mail_message.download_attachment(cr, user_raoul.id, id_message=msg.id, attachment_id=attach.id)
self.assertIn((dl_attach['filename'], dl_attach['base64'].decode('base64')), _attachments,
'message_post: mail.message download_attachment is incorrect')
# Test: followers: same as before (author was already subscribed)
group_fids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
test_fids = new_follower_ids + [self.partner_admin_id]
self.assertEqual(set(test_fids), set(group_fids),
'message_post: wrong followers after posting')
# Test: mail_mail: notifications have been deleted
self.assertFalse(self.mail_mail.search(cr, uid, [('mail_message_id', '=', msg1_id)]),
'message_post: mail.mail notifications should have been auto-deleted!')
# Test: notifications emails: to a and b, c is email only, r is author
# test_emailto = ['Administrator <a@a>', 'Bert Tartopoils <b@b>']
test_emailto = ['"Followers of -Pigs-" <a@a>', '"Followers of -Pigs-" <b@b>']
self.assertEqual(len(sent_emails), 2,
'message_post: notification emails wrong number of send emails')
self.assertEqual(set([m['email_to'][0] for m in sent_emails]), set(test_emailto),
'message_post: notification emails wrong recipients (email_to)')
for sent_email in sent_emails:
self.assertEqual(sent_email['email_from'], 'Raoul Grosbedon <raoul@schlouby.fr>',
'message_post: notification email wrong email_from: should use alias of sender')
self.assertEqual(len(sent_email['email_to']), 1,
'message_post: notification email sent to more than one email address instead of a precise partner')
self.assertIn(sent_email['email_to'][0], test_emailto,
'message_post: notification email email_to incorrect')
self.assertEqual(sent_email['reply_to'], '"Followers of -Pigs-" <group+pigs@schlouby.fr>',
'message_post: notification email reply_to incorrect')
self.assertEqual(_subject, sent_email['subject'],
'message_post: notification email subject incorrect')
self.assertIn(_body1, sent_email['body'],
'message_post: notification email body incorrect')
self.assertIn(user_raoul.signature, sent_email['body'],
'message_post: notification email body should contain the sender signature')
self.assertIn('Pigs rules', sent_email['body_alternative'],
'message_post: notification email body alternative should contain the body')
self.assertNotIn('<p>', sent_email['body_alternative'],
'message_post: notification email body alternative still contains html')
self.assertIn(user_raoul.signature, sent_email['body_alternative'],
'message_post: notification email body alternative should contain the sender signature')
'message_post: references should be False when sending a message that is not a reply')
# Test: notification linked to this message = group followers = notified_partner_ids
notif_ids = self.mail_notification.search(cr, uid, [('message_id', '=', msg1_id)])
notif_pids = set([notif.partner_id.id for notif in self.mail_notification.browse(cr, uid, notif_ids)])
self.assertEqual(notif_pids, test_pids,
'message_post: mail.message created mail.notification incorrect')
# Data: Pigs name back to normal
self.mail_group.write(cr, uid, [self.group_pigs_id], {'name': 'Pigs'})
# --------------------------------------------------
# CASE2: reply + parent_id + parent notification
# --------------------------------------------------
# Data: remove alias_domain to see emails with alias
param_ids = self.registry('ir.config_parameter').search(cr, uid, [('key', '=', 'mail.catchall.domain')])
self.registry('ir.config_parameter').unlink(cr, uid, param_ids)
# Do: Raoul message_post on Pigs
msg2_id = self.mail_group.message_post(cr, user_raoul.id, self.group_pigs_id,
body=_body2, type='email', subtype='mt_comment',
partner_ids=[p_d_id], parent_id=msg1_id, attachment_ids=[attach3_id],
context={'mail_post_autofollow': True})
msg = self.mail_message.browse(cr, uid, msg2_id)
msg_pids = [partner.id for partner in msg.notified_partner_ids]
msg_aids = [attach.id for attach in msg.attachment_ids]
sent_emails = self._build_email_kwargs_list
# Test: mail_message: subject is False, body, parent_id is msg_id
self.assertEqual(msg.subject, False, 'message_post: mail.message subject incorrect')
self.assertEqual(msg.body, html_sanitize(_body2), 'message_post: mail.message body incorrect')
self.assertEqual(msg.parent_id.id, msg1_id, 'message_post: mail.message parent_id incorrect')
# Test: mail_message: notified_partner_ids = group followers
test_pids = [self.partner_admin_id, p_d_id]
self.assertEqual(set(test_pids), set(msg_pids), 'message_post: mail.message partners incorrect')
# Test: mail_message: notifications linked to this message = group followers = notified_partner_ids
notif_ids = self.mail_notification.search(cr, uid, [('message_id', '=', msg2_id)])
notif_pids = [notif.partner_id.id for notif in self.mail_notification.browse(cr, uid, notif_ids)]
self.assertEqual(set(test_pids), set(notif_pids), 'message_post: mail.message notification partners incorrect')
# Test: mail_mail: notifications deleted
self.assertFalse(self.mail_mail.search(cr, uid, [('mail_message_id', '=', msg2_id)]), 'mail.mail notifications should have been auto-deleted!')
# Test: emails send by server (to a, b, c, d)
# test_emailto = [u'Administrator <a@a>', u'Bert Tartopoils <b@b>', u'Carine Poilvache <c@c>', u'D\xe9d\xe9 Grosbedon <d@d>']
test_emailto = [u'"Followers of Pigs" <a@a>', u'"Followers of Pigs" <b@b>', u'"Followers of Pigs" <c@c>', u'"Followers of Pigs" <d@d>']
# self.assertEqual(len(sent_emails), 3, 'sent_email number of sent emails incorrect')
for sent_email in sent_emails:
self.assertEqual(sent_email['email_from'], 'Raoul Grosbedon <r@r>',
'message_post: notification email wrong email_from: should use email of sender when no alias domain set')
self.assertEqual(len(sent_email['email_to']), 1,
'message_post: notification email sent to more than one email address instead of a precise partner')
self.assertIn(sent_email['email_to'][0], test_emailto,
'message_post: notification email email_to incorrect')
self.assertEqual(email_split(sent_email['reply_to']), ['r@r'], # was '"Followers of Pigs" <r@r>', but makes no sense
'message_post: notification email reply_to incorrect: should have raoul email')
self.assertEqual(_mail_subject, sent_email['subject'],
'message_post: notification email subject incorrect')
self.assertIn(html_sanitize(_body2), sent_email['body'],
'message_post: notification email does not contain the body')
self.assertIn(user_raoul.signature, sent_email['body'],
'message_post: notification email body should contain the sender signature')
self.assertIn('Pigs rocks', sent_email['body_alternative'],
'message_post: notification email body alternative should contain the body')
self.assertNotIn('<p>', sent_email['body_alternative'],
'message_post: notification email body alternative still contains html')
self.assertIn(user_raoul.signature, sent_email['body_alternative'],
'message_post: notification email body alternative should contain the sender signature')
self.assertIn(msg_message_id, sent_email['references'],
'message_post: notification email references lacks parent message message_id')
# Test: attachments + download
for attach in msg.attachment_ids:
self.assertEqual(attach.res_model, 'mail.group',
'message_post: mail.message attachment res_model incorrect')
self.assertEqual(attach.res_id, self.group_pigs_id,
'message_post: mail.message attachment res_id incorrect')
# Test: Dédé has been notified -> should also have been notified of the parent message
msg = self.mail_message.browse(cr, uid, msg1_id)
msg_pids = set([partner.id for partner in msg.notified_partner_ids])
test_pids = set([self.partner_admin_id, p_b_id, p_c_id, p_d_id])
self.assertEqual(test_pids, msg_pids, 'message_post: mail.message parent notification not created')
# Do: reply to last message
msg3_id = self.mail_group.message_post(cr, user_raoul.id, self.group_pigs_id, body='Test', parent_id=msg2_id)
msg = self.mail_message.browse(cr, uid, msg3_id)
# Test: check that its parent will be the first message
self.assertEqual(msg.parent_id.id, msg1_id, 'message_post did not flatten the thread structure')
def test_25_message_compose_wizard(self):
""" Tests designed for the mail.compose.message wizard. """
cr, uid, user_raoul, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.user_raoul, self.group_pigs
mail_compose = self.registry('mail.compose.message')
# --------------------------------------------------
# Data creation
# --------------------------------------------------
# 0 - Update existing users-partners
self.res_users.write(cr, uid, [uid], {'email': 'a@a'})
self.res_users.write(cr, uid, [self.user_raoul_id], {'email': 'r@r'})
# 1 - Bert Tartopoils, with email, should receive emails for comments and emails
p_b_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Bert Tartopoils', 'email': 'b@b'})
# 2 - Carine Poilvache, with email, should receive emails for emails
p_c_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Carine Poilvache', 'email': 'c@c', 'notification_email_send': 'email'})
# 3 - Dédé Grosbedon, without email, to test email verification; should receive emails for every message
p_d_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Dédé Grosbedon', 'email': 'd@d', 'notification_email_send': 'all'})
# 4 - Create a Bird mail.group, that will be used to test mass mailing
group_bird_id = self.mail_group.create(cr, uid,
'name': 'Bird',
'description': 'Bird resistance',
}, context={'mail_create_nolog': True})
group_bird = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, group_bird_id)
# 5 - Mail data
_subject = 'Pigs'
_body = 'Pigs <b>rule</b>'
_reply_subject = 'Re: %s' % _subject
_attachments = [
{'name': 'First', 'datas_fname': 'first.txt', 'datas': 'My first attachment'.encode('base64')},
{'name': 'Second', 'datas_fname': 'second.txt', 'datas': 'My second attachment'.encode('base64')}
_attachments_test = [('first.txt', 'My first attachment'), ('second.txt', 'My second attachment')]
# 6 - Subscribe Bert to Pigs
# --------------------------------------------------
# CASE1: wizard + partners + context keys
# --------------------------------------------------
# Do: Raoul wizard-composes on Pigs with auto-follow for partners, not for author
compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, user_raoul.id,
'subject': _subject,
'body': _body,
'partner_ids': [(4, p_c_id), (4, p_d_id)],
}, context={
'default_composition_mode': 'comment',
'default_model': 'mail.group',
'default_res_id': self.group_pigs_id,
compose = mail_compose.browse(cr, uid, compose_id)
# Test: mail.compose.message: composition_mode, model, res_id
self.assertEqual(compose.composition_mode, 'comment', 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message incorrect composition_mode')
self.assertEqual(compose.model, 'mail.group', 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message incorrect model')
self.assertEqual(compose.res_id, self.group_pigs_id, 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message incorrect res_id')
# Do: Post the comment
mail_compose.send_mail(cr, user_raoul.id, [compose_id], {'mail_post_autofollow': True, 'mail_create_nosubscribe': True})
message = group_pigs.message_ids[0]
# Test: mail.group: followers (c and d added by auto follow key; raoul not added by nosubscribe key)
pigs_pids = [p.id for p in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
test_pids = [self.partner_admin_id, p_b_id, p_c_id, p_d_id]
self.assertEqual(set(pigs_pids), set(test_pids),
'compose wizard: mail_post_autofollow and mail_create_nosubscribe context keys not correctly taken into account')
# Test: mail.message: subject, body inside p
self.assertEqual(message.subject, _subject, 'compose wizard: mail.message incorrect subject')
self.assertEqual(message.body, '<p>%s</p>' % _body, 'compose wizard: mail.message incorrect body')
# Test: mail.message: notified_partner_ids = admin + bert (followers) + c + d (recipients)
msg_pids = [partner.id for partner in message.notified_partner_ids]
test_pids = [self.partner_admin_id, p_b_id, p_c_id, p_d_id]
self.assertEqual(set(msg_pids), set(test_pids),
'compose wizard: mail.message notified_partner_ids incorrect')
# --------------------------------------------------
# CASE2: reply + attachments
# --------------------------------------------------
# Do: Reply with attachments
compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, user_raoul.id,
'attachment_ids': [(0, 0, _attachments[0]), (0, 0, _attachments[1])]
}, context={
'default_composition_mode': 'reply',
'default_model': 'mail.thread',
'default_res_id': self.group_pigs_id,
'default_parent_id': message.id
compose = mail_compose.browse(cr, uid, compose_id)
# Test: mail.compose.message: model, res_id, parent_id
self.assertEqual(compose.model, 'mail.group', 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message incorrect model')
self.assertEqual(compose.res_id, self.group_pigs_id, 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message incorrect res_id')
self.assertEqual(compose.parent_id.id, message.id, 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message incorrect parent_id')
# Test: mail.compose.message: subject as Re:.., body, parent_id
self.assertEqual(compose.subject, _reply_subject, 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message incorrect subject')
self.assertFalse(compose.body, 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message body should not contain parent message body')
self.assertEqual(compose.parent_id and compose.parent_id.id, message.id, 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message parent_id incorrect')
# Test: mail.compose.message: attachments
for attach in compose.attachment_ids:
self.assertIn((attach.datas_fname, attach.datas.decode('base64')), _attachments_test,
'compose wizard: mail.message attachment name / data incorrect')
# --------------------------------------------------
# CASE3: mass_mail on Pigs and Bird
# --------------------------------------------------
# Do: Compose in mass_mail_mode on pigs and bird
compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, user_raoul.id,
'subject': _subject,
'body': '${object.description}',
'post': True,
'partner_ids': [(4, p_c_id), (4, p_d_id)],
}, context={
'default_composition_mode': 'mass_mail',
'default_model': 'mail.group',
'default_res_id': False,
'active_ids': [self.group_pigs_id, group_bird_id],
compose = mail_compose.browse(cr, uid, compose_id)
# Do: Post the comment, get created message for each group
mail_compose.send_mail(cr, user_raoul.id, [compose_id], context={
'default_res_id': -1,
'active_ids': [self.group_pigs_id, group_bird_id]
message1 = group_pigs.message_ids[0]
message2 = group_bird.message_ids[0]
# Test: Pigs and Bird did receive their message
test_msg_ids = self.mail_message.search(cr, uid, [], limit=2)
self.assertIn(message1.id, test_msg_ids, 'compose wizard: Pigs did not receive its mass mailing message')
self.assertIn(message2.id, test_msg_ids, 'compose wizard: Bird did not receive its mass mailing message')
# Test: mail.message: subject, body, subtype, notified partners (nobody + specific recipients)
self.assertEqual(message1.subject, _subject,
'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail subject incorrect')
self.assertEqual(message1.body, '<p>%s</p>' % group_pigs.description,
'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail body incorrect')
self.assertEqual(set([p.id for p in message1.notified_partner_ids]), set([p_c_id, p_d_id]),
'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail incorrect notified partners')
self.assertEqual(message2.subject, _subject,
'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail subject incorrect')
self.assertEqual(message2.body, '<p>%s</p>' % group_bird.description,
'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail body incorrect')
self.assertEqual(set([p.id for p in message2.notified_partner_ids]), set([p_c_id, p_d_id]),
'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail incorrect notified partners')
# Test: mail.group followers: author not added as follower in mass mail mode
pigs_pids = [p.id for p in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
test_pids = [self.partner_admin_id, p_b_id, p_c_id, p_d_id]
self.assertEqual(set(pigs_pids), set(test_pids),
'compose wizard: mail_post_autofollow and mail_create_nosubscribe context keys not correctly taken into account')
bird_pids = [p.id for p in group_bird.message_follower_ids]
test_pids = [self.partner_admin_id]
self.assertEqual(set(bird_pids), set(test_pids),
'compose wizard: mail_post_autofollow and mail_create_nosubscribe context keys not correctly taken into account')
# Do: Compose in mass_mail, coming from list_view, we have an active_domain that should be supported
compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, user_raoul.id,
'subject': _subject,
'body': '${object.description}',
'post': True,
'partner_ids': [(4, p_c_id), (4, p_d_id)],
}, context={
'default_composition_mode': 'mass_mail',
'default_model': 'mail.group',
'default_res_id': False,
'active_ids': [self.group_pigs_id],
'active_domain': [('name', 'in', ['Pigs', 'Bird'])],
compose = mail_compose.browse(cr, uid, compose_id)
# Do: Post the comment, get created message for each group
cr, user_raoul.id, [compose_id], context={
'default_res_id': -1,
'active_ids': [self.group_pigs_id, group_bird_id]
message1 = group_pigs.message_ids[0]
message2 = group_bird.message_ids[0]
# Test: Pigs and Bird did receive their message
test_msg_ids = self.mail_message.search(cr, uid, [], limit=2)
self.assertIn(message1.id, test_msg_ids, 'compose wizard: Pigs did not receive its mass mailing message')
self.assertIn(message2.id, test_msg_ids, 'compose wizard: Bird did not receive its mass mailing message')
def test_30_needaction(self):
""" Tests for mail.message needaction. """
cr, uid, user_admin, user_raoul, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.user_admin, self.user_raoul, self.group_pigs
group_pigs_demo = self.mail_group.browse(cr, self.user_raoul_id, self.group_pigs_id)
na_admin_base = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, uid, domain=[])
na_demo_base = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, user_raoul.id, domain=[])
# Test: number of unread notification = needaction on mail.message
notif_ids = self.mail_notification.search(cr, uid, [
('partner_id', '=', user_admin.partner_id.id),
('read', '=', False)
na_count = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, uid, domain=[])
self.assertEqual(len(notif_ids), na_count, 'unread notifications count does not match needaction count')
# Do: post 2 message on group_pigs as admin, 3 messages as demo user
for dummy in range(2):
group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body', subtype='mt_comment')
for dummy in range(3):
group_pigs_demo.message_post(body='My Demo Body', subtype='mt_comment')
# Test: admin has 3 new notifications (from demo), and 3 new needaction
notif_ids = self.mail_notification.search(cr, uid, [
('partner_id', '=', user_admin.partner_id.id),
('read', '=', False)
self.assertEqual(len(notif_ids), na_admin_base + 3, 'Admin should have 3 new unread notifications')
na_admin = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, uid, domain=[])
na_admin_group = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, uid, domain=[('model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id)])
self.assertEqual(na_admin, na_admin_base + 3, 'Admin should have 3 new needaction')
self.assertEqual(na_admin_group, 3, 'Admin should have 3 needaction related to Pigs')
# Test: demo has 0 new notifications (not a follower, not receiving its own messages), and 0 new needaction
notif_ids = self.mail_notification.search(cr, uid, [
('partner_id', '=', user_raoul.partner_id.id),
('read', '=', False)
self.assertEqual(len(notif_ids), na_demo_base + 0, 'Demo should have 0 new unread notifications')
na_demo = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, user_raoul.id, domain=[])
na_demo_group = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, user_raoul.id, domain=[('model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id)])
self.assertEqual(na_demo, na_demo_base + 0, 'Demo should have 0 new needaction')
self.assertEqual(na_demo_group, 0, 'Demo should have 0 needaction related to Pigs')
def test_40_track_field(self):
""" Testing auto tracking of fields. """
def _strip_string_spaces(body):
return body.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '')
# Data: subscribe Raoul to Pigs, because he will change the public attribute and may loose access to the record
cr, uid = self.cr, self.uid
self.mail_group.message_subscribe_users(cr, uid, [self.group_pigs_id], [self.user_raoul_id])
# Data: res.users.group, to test group_public_id automatic logging
group_system_ref = self.registry('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'base', 'group_system')
group_system_id = group_system_ref and group_system_ref[1] or False
# Data: custom subtypes
mt_private_id = self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'private', 'description': 'Private public'})
self.ir_model_data.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_private', 'model': 'mail.message.subtype', 'module': 'mail', 'res_id': mt_private_id})
mt_name_supername_id = self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'name_supername', 'description': 'Supername name'})
self.ir_model_data.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_name_supername', 'model': 'mail.message.subtype', 'module': 'mail', 'res_id': mt_name_supername_id})
mt_group_public_set_id = self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'group_public_set', 'description': 'Group set'})
self.ir_model_data.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_group_public_set', 'model': 'mail.message.subtype', 'module': 'mail', 'res_id': mt_group_public_set_id})
mt_group_public_id = self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'group_public', 'description': 'Group changed'})
self.ir_model_data.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_group_public', 'model': 'mail.message.subtype', 'module': 'mail', 'res_id': mt_group_public_id})
# Data: alter mail_group model for testing purposes (test on classic, selection and many2one fields)
self.mail_group._track = {
'public': {
'mail.mt_private': lambda self, cr, uid, obj, ctx=None: obj.public == 'private',
'name': {
'mail.mt_name_supername': lambda self, cr, uid, obj, ctx=None: obj.name == 'supername',
'group_public_id': {
'mail.mt_group_public_set': lambda self, cr, uid, obj, ctx=None: obj.group_public_id,
'mail.mt_group_public': lambda self, cr, uid, obj, ctx=None: True,
public_col = self.mail_group._columns.get('public')
name_col = self.mail_group._columns.get('name')
group_public_col = self.mail_group._columns.get('group_public_id')
public_col.track_visibility = 'onchange'
name_col.track_visibility = 'always'
group_public_col.track_visibility = 'onchange'
# Test: change name -> always tracked, not related to a subtype
self.mail_group.write(cr, self.user_raoul_id, [self.group_pigs_id], {'public': 'public'})
self.assertEqual(len(self.group_pigs.message_ids), 1, 'tracked: a message should have been produced')
# Test: first produced message: no subtype, name change tracked
last_msg = self.group_pigs.message_ids[-1]
self.assertFalse(last_msg.subtype_id, 'tracked: message should not have been linked to a subtype')
self.assertIn(u'SelectedGroupOnly\u2192Public', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body incorrect')
self.assertIn('Pigs', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body does not hold always tracked field')
# Test: change name as supername, public as private -> 2 subtypes
self.mail_group.write(cr, self.user_raoul_id, [self.group_pigs_id], {'name': 'supername', 'public': 'private'})
self.assertEqual(len(self.group_pigs.message_ids), 3, 'tracked: two messages should have been produced')
# Test: first produced message: mt_name_supername
last_msg = self.group_pigs.message_ids[-2]
self.assertEqual(last_msg.subtype_id.id, mt_private_id, 'tracked: message should be linked to mt_private subtype')
self.assertIn('Private public', last_msg.body, 'tracked: message body does not hold the subtype description')
self.assertIn(u'Pigs\u2192supername', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body incorrect')
# Test: second produced message: mt_name_supername
last_msg = self.group_pigs.message_ids[-3]
self.assertEqual(last_msg.subtype_id.id, mt_name_supername_id, 'tracked: message should be linked to mt_name_supername subtype')
self.assertIn('Supername name', last_msg.body, 'tracked: message body does not hold the subtype description')
self.assertIn(u'Public\u2192Private', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body incorrect')
self.assertIn(u'Pigs\u2192supername', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked feature: message body does not hold always tracked field')
# Test: change public as public, group_public_id -> 2 subtypes, name always tracked
self.mail_group.write(cr, self.user_raoul_id, [self.group_pigs_id], {'public': 'public', 'group_public_id': group_system_id})
self.assertEqual(len(self.group_pigs.message_ids), 5, 'tracked: one message should have been produced')
# Test: first produced message: mt_group_public_set_id, with name always tracked, public tracked on change
last_msg = self.group_pigs.message_ids[-4]
self.assertEqual(last_msg.subtype_id.id, mt_group_public_set_id, 'tracked: message should be linked to mt_group_public_set_id')
self.assertIn('Group set', last_msg.body, 'tracked: message body does not hold the subtype description')
self.assertIn(u'Private\u2192Public', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body does not hold changed tracked field')
self.assertIn(u'HumanResources/Employee\u2192Administration/Settings', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body does not hold always tracked field')
# Test: second produced message: mt_group_public_id, with name always tracked, public tracked on change
last_msg = self.group_pigs.message_ids[-5]
self.assertEqual(last_msg.subtype_id.id, mt_group_public_id, 'tracked: message should be linked to mt_group_public_id')
self.assertIn('Group changed', last_msg.body, 'tracked: message body does not hold the subtype description')
self.assertIn(u'Private\u2192Public', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body does not hold changed tracked field')
self.assertIn(u'HumanResources/Employee\u2192Administration/Settings', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body does not hold always tracked field')
# Test: change group_public_id to False -> 1 subtype, name always tracked
self.mail_group.write(cr, self.user_raoul_id, [self.group_pigs_id], {'group_public_id': False})
self.assertEqual(len(self.group_pigs.message_ids), 6, 'tracked: one message should have been produced')
# Test: first produced message: mt_group_public_set_id, with name always tracked, public tracked on change
last_msg = self.group_pigs.message_ids[-6]
self.assertEqual(last_msg.subtype_id.id, mt_group_public_id, 'tracked: message should be linked to mt_group_public_id')
self.assertIn('Group changed', last_msg.body, 'tracked: message body does not hold the subtype description')
self.assertIn(u'Administration/Settings\u2192', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body does not hold always tracked field')
# Test: change not tracked field, no tracking message
self.mail_group.write(cr, self.user_raoul_id, [self.group_pigs_id], {'description': 'Dummy'})
self.assertEqual(len(self.group_pigs.message_ids), 6, 'tracked: No message should have been produced')
# Data: removed changes
public_col.track_visibility = None
name_col.track_visibility = None
group_public_col.track_visibility = None
self.mail_group._track = {}